anti-Semitism antifeminism evil SJWs irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist Roosh V edges ever closer to neo-Nazism with an attack on “cosmopolitan,” “degenerate” Jews

Graphic borrowed from the Blue Pill subreddit; click for link to the discussion there
Graphic borrowed from the Blue Pill subreddit; click for link to the discussion there.

Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his long march to literal Nazidom. Roosh’s far-right leanings have been obvious for some time, and he’s not exactly shy about his racism. But so far he’s managed to avoid one topic of great interest amongst those who think Hitler had some good ideas, if you think about it.

SPOILER ALERT: It starts with a “J.”

Well, Roosh has now rectified that failing with a post today titled “The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture.” No, really.

It seems Roosh has been reading a book, and would like to share its, er, insights with the rest of us. The book, titled The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, is the third in a trio of books on the wily Jew by Kevin MacDonald, a retired Evo Psych professor at California State University, Long Beach who’s been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “the neo-Nazi movement’s favorite academic.”

That’s a pretty fair assessment of the guy, a white supremacist with intellectual pretensions whose fans include Holocaust denier David Irving and former KKK Grand Wizard/Neo-Nazi pinup David Duke. His writings appear on assorted “race realist” web sites and on his own Occidental Observer, a site devoted to “white identity and white interests.” They love him on Stormfront, the popular Neo-Nazi discussion forum.

And if you look on Amazon, you’ll see that people who bought MacDonald’s book also bought such lovely contributions to the historical literature as “The Track of the Jew Through the Ages,” by a prominent Nazi party “thinker,” and the anti-Semitic nonsense classic “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

Roosh’s post is made up largely of quotations from MacDonald’s book. Lots and lots of quotations. MacDonald’s argument, in essence, is that Jews have been pursuing a sneaky “group evolutionary strategy,” maintaining a tight-knit group identity while trying to undermine the group identities of white Europeans through the promotion of multiculturalism and other “cultural marxist” evils.

McDonald sees anti-Semitism as an understandable reaction to outsized Jewish influence on culture and politics, and has gone so far as to describe Nazism as a “group evolutionary strategy” that “mirrored Judaism” in many key ways.

In his post, Roosh reiterates McDonald’s main arguments about what both see as the baleful cultural influences of Jews on their “host cultures,” decrying their alleged “promotion of cosmopolitanism, individualism, and decadent lifestyles.”

A few of the “lessons” that Roosh draws from the book:

  • “Sigmund Freud, a Jew, pushed psychoanalysis to break down traditional pair bonding in gentiles.”
  • “A race to degeneracy hurts Jews less than gentiles because they still retain guiding ingroup values. Gentiles are left in the cultural winds that Jews help create.”
  • “Jews were originators of the “social justice” movement that we now have to deal with, but they lost control of it after Jews were no longer seen as minorities in need of social justice but as privileged whites who are part of the power structure.”

Roosh, more circumspect in his language than your typical Stormfronter, professes to admire the tenacity of the Jews even while decrying the “degeneracy” they have allegedly promoted.

What amazes me is how methodical, patient, and determined Jews are in promoting their group interests. Such efforts should be commended and modeled. Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for Christian interests?

As Roosh sees it, the so-called “Red Pill” movement has already started fighting evil Jewish influences.

A lot of red pill truth is concerned with dismantling myths that have been institutionalized by intellectual Jews over the past century. … The bulk of what I criticize about Western culture was in fact ushered in by intellectual Jewish movements.

Even after making what is in essence a neo-Nazi argument — and echoing old school Nazi rhetoric identifying Jews with “cosmopolitanism” and “degeneracy” — Roosh doesn’t see himself as a Nazi but rather as some sort of “truth bomber.”

Before opening this book, I wondered if it would turn me into a neo-Nazi, but instead it served as a historical truth bomb that has made me skeptical of the ideas, behavioral actions, and teachings of prominent Jews and where their true intentions and loyalties lie … I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.

Roosh’s readers, for the most part, seem overjoyed that he is finally coming out as an opponent of the wily Jew. They’re a bit more blunt about their anti-Semitism than Roosh himself is. Here’s one, er, instructive exchange from the comments to Roosh’s post.

doktorjeep • 7 hours ago This is an article geared for "that which needs to be said, but it not".  I'll say this much: the Germans didn't just wake up one day and decide to hate Jews for no reason. The Germans had a front row seat to what communism was doing to Russia and German Jews were big on communism.  Let the sparks fly. Let the heavens fall. Truth must be known. This must be discussed once and for all. 36  • Reply•Share ›  Avatar Simon Wolfe  doktorjeep • 5 hours ago They have been expelled from 109 different territories over the years. But everybody else is the problem. 16  • Reply•Share ›

Notice the upvotes.

One commenter was moved to contribute this not-so-little rant:

FlabbaBabbaWabbaJabbaNoonga! • 5 hours ago The Jewish people control our government.  They own our financial institutions.  They manage public education.  They own so much of the media as to essentially control the dissemination of information and thought throughout Western society.  We make them rich.  We fight wars for their interests.  We die for them.  You're not living in a free country, or a white country, or a black country, or a Christian country. You're living in a Jew owned slave colony.  Your television is not entertainment. It's a Jew owned apparatus for the mass desensitization of viewers to degeneracy of thought and action. It's a tool used for the cultural, religious, and moral deprogramming of you and your family.  But none of this is new. It's happened hundreds of times throughout history. Wherever the Jews are allowed to take root, they establish their own separate "nation within a nation" and then take to poisoning the wells of their host culture.  The US is simply the latest casualty, another victim of a war tribe that has been attacking the rest of humanity for thousands of years.  The only thing notable about the Jewish conquest of the US and through it, the Western world of our era, is the ease with which it was conquered, and the totality of that conquest. 7  • Reply•Share › rooshjew3

But Roosh may find it a bit more difficult to win over white supremacists who aren’t already fans of his site. Why?

Well, here’s the irony: because many of them don’t see Roosh, of Armenian and Iranian descent, as white.

Indeed, several years ago, one regular on Stormfront site warned unwary Estonians that “a really nasty sex tourist from America … name[d] … Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh” was entering their country in hopes of seducing “beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent … this person is not white which makes it even more problematic.”

Over on The Daily Stormer, another white supremacist site, one commenter snorted that Roosh “looks like a typical sand n*gger Iranian … who obsessed with with white women.” Another suggested that Roosh wasn’t even a “Real” Persian:

This butt ugly so-called Persian Roosh is pure khazar. Just look at his morphology; Receding forehead & chin, humongous ears, drooping face, heavy lidded eyes, prognathous median section of face, and let’s not forget the mentality. I’ve met many Real Persians, and he ain’t one of them.

Still another suggested that Roosh might even be a … you know.

Roosh might be styling himself as ‘Persian’ and maybe his parents were born in Iran. Jews are also born in Persia.

He looks, sounds and acts like a secular Jew.

Tough crowd, huh?

Does any of this matter? Men’s Rights activists often dismiss Roosh as a “marginal” character in the Manosphere, but nothing could be further from the truth. According to Alexa, his Return of Kings site gets a good deal more traffic than A Voice for Men, the most influential site in the Men’s Rights movement. Indeed, perhaps hoping to divert a little bit of that traffic to itself, AVFM recently ran a puffball interview with Roosh, whom the interviewer described as “a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Huh. If AVFMers want to convince the world that their site isn’t a hate site, they should probably apologize for running that interview.

It will be interesting — by which I mean both horrifying and cringeworthy — to see how Roosh’s budding anti-Semitism develops over the months and years to come.

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9 years ago

It is kinda funny that roosh is so white power and he’s pretty far from being Aryan. Like when neo nazis find out they have some Jewish heritage and their dreams turn to ashes. Racism can sure get complicated.

9 years ago

Sigh, and people try to tell me that antisemitism doesn’t exist anymore. I’ve seen so much crap like this and it makes me sick. Of course I’ve studied the Holocaust, World War 2, and comparative religions so I’ve got a pretty good feel as to how things actually played out.

Jews founded social justice… Yuph, we did. One of the biggest Jewish SJWs? Joshua Ben Joseph, or as most people call him: Jesus Christ. Considering that little bomb shell would knock them off their entitled butts. Yet it doesn’t, because denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Honestly, though, I’m kind of surprised about the timing of this. Recently, antisemitism tends to come in waves. But then MRAs are marginalized so it’d make sense they’d cling to like groups. I can’t remember if the Neo Nazis hold completely to the old Nazi ideology of women being broodmares for the Aryan race, but that would fit well with what I’ve seen of MRAs.

Sorry for the rant, but this is one of my hot buttons, even more misogyny. I got more crap for being Jewish over the years than being female… Not sure what that says, but it’s true.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I got more crap for being Jewish over the years than being female

Anti semitism seems to be the last universally accepted prejudice. Make a sexist or racist joke at a North London dinner party and you’ll rightly get called up on it, but have a dig at the Jews and you may well be ok; especially if you couch it in terms of ‘anti zionism’.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw: Safe to say. I’ve heard antisemitism called the canary in the coal mine, as it when it starts being prevalent other bigotries are sure to surface soon after.

I wish there was a way to fix this… but until humans choose to stop being willfully stupid, things like antisemitism, sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia are all going to keep rearing their ugly heads. Best thing we can do is smack them back down in various ways. We’re doing a good job here, I think

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I’m with Mel Brooks that mockery is the best weapon against bullies, in whatever guise. They don’t mind being hated and they certainly don’t mind being feared but they hate being laughed at.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

And Mel Brooks is a guy who used to set up speakers to play Jewish music and jokes at the Nazis during WWII to counter their propaganda. (Brooks’ parents being German Jews who got out before things got bad.) This is a guy with long experience with mocking the very worst of bullies.

9 years ago

Kind of reminds me of a neo-nazi I met in the 1980s – his parents were Polish Jews.

Why do these haters find so much in common to hate? Probably because they believe that they are superior, but no one has recognised this and rewarded them

Hence they must be oppressed

Hence they must find the groups oppressing them.

For the original Nazis those were the Jews, the Roma, Homosexuals, Communists, Socialists, the Blacks, Slavs and anyone else who didn’t match their concept of real humans.

9 years ago

Well, here’s the irony: because many of them don’t see Roosh, of Armenian and Iranian descent, as white.

Well, they’re wrong. He’s got a tan, but genetically he’s probably more Aryan than most Nordic people.

All the same, I think he’s going to get into trouble with this. I don’t know how many young men with Jewish/minority roots flatter themselves that they’ve taken the Red Pill, but it could be quite a few. If I were Roosh (though perhaps this is feminine thinking) I’d be chary of pissing them off. People, no matter what their origins are, are usually willing to go along with mud-slinging as long as the slinger-of-mud doesn’t threaten to discharge his cargo in their direction, but once that changes, they realize they’re no longer immune (or that they never were) and they rapidly find other things to do. Not making a prediction, but just saying.

9 years ago

Anti-Semitism is the last refuge of the unimaginative bigot. I recently read “The Plot”, by Eisner. It traces the history of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Despite having been a documented hoax for longer than the USSR existed, some people insist on believing in it.

Also, there are a variety of sites online dedicated to spreading the ‘truth’ that Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew at all. One of the unintended consequences of the World Wide Web was the ability of people who, in previous decades, would have been stapling blurry mimeographs or crisply printed photocopies to telephone poles to band together and make blogs and forums to discuss, refine and propagate their hateful bilge. Can you imagine Francis E. Dec with WordPress?

9 years ago

Always thought he resembled an artist’s reconstruction of Homo ergaster, but I can no longer deny that every time I see his picture, he looks still more insane. Maybe a small mind is easier to lose.

9 years ago

How about “The Damaging Effects Roosh V on Any Culture.”

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

“White” has very little to do with someone’s genetic makeup.

9 years ago

@Robert I think that it was someone at the SPLC who said that the Internet has become the greatest tool for hate, or some such. And it’s true, unfortunately. More of the downside of free thought and speech.

@Alan I love Mel… Though if I have to hear Springtime for Hitler one more time (my husband is a big fan of the Producers. My only concern about turning Hitler and the Nazis into a punchline is that it might wash over the actual horrors they committed.

@Jenora Well said!

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Thanks for the clarification. “Persian” as an insult to Jewish people is pretty new, not to mention regional or subcultural because I have never heard Persian used in any way other than describing rugs, art, and the main character of The Prince of Persia.


Considering Hitler gave badges out to women who popped out lots of Aryan babies, yes, yes the Nazis were all about women being broodmares. Hell, Nazis only thought only certain people should be able to live and breed, so OF COURSE they’d want to have women pop out as many babies as possible to overcome any other race.

9 years ago


Yes, Hitler actually misunderstood aryan when he applied it to the Germans. The word itself is actually a derivation from a very, very old form of ‘Iranian’.

9 years ago

They own so much of the media as to essentially control the dissemination of information and thought throughout Western society.

I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Rupert Murdoch there, sunshine. Not “the Jews”.


I think Roosh is aware that his PUA gig is about over — he is no longer plausible (even by PUA standards) as a Master Seducer of 18-25-year-old HB 8+ women — so he needs to find a new scam, since he has no qualifications for a regular job. I think he is a sincere anti-semite, but I think what he is doing now follows the old Madison Ave. line: “Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.”

9 years ago

Doosh can’t pull the ladies like he used to, so PUA ebook sales are drying up; I wonder how he’ll monetize his racism?

9 years ago

I will never be able to understand why so many people have fallen for this communism=jews ridiculousness. Communism, especially Soviet Communism, doesn’t allow religion – any religion, including Judaism!!! – and Jews were targeted for their beliefs at least as much as Christians, if not far more so (although most anti-communists would say that this was just a ruse for the Jews to get rid of Christians. For example, even in the 1970s, it was still legal in the Soviet Union to refuse to hire someone if they had a Jewish family member.

9 years ago


[…] apparently because in the musical Oklahoma there’s a Jewish character who keeps insisting he’s actually Persian in an attempt to escape prejudice.

Wow! I think that author’s relatives either misunderstood completely, or have never seen Oklahoma!. The character is Ali Hakim, a Persian peddler. It’s a stretch to consider him Jewish, although I note through a Google search it’s primarily Jewish academics and theatre critics who’ve contended that he’s a “stand-in” for a Jewish character. (Apparently because most itinerant peddlers in 1906 Oklahoma were Jewish, he displays “Jewish” traits, and the writer and composer are Jewish.)

I’m not sure why they think a Jewish character requires a stand-in, or even why they think a Jewish character is a necessary part of Oklahoma!, but there you have it. I’m only a performer, not an academic.

9 years ago

Yutolia – especially when Jews are also blamed for creating capitalism. Remarkably ingenious, creating two opposing economic systems. I think, if one searched enough, you could find someone who blames the creation of Islam on Jews as well.

Oddly enough, Jack Chick blames Islam on the Vatican.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
9 years ago

In his article individualism and upward mobility are seen as factors benefiting the Jews, and individualism is viewed poorly in general. Remember this whenever Roosh tries to claim he’s in favor of libertarian viewpoints.

On a broader note, the theory of Jewish ideologies, cultural Marxists, or what have you manipulating us through the distribution of ideology is basically saying “my ideology is so obviously correct the only way people could disagree is that they’re brainwashed,” which in turn is just a way of sidestepping the actual issues.

9 years ago

I think Roosh is aware that his PUA gig is about over — he is no longer plausible (even by PUA standards) as a Master Seducer of 18-25-year-old HB 8+ women — so he needs to find a new scam, since he has no qualifications for a regular job. I think he is a sincere anti-semite, but I think what he is doing now follows the old Madison Ave. line: ‘Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.’

Amen. He may in fact be acting the part of a moderately smart hoaxer, and plotting his exit. He’s had all the fun he can have in his small carny-booth on the outskirts of the fair, and he’s been casting his eyes with longing toward the bright lights of the main drag. The mystery is how he thinks he’ll get there by trumpeting opinions F. Scott Fitzgerald would have made fun of, but that’s not a puzzle for me to fathom. At any rate, sooner or later we’ll find out all about it, because he’ll tell us everything, plus some to spare. That’s been his pattern so far.

9 years ago

Was there a counter-argument buried in this article somewhere? If there was, could someone point it out to me? I only perceived a lot of ad-hominem.

Ad-hominems, especially of the over-worn “nazi” variety, are fast losing their potency. You can name-call while others are arguing facts, but you won’t win in the long run.