a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism beta males crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA red pill vox day

Fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants, Red Pillers complain

The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.
The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.

It isn’t just “game” guru and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh who thinks he’s being oppressed by the existence of women who aren’t model-thin.

Over on Vox Day’s Alpha Game blog, the regulars are up in arms about a Daily Mail story telling the story of a woman who conducted a little experiment on OKCupid, putting up two otherwise identical profiles — one featuring pictures of herself when she was thin, the other with pictures of herself after she gained some weight. The woman reported that the “fat” profile got half as many responses as the thin one.

Vox Day’s fans are outraged that the “fat” profile got any responses at all. “How she gets even one like is beyond me,” Yohami complained. Laguna Beach Fogey concurred, adding that “[w]e need more fat-shaming–not less.”

They also agreed with Vox that the woman in question wasn’t really thin in her thin pics.

So why do these guys care about this woman’s weight?

Because, as they see it, fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants. Someone calling himself Retrenched explains:

The epidemic of obesity is also largely to blame for the sexual starvation of beta males. Fewer bangably attractive women = fewer satisfied men. Not to mention the effect that widespread obesity has on the egos of women who aren’t obese — an otherwise average looking woman who’s in shape can strut around like she’s a 9 when she’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.

Apparently women’s bodies don’t actually belong to women; they belong to men, who suffer endlessly when the women who happen to inhabit these bodies ruin them for men by gaining weight.

Yep. Women not only oppress these guys by giving them boners; they also oppress them by making boners wilt.

What’s worse, some of these women actually have the gall to think that they’re not unbangable fuggoes. “I like how they think men should just find land-whales attractive,” snorts John Black.

Cataline Sergius, meanwhile, is outraged that fat women won’t cover up their bodies so he won’t have to look at them.

I first noticed this trend around 2000.

Up until then, fat girls always wore voluminous, billowy clothing. Mu-mu type stuff, you know what I mean.

Then in 2000, they suddenly started wearing skin tight clothing. They indulged in that weird little early 00s fashion of wearing thongs visibly above waist line. Skin tight lycra shirts that magnified every gelatinous rippling lump, seemed to suddenly be a favorite. Bare jiggling, muffin top, midriffs with exposed navels became de rigour.

And this seemingly happened over night.

My first thought was that they had suddenly gotten to lazy to care how they looked. But that wouldn’t explain why they were following hot girl fashions.

Finally the truth came to me. The Special Little Snowflake Syndrome. These fat girls had suddenly decided that they had a right to be found attractive.

The horror!

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

TheLurker | May 3, 2015 at 11:19 pm
I read on the RedPill that apparently when women talk distastefully of a man, it’s because they recognize his “Alpha Male” aura and realize that because their “SMV” is much lower than his, so they try and discourage others from having relations with him.

Just when I thought I couldn’t be surprised anymore by these assholes, I always find sub-basements in ye olde barrel.

Seriously. I had to read that a couple of times to make sure my brain did indeed translate that correctly from the screen to my reading comprehension.

So, when women talk shit about a man, that means she wants him regardless of what she says.

Though, they’re right on the money that when women talk shit about a man, it’s to prevent her friends from getting with that asshole.

Little do they and their peens realize, we’re not gonna fight over them. Sorry dudes, but porn lied to you.

9 years ago


The exact same men who sexually harass women are also the ones who shame ”non sexual” women by calling them ”’ugly fatties”….

9 years ago

The militant baker is gorgeous! I wish I looked so good. But between colitis, menopause, and Depro Provera, not to mention a sedentary job, the extra weight hangs on. Damn guys, if I were unemployed and off birth control, I’d look like a catch!!

9 years ago

Fat women oppress men by not being attractive, attractive women oppress men by not sleeping with them, sluts oppress men by sleeping with them, Cute puppies oppress me by not letting me pet them, they also oppress me when I can pet them because I can’t have pets where I live.

9 years ago

Sunnysombrera, he may have meant “de rigeur”; still clearly can’t French.

Ah, you’re right. I can’t French very well either, but at least I admit it.

9 years ago

And we seem to be right back into “denial is evidence!” territory, but instead it’s “criticism is affirmation”.
“That woman is talking smack about me to her friends! I must be an amazing alpha sex god!”

9 years ago

It always boggles my mind when TeRPers, and those like them, rant and rage about how we need MORE fat shaming, because all these fat women think it’s awesome and empowering and easy to be fat. This is proof positive that they live entirely within their own fantasy world, and have never empathetically spoken to a fat woman IRL.

Even the most body-positive fat woman, who is totally comfortable in her own skin and knows that she looks amazing, runs into major hassles because of her size. Everything from clothing options (and price!), to unsolicited opinions from strangers about what she looks like and/or eats, to awful treatment from medical professionals, to the size of airplane and bus seats, to being bombarded with diet ads e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e, etc. etc.—being fat is absolutely not easy, and certainly not applauded, compared to being thin. You have to completely tune out of reality in order to not see how deeply and openly western society disdains fat people.

But I guess this is coming from the same general crowd who thinks Bruce Jenner is transitioning in order to cash in on that sweet, sweet feminine power, so reality is not exactly their strong suit.

9 years ago

“Bare jiggling, muffin top, midriffs with exposed navels became de rigour” – honestly if you are going to try and use French at least get it right, it is ‘de rigeur’ – Rigour (BrE) or rigor (AmE) describes a condition of stiffness or strictness!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I read on the RedPill that apparently when women talk distastefully of a man, it’s because they recognize his “Alpha Male” aura and realize that because their “SMV” is much lower than his, so they try and discourage others from having relations with him.

Yes, and getting turned down for a job means you’re overqualified, and getting a D on a term paper means the professor is jealous of your brilliance. Uh huh. And that one woman who said “excuse me” as she stepped around you to get bread at the supermarket? She totally wanted you, even though she hit the wall 5 minutes ago, the pathetic desperate old slut.

It’s almost cute, this unshakeable belief they have that hateful assgoblins like themselves are the cream of humanity. Every loss, every failure, every “no”, gets twisted around to its opposite so that they can sail through life feeling like kings, with everyone else as their supplicant. They get so angry when anything threatens to overturn that feeling, such as overweight women being allowed to feel good about themselves, or women in general daring to tell them no, or choosing to sleep with other people.

Eventually, maybe, they’ll realize the world isn’t going to award them a first-place trophy just for existing. In the meantime, it’s funny as hell watching them craft their own trophies out of tin foil.

9 years ago

How the hell does VD cope with a lot of the women in Western Art history that he praises so much tend to be… kinda fat? Like, the ideal C13th woman was round and stout, and the Georgian aristocracy would stuff their mouths with cork to make their cheeks look plump. Victorian gents would go hot under the collar for a glimpse of “dimpled flesh” – what we now call cellulite.

Even Venus tends to have a few rolls, and some well-rounded hips

The waif-like look hasn’t always been the most predominantly desirable body type. In fact….. art has celebrated gorgeous women of all sizes for centuries.
(possibly not entirely sfw).

9 years ago

it’s funny as hell watching them craft their own trophies out of tin foil.

Not to mention their hats.

9 years ago

Aren’t all these guys into evopsych? I wonder if they’ve ever come across venus figurines. Presumably the mental conflict between ‘blaargh, the pleistocene set all social roles in stone in exactly the way I want them to be’ and ‘oh, paleolithic ladies might not have looked like raquel welch’ would cause their heads to explode.

9 years ago

No, there is no right to be found attractive. But then, neither is there a right to “sexual satisfaction”, much less to a certain beauty standard in other people. If someone is too ‘picky’, that isn’t other people’s fault.

9 years ago

In related news, this is one of the best comebacks to attempted fat-shaming I’ve ever heard.  Even if it wasn’t specifically directed at the manosphere in question, it’s almost psychically relevant to that larger community (not to mention mainstream assholeishness).

In a soft voice, [she] said her initial reaction to the piece was “Really?”  She then asked, “Why would someone O.K. that?”

Taking the high road, [she] added, “I felt really bad for someone who is swimming in so much hate.  I just thought, that’s someone who’s in a really bad spot, and I am in such a happy spot.  I laugh my head off every day with my husband and my kids who are mooning me and singing me songs.”

Melissa McCarthy, for the win, for all time. Take that, MRAs and Rex Reed.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Of course PUA’s don’t understand muumuus. They see them as shrouds of the unsightly, not the bastions of breeziness that they really are. If dude in the OP really did see feeemales of any size strolling in muumuus, I would guess that those women weren’t covering themselves in flower-printed sackcloth. They were just being comfy. What angrypants sadboner guy thought was a sign of contrition was actually a woman doing something for herself, which is of course MISANDRY. You were misandered, angry sadboner dude! And you didn’t even know it.

Muumuus are awesome. I own three of the blessed things. I shall don one today in honor of jerky dudes everywhere.

Nah, I’ll just wear one because it’s going to be hot.

Lynne Daniels
Lynne Daniels
9 years ago

lkeke35 wrote:

“I got a heads up about that too when I was very young. They have to hide their true faces from the girls they want something from. Basically they’re wearing “decent person” camouflage.”
Peristyle wrote :

Exactly! When I was young, I tried to tell my thinner friends this, but I don’t know if they all understood it.

And yet, even today too many parents insist on telling girls upset because a boy is mean to them , “That means he likes you!” Yeah, maybe back when Laura Ingalls was starting out her abortive career as a schoolmarm, boys “confused” by their emotions for a girl tried to cover up by picking on her-the proverbial ‘dunking the pigtail in the inkwell ‘ scenario.But today ? Or even back when I was in High School? I knew damn well that was BS-I could see the contempt and hatred in the eyes of male fellow students, whom I barely knew, but who just had to make insulting comments to or about me in the hallway. They DIDN’T find me attractive; they disliked girls in general but HAD to be nice to the “popular” girls or girls they thought pretty. They were only too happy to lash out at other girls.

I really wish the notion that cruelty from boys/men=jealousy=”He likes you/loves you!” would just disappear already.I wonder how many lives have been ruined by that notion?

9 years ago

Muumuus are awesome. I own three of the blessed things. I shall don one today in honor of jerky dudes everywhere.

Totes. When I was a small child, my family lived in Hawaii in the late 80’s early 90’s. I saw muumuus everywhere! Everyone wore them, usually over a bikini paired with flip flops, because in Hawaii you are always only either at the beach, or on the way to the beach. I still love muumuus and sun dresses even though I now live in a land locked part of the continent.

9 years ago

I read on the RedPill that apparently when women talk distastefully of a man, it’s because they recognize his “Alpha Male” aura and realize that because their “SMV” is much lower than his, so they try and discourage others from having relations with him.

Ass spincter says WHAT? Exquease me? Baking powder?

Honestly, it’s the old high-school “She said ‘Fuck off’ — that means she totally wants to fuck me!” canard all over again. I’ve seen the most repugnant guys confuse our obvious disgust with “totally wants me” too many times to mention…

Meanwhile, yeah, there’s one grain of truth in that. We DO want to discourage others from “having relations with him”, but it’s not because we want him for ourselves. We don’t. And it also has nothing to do with his or our “SMV”, which is a figment of these morons’ overactive imaginations. We know that no woman in her right mind would want him because he’s such a fucking dud. We just want to make sure none of our friends (or even our non-friends) wastes her time on him!

9 years ago

How fucking hard is it to just think to yourself “I’m not attracted to X” and then just move on with your life.

9 years ago

“They’re like omega males; just as “omegas are either totally indifferent to women or hate them with a borderline homicidal fury”, fat women hate men with a borderline homicidal fury. ”

Wait. Aren’t “Omegas” supposed to be below “Betas”? Why conflate them with their biggest heroes, MGTOWS who actually GTOW and spree killers? Am I confused about their ridiculous ranking system, is this guy admitting that murdering women is bad or is this just more MRA “Consistency”?

9 years ago

And is there some epidemic of fat women murdering men that the rest of us haven’t heard of. How does existing while fat in public at all equate to mass murder?

9 years ago

There’s a life lesson that some of these people haven’t learned. “It’s not always about you.” They seem to believe that fat women are being fat AT them. If they didn’t make an oyful noise about it, the women they’re loathing wouldn’t even be aware of their exi- wait, I think I figured out what’s going on here.

9 years ago


“Meanwhile, yeah, there’s one grain of truth in that. We DO want to discourage others from “having relations with him”, but it’s not because we want him for ourselves. We don’t. And it also has nothing to do with his or our “SMV”, which is a figment of these morons’ overactive imaginations. We know that no woman in her right mind would want him because he’s such a fucking dud. We just want to make sure none of our friends (or even our non-friends) wastes her time on him!”

Someone I didn’t know, had never spoken to, did something similar to me – because I literally didn’t return her smile. It was nothing to do with her, a family member had just passed away. Suddenly her friends, who I got on with well enough with up until that point (as in smiled and said hello and nothing more, it was at work) started giving me death stares.

It’s a rather extreme example, I’m not generalizing to all womenkind as some some men’s rights tool might, but you need to know *something* about a person before ‘relational aggression’ is justified imo.

9 years ago

I think these guys are just upset that no woman of any body size/type would have sex with them. At least no woman with a modicum of self respect (which is why they feel the need to tear down any woman with that modicum). They want to make larger women feel bad about themselves so that they might be able to convince those women to sleep with them.

Nolan Speed
9 years ago

Uh oh. The 8 year olds learned to use the internet.