a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia literal nazis marital rape men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit sympathy for murderers

The author of A Voice for Men’s marital rape apologia is a Holocaust denier and Hitler fan. No, really.

Adolph Hitler: Men's Rights Fuhrer
Adolph Hitler: Fuhrer Rights Activist

Amartya Talukdar is a Men’s Rights Activist and self-described “dedicated humanist” who’s written numerous posts for A Voice for Men — most notoriously, the explicit apologia for marital rape that I wrote about earlier this week. In that post, Talukdar declared that “marriage is a licence for sex” and lamented that if marital rape is made illegal in India, men denied sex by their wives might have to resort to masturbation, prostitution, or cheating to find sexual relief.

That’s right; he seems to think that it’s more of a crime for a woman to “force” a man to turn to masturbation than it is for that man to force sex on his unwilling wife.

Well, it turns out that Talukdar has some other, er, interesting beliefs as well. In a series of recent Tweets, he’s revealed himself to be a Holocaust denier and Hitler admirer who believes that Hillary Clinton is a “Jewess.” No, really.

(If this Tweet vanishes, I’ve archived it here.)

(Archived here.)

(Archived here.)

(Archived here.)

(Archived here.)

He also describes Hitler — yes, THAT Hitler — as “the tallest person in history,” and he’s not talking about his physical stature.

(Archived here.)

(Archived here.)

He has a rather unique theory about Hillary Clinton.

(Archived here.)

In this Twitter conversation (archived here), he asks “what is wrong with fasicism [sic]” and credits Hitler with “help[ing] us in freedom movement.”

Oh, he also thinks that “same sex marriage will destroy America,” but I guess that’s not a big shock coming from a Hitler fan.

So how will AVFM respond to the news that one of their contributors is an honest-to-goodness Holocaust denier who goes around defending Hitler on Twitter? Will they denounce his foul views, cut all ties with him, and remove all of his posts from their site, as any reasonable organization would do? Or will they deflect and deny?

Somehow I suspect that it will be the latter.

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9 years ago

Amartya talukdar meet my middle finger. My middle finger, this is Amartya talukdar.

9 years ago

@Professor fate, you have given the game away! Still, I’m trying hard not to allow cynicism to overwhelm my indignation. AVFM is a site that publishes rape apologists, Holocaust deniers, and anti-Semites (in this case all wrapped up in one fool). The public needs to have this information when it encounters one of their fluff articles about fathers having to pay child support.

9 years ago


Ox-ee-mor-on (@JoeKlemmer)

I was born, and grew up, in Germany in the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. There’s a town just outside of Munich called Passau. The Nazi’s had one of their concentration camps there. I’ve seen the ovens, barracks and such. The Holocaust was real.

9 years ago

“deflect and deny” or, you know, embrace. It is, after all, AVFM.

9 years ago

So, a member of a movement known for being able to hold mutually exclusive positions depending on gender is also known for being a member of a movement dedicated to celebrating an action they say never happened depending on politics of the crowd.

Nitwits are a predictable bunch. It also explains why they think being, say, a social progressive also means you are a Nazi, a homosexual, and a communist. Ascribing to one arch-conservative belief usually means you’re part of other movements on the arch-conservative spectrum.

9 years ago

I don’t agree with any of Tadulkar’s beliefs, but I do find it somewhat odd so many people here find it difficult to appreciate why Hitler might be popular in India when he is known for fighting a war against the power that occupied them.

It’s the same kind of enemy of my enemy logic that had people in the US praising the Muhajedeen in the 80s before they hated them in 2001.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I don’t understand the psychology behind Holocaust denial. Obviously there’s some tiny shred of social awareness that whispers to them “don’t cop to genocide in public”, but it seems like they do this mostly to stay on the good side of public opinion, not because there’s any awareness that genocide is wrong. If they did have a moral compass, they wouldn’t be unconditionally worshipping Hitler. Or possibly they’re trying to gaslight all the families of Holocaust victims and survivors, because they’re hateful shitbags who can’t resist piling on, and participating vicariously in the erasure of victims is the next best thing to having been an SS guard.

Either way, this guy’s a delusional idiot if he thinks the Nazis wouldn’t have bundled him off to the concentration camps along with everybody else. Even though Hitler was influenced by Indian philosophy and religious texts (which describe a hierarchy of races in the world, with white Aryans at the top), he still viewed non-Aryan races as inferior and barbaric.

9 years ago

I don’t understand holocaust deniers. There are pictures and videos. Witnesses. Surviving victims. There was a major trial. A conspiracy of that magnitude would be impossible to pull off. You have to be so, so stupid to be a holocaust denier.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

This is possibly the best rebuttal for any lurking deniers out there. Also has the distinction of being the only Law Report ever published in book form:

9 years ago

aryan meant something like ´hospitable`. Bitter irony how Hitler used it. Though what we know about those Indo-Iranian tribes that migrated to the punjab in the 2nd millenium B.C is that they despised all and everyone outside their culture. But every tribe adopting to their culture started to call themselves aryan. It was not connected to “race”. So another missinterpretation on H`s side.

9 years ago

I, too, cannot understand Holocaust deniers. Here is a map with all of the known locations of camps because fascists are good at record keeping. Also, even without books and transcripts and people’s memories, some of these camps have been preserved. Sachsenhausen, for instance – and one that I visited.

The level of pretzel logic that they use to deny these things would be hilarious, if it weren’t sad and really scary. It’s akin to the “we didn’t land on the moon” conspiracy theories except way worse – it would be the level of “we didn’t land on the moon because there is no moon” level of logic.

The Knitting Cinephile
The Knitting Cinephile
9 years ago

People like this guy keep using the word “satire”. I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.

9 years ago

@ Orion

yeah, that’s the only logical thing to conclude… I’m just a bit slow today.

But is it really surprising that a Holocaust denier is an MRA? I mean, it is typical for them to deny facts. Just another “new low” for their “movement”.

9 years ago

Someone should ask Amartya Talukdar whether the moon landings were real, what happened at Roswell, and who was behind 9/11. I’ll hazard a guess that he has many interesting theories about world events, and wouldn’t be shy about sharing them.

AJ Milne
AJ Milne
9 years ago

‘Is this person for real? Misogynist, Holocaust denier, homophobe, rape apologist…’

Seems to me like some parallel phenomenon to crank magnetism.

Mebbe more a gravitational metaphor for this one? Past a certain Chandrasekhar limit of awful, there is no escape for infalling appalling, and thus it accumulates.

9 years ago

Ugh. Just ugh. I can’t find anything witty to say about someone this pathetic and vile.

syncopic rienzi
syncopic rienzi
9 years ago

Good rule of thumb is that anyone insisting they aren’t a feminist, but a ~*humanist*~ is in reality anything but.

9 years ago

Aryan has a sanskrit root, and was used originally to mean ‘indo-european’, right? Maybe they still think he meant that.

I’ve actually seen / heard several Indians (from/in India, not in the West) saying exactly that. One guy was even trying to assert that Hitler meant the “original Aryans” from India, no one else.


I would’ve felt sorry for the guys saying it except that they all seemed to be racist douchebags.

9 years ago

re: Holocaust deniers: The Nazis were exceptional record keepers.
Even putting all of the physical evidence (and survivors) aside, there are reams of records.

9 years ago

Good rule of thumb is that anyone insisting they aren’t a feminist, but a ~*humanist*~ is in reality anything but.

There’s also good chances they didn’t look either word up before making that choice.

They’re working hard on ruining the meaning of that word the same way climate change deniers are ruing “skeptic” for us actual skeptics.

9 years ago

Just watch. Somehow they’ll find a tenuous way to blame all of this on Anita Sarkeesian.

9 years ago

My own suspicion about Holocaust denialism is this: after WWII, anti-Semitism could no longer be respectable (in the West, at least). It still existed, of course. But the sorts of things that had been openly said and written beforehand – look at some of what G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc wrote – were no longer accepted in polite company. The denialists pine for the days of genteel Judenhass, and hope to bring them back.

Have you ever read anything by a denialist? As they insist that it didn’t happen, they can’t resist adding that – IF IT HAD – the Germans would have been completely justified.

9 years ago

According to them it didn’t happen but it was also Hitler’s finest achievment. There were no gas chambers but they’ll buy Zyklon B canisters.
Well its not that far from believing that all rape claims are false, but men need to be allowed to rape or they’ll be driven to the horrors of masturbation.

9 years ago


Haha, spot on. But isn’t that sort of the way with many shades of bigots though? Like how the MRAs can’t decide if they don’t hate women, or if they do hate women but are justified in hating them. And racists are totally not racist, but if black people would just behave better they wouldn’t have to be racist at all – not that they are! And the homophobes have nothing against gays, in fact they have many gay friends, but on the other hand gays are of the devil and they’re destroying America and Marriage with their homesexual agenda.