a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism beta males crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA red pill vox day

Fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants, Red Pillers complain

The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.
The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.

It isn’t just “game” guru and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh who thinks he’s being oppressed by the existence of women who aren’t model-thin.

Over on Vox Day’s Alpha Game blog, the regulars are up in arms about a Daily Mail story telling the story of a woman who conducted a little experiment on OKCupid, putting up two otherwise identical profiles — one featuring pictures of herself when she was thin, the other with pictures of herself after she gained some weight. The woman reported that the “fat” profile got half as many responses as the thin one.

Vox Day’s fans are outraged that the “fat” profile got any responses at all. “How she gets even one like is beyond me,” Yohami complained. Laguna Beach Fogey concurred, adding that “[w]e need more fat-shaming–not less.”

They also agreed with Vox that the woman in question wasn’t really thin in her thin pics.

So why do these guys care about this woman’s weight?

Because, as they see it, fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants. Someone calling himself Retrenched explains:

The epidemic of obesity is also largely to blame for the sexual starvation of beta males. Fewer bangably attractive women = fewer satisfied men. Not to mention the effect that widespread obesity has on the egos of women who aren’t obese — an otherwise average looking woman who’s in shape can strut around like she’s a 9 when she’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.

Apparently women’s bodies don’t actually belong to women; they belong to men, who suffer endlessly when the women who happen to inhabit these bodies ruin them for men by gaining weight.

Yep. Women not only oppress these guys by giving them boners; they also oppress them by making boners wilt.

What’s worse, some of these women actually have the gall to think that they’re not unbangable fuggoes. “I like how they think men should just find land-whales attractive,” snorts John Black.

Cataline Sergius, meanwhile, is outraged that fat women won’t cover up their bodies so he won’t have to look at them.

I first noticed this trend around 2000.

Up until then, fat girls always wore voluminous, billowy clothing. Mu-mu type stuff, you know what I mean.

Then in 2000, they suddenly started wearing skin tight clothing. They indulged in that weird little early 00s fashion of wearing thongs visibly above waist line. Skin tight lycra shirts that magnified every gelatinous rippling lump, seemed to suddenly be a favorite. Bare jiggling, muffin top, midriffs with exposed navels became de rigour.

And this seemingly happened over night.

My first thought was that they had suddenly gotten to lazy to care how they looked. But that wouldn’t explain why they were following hot girl fashions.

Finally the truth came to me. The Special Little Snowflake Syndrome. These fat girls had suddenly decided that they had a right to be found attractive.

The horror!

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9 years ago

I am always amazed at how they think they are being somehow oppressed by other people simply living their own lives they way they wish to.

9 years ago

Buttercup, you’re right, so, so right. More fat women just means that these guys should easily find a woman (a desperate, loose, no-standards fattie) who will bang them! But the fat girls won’t! Wasn’t there a recent post here which quoted an MRA guy as getting into a drunken funk and telling a big girl that she had no RIGHT to refuse him, because she was fat? Too funny!

These guys are outraged at being rejected by the very women that they want to shame and treat horribly. Logic isn’t their strong suit.

I also have seen MRA blog posts where they say that in order to keep women in their place, they need to shame the fat chicks, as a message to all women that they need to stay thin in order to be loved. They’re angry at guys who have relationships with fat chicks, because this encourages them to never lose weight, as well as sends a message to the thin chicks that the “punishment” for being fat isn’t that drastic, so maybe the thin chicks don’t have to quake in fear at gaining a pound or two.

So it’s all about women being always in fear, always worrying, always starving themselves.

The message it actually sends, however, is that these guys are simply not worth it. They’re awful people. Better to be alone than try to appease them. So the message being sent actually is, if you repel guys like that, you are the winner. So in a way, the MRAs are encouraging more women to gain weight.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I like how the totes-alpha, super-logicking manly mans base all of their arguments on their boners, rather than on facts. You know, like the fact that the health problems that correlate with obesity also correlate with stress, such that the stress caused by fat shaming is the true cause of those conditions, not the fat itself. Or the fact that the BMI charts are skewed, which is why people in the “overweight” category are healthier than the people in the “normal” category – if one were to redraw the lines based on health outcomes, “overweight” would be rewritten as “normal” and some of “normal” would become “would be at reduced risk with more weight.”

There is also the fact that gut flora seem to play a previously-unsuspected role in someone’s ability to process food and turn it into calories, which is why some folks can go on literally starvation diets and not lose weight – the bacteria in their guts are super-efficient at making food digestible, and might even be turning otherwise-indigestible portions of the food into usable compounds.

But sure, yeah, let’s talk about boners instead, because of manly ultra-logic.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Holy shit, these guys get more and more pathetic every time they open their gobs.

They’re really grasping for straws now that us fatty fat fat feeemales are learning to love ourselves enough not to be saddled with someone who hates us because we’re feeemales who aren’t a size 0, but only because they have all the scientific, social, and health knowledge of a common walnut.

And now that us fatty fat fat feeemales know they’re full of shit, and we know that we deserve love and respect, they’re pissy because now they either have to change or hop out of the gene pool.

And they’re kicking and screaming at the idea of either one.

Gretchen Koch | May 3, 2015 at 5:15 pm
Let’s turn this around, and imagine that the existence of every fat guy not wearing a shirt in public, or having the gall to walk around holding hands with a female partner, was deemed offensive to women in general. Because they make women sad in their panties, and give fat men generally the expectation that they are likely to find love. “An otherwise average looking man who’s in shape can strut around like he’s a 9 when he’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.”

What kind of response to MRAs have to this? Do they even recognize the comparison?

Of course, this would only work if you were working under the (false) assumption that these chucklefucks, or MRAs in general believe that women are people. : /

Feeemales aren’t people to them. We’re some sort of mysterious “other”, we look like humans, talk like humans, but we’re not humans, and are therefore instantly inferior and subject to the whims of our “betters”, according to Vox Day and the blight on humanity that is is “fanbase”.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@Lindsay_Irene)

Nothing women do will ever make these men happy. Nothing. Because they are miserable people who are unable to face up to why they’re miserable. It’s easier to blame it on the bitches than to admit to their own errors and weaknesses.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Fred_the_Dog | May 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm
I am always amazed at how they think they are being somehow oppressed by other people simply living their own lives they way they wish to.

And yet, if you were to suggest that maybe they should consider looking in a mirror and re-assessing their own behavior, they’d look at you like you grew a second head.

Because why would they ever be in the wrong? They’re the cishet (and in Vox’s case: Christian) manly alpha dudes! That makes them better than everyone else, and thus, they have the right to tell other people how to live, regardless of their own knowledge about anything. Because peen. [/sarcasm]

9 years ago

lkeke35 wrote:

“I got a heads up about that too when I was very young. They have to hide their true faces from the girls they want something from. Basically they’re wearing “decent person” camouflage.”

Exactly! When I was young, I tried to tell my thinner friends this, but I don’t know if they all understood it.

Even though I had my self-esteem seriously demolished at a young age, I still had enough of a feeling of self-worth and wouldn’t want anything to do with these guys. It astonishes me that they think they can treat girls like dirt and yet on the turn of a dime, still get them in the sack as a fallback girl. They truly must think that all women are utterly worthless, that they can treat us like this.

Thank goodness for the Internet, because we now can read their thoughts on their nasty little blogs, understand what they actually are, and realize that it’s not us, but them, who have the problem.

There are plenty of decent men out there to spend our time with. Why on earth would we waste a second on the assholes?

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

Bare jiggling, muffin top, midriffs with exposed navels became de rigour.

De rigour? In stiffness?

9 years ago

I think he meant “du jour” but he clearly can’t French. xD

9 years ago

Sunnysombrera, he may have meant “de rigeur”; still clearly can’t French. 😀

Kloe Jemmer (@JoeKlemmer)


Shortest translation: Women! Misandry!

You know, this crap would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact they really believe this tripe.

9 years ago

When you consider that many of the men who whine about “whales” are not exactly size 0 themselves, it is all pretty galling. Sorry, but ifyou can’t find womento “bang”, either because they are too “whale-ish” or because they are “stuck up”, perchance you have to look at yourself in the mirror (and that is literally AND metaphorically).

I am “avoire du poids” but I don’t go around worrying whether some asshole is upset because I have no “bangability factor”. I am too busy living my life to worry about your withered penis.

9 years ago

liberranter: “You can almost see this mindset at work in the fat warpigs strutting about as if they’re proud of being so disgustingly overweight.”

Yes. The attitude is what is so unbelievable, the belligerent, bitchy, nasty aura of “yeah, motherf*****, I’m fat! You’d better love it and be glad I’m even looking your way, you pathetic loser!” And in their amazingly potent suit of narcissistic solipsism, they can’t figure out why men walk out into oncoming traffic to get to the opposite side of the street juzt to avoid them.

I’m showing my age by bringing this up, but I remember in my younger years, when far fewer fat women walked (or rather, waddled) among us that such women were usually ALWAYS demure, meek, self-conscious and pleasant to be around. They knew they were on no man’s A List, but realized that if they wanted any positive male attention at all, they had to earn it.

Thanks to and my bio-hazard suit I was able to check out the hissy fits firsthand.

There’s plenty to mock in the above rant, but I’d like to point out that this poster (surprise!) accuses overweight women of “narcissistic solipsism”.

Now I know TeRPers love, love, love the word “solipsism” because, while they only use it in the colloquial sense as a synonym for self-absorbed and ignore it’s philosophical origins, they think it makes them sound very intellectual.

TeRPers have turned their adolescent whining into a cockeyed worldview in which they interpret all human society, history, biology and behavior solely in terms of their own personal lives and sexual history, yet they seemingly can’t get through the day without accusing most or all women of being narcissistic and self-absorbed. The irony of this continues to elude them.

This brings us to “liberranter”, who believes all overweight women’s behavior and internal thought processes are eternally hyper-focused on men just like himself at all times. Back in the day, fat women were demure in an attempt to win his attention, but now they’re all sassy and have developed an “aura” that apparently has attained consciousness and an elaborate back story. Despite his age, he’s seems to have not picked up on the fact that adult strangers he sees in public are living their own lives apart from him and, at most, may barely acknowledge his existence.

9 years ago

It’s “de rigueur”, moronic MRAsshat. DE fucking RIGUEUR.

And I think it ought to be de rigueur for these guys to post pictures of their prize-winning selves, so we can see exactly who gets all these whiny-ass sad pants-feelings over all these allegedly too-fat women (who still have too much self-esteem to sleep with one of these bozos!). We could rate them, of course, but I suspect that their shitty attitudes, as expressed in the comments highlighted above, would put all of them squarely in sub-zero bangability territory even before we got to their faces and physiques. Which, I’m sure, will all be unimpressive, if Theodore Fucking Beale’s bar-room slobbish appearance is anything to go by.

9 years ago

And honestly? The last person I saw in a muumuu was Mrs. Roper, on Three’s Company. This was back in the late 1970s. Muumuus were already out of date then, and they haven’t been back since.

Also, she was very thin. So there you go. Tent dresses: Not for fat women only!

9 years ago

brooked, I believe “liberranter” interpreted the “demure” behavior incorrectly. It wasn’t “demure,” it was “beaten down.” If a young woman is inundated with hatred wherever she goes, she learns to keep her head down, in an attempt to not attract more attention from her tormentors. She’s not demure, she’s weary.

Nowadays, changing beliefs, as well as information being spread with the help of the Internet, has changed that. Women, all women, are learning that they are entitled to live their own lives, and that their worth isn’t completely dependent on their dress size. Thin as well as thick women are learning that.

These men are angry because we have that knowledge. The truth was always there, but many of us weren’t allowed to learn it, or the voices that told us, “This is bullshit, you know that, right?” were drowned out by all the assholes who wanted us to continue to hate ourselves.

9 years ago

The previous post about the extinction of marriage as the default in society should be laid squarely at the feet of this obesity epidemic among women, plus the entitled attitude that comes along with it.

If you want marriage to survive in your society, you have to make it attractive to Deltas. Why? Alphas, Betas, and Sigmas will always have a relatively easy time, and Gammas and Omegas a difficult time. It’s the Deltas, the average men, who are the schwerpunkt of the society.

I can’t believe this dude only has worked six Greek letters into his otherwise impressive theory, thereby ignoring 18 more categories of men. Will no one speak up for the sexual needs of the Epsilons, the Omicrons and the rest?

Plus, “schwerpunkt”? What a shock that a Vox Day reader is also a fan of the, uh, WW2 German Army.

9 years ago

I’m sorry for the boners, really I am. But unfortunately, I can’t bring myself to give a rancid rabid rat’s arse about the men attached to them. That these men appear to think I’m going to go out of my way to try and attract them in order for them to be giving me their equivalent of the Groucho Marx decline (“I wouldn’t want to be part of any club that would have me as a member”) strikes me as pathetic in the extreme.

But hey, apparently I’m an eevul oppressor by deliberately being fat and female at them (of course I’m doing it at them, why would I be doing this for any other reason? Didn’t you know I deliberately went and gained all that weight back in the late 1980s in order to oppress these particular nincompoops today?) from all the way over here in Australia. I had no idea I had so much power.

9 years ago

Many young girls gain weight as they reach puberty, as a way to hopefully avoid sexual harassment, which often comes at painfully young ages. (We had a post about this recently, with women telling stories of being harassed when young.) This is a known phenomenon. Is this also done on purpose, to men? I guess in a way it is, it’s done in the hopes of avoiding sexual attention.

No matter what a girl does, she’s doing it wrong and she’s doing it to make men unhappy, it seems. She’s not even allowed to try to find a way to stop harassment. (Even though gaining weight isn’t always effective in doing that.)

These guys cause the hang-ups in some women, then the same guys point fingers and complain and criticize the girls for having hang-ups. The men feel sorry for themselves because the women they intentionally treat badly want nothing to do with them, or have created defense mechanisms that the men find unpleasant!

We should all feel sorry for these guys, now shouldn’t we? 😉

9 years ago

It’s the Deltas, the average men, who are the schwerpunkt of the society.

If you’re going to sprinkle your vocab with German words an an effort to show how pretentious you are, you could at least capitalize your nouns, as Germans ALWAYS do. Otherwise, you just look like another pretentious anglo who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s babbling about.

9 years ago


I agree. As awful as these guys are, I do weirdly enjoy how they see overweight women expressing anything other than abject shame as a horrifying social upheaval destroying all that is right. We have a consumer society that does a bang up job giving girls and women body image disorders, as well as play a part in convincing these men that all women could be model thin if they weren’t lazy gluttons. I have no idea why these chucklefucks think overweight women are simply handed an endless supply of self-confidence and self-respect in today’s culture, because they aren’t, but I enjoy their sputtering outrage.

For instance,

an otherwise average looking woman who’s in shape can strut around like she’s a 9 when she’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.

“Waaah, women I don’t think are hot can strut around, in public no less. Why don’t people realize the terrifying social implications of this? They won’t stop strutting around. MAKE THEM STOP STRUTTING AROUND!”

9 years ago

Yes, brooked, I love how they can’t stand it if women are happy without the men’s approval. “She feels good about herself! MAKE IT STOP!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!”

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

And once again, these assholes prove they think the world revolves around them and their peens.

“Women I don’t personally think are hot are doing things I don’t approve of?! And they’re living their life in a way I don’t personally approve of?! All without acknowledging my existence and rule over their pathetic existence?”

9 years ago

I read on the RedPill that apparently when women talk distastefully of a man, it’s because they recognize his “Alpha Male” aura and realize that because their “SMV” is much lower than his, so they try and discourage others from having relations with him. With that in mind, I wonder what’s going through their minds when they complain about fat women, women with tattoos, women with short hair, old women, etc.

9 years ago

Guys, no, fat women don’t think they have a RIGHT for you to find them attractive. Whatever makes your boner happy is your own business. What they do have is a RIGHT to be treated like a person, a human being.

Of course, treating any woman like a human being is something that is beyond the scope of these asshole’s imaginings, but fat women in particular have been dehumanized by society at large.