An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
It’s lovely to see you again, LBT. 🙂
Hey Auntie Alias. 🙂 Yeah, it’s good to be back. A lot of weird shit went down, which is why I’ve been vanished for a while. But here’s hoping I might be back!
I’m just sticking my toe in once in awhile. I hope to see you around.
*salutes* Same! At least I’m no longer in moving hell!
So good to see you both. Please enjoy this kitten.

Good to see you both! LBT, sorry (if unsurprised) to hear you’re getting backlash for that comic. It was a very brave thing to put out there. I think it’s an important conversation to start with your audience and it’ll help a lot of people.
LBT, are you back in Boston?
OMG what an adorable fluff ball! Thanks, Lea.
RE: Auntie Alias
Yup, back in Boston! Huzzah!
RE: katz
Yeah, turns out my folks are still stalking my online activity, and are now trying to use our younger brother as a chess piece. At least I realized I was being played, and managed to get out of THAT.
I hope the comic helps people. That’s the only reason I can stand to print and sell it. I’m still waiting for the inevitable troll who claims I’m making it up for the money and attention.
Yay for Boston! *lifts tea cup*
Yeah. So much happier here than Ohio.
I’m happy to hear it. You deserve all the good things.
Aw, thanks. I kinda needed to hear that today.
@LBT I don’t know you(plural), but every time I see you have posted my heart lifts.
Aw, thanks gilshalos. I admit, this month has just been rough, between family backlash, some really bad memory stuff coming to light, and comics stuff. Oh, and trolls. Can’t forget the trolls, which is why I might end up quitting another site. It’s one of those places where if you respond to trolls, you’re considered the problem, and even though the mod is fast, it’s still pretty shitty.
I mean, I already know that the general public thinks I’m a delusional malingerer faking for the attention. But I’d like to be able to talk about books and video games without people popping up to mock me and trying to destabilize my sense of reality for the lulz.
Cats! All the cats!
Welcome back, LBT!
@LBT and Auntie Alias, seconding gilshalos. Haven’t spoken to you much, but always happy when I see you guys post.
On an unrelated note, I haven’t posted much on the open threads but feeling a bit down this morning so meh. I fluffed another job interview last Friday. I think it’s my seventh or eighth one in a row in as many months, and it’s got to the stage where I don’t even tell people when I’ve got one anymore because it’s too embarrassing having to announce, again, that I stuffed it up, again. Groan. The interviewer on Friday said I had a lot of knowledge and passion for my work, but maybe with a bit more interview experience … and I thought, “You have no idea” . If I watch one more video, do one more Q&A roleplay scenario or come up with one more example to one more competency-based question, my brain is going to explode.
I’m starting to feel pretty desperate as I know every time I fail an interview, that’s another organisation I can’t apply back to, so the pool of potential employers in my field is rapidly narrowing down. I know I’ve got at least one more voluntary position in the pipeline to boost my chances … but then that’s going to be on top of the two voluntary jobs I already do, as well as full-time employment (long hours, awful pay). I’m so tired as it is, most days I can barely crawl out of bed, just to face another fourteen-hour day.
Sorry all, rant over.
Nthing the welcome back to LBT and Auntie Alias!
Aw, Misha, that’s rotten. I wish I had a cure-all up my sleeve, but I don’t. I tend to get interview nerves too, especially if I really want the position. I’ve bolo’ed more than a few opportunities that way (I still mourn the job I wanted at my old college; I could feel myself blowing that interview while it was happening).
It’s frustrating that the last interviewer said that you’re great, but you just need to work on your interviewing skills. If zie can tell that you’re passionate and knowledgeable, why isn’t that enough? Job interviews are just weird.
I hope that things perk up soon. May the next position have a hiring manager who puts you right at ease and recognizes just how valuable you are. 🙂
It’s so stupid how much emphasis is put on interviews. From what I understand, interview performance is actually a terrible predictor of how well a person does his or her job.
It’s just so frustrating and demoralizing that getting a job depends mostly on networking and being good at interviews and nothing to do with competence or intelligence. I don’t understand why employers care more about how outgoing a person is than how well they do their job.
Is anyone here responsible for hiring and want to explain why so much emphasis is put on interviews and references when they’ve proven useless at determining job performance? Is it just the easiest thing? Habit?
WWTH, I think habit has a lot to do with it. Like standardized tests in academia, that test how well you take standardized tests. Interviews show how well you can interview. Since we’ve always done it this way, this is the way we’ll always do it. I have heard enough about the process to suspect that the person interviewing applicants knows more about that than the actual job requirements.
My last job interview was back in the XXth century, and I don’t miss them at all. I got my VA job because I was the only one who showed up in suit and tie; the job didn’t require you to dress like that, though. Had that job for twenty four years, so I must have been doing something right.
Hey, LBT! Good to see you as always, and congratulations on getting back to Boston.
I bought and installed Invicible Inc. today. Boy, this game is pretty much the ultimate MRA nightmare! 😀 Not only are there tons of female operatives in the game, who are just as good, nay, better than their male counterparts, but the head of the “company” is a veteran agent with grey hair! How dare Klei make a game where you have to take orders from a woman past her prime? 😀 I’m just so stoked to have a new toy to play with so I haven’t registered my shock over this yet…
I hope that everything works out for you! I’m so sorry to hear about the situation with your husband. I do hope that things work out as well as they possibly can. I have family history with cardiovascular disease, so I try to keep healthy and in shape. Emphasis on the “try”, of course, but I’ll touch wood. I send Internet hugs to you and yours, if you want them.
Thanks, Misha and Flying Mouse!
Ugh, interviews. There’s a reason hubby always fronted for those; he was a whiz at interviews. I think it came with the customer service abilities, being able to make quick and friendly connections with people. Since we mostly did low-end customer service jobs that involved lots of peopling, I always figured the interviewing was to see if we could get along with people and not be a total pain in the ass.
I’m hungry!
I wish this wasn’t surprising, but it is.
But I am hungry and I have roast food almost ready to eat.
Which is good 🙂