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MRAs, other jackasses troll the American Psychological Association with petition to declare feminism “a symptom of severe mental retardation”


One civic-minded fellow has launched an exciting new campaign to better the lives of men and boys by pestering the American Psychological Association with a trolly petition on urging the APA to declare feminism to be a symptom of mental retardation.

Here’s his plea:

There are people out there who suffer with extreme mental retardation on a daily basis. Sadly, most of these poor souls are left without proper treatment, simply because their symptoms are not recognized as a sign of the severe mental disorder they clearly have. I urge the American Psychological Association (APA) to classify radical feminism as a sign of severe mental retardation and any other associated disorder. It’s time we get these poor, deluded souls the help they so desperately need.

With the help of, er, “activists” from the MGTOW subreddit, as well as from lulz-seekers on 4chan and Facebook, the petition has garnered nearly 1000 signatures in a day.

Human rights activism at its finest.

H/T – r/thebluepill


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9 years ago

You know, considering women actually did used to be given bogus psychiatric diagnoses and institutionalized for vague “symptoms” (read: being uppity or “hysterical” or otherwise non-compliant)….how is this petition any different from proposing that Jews be rounded up and tattooed?

I was thinking of the old idea that slaves who really wanted to be free were mentally ill.

9 years ago

Arseballs. Take two:

Again, “WTF do they want, and how TF do they think this is going to help them achieve it?”

Attention, and deliberately idiotic petitions always bring in attention (see: That petition for Obama to build a Death Star). Basically, this is the bigoted shitweasel equivalent of Jackass.

And, of course, after it gets taken down because duh, they’ll martyr themselves about TEH FEMINAZIS STIFLING MAH FREEZE PEACH (seriously, I’m calling it now), but that’s just a bonus next to the attention.

9 years ago

1,000 signatures? Phsst, the one to get Katie Hopkins fired from The Sun garnered over 200,000 in the first couple of days.

Annie Squidface
9 years ago

I’d be interested to see the other petitions signed by these mental giants.


Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

Yeah, this is fucking offensive in both its attitude and its willful ignorance. Developmental and intellectual disabilities are not psychological, they’re neurological.

9 years ago

If you want more hilarious anti-feminist pseudo-intellectual bloviating, I found this on r/KotakuInAction. Someone claiming to be a harvard professor wrote this about Anita Sarkeesian. It reads like someone wrote it with a thesaurus open next to their word document, because Harvard professors say things like “Whatever authentic particulars are in her interview, many believe Anita Sarkeesian was delivered in a manger lined with flaxen straw and heralded the arrival of post-structuralist criticism to video and computer games.”

bspencer (@vacuumslayer)

I noticed they specified RADICAL feminism…is some other type merely a minor impairment?“Radical” feminism is any feminism that is not sanctioned by Christina Hoff Somers.

General Star Cat (@Gannon_Shepherd)

Hi de-lurking here.
Delusional MRA’s whining at the APA to classify feminists as deluded? Now I’ve seen everything.

9 years ago

I’m just now reading the article wordspinner linked, but right off the bat I’m thinking — if an actual senior faculty member of Harvard wanted to write anonymously, they wouldn’t ID themselves that way. Harvard is just too small. If their source were real they would have asked to be cited as “senior faculty at an ivy-league school.”

9 years ago

Any feminist who believes that US/western society isn’t 100% perfect as it is in radical.

9 years ago

According to sexists, every feminist who doesn’t believe that US/Western culture is 100% gender equal (or biased towards men) is a radical feminist.

You know, all of them.

9 years ago

Sorry for the double post. I didn’t see it, and though WP had eaten it.

9 years ago

@wordspinner Wow. That article really does reek of Roget. So many crammed in and slightly off uses of words. I just gave up. Scrambled letter words are easier to read than that shit.

9 years ago

I couldn’t make it past the first paragraph of the article wordsp1nner posted:

If you took an algorithm to Twitter and whisked away all the disparate voices resulting in divergent perspectives, callow nattering, and ever-familiar spleen and rancor from truculent fomenters, what would be left? An excessively sanitized, tightly circumscribed, hug-box of micromanaged homophily — an insular reflection of a monopolistic perspective tailored to your predilections, to be sure, but not the seine of material that informs on the ambiguities of complex and contentious issues.

“Truculent fomenters.” “Micromanaged homophily.” A bunch of “disparate voices” with “divergent perspectives” that are somehow “monopolistic,” “insular” and “tightly circumscribed.”

9 years ago

Ahahaha, oh dear god. “Despite sciolistic posturing about ills traced to patriarchy in Western civilizations, Sarkeesian enjoys far laxer academic scrutiny and far more media acclaim, the sycophantic, often panegyrical, and nearly always smarmy push of coverage from the credulous herd of journalists on their pet idol of the hour forming the core of her widespread propaganda.”

It’s written by a 14-year-old who had the vague idea that Harvard professors use big words, and so dragged his diatribe through a thesaurus and fired a bucket of semicolons at it, forgetting that sentence structure is also useful. This and the manifesto from months ago – is this to cover up a lack of genuine insight, or do they just think it sounds clever?

9 years ago

There’s a section in the middle that sounds like authentic bad academic writing. The rest of it reads like fake bad academic writing, so I seriously wonder if there’s some kind of plagiarism at work here,

9 years ago

1. Therapist cat

2. Iz faking interest

3. ‘Cuz cats R sooooooo good at that

9 years ago

I have to say, cats do make good physicians. Last time I had the 24-hr flu, I spent most of the day in bed with a hot pad on my face and both fuzzballs curled up on my lap. There is only so bad you can feel while cuddling with two cats.

But I suspect they like it when I’m sick because I tend to lay down and not move much…

9 years ago

If you took an algorithm to Twitter and whisked away all the disparate voices resulting in divergent perspectives, callow nattering, and ever-familiar spleen and rancor from truculent fomenters, what would be left? An excessively sanitized, tightly circumscribed, hug-box of micromanaged homophily — an insular reflection of a monopolistic perspective tailored to your predilections, to be sure, but not the seine of material that informs on the ambiguities of complex and contentious issues.

That sounds like the sort of stuff I used top write for essay questions on exams when I had no clue what the question was really about. (It never worked.)

9 years ago

@wordsp1nner: That’s the sort of writing where I find myself thinking “Boy, took you a whole tube of KY to get that one out, didn’t it?”

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Voltaire’s prayer, answered again. Thanks, dudes!

9 years ago

There are people out there who suffer with extreme mental retardation on a daily basis. Sadly, most of these poor souls are left without proper treatment, simply because their symptoms are not recognized as a sign of the severe mental disorder they clearly have. I urge the American Psychological Association (APA) to classify radical feminism as a sign of severe mental retardation and any other associated disorder. It’s time we get these poor, deluded souls the help they so desperately need.

So what exactly is Trollshit Golem’s “prescription”? “Corrective” rape?

9 years ago

“Radical Feminist”. Ha, as if anything that doesn’t follow their twisted minds wasn’t already conscidered “radical” by MRAs. Unless they still think we are in the 90s’…

9 years ago

Stay classy, MRAs.