no trolls allowed off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: May 2015 Dinosaurs Are Ruining My Life Edition

Those pesky dinosaurs!
Those pesky dinosaurs!

An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.

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9 years ago

I should really ask my parents to write this all down, cos all I know is bits and peices.

My older daughter is using some of the time on her free Mondays with my 90 year old mother doing oral history. That’s a good thing in itself.

(For my part I’m glad it’ll put an end, finally, to mum forever moaning about “the young people” not being interested in family, or any, history. She’s chucked out lots of stuff over the years without discussing it with anyone on that basis, and all of us at one time or another have been Bloody Irritated that she’s presumed so much. Because of her age she’s more or less the living trustee of a lot of family possessions and memorabilia and we all feel that we should get some say even though the “stuff” is in her house. If she wants rid of it, she should ask around to see who is and isn’t interested. We did get her to keep her father’s medals and other stuff from both world wars — and she’s now treating those things as more or less dedicated to her one and only grandson. That was long after I practically had to force her to let me keep his tin trunk from WW1 along with her old hatboxes.)

Now she knows, for absolute certain, that the grandkids are interested.

9 years ago

Hi Everyone;
I wanted to let you all know that my dad has been found and he is safe. Thank you for your thoughts and shares. My family and I are so grateful!

Also, I apologize for the double post (also under @trendafilka); I wasn’t sure if it went through correctly.

Thank you again.

9 years ago

emcdowall: Glad he was found safe!

(Sorry for being semi-incommunicado here, I asked the office to block a number of sites, especially political ones, which were taking up too much of my attention during office hours.)

9 years ago

Lupus flare-up wut wut!

9 years ago

Glad about your dad, emcdowall.

marinerachel. Sympathies. Take care of yourself.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

My mother-in-law owns a women’s fitness studio that has been phenomenally successful here and has gotten some positive press. What they are doing sounds pretty similar to what you’re talking about. I could probably put you in contact with them/toss you some media if you’re interested and/or looking for ideas.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ maistrechat

That would be very much appreciated; thank you.

9 years ago

I’m trying.
I am really trying.
I am not screaming, and god I want to scream

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

I’m no expert on this sort of thing, but isn’t a good scream sometimes cathartic?

I’m fortunate that I seem to be able to plod along in life but I do enjoy a good yell sometimes, especially when I’m in the middle of nowhere.

Hope that doesn’t all sound too trite, not trying to minimise what you’re going through.

9 years ago

Screaming can be cathartic, yes. I have found it so in the past. But you have to be in the right mood ? Wanting to scream, and being in the right mood to scream aren’t always the same thing, unfortunately.
Also, neighbours can get upset if they hear screams :/

9 years ago

And I just got to make a Passport To Pimlico joke about Burgundy!
(I guess only Brits will get the ref)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Mornington Crescent!

[If we’re being *really* British]

9 years ago

You can’t get to Mornington Crescent from plimlico! 😛

OK, election results coming in. And the F*cking Tories have won. At least in Scotland we’ve got the SNP

9 years ago

I have duck breasts. I like to eat duck breasts. I haven’t had a meal in 24 hours. I should eat duck. Tell me to eat duck

9 years ago


Eat duck, yummy duck!

9 years ago

Cooking now if I can get my eyes to focus. Duck, frozen peas, oven chips. Lemon juice and soy sauce optional. I even have a clean plate (ONE clean plate)

9 years ago

I forgot the mushrooms! Definately mushrooms!

9 years ago

And I am eating. Tastes great!

9 years ago

Also screaming over the election results, but hey! I’m eating!

epitome of incomprehensibility

Mmm, that sounds good. Sometimes I can scrape together pretty yummy stuff from leftovers, even if it sounds super lazy – yesterday I picked some dandelion leaves and chives from outside and mixed them up with leftover potato salad. Dandelion leaves can be bitter by themselves, but they went really well with the potato-egg taste.

I have to leave in a few minutes for work, and it’s Saturday, and I don’t want to. There’s also a freelance project I was supposed to finish yesterday (I am not so great with deadlines) and because it’s not urgent I’ve been lazy about it. Mind you, if it were urgent, I’d probably be too nervous to get it done before, say, Monday. I hate my mind sometimes 🙁 (All very first-world-problemy, I know.)

9 years ago

First day on my inofficial diet. So far I’ve had a big bowl of ice cream, a little chocolate pudding, and nothing else. So.. maybe I’ll make tomorrow the first day instead? Hmm.

But great job, gilshalos. :p

9 years ago

Protein dhag, protein!

9 years ago

dhag… real food, real food.

Ice cream is not a primary food group. Even if it is delicious.

9 years ago

@epitome – That sounds yummy (though I don’t add egg to my potato salad). I used to say that it wasn’t that I didn’t weed, I was farming dandelions 🙂

9 years ago

Cooking pizza , easy food.Trying to be sane. You know the fact that I am insane makes so much sense of my life ? And that is scary. An old friend who is a doctor says I am not sociopathic. Social-phobic, yes, avoidant personality, possibly. Insane…that makes sense. Horrible sense.