4chan antifeminism crackpottery MGTOW misogyny MRA reddit TROOOLLLL!!

MRAs, other jackasses troll the American Psychological Association with petition to declare feminism “a symptom of severe mental retardation”


One civic-minded fellow has launched an exciting new campaign to better the lives of men and boys by pestering the American Psychological Association with a trolly petition on urging the APA to declare feminism to be a symptom of mental retardation.

Here’s his plea:

There are people out there who suffer with extreme mental retardation on a daily basis. Sadly, most of these poor souls are left without proper treatment, simply because their symptoms are not recognized as a sign of the severe mental disorder they clearly have. I urge the American Psychological Association (APA) to classify radical feminism as a sign of severe mental retardation and any other associated disorder. It’s time we get these poor, deluded souls the help they so desperately need.

With the help of, er, “activists” from the MGTOW subreddit, as well as from lulz-seekers on 4chan and Facebook, the petition has garnered nearly 1000 signatures in a day.

Human rights activism at its finest.

H/T – r/thebluepill


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9 years ago

@ freemage

At first I thought the r-word you edited out was “Redditor.” XD

9 years ago

In the MRA narrative there is no non-radical feminism. I’ve literally been called a “radical feminist” for expressing the opinion that women should be allowed to play sports. There really is no way to please these people.

9 years ago

Urgh. I don’t know why this petition causes me more disgust than most other menz rights “activism”, since it’s obviously never going to be taken seriously by the APA. I guess it’s just too much like the anti-suffragist movement’s propaganda, makes me realise that even though we’ve come so far in the last century, there are still a thousand shitweasels who think like this.

9 years ago

“Hug-box” is a bit of a giveaway. Probably a good idea to edit out the 4-chan epithets before running some kind of Sokalizer on your rants.

9 years ago

wordsp1nner-“I have to say, cats do make good physicians. Last time I had the 24-hr flu, I spent most of the day in bed with a hot pad on my face and both fuzzballs curled up on my lap. There is only so bad you can feel while cuddling with two cats.”

So adorable! I love cats. 😀

9 years ago

Really, MRAs? Do you really think that would work? They do know that we could do the same to them, right? But as someone has pointed out, that would be an insult to people suffering from real mental illness and disabilities.

9 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants-So true. Women have endured a long history this sort of thing for no reason what so ever (other than being women, of course). For example, the word ‘hysteria’ is derived from the Greek word for womb. Even today, women are still considered emotional and incompetent, still accused of PMSing or hormonal etc for being assertive and having an opinion. Which is why this ridiculous petition is not cool.

9 years ago

Sadly the American Psychological Association (APA) has never been a bastian of anyones rights as the recent reports of their paws into supporting torture has shown..

As a TG person and associated with the GLBTI community I see that they have been quick to catagorise others (GLBTI, women, ‘different’ children, non-white, etc) as ‘mentally ill’. It usualy took decades of work by activists to undo that. And as a TG person it took decades to undo the damage caused to us in the early 80s. So I am no respector of the APA at all.

So what these MRA people are doing is in their usual stupid (but trying to be cunning) way to do the same game. Play the same game, lobby the APA to get ‘their’ issues recognised.

Heck it might work if they get enough people and money, the APA has shown itself to be fundamentally a political organisation. All those psycholigists (some who made heaps of money out of it) designing and overseeing torture was because of poltical pressure…and money..

Easy for them to, if there is enough money in it, to classify every women as ‘unfit for anything’ and TG people as sexual perverts (heck they already did that to us for decades).

Those are really cynical comments but the history, the present, of the APA shows they deserve that.

So anyone who believes that the APA will ‘protect them’ is naive, heck if the MRA’s get a few billionaires behind them then the APA will dutifully put out papers and recommendations that women ‘are hysterical and have to be controlled’ and GLBTI people ‘exterminated’.

9 years ago

I was going to say something similar. To them, a non-radical feminist is someone who believes all the same things they do but still calls herself a feminist.

Like Christina Hoff Sommers.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

Sadly the American Psychological Association (APA) has never been a bastian of anyones rights as the recent reports of their paws into supporting torture has shown..

Well, considering that the DSM-V is fundamentally about defining ‘normality’ and the deviations from it… it is a positive thing that science has been gradually winning out over ideology and old wives’ tales as we find out more and more about how the brain actually works. But I certainly understand cynicism about this.

9 years ago

“If you took an algorithm to Twitter and whisked away all the disparate voices resulting in divergent perspectives, callow nattering, and ever-familiar spleen and rancor from truculent fomenters, what would be left? An excessively sanitized, tightly circumscribed, hug-box of micromanaged homophily — an insular reflection of a monopolistic perspective tailored to your predilections, to be sure, but not the seine of material that informs on the ambiguities of complex and contentious issues.”


‘If you looked at Twitter and took away all opinions you don’t like, what would be left? Stuff that is the same! And this stuff would be stuff you liked, instead of lots of different opinions.’

*Slow Clap*

9 years ago

“…and if you look to your left you can see the world’s largest echo chamber. Ironically these people say they are about equal rights but will mock and slender those who fight for men’s rights. These are truly the world’s biggest hypocrites.”

seriously, you people sound like the sexiest bigots you are trying to avoid. And you wonder why people don’t take feminism seriously in the West. Even prominent feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers is sick of your shit.

9 years ago

No one in the West takes feminism seriously anymore! No really guize! And you’re all the SEXIEST bigots I’ve EVER seen!

So a useless poll to get feminists declared mentally retarded is fighting for men’s rights… how?

9 years ago

Oh dear… did I do something wrong? Am I on moderation?

9 years ago

I guess I just got caught by the wordpress monster, hee. Anyway! Here’s my comment, though I won’t repost if it goes to moderation again.

No one in the West takes feminism seriously anymore! No really guize! And you’re all the SEXIEST bigots I’ve EVER seen!

So a useless poll to get feminists declared mentally retarded is fighting for men’s rights… how?

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Yep. A couple dozen of people represent the hundreds of years and thousands upon thousands of feminists, and all we do is mock PUAs and MRAs all day long. That’s feminism: Mocking MRAs and PUAs.

And there’s no other more serious feminist websites out there all about activism, and none of us participate in those sites because they don’t exist.

I mean, I don’t know why this site isn’t called or because there’s totally no other site but this and there’s only us two dozen of feminist out there. You’d think those would be free domain names but nope.

9 years ago

Christina Hoff Sommers is to feminism as Roosh is to feminism. Or ass-wiping.

9 years ago

I can’t wait for People Magazine’s 50 Sexist Bigots issue to come out! The suspense is killing me!

9 years ago

Way to fuck up your joke WWTH! I meant 50 sexiest bigots.

Why does autocorrect have to ruin my snark game all the time?

9 years ago

seriously, you people sound like the sexiest bigots you are trying to avoid. And you wonder why people don’t take feminism seriously in the West. Even prominent feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers is sick of your shit.

Christina Hoff Sommers a prominent feminist?

Heh..heh heh…hee-hee-hee…ahahahahahahaha.

9 years ago

How does allow that?!