antifeminism antifeminist women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists

20 More Brilliant Insights From #HowToSpotAFeminist

Possible feminist spotted.


My post yesterday about #HowToSpotAFeminist— which is still going — didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the ugliness and absurdity of the hashtag.

So here are some more brilliant insights from the antifeminist squad, including blatant transphobia, rape jokes, shout-outs to Elliot Rodger, several honest-to-goodness “we hunted the mammoths,” and a truly astounding lack of self-awareness.

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Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

Oh, wow.

Who are these people who ooze so much hatred? It is scary and profoundly sad.

And this?

“look for pussy so #rekt her stepdad doesnt even want it anymore”

My god… One weeps for humanity.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Couldn’t make it through the list. Too much toxicity for me tonight.

9 years ago

Feminists have hairy shoulders? But I have smooth hair free shoulders. I don’t even shave them. Does this mean I’m not a feminist?

9 years ago

Jesus that was WAY worse than the first lot. My stomach turned at the sight of them using Elliott Rodger in such a way.

I think this is finally the kick I need to get off the computer and go to bed. Literally, that’s enough internet for today. G’night all.

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure many movements/ideologies have to contend with accusations of hate, especially if they’re trying for a societal change.

9 years ago

Wow. Look at all those logical, rational counter-arguments to feminism! /sarcasm

They didn’t help build the skyscraper but think they deserve an office at the top

…And how many of those working-class construction workers who built the skyscraper (some of whom may have been women, depending on when the skyscraper was built) gets an office at the top? I don’t think that’s how that works, dude.

And anyone who is referencing a mass-murderer in a positive way is in no position to make judgements about anything. Once you start referring to mass-murderers in a good way, it’s time to turn off the internet, step away from the computer, and have a good long think about your life choices.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@The last one: What about the MRA? Or the Neo-Nazis? Or the WBC? Or other people who protest against LGBTQA+ rights?

Nope, only feminism is constantly told they’re full of hate and has to defend against it. Obvs.

The only difference is feminism is the only group that has to defend against accusations of hate levied against it by people who think that it’s appropriate to call a woman a “cunt” while pointing out that feminism is so full of “hate”.

Also, I found this article from Jezebel via tumblr today and holy shit is it relevant.

“If I Admit that Hating Men is a thing, Will You Stop Turning it into a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?” By Lindy West.

Very good article, and it covers a lot of good stuff.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I thought we were suppose to drink AB+ every day? Oops.

9 years ago

Look at all these eggs and fake women just begging to be reported as trolls!

9 years ago

Feminism is the only ideology that has to constantly defend against accusations of hate? Hatred proves you are wrong? What?? Don’t the christian patriarchs love to trot out Matthew 10:22 (“You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” NIV, I saved you a Google) and use it as proof that they are hated because they are RIGHT?

9 years ago

@sparky: The bullshit logic/emotions dichotomy pisses me off sooooo much with these assholes. No, a lack of empathy does not mean you are being “rational”.

According to them, a feminist:

“…avoids logical debate by personal attacks, shaming, blaming”


“… [is] Anyone that uses ad hominem attacks when arguing against a white male.”

Hmm, and yet here we have a collection 20 posts with nothing but ad hominems, blaming, personal attacks and shaming. By their own logic, they must all feminists, right? Guess we should let them know.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Chance of being raped less than being bitten by a shark?? Do you know how many people were killed by sharks last year?

Five. Only five. You never hear about them.

And yet you hear about people being raped all the time. Because it happens All. The. Time.

And those are just the ones that get talked about.

I can’t even with the rest of this.

9 years ago

I hones don’t care about the physical appearance insults cuz every one knows how fucking childish that is, but it’s scary and disgusting how these guys talk about rape and murder like it’s nothing. I cannot fathom being that foul of a human being.

9 years ago

Oops, last link didn’t work.

Moocow: It’s always fun being accused of being an irrational, hysterical, over-emotional member of a hate-group when those doing the accusing are in the middle of a rage-frothy hatefest.

I mean, at that point, it’s pretty much just point and laugh.

Way too prove feminists right, #HowToSpotAFeminost folks.

9 years ago

@ the nonsense slogan

Huh, and here I thought that every movement, ideology, belief system and unrelated action has to defend itself on the Goddamn daily, regardless of whether or not the accusation’s in the same plane of reality as the truth. Or are all of those dipshits that cry about “SJWs hating white people” every time we get angry at another white cop killing another black guy just in my head?

9 years ago

Lol, yep, cause no other movement has to respond to accusations of hate. Certainly not the civil rights movement, nobody ever accuses them of hating white people.

And CERTAINLY not the MRM. Nope, never.

9 years ago

It’s hard to read, but I actually kind of like that antifeminists are so full of hate and stupidity. It’s like they do half our job themselves.

9 years ago


Only once did I get the sweet satisfaction of BLATANTLY proving one of them wrong. He made some idiotic comment about how pissed he was that he got rejected once, then went on to argue that “men use logic”. I told him that, no, he also had emotions. He laughed at the idea that he based any of his decisions on emotions, so I quoted his earlier remark and was met with sweet silence after that :).

If I didn’t hate using twitter so much, I would totally make a “#mysoginistsarelogical” tag to track and expose the hypocrisy.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago



9 years ago

Moocow and Sparky-I have always found that hilarious about these MRAs. How they accuse feminists of only using ad hominems and personal attacks, of being irrational, hysterical, over-emotional, while behaving that way themselves. I mean, according to them that’s what feminism is all about, isn’t? So I guess they are what they hate the most-feminists. So yeah, someone should really let them know! XD

sunnysombrera -“Jesus that was WAY worse than the first lot. My stomach turned at the sight of them using Elliott Rodger in such a way”

Mine, too. It shows that they have no empathy to families of the victims who were killed by that monster. That was a low move, even for them.

9 years ago

And thank you for the brain bleach, Sparky! 😀 I really needed it!

9 years ago

They didn’t help build the skyscraper but think they deserve an office at the top.

Uh-huh. And why didn’t they “help build the skyscraper”? Because THEY WERE ACTIVELY DISCOURAGED FROM WORKING CONSTRUCTION JOBS, BY MEN.

See also: Sexism.


Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

These were really hard to read, which really shows how terrible they are. A lot of them also reminded me of the shit I had leveled at me… in middle school. Nice to see that level of maturity is still common in the world. And by n ice I mean upsetting.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention:

That article by Lindy West is pure gold. Thank you.

It’s a recommended reading for all anti-feminists; although it is a given that even if they did read it, they’d not grasp it (and/or reject it). Self-pity and misogyny are too rewarding to give up.

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