4chan antifeminism crackpottery MGTOW misogyny MRA reddit TROOOLLLL!!

MRAs, other jackasses troll the American Psychological Association with petition to declare feminism “a symptom of severe mental retardation”


One civic-minded fellow has launched an exciting new campaign to better the lives of men and boys by pestering the American Psychological Association with a trolly petition on urging the APA to declare feminism to be a symptom of mental retardation.

Here’s his plea:

There are people out there who suffer with extreme mental retardation on a daily basis. Sadly, most of these poor souls are left without proper treatment, simply because their symptoms are not recognized as a sign of the severe mental disorder they clearly have. I urge the American Psychological Association (APA) to classify radical feminism as a sign of severe mental retardation and any other associated disorder. It’s time we get these poor, deluded souls the help they so desperately need.

With the help of, er, “activists” from the MGTOW subreddit, as well as from lulz-seekers on 4chan and Facebook, the petition has garnered nearly 1000 signatures in a day.

Human rights activism at its finest.

H/T – r/thebluepill


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bspencer (@vacuumslayer)

What does being mentally challenged have to do with being mentally ill? These two things have nothing to do with each other.

9 years ago

Hmmm… I wonder if we can petition the APA to do the same with the men’s rights.

bspencer (@vacuumslayer)

Except that that seems like an insult to both mentally challenged and mentally ill people.

9 years ago

I can’t believe I totally missed that. You’re right… I am terribly sorry.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

… … … … …

I can’t even.

9 years ago

yes, I have tremendous respect for people enduring mental illness or who have mental difficulties.

I got none for MRAs.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

C’mon guys, it’s only satire! (that’s my impression of some MRA dudebro, not my actual opinion)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Because men are super lojikal and are right all the time! And those silly feeemales thinking they’re people too is obviously a sign that their feeble lady-brains don’t work right!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

What does being mentally challenged have to do with being mentally ill?

The only common denominator is that both are used as insults by MRAs. That makes them totally interchangeable!

9 years ago

I’m seriously trying to remember the last time I used the “You’re a r*****” line as an insult. I’m pretty sure… yes, it was 4th grade. So… 10? Maybe 11? Yeah. That’s the level of discourse we’re seeing–11-year-olds with computers.

9 years ago

Oh FFS. This is immature beyond belief.

9 years ago

How these guys don’t all have cushy jobs writing brilliant comedies is beyond me. Fucking HILARIOUS.

Annie Squidface
9 years ago

As someone who works in psychology, this is hilarious.

Even if they’d forwarded their sad little petition to the correct authority on developmental disabilities, if you think about it, they’re the ones “retarding” community progress– only, that intentionally abusive word entails the correct assumption that the developmentally disabled are capable of much, albeit at a different pace. MRA’s, on the other hand, are at a complete standstill.

Besides, unlike their movement (like bowels durhurhur), we welcome those of all abilities; if they weren’t focused entirely on White, heterosexual, physically and cognitively healthy men, they might find it prudent to stop using the R, N, and F words quite so often.

Well, I’M off to go gallivanting with a large group of men and women from every spectrum of existence because as someone who (arguably) isn’t an asshole, my world is big like that and I get to live separately from homogenized cliques of ideological clones.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

You know, I used to be called the R word by boys AND men in middle and high school. Nice to see they still have this lowest of low in them. There’s nothing I could call these guys that wouldn’t be an insult to the word I wasted. How even let that petition up is beyond me. Anyway to contact them to get them to take it down? Because that has to be against the TOS.

Indie Lipped
9 years ago

Nice try, scumbag friendzoni, the APA has no reason to waste any amount of time with anyone ill-informed enough to think that intellectual disability (NOT r*tardation), developmental disability, and mental illness are synonymous. God, it’s like manospherians only exist for my amusement.

9 years ago

I noticed they specified RADICAL feminism…is some other type merely a minor impairment?

9 years ago

I… have very little I could say that would take away from the utter ridiculousness of this rubbish they call a petition.

They don’t seriously think anyone will listen to them, right?

There. Said it. 😛

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Johanna: You have to log in to report a petition, but I’ve already done so, if that helps.

From’s Community Guidelines page:

Tell us if you see any of the “don’ts” above. The best way to alert us to violations of these guidelines is to log in and click the “flag as inappropriate” (below “reasons for signing”) on petitions, or by writing to us through our Help Center. Once we receive these flags or complaints, our team will review content for policy violations.

9 years ago

1000 signatures in a day from people like Mike Hunt and Mina Hidy and the petitioner Guy Hussein isn’t actually very many for a petition. Is that all the active members the MRAs on Reddit and 4chan have left?

9 years ago

Of course, if a group of feminists attempted to have this sort of men’s rights “activism” (scare quotes because it isn’t actually active, it isn’t actually achieving anything, and it isn’t actually fighting for anything they don’t already have) classified as a variety of paranoid psychosis (which, incidentally, is a far more accurate comparison than any comparison of feminism with reduced cognitive function) they’d be horrible oppressors involved in an act of misandrist symbolic violence.

Again, “WTF do they want, and how TF do they think this is going to help them achieve it?”

9 years ago

They really have no conception that words have any meaning or use beyond beatsticks to deploy against people they don’t like.

9 years ago

What was even the purpose of this? There’s zero chance of the APA taking it seriously. Plus, the DSM-V just recently came out. It will probably be a couple of decades before they publish a new diagnostic manual. So, not is it a stupid and offensive joke, it’s not even a properly timed joke. So, it’s a complete waste of time. The only thing that could ever come out of this is an opportunity for these jackasses to pat themselves on the back and circle jerk about how witty they think they are. That’s something they’re already doing in their own fora. So, seriously? What is the point of this?

9 years ago

And yet again the manosphere do a great job of demonstrating why feminism is needed so badly! Why do they so very often do stuff that clearly shows how vile sexism is and how much things need to change?!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

You know, considering women actually did used to be given bogus psychiatric diagnoses and institutionalized for vague “symptoms” (read: being uppity or “hysterical” or otherwise non-compliant)….how is this petition any different from proposing that Jews be rounded up and tattooed? There just isn’t any reasonable way of spinning this as satire. It’s a lulzy prank for tone-deaf cretins with no more awareness than glacial rubble.

9 years ago

Again, “WTF do they want, and how TF do they think this is going to help them achieve it?”

Attention, and deliberately idiotic petitions always bring in attention (see: That petition for Obama to build a Death Star). Basically, this is the bigoted shitweasel equivalent of Jackass.

And, of course, after it gets taken down because duh, they’ll martyr themselves about TEH FEMINAZIS STIFLING MAH FREEZE PEACH (seriously, I’m calling it now), but that’s just a bonus next to the attention.

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