Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his long march to literal Nazidom. Roosh’s far-right leanings have been obvious for some time, and he’s not exactly shy about his racism. But so far he’s managed to avoid one topic of great interest amongst those who think Hitler had some good ideas, if you think about it.
SPOILER ALERT: It starts with a “J.”
Well, Roosh has now rectified that failing with a post today titled “The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture.” No, really.
It seems Roosh has been reading a book, and would like to share its, er, insights with the rest of us. The book, titled The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, is the third in a trio of books on the wily Jew by Kevin MacDonald, a retired Evo Psych professor at California State University, Long Beach who’s been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “the neo-Nazi movement’s favorite academic.”
That’s a pretty fair assessment of the guy, a white supremacist with intellectual pretensions whose fans include Holocaust denier David Irving and former KKK Grand Wizard/Neo-Nazi pinup David Duke. His writings appear on assorted “race realist” web sites and on his own Occidental Observer, a site devoted to “white identity and white interests.” They love him on Stormfront, the popular Neo-Nazi discussion forum.
And if you look on Amazon, you’ll see that people who bought MacDonald’s book also bought such lovely contributions to the historical literature as “The Track of the Jew Through the Ages,” by a prominent Nazi party “thinker,” and the anti-Semitic nonsense classic “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”
Roosh’s post is made up largely of quotations from MacDonald’s book. Lots and lots of quotations. MacDonald’s argument, in essence, is that Jews have been pursuing a sneaky “group evolutionary strategy,” maintaining a tight-knit group identity while trying to undermine the group identities of white Europeans through the promotion of multiculturalism and other “cultural marxist” evils.
McDonald sees anti-Semitism as an understandable reaction to outsized Jewish influence on culture and politics, and has gone so far as to describe Nazism as a “group evolutionary strategy” that “mirrored Judaism” in many key ways.
In his post, Roosh reiterates McDonald’s main arguments about what both see as the baleful cultural influences of Jews on their “host cultures,” decrying their alleged “promotion of cosmopolitanism, individualism, and decadent lifestyles.”
A few of the “lessons” that Roosh draws from the book:
- “Sigmund Freud, a Jew, pushed psychoanalysis to break down traditional pair bonding in gentiles.”
- “A race to degeneracy hurts Jews less than gentiles because they still retain guiding ingroup values. Gentiles are left in the cultural winds that Jews help create.”
- “Jews were originators of the “social justice” movement that we now have to deal with, but they lost control of it after Jews were no longer seen as minorities in need of social justice but as privileged whites who are part of the power structure.”
Roosh, more circumspect in his language than your typical Stormfronter, professes to admire the tenacity of the Jews even while decrying the “degeneracy” they have allegedly promoted.
What amazes me is how methodical, patient, and determined Jews are in promoting their group interests. Such efforts should be commended and modeled. Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for Christian interests?
As Roosh sees it, the so-called “Red Pill” movement has already started fighting evil Jewish influences.
A lot of red pill truth is concerned with dismantling myths that have been institutionalized by intellectual Jews over the past century. … The bulk of what I criticize about Western culture was in fact ushered in by intellectual Jewish movements.
Even after making what is in essence a neo-Nazi argument — and echoing old school Nazi rhetoric identifying Jews with “cosmopolitanism” and “degeneracy” — Roosh doesn’t see himself as a Nazi but rather as some sort of “truth bomber.”
Before opening this book, I wondered if it would turn me into a neo-Nazi, but instead it served as a historical truth bomb that has made me skeptical of the ideas, behavioral actions, and teachings of prominent Jews and where their true intentions and loyalties lie … I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.
Roosh’s readers, for the most part, seem overjoyed that he is finally coming out as an opponent of the wily Jew. They’re a bit more blunt about their anti-Semitism than Roosh himself is. Here’s one, er, instructive exchange from the comments to Roosh’s post.
Notice the upvotes.
One commenter was moved to contribute this not-so-little rant:
But Roosh may find it a bit more difficult to win over white supremacists who aren’t already fans of his site. Why?
Well, here’s the irony: because many of them don’t see Roosh, of Armenian and Iranian descent, as white.
Indeed, several years ago, one regular on Stormfront site warned unwary Estonians that “a really nasty sex tourist from America … name[d] … Daryush Valizedeh, nickname – Roosh” was entering their country in hopes of seducing “beautiful, young white women of Baltic and Nordic descent … this person is not white which makes it even more problematic.”
Over on The Daily Stormer, another white supremacist site, one commenter snorted that Roosh “looks like a typical sand n*gger Iranian … who obsessed with with white women.” Another suggested that Roosh wasn’t even a “Real” Persian:
This butt ugly so-called Persian Roosh is pure khazar. Just look at his morphology; Receding forehead & chin, humongous ears, drooping face, heavy lidded eyes, prognathous median section of face, and let’s not forget the mentality. I’ve met many Real Persians, and he ain’t one of them.
Still another suggested that Roosh might even be a … you know.
Roosh might be styling himself as ‘Persian’ and maybe his parents were born in Iran. Jews are also born in Persia.
He looks, sounds and acts like a secular Jew.
Tough crowd, huh?
Does any of this matter? Men’s Rights activists often dismiss Roosh as a “marginal” character in the Manosphere, but nothing could be further from the truth. According to Alexa, his Return of Kings site gets a good deal more traffic than A Voice for Men, the most influential site in the Men’s Rights movement. Indeed, perhaps hoping to divert a little bit of that traffic to itself, AVFM recently ran a puffball interview with Roosh, whom the interviewer described as “a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”
Huh. If AVFMers want to convince the world that their site isn’t a hate site, they should probably apologize for running that interview.
It will be interesting — by which I mean both horrifying and cringeworthy — to see how Roosh’s budding anti-Semitism develops over the months and years to come.
Ah, if you can’t think of anything else, blame the Jews. That being said, the USA is still one of the world’s superpowers. so, well done, secret Jewish overlords, I guess? Also, thanks for all that tolerance and social justice.
Oh yeah, and also, go to hell, Roosh.
I thought “Persian” was, you know, a person from Persia? And was around before Oklahoma, which started out in the 1930s? Am I missing something here?
@Spindrift “Am I the only one slightly surprised that he didn’t single out jewish women as being the real monsters responsible for everything he doesn’t like?”
The kernel of that idea has probably already formed – at some point we’ll be informed about the nefarious influence of the ‘Jewish Mother’.
@Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^),
sorry, was typing that in a hurry so should have qualified that.
It’s a double slur, using the name of one people as a slur towards another. It’s in a biography I’m reading, as a young girl the author spent a lot of time among relatives who would throw the word ‘Persian’ around when making anti-semitic jokes, apparently because in the musical Oklahoma there’s a Jewish character who keeps insisting he’s actually Persian in an attempt to escape prejudice.
The way Roosh is being described by White Nationalists seems reminiscent of that.
This is a direct quote from the man himself from the “A Monopoly On Logic: A Feminist Artist Interviews The Internet’s Most Infamous Misogynist” article from a few months back.
That quote got a whole lot funnier, to me at least, as Roosh falls head over heels in love with musty, dated anti-Semitic garbage that’s fit right in with in holocaust denying crew from The Institute for Historical Review circa 1989. I sadly remember when this shit was a whole lot more popular around 25 years ago. Seriously, Mr. “I read it all” has just discovered and is now championing a thirteen year old book that’s the fecal remnants of a Neo-Nazi movement which is very much passe among the far-right racists who’ve kept up with the times and are now fixating on their lies and fantasies on Latino illegals flooding our borders and political Islamism threat. Hating on Jews totally clashes with claiming British cities like Birmingham are currently under Sharia Law.
Roosh is both ignorant and poorly informed about the far right racism he’s expounding on at length. Roosh, honey, you’re an bigger idiot then I realized and I already knew you’re an idiot.
*are now fixating their lies and fantasies on the Latino illegals flooding our borders and the political Islamism threat.
I no proof read good.
Whoops, I also forgot to add that the more “with it” far right racists are currently obsessed with lawless rioting black thugs disrespecting our stalwart police forces. Just another reason that it’s odd such a well educated fellow such as Roosh would hitch his wagon to what’s clearly the most passe hateful racist garbage available on the market.
Also, this shit-filled scumbag finally retired after being protected 30 years at CSULB by tenure, “academic freedom” and god knows what else.
Here’s a statement where he was rightly denounced by the college’s History, Anthropology, Linguistics, Jewish Studies and Psychology departments in 2008.
Oops, I hadn’t realized he had retired; I fixed the post, Thanks, brooked!
Apparently, the Jews promote multiculturalism and tolerance as a devious plot to avoid being hated by everyone for no reason.
So… does this mean that when Roosh and his fans call us “feminazis”, they actually mean it as a compliment? I`m, well, I`m confused.
I’m just gobsmacked that a guy who makes his living using other people as disposible toys has the nerve to call anyone else “decadent”.
If you seriously entertained the possibility of becoming a neo-Nazi, you’re already a terrible person, so you might as well go right ahead and wear the uniform.
Oh, WWTH. What a senseless waste of whiteness. Don’t you know there are starving racists in Europe?
It’s always amusing to watch guys who usually shit on those of us who served (we’re suckers apparently) claim they would have been some great warrior.
No dude, you would have died in the mud with the other militia. That was the lot of the average “soldier” before professional armies.
Another blow against evo-psych
But isn’t anti Semitism coming back in fashion with young reactionaries? It kind of seems like obsessing about “illegals” and “anchor babies” is the racism of the baby boomers and generation xers. As we’ve already seen with the anti Semitic imagery and obsession with “cultural Marxism” that pervades gamergate, the young right wingers have embraced neo Nazism. Everything old is new again!
The sad, pathetic thing is, I think this is Roosh’s attempt at being hip and cool. Part of his desperate attempts at hanging on to his youth. We should have seen this coming when he jumped aboard the gamergate bandwagon.
Visceral, irrational hatred of a whole swathe of humanity, based on strawman caricatures and a misunderstanding of human nature so extreme that you wonder whether they’ve ever met any of the group in question? Honestly, I’m more surprised when a (white, gentile) misogynist is not a massive racist and anti-semite. It’s all part of the same toxic worldview.
I get the feeling that Roosh and folks like Mr. Flabba Babba are the same folks who feel that in a generic example neighborhood of 20 houses with 19 decorated up to the shingles in “Merry Christmas”, the one house decorated with a menorah is suddenly a war on Christmas and the entire holiday is ruined.
Sigh … I have been around jewish people all my life. If Roosh actually ever talked to a jewish person he would easily tell we are as varied and multicultural as every other person on the planet. But then again that would require him to actually consider “others” as human beings. That could potentially add a small smidgen of empathy to what he does. Can’t let that happen.
“@Spindrift ‘Am I the only one slightly surprised that he didn’t single out jewish women as being the real monsters responsible for everything he doesn’t like?’
@Bryce ‘The kernel of that idea has probably already formed – at some point we’ll be informed about the nefarious influence of the ‘Jewish Mother’.'”‘
Yes he will eventually get to the jewish mother. But I bet at first he will say jewish women are a problem because their negative affect on his boner. Likely something about how big their noses are on the internet meme pictures he had to photoshop (because he could not actually find any women who fit his neo-nazi view of jewish women).
I’m sure I’m not the only one who immediately thought…..
…have a cup of tea indeed.
I’d be curious to know Roosh’s heritage….he does not look “pure” Caucasian to me and certainly not Aryan…and yet his beliefs about other groups of people……I just think it would be great if he happened to have some Sephardi in him….or you know…some other group of people he hates.
Yeah, about that. Germans and other medieval Europeans had good reason to hate Jews. Their aristocracy blamed God’s disapproval of Jews for all of society’s problems, and good Christian peoples responded by hating the people they were told to hate. Go to Right Wing Watch and you can read the same narrative repeated daily by religious leaders in the US, though generally with “liberals” and “atheists” and “gays” replacing the Jews, because we have advanced so much as a society.
Anyway, Christians were prohibited by Catholic teaching from charging interest on loans, so Jews became the bankers of european monarchies. And what better way to get out of paying your debts than whipping up a pogrom against the people you owe and forcing them to leave town? Because usury was prohibited by the bible, but genocide apparently was just fine and dandy with God.
Quote from The Killer Angels comes to mind “The man who judges by the group is a peawit.”
Roosh an anti-semite? i did “nazi” that coming!
… i’ll get my coat.
*foot steps* *door close*