a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism beta males crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA red pill vox day

Fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants, Red Pillers complain

The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.
The Militant Baker, oppressing men. Click on the pic for her blog.

It isn’t just “game” guru and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh who thinks he’s being oppressed by the existence of women who aren’t model-thin.

Over on Vox Day’s Alpha Game blog, the regulars are up in arms about a Daily Mail story telling the story of a woman who conducted a little experiment on OKCupid, putting up two otherwise identical profiles — one featuring pictures of herself when she was thin, the other with pictures of herself after she gained some weight. The woman reported that the “fat” profile got half as many responses as the thin one.

Vox Day’s fans are outraged that the “fat” profile got any responses at all. “How she gets even one like is beyond me,” Yohami complained. Laguna Beach Fogey concurred, adding that “[w]e need more fat-shaming–not less.”

They also agreed with Vox that the woman in question wasn’t really thin in her thin pics.

So why do these guys care about this woman’s weight?

Because, as they see it, fat women oppress men by making them sad in their pants. Someone calling himself Retrenched explains:

The epidemic of obesity is also largely to blame for the sexual starvation of beta males. Fewer bangably attractive women = fewer satisfied men. Not to mention the effect that widespread obesity has on the egos of women who aren’t obese — an otherwise average looking woman who’s in shape can strut around like she’s a 9 when she’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.

Apparently women’s bodies don’t actually belong to women; they belong to men, who suffer endlessly when the women who happen to inhabit these bodies ruin them for men by gaining weight.

Yep. Women not only oppress these guys by giving them boners; they also oppress them by making boners wilt.

What’s worse, some of these women actually have the gall to think that they’re not unbangable fuggoes. “I like how they think men should just find land-whales attractive,” snorts John Black.

Cataline Sergius, meanwhile, is outraged that fat women won’t cover up their bodies so he won’t have to look at them.

I first noticed this trend around 2000.

Up until then, fat girls always wore voluminous, billowy clothing. Mu-mu type stuff, you know what I mean.

Then in 2000, they suddenly started wearing skin tight clothing. They indulged in that weird little early 00s fashion of wearing thongs visibly above waist line. Skin tight lycra shirts that magnified every gelatinous rippling lump, seemed to suddenly be a favorite. Bare jiggling, muffin top, midriffs with exposed navels became de rigour.

And this seemingly happened over night.

My first thought was that they had suddenly gotten to lazy to care how they looked. But that wouldn’t explain why they were following hot girl fashions.

Finally the truth came to me. The Special Little Snowflake Syndrome. These fat girls had suddenly decided that they had a right to be found attractive.

The horror!

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Temporarily Stairs (@BeckyTempstairs)

*a woman. Not “a women”. But that’s actually my favorite typo.

As for these guys, though, I don’t even know what to say. It’s just pathetic.

Gretchen Koch
Gretchen Koch
9 years ago

Let’s turn this around, and imagine that the existence of every fat guy not wearing a shirt in public, or having the gall to walk around holding hands with a female partner, was deemed offensive to women in general. Because they make women sad in their panties, and give fat men generally the expectation that they are likely to find love. “An otherwise average looking man who’s in shape can strut around like he’s a 9 when he’d be a 6 in a saner, less corpulent world.”

What kind of response to MRAs have to this? Do they even recognize the comparison?

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

@Gretchen Koch

Considering they don’t know what “double standards” mean, no, no they do not recognize the comparison.

(In case anyone doesn’t know, a meme was posted in another thread that said “If big is beautiful…unemployment is hot! End double standards.” So…yeah.)

9 years ago

She’s even got the short hair and tattoo, PUA nightmare!

9 years ago

Translation: “Even the women I find unattractive won’t have sex with me! And yet they still act like they find themselves attractive! Misandry!”

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

I can’t find this funny. Sadpants is a serious condition, one from which many of these poor, poor men suffer. It is caused by a deficiency of “bangably”, a mystic element only known to MRAs. But because of oppression by teh eebul wimminz, it goes untreated, until it results in permanent damage. Doctors call this result “hateface”. Paul Elam, for example, is a classic victim of hateface.

9 years ago

Translation: “why should women I disapprove of have self-esteem when they won’t even bang me?”

9 years ago

Shorter translation: “why should women have self-esteem? MISANDRY!”

Angela Jones-Parker
Angela Jones-Parker
9 years ago

Some of these guys . . .wow. They’re SO FRUSTRATED that some women don’t run their lives around giving random men boners! It’s almost like women are aren’t making that a priority! Hope these guys enjoy clutching their own pearls.

9 years ago

It’s all about control and power. They want women to either starve themselves skinny and make themselves miserable that way, or they want women who aren’t skinny to make themselves miserable by hiding away and hating themselves. They want women weak and insecure because that’s the only way they can feel strong and secure.

It’s not about boner preferences at all. They aren’t saying “I prefer to only date thin women” and leave it at that. They’re upset that all fat (or even just non skinny) women are sometimes confident and wear fashionable clothes and date and have sex. Otherwise, they wouldn’t care if other men were willing to date women who aren’t model thin.

9 years ago

I don’t think the problem is fat women, as there are many that have boyfriends/husbands/girlfriends/wives that want to be with them and fuck them. The problem is out-of-touch misogynists that no one wants to have anything to do with, let alone fuck, thinking that their ridiculous opinions matter and that their lives would be any different if more women were thin.


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
9 years ago

My favorite comment is the dude going on about how women have to do literally nothing to be attractive.

“Grow your hair? Happens automatically. Stay thin? Don’t eat like a hippo. And that’s pretty much it, but that’s too much apparently for the last two useless generations.”

I wonder what his bedroom talk is like. “Ooh, baby, I love the way your hair just spontaneously emerges from your body, with no effort put into the process by you at all…”

9 years ago

comments like these a so ridiculous they could be part of some long-running joke…. I don’t recall ever seeing larger women dressed in the Mumus during the 90s (anyone?)

@Bernado – we need a Sandpants awareness campaign for these poor beta schlubs, ASAP.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Bleh. I (do not really) like how Vox Day’s fans, Mr. Retrenched in particular, pretend they can think for others. Let me just say, as an average-looking thin woman, I don’t “strut” around thinking, “Yay, I’m not fat, men will think I am beautiful in comparison!” And I’ve had my share of not-nice competitive thoughts, like “Oh, X person made some spelling mistakes in her assignment, so the prof won’t care so much that mine was late” and such, but I’ve never had the thought, “Oh yay, men hate fat women, there’s some competition out of the way” because that’s wrong, untrue, and demeaning.

Or maybe it’s because I’m a “5,” not a “6”? You never know!

Seriously, I’m somewhat relieved that because of how my genes turned out, I don’t get unfairly mocked/discriminated against for my size. But that’s an element of privilege and shouldn’t even be there.

Why do Vox Day and his fans think larger women don’t “deserve” sexual attention …and that they somehow do? True, nobody “deserves” sex from someone else – that’s a dangerous attitude in itself – but if it’s a question of “deserving” anything, shouldn’t it be about ethics and not about looks?

9 years ago

I used to feel hurt and upset that men thought this way. But now I realize that they feel hurt and upset, as if they are the victims when they see an overweight woman. That is so laughable that I can’t help but rejoice and celebrate in the fatness of women. Just because it “hurts” these guys so much!

As a teenager I was bigger than a lot of my friends, and had the typical issues with that. I was treated hatefully by some boys. But I learned a lot. The boys who were so hateful, didn’t care about me, and since I was fat, they didn’t hide the fact that they didn’t care. They treated me the way that they wanted, because they could. They hid their true selves with the prettier girls, but inside, they were the same loathsome, nasty people. They didn’t care about the pretty girls either; they didn’t care how they felt, what their dreams were, what their hopes were. They were just more adept at hiding it. I was the lucky one because I got to see these guys’ true selves, open and clear.

At that same time, I had a lot male friends, some who were fellow “outcasts,” and they were all sweet guys. I knew that not everyone was a douche, and we all choose to be what we are. It was a painful time, but illuminating too.

And they’re talking about shaming women more? They think that will work? This is the Internet age, we can congregate together, compare notes, and we won’t be tolerating that anymore. Clearly, that’s what’s been happening. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

It’s… sad(?), how threatened some of the guys in the comments feel by a woman that doesn’t conform to their personal beauty standards and who writes that she is actually more confident now than when she was thinner. From the comments:

“[…] a lot of women let themselves get fat because they think it intimidates men.”
“They’re like omega males; just as “omegas are either totally indifferent to women or hate them with a borderline homicidal fury”, fat women hate men with a borderline homicidal fury. ”

Maybe because in their opinion if it is true what she writes – that she actually feels better now with more body fat and that she has “chosen” this “version of herself” – this can only mean that they have no control over her anymore. their fat-shaming doesn’t work. but they don’t want to believe this so they convince themselves that she and women like her have not accepted themselves – they of course are “fat” on purpose to spite men.
this means men and what men think of “fat” women are still important and actually have power over women’s minds, because how “fat” women look is still only a reaction to those guys.

9 years ago

Vox Day’s fans are outraged that the “fat” profile got any responses at all. “How she gets even one like is beyond me,” Yohami complained. Laguna Beach Fogey concurred, adding that “[w]e need more fat-shaming–not less.”

🙄 So, it’s not enough that Vox and his fans don’t find fat women attractive; it’s that they want to dictate who everyone else should be attracted to. The idea that there are people who find a fat woman attractive is a source of moral outrage.

The epidemic of obesity is also largely to blame for the sexual starvation of beta males. Fewer bangably attractive women = fewer satisfied men.

Wait, I thought the “sexual starvation of beta males” was due to those evil slutty-mcslutsters riding the alpha cock carousel and refusing to sleep with beta males? Now their saying it’s because beta males are refusing to sleep with women because women are getting too fat. Who needs a consistent, coherent argument when you’re blaming women for everything!

Up until then, fat girls always wore voluminous, billowy clothing. Mu-mu type stuff, you know what I mean.

Then in 2000, they suddenly started wearing skin tight clothing.

Fat women just wearing whatever the hell they want without any concern for the boner-feels of some random asshole on the Internet?!?! Oh, the humanity!

9 years ago

There’s also this, from Vox Day himself in the actual post he wrote:

I say “at least” 50 percent because Yvette wasn’t actually thin, she was merely less fat. Based on the fairly low number of messages “Thin Yvette” received, I would estimate that if she had actually been a thin and attractive woman, going up to a size 18 would have cut male interest in her by 95 percent.

Bear in mind that Yvette’s lower size was a 10. That’s not skeletal, but it’s not that heavy either. And it’s an interesting complaint coming from somebody who appeared to be showing quite the double chin in his recent online interview with a certain YouTuber.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The epidemic of obesity is also largely to blame for the sexual starvation of beta males. Fewer bangably attractive women = fewer satisfied men.

The thing is, even if every single woman on earth was a rail-thin supermodel, all of these whinging shitstains would still get rejected. Being alone is always a better choice than being in their company.

They’re angry about what they see as the shrinking pool of bangable women, because it provides less cover for their romantic failure. They can rationalize being rejected by a hottie, but they can’t rationalize being rejected by a fattie. Fat women (in their tiny, hierarchy-addled minds) are the lowest of the low, so being rejected by one makes them even lower than the lowest of the low. Seeing happy, confident overweight women enjoying life, wearing fashion-forward clothes, dating, and having sex drives them up the wall. They can’t logically explain that phenomenon in a way that still lets them pretend they’re alphas.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Finally the truth came to me. The Special Little Snowflake Syndrome. These fat girls chucklefucks had have suddenly decided always believed that they had have a right to be found attractive get laid, no matter how shallow, dull, and morally repugnant they are.

9 years ago

I would be surprised by this, but men with any sense of decency or compassion would not be fans of Vox in the first place. The idea that not all men* have the same sensibility as them must terrify them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Up until then, fat girls always wore voluminous, billowy clothing. Mu-mu type stuff, you know what I mean.

Then in 2000, they suddenly started wearing skin tight clothing.

You know, this is idiotic too, this whole idea that fat people need to wear unflattering clothing. They sound like those people who police what poor people eat – no steak or ice cream for them, ever, only an unremitting diet of beans and rice. As though

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Oh crap, stupid iPad posted that comment before I was done. Now I forgot what I was going to say. Feel free to complete that sentence however you want.

9 years ago

I have to say that as a man, I really don’t understand what goes through these men’s heads. From a boner perspective mines had a very happy life by exactly not thinking like them, I have met plenty of them and they still astound me with the twaddle that they think.

9 years ago

Peristyle: Exactly! They have nothing but contempt for all women, but fat girls seem easier to shame, because guys Ike that get off on kicking people they think are weaker than them.

Now that there are plenty of big girls willing to call them on their bull crap, they’re much harder to pick on and not the easy lay they once thought fat girls to be. (Remember, big girls were always the fallback girl for when they couldn’t get any from thinner women, and now that we give a crap about ourselves we’re unwilling to be treated that way.)

I got a heads up about that too when I was very young. They have to hide their true faces from the girls they want something from. Basically they’re wearing “decent person” camouflage.

I’m not sure what makes them think they’re lives would be significantly different if all women were thin and ” bangable”.

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