a new woman to hate a voice for men abortion empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

AVFM: “Good women have abortions. So do a lot of … heartless slugs who won’t use birth control or keep their legs closed.”


This, er, thoughtful meme is from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, where it’s received 207 “likes” so far.

AVFM, don’t ever change. Just continue revealing to the world what a bunch of hateful, spiteful, misogynistic children you are.

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Charlotte Neph
9 years ago

My brain is stuck on the image of a slug with legs.

9 years ago

@Ellesar: my guess is it’s both. This way they can get a dehumanising noun in (because Dog Forbid AVfM ould get through a sentence without reminding you that women aren’t people) and also use it as a stand-in for one of their favourite slurs, with the pretence of plausible deniability.

To critics: we said slugs! See? We’re not using those terms you hate!

To MRAs: … but you know what we mean, rite guyz?

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


The thing is that birth control has help both men and women a lot, which the MRA cannot avoid (at least helping the men part). However, prochoice is a rather prominent feminist issue. Most people who are ignorant of what prochoice means (i.e. the MRA) and consider it the right for woman to just abort willy nilly.

Thus this thing was made.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Also, they just fucking hate women so much.

9 years ago

Why is birth control ALWAYS the woman’s responsibility? If you don’t want a kid OR an abortion, dudes, shouldn’t it be on YOU to wear a condom, get a vasectomy, or just keep your zipper done up?

Also, nice slug-shaming.

9 years ago

To critics: we said slugs! See? We’re not using those terms you hate!

To MRAs: … but you know what we mean, rite guyz?

9 years ago

Also, birth control sometimes — OFTEN — fails. Because even faithful users sometimes get unlucky. So there’s that. But of course, Menz Rightzers won’t even contemplate THAT possibility…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Turns out, it’s really hard to get an IUD into a slug. The patch doesn’t stick that well, either.

9 years ago

“Why is birth control ALWAYS the woman’s responsibility? If you don’t want a kid OR an abortion, dudes, shouldn’t it be on YOU to wear a condom, get a vasectomy, or just keep your zipper done up?”

B-but Men taking responsibility for their actions is misandry!

“Also, nice slug-shaming.”

I know slugs are so cool 🙁

9 years ago
9 years ago

Eww slugs. Sluts can do whatever they want though, not my place to judge.

The MRM could not be more transparent if they tried. And I echo the sentiments: since when were they pro-life? Or is it not about the babies and simply about controlling women?

I just answered my own question.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago




Johanna Roberts
9 years ago


What the…. that doesn’t even make sense. Those two things aren’t related at ALL.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Another Phrase the MRM Doesn’t Understand:

Double standards.

And it explains quite a lot, actually.

9 years ago


That is the most nonsensical, false equivalence-y thing I have EVER seen AVFM do. I could pull out some other memes off the top of my head that make just as much sense.

“If water is wet, then bananas are pink!”
“If the earth goes around the sun, then crabs eat watermelon!”
“If I’m feeling headachey, then planes are made of cotton!”

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

Shows how much biology these MRA types know, all slugs have a heart in their coelom.

9 years ago

^ It makes sense if you translate it into asshole-ese: Women are only worthwhile for their beauty (as judged by us, obvs) and men are only worthwhile for their ability to provide support (AT LEAST THATS WHAT YOU WOMEN THINK!!!11!).

9 years ago

Oh my gosh I know! This doesn’t make any sense, does it?

1. Do they think that only women can get fat and only men can be unemployed?
2. Do they think that only women “objectify” men by their wallets? Do they think that only men objectify women by their looks?

At least that’s what I read from this image and the comments. I don’t know I think they’re projecting their shallowness onto everyone. ::shrugs::

9 years ago

Ohhhhh, so they DO have a point, they’re just terrible at making memes. Got it.

9 years ago

Under the “slugs have abortions” image there is one dude who whines that women have 18 kinds of contraception while men only have 3, with a 4th one (the male pill) on the way. Hence, men have almost no reproductive rights.

It’s actually 13 types, not 18, but that aside, the stupidity of that comment is that how on earth could one make that many kinds of birth control for men given their equipment? They can’t have IUDs, IUSs, diaphragms, vaginal rings, caps, and even though they say they’re looking forward to the male pill I think we all know what a shitstorm they’ll throw up if women start asking them to take hormonal control. They whinge about having to wear a thin piece of rubber as it is.

9 years ago

So what I’m understanding is that, according to MRAs, all people are horrible because of nature. For example, it is natural for a man to only value a woman if she possesses the currently culturally-approved definition of beauty, and it is natural for a woman to only value a man if he possesses the currently culturally approved definition of masculinity (money and a job, apparently).

However, even though nature made men and women and everyone awful in this way, we should hate women for the way nature made them, while men should be forgiven because it’s just natural that they are awful and it’s not their fault.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

I don’t understand. If an MRA POS picked up or ‘wifed up’ an ‘irresponsible heartless slug’ and she ‘sperm-jacked’ him, wouldn’t he rather she have an abortion than ‘divorce-rape’ or ‘child-support-rape’ him?

Also, I think it’s worth clarifying two misconceptions in the meme: 1) A woman can engage in coitus or be sexually assaulted without opening her legs, and 2) Abortion is a form of birth control, since it prevents birth once pregnancy has occurred. Other types of birth control include anything that is used by individuals who are engaging in coitus either consensually or by force that prevents conception or implantation.

9 years ago

It seems that way

There’s other memes that are like the one I posted only they say “big is beautiful right ladies?” With a picture of a fat guy on it, “if big is beautiful then poverty is sexy” and “gays can’t get married because it doesn’t fit my definition of marriage” with a picture of Anita Sarkinsein saying “men don’t face sexism because it doesn’t fit my definition of sexism”

Geez Louize when are they gonna to be quiet about her and move on?

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

I’m surprised no one said anything about the fact that it only got 207 likes. I got 3 times that uploading a picture of my cat drinking water from the bathtub faucet to YouTube. Is AVFM loosing steam? Or am I just hopeful.

Are these the same dudes arguing that “Men have literally no choice as to whether they want be fathers.” No bullshit, I’ve seen that more than once.

Um, use a condom? “Women poke holes in them, you hear about it all the time!”

Let’s pretend that’s true for a second…you can’t bring your own un-sabotaged condoms? No… Because that would require you actually taking responsibility for something.

Better yet: keep it in your pants if you think can’t trust any women and don’t want a kid. “That’s not realistic!” Oh. Ok.

It’s like they live in a state of perpetual infancy where they can’t take care of themselves and are incapable of taking any kind of action or direction in their lives, and feminists/women represent mommy who has all the power, which is why the heaps of resentment.

9 years ago

I’m watching The Shining right now. Jack Torrance is such an MRA.