a new woman to hate a voice for men abortion empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

AVFM: “Good women have abortions. So do a lot of … heartless slugs who won’t use birth control or keep their legs closed.”


This, er, thoughtful meme is from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page, where it’s received 207 “likes” so far.

AVFM, don’t ever change. Just continue revealing to the world what a bunch of hateful, spiteful, misogynistic children you are.

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9 years ago

That’s almost progressive for them, because they are acknowledging that some women are good.

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

aww, beaten to it – noting that they’re at least saying some women are good. That’s a step up from the shit that they normally spew. Wonder how long it will be before they spot it and change it.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

“Women who have abortions are irresponsible and heartless slugs, and so are women who have babies the father doesn’t want, because spermjacking.”

Makes sense to me.

9 years ago

What’s odd about this is that when talking about pregnancy, especially teen pregnancy, it always seems to be the boys who put up a fuss about wearing a condom. Hell, on pretty much every teen health website I’ve visited there’s entire sections dedicated to rebutting the excuses guys make (“it doesn’t feel as good”, “it kills the mood”, etc, etc). It seems like THEY are the ones who need to learn the importance of birth control.

9 years ago

Isn’t this one of the groups who also believe that they are entitled to sex whenever they want it because reasons?

9 years ago

I know right? They’re complaining that women won’t keep their legs closed at the exact same time as they argue that women should sleep with men who are ‘nice’ to them (actual niceness may vary). It’s almost like misogynists are impossible to please…

9 years ago

Oh, classy AVFM. Classy. /s

So, if whoever made this meme truly believes that some women who have abortions are “irresponsible, heartless slugs”…why are they opposed to abortion rights? Why do they think that forcing an “irresponsible, heartless slug” to carry a pregnancy to term and raising a child would be a good idea for any of the parties involved? The last thing that comes to mind when I read the phrase “irresponsible, heartless slug” is “awesome parent.”

[And, obviously, with both AVFM and the forced birth movement it’s not really about anything other than controlling women – it’s just their complete lack of logic and simple human decency is astounding.]

9 years ago

Note they have no such thing to say about dudes who impregnate women and require they abort the pregnancies.

9 years ago

I think this reflects the confusion that MRAs have over what feminism is. Feminists articulate their philosophy in many different ways – here, it is about securing rights for women – but MRAs have this weird conviction that feminism is really about pretending that women never do bad things. The approach is orthogonal to the original intention, which I think is why so many MRA responses are non sequiturs.

Like, here, the feminist message is, don’t shame women for exercising their rights. But MRAs see the phrase “good women” and think haHA! Not all of you are good! Sign invalidated!

9 years ago

Men also want abortions….are they heartless?

9 years ago

To go on a little more, never has the abortion debate been, “how can we ensure that only nice women have abortions?” The anti-abortion movement wants to argue that only awful women would have them, therefore not only should abortion be illegal, women should be ashamed to argue in their favor. The sign contradicts that argument. But then the MRA response to the sign contradicts a point that no one is making, pro or anti.

9 years ago

Oh. So they’re against abortions this week? Because I thought they wanted women to have abortions rather than commit the unspeakable misandry that is expecting fathers to pay child support?

As terrible as the religious right anti choice crowd is, at least they have some consistency with their opinions. MRAs think it’s wrong for women to have sex. But they also think it’s horrible for women to not dispense sex on demand to any deserving man. They hate abortions if a woman freely chooses it, but they want us to be coerced into having them if the father doesn’t want a child. They hate it when mothers expect the fathers of their children but they don’t like it when a mother wants nothing to do with the father too.

Pretty much, everything a woman is does is bad. Anything a man does is good. But only if the man fits into a narrow mold of how think men should be (like them). It’s a cliche to accuse them of projection at this point, but that’s why they think feminists believe that men are bad so we should be out to get them and women are always right no matter what.

9 years ago

…so do a lot of irresponsible and heartless slugs who won’t use birth control or keep their legs closed.”

…whose irresponsible heartless slug babies you just can’t wait to raise, amirite, fellas?

9 years ago

Irresponsible and heartless slugs that they earnestly desire to have sex with. But who will not oblige them!

They’re like a rat king of awful.

9 years ago

Today in the ‘everything a woman does is wrong’ movement…

And can we please stop calling them children and/or babies? It’s very insulting to them and also to the people who really are mentally children.

9 years ago

Ah, I see the brain trust over at AVFM still can’t decide what they expect from women or what message they want to convey.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

I’m just surprised this thing is legible and has a decent layout.

You know what we need someone who’s good with graphics design to make a poster-thingy that demonstrates all the contradictory statements the MRA is trying to say, with links below of the original and archived pages (just in case).


“Women are sluts!” “Women need to sex up men more!” ~Paul Elam

“Women are feeble minded!” “Women are manipulative, psychoanalytic bitches!” ~A Honey Badger (IDK their names)

“Woman try to take men’s monies through child support!” “Woman are icky-yucky-gross-gross when they have abortions!” ~This other guy

And at the end, it can say something snarky, like, “MRA Beliefs: Alway Consistent…ly against Women” or something.

I’d do it, but I’m lazy.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Oh, those aren’t real links. Um. I also didn’t put the http:// on them.


9 years ago

I keep forgetting that women get pregnant all by themselves.

9 years ago

It’s never a man’s responsibility it’s always the woman’s. But if a woman says “women are having the baby not ‘we’re’ having the baby, you’re not carrying this child”

Then it’s “lol the men helped too so give us an award of some sorts”

And also it’s been proven that women can get pregnant without men.

9 years ago

There are Mra marmoset, Mra memes on deviantart and there are other ones on a site that I can’t remember.

Hoosier X
Hoosier X
9 years ago

the MRA response to the sign contradicts a point that no one is making

Standard Operating Procedure, innit?

I’ve always assumed it was on the first page of the official MRA manual.

9 years ago

Was slugs a typo, or is it another one to add to list of ‘women are like’ various animals, insects and inanimate objects?

9 years ago

I mean this seriously as I’ve never been able to figure it out. I’m legit not trolling (I’m also not in the US if that matters).
How is it possible to have this pro-birth control movement that’s so anti-female… and also have the anti-choice movement? Like are MRA not also aligned with anti-choicers? It seems a natural fit, as pro-choice would seemingly equal feminist, right?
I’ve never understood this. I’d be most grateful if someone could clarify.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


Could you clarify the question? I don’t really understand it. The movement in the US to improve access to birth control is not, as a rule, anti-woman at all, so I’m not sure where you’re getting that.

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