An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
I’m sorry to hear about your father! I don’t really have anywhere to distribute the links, but I hope he’s found safe. Please try to take care of yourself too in this difficult time.
I would never hate you if you fail to attend! Try not to hate yourself either if that happens.
Jedi hugs for all.
Well, it turns out my book cover anxiety was not entirely unfounded– based on a misunderstanding of instructions (and misleading experience from a previous book kit), I made the cover way too wide, so it’d have a fore-edge overhang of about 1/2″ more than needed. (Look at one of your hardback books and imagine that the cover sticks out an extra 1/2″ beyond where it already sticks out past the pages. It’d be annoying, wouldn’t it?)
But I figured this out AFTER putting all the cloth and leather on, so I can’t just trim it back. Instead, I have plenty of extra leather and board, and got a fresh piece of cloth for about a dollar thanks to coupons (I need to iron it and remount it onto some kozo paper), so I’ll just start again.
I’m glad I realized it with a certain amount of aplomb, though I admit I felt rather stupid when it all sunk in. 😛
@Mij – I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I’m sorry to hear about your cat. My girl Perry is 16. She no longer eats hard cat food. I think this may be because she doesn’t want to share the hard food with the young (neutered) tomcat who’s made himself at home.
I’m a new poster. The same as someone else on this thread mentioned, I’ve lurked, and taken secret delight in this community for years.
Welcome new posters!
And virtual hugs to anyone needing them!
Our younger son turns fourteen tomorrow. He’s probably got the foulest mouth of any student on his grade’s Honor Roll. It’s strange that, of the two of them, we’re more worried about his brother. He’s still hearing the voices, but it’s easier for him to tell they’re not real. But then, as I like to say, we didn’t become parents because we thought it was the soft option.
It seems unfair sometimes. Older son has always been one of those who adults describe as ‘such a great kid’, and his brain goes and turns on him like this. I am glad that we get to be his parents, though. Some people wouldn’t appreciate him the way we do – although that also applies to younger son as well.
Being a husband and father seems to be most of what I’m doing with my life right now. I’m okay with that.
(TW for self-harm)
Can I erase today please? It’s been really crappy and I’ve been doing things wrong from the get-go. I tried really hard to breathe through it but I hit myself with my phone. And HAHA I used the wrong end so it left distinctive marks that people are going to notice.
I bought an apple ale and a pear cider. I’ll read and listen to tunes maybe have a bath and try to be nice to myself today. But I’m sad and I’m angry and I wish I had an instruction manual for what to do in all situations so I wouldn’t fuck up ever again. And while I’m wishing I want a pony.
I spent too much time performing outdoors with one of my hand drums, and now its pitch varies with temperature, and there’s a raspy edge to its timbre. That’s right: my drum caught a cold from playing outside too much. Apparently it is a child.
Did my message go through? I cannot find it and I’ve been having issues posting things. :/
Dawn – You can’t erase the day from the past, but tomorrow is another one.
If they’re mistakes that you can learn from, then you won’t make the same mistakes twice and things can only go smoother. If they’re mistakes that are totally outside your control, then don’t worry about them. There’s really no need to be hard on yourself.
Almost everyone is muddling through life, and everyone has days when nothing seems to go quite right – so I’ll bet that in the unlikely event anyone noticed that things weren’t going totally smoothly, they’ll have just shrugged and said “Ah, these things happen”.
So I hope you have a nice night, look after yourself and get some good rest, and that tomorrow you wake up and realise that that One-Day-where-things-didn’t-go-so-well will be totally lost to history by Monday. I think I can guarantee it. 🙂
I went!
I walked 20 minutes to the Union, and didn’t panic when it had been totally rebuilt, and talked to people I hadn’t seen in 20 years since we all graduated.
And I enjoyed the music.
Then I got a taxi home and slept for 4 hours 🙂
@Dawn Incognito – I don’t know about the rest of the day, but you were supportive to me, and that was a very nice thing to have done.
Thank you.
I have had a shitty, odd day. A little background is probably necessary though.
2 weeks ago my dad who was in the hospital went septic from a secondary infection. He became delirious, needed to be intubated due to pneumonia, lost kidney function, and came lose to going into shock.
He pulled through mostly and is on the mend, but his kidney function is still not back and he was still exhibiting some signs of delirium yesterday. He was having trouble distinguishing reality from a TV show he had watched.
Which was odd because this morning his doctor declared him of sound mind and that he had signed discharge papers and was refusing treatment. I get there and he starts talking to me about how he is really well. The doctors are only pretending to treat him. I talk to the doctor who believes my father is simply being obstinate and just lying to try to get out of the hospital. She then conducts the mental diagnostic where my father demonstrates he knows who he is, where he is, and what day it is. I ask for a psych eval, but they don’t have any psych with admitting privileges and will need to transfer him to another hospital for that. I ask if they can get a second opinion and get told that a second opinion would need to be that psych eval from the transfer.
Meanwhile, my dad is upset and getting hurtful. I try to explain the situation to him but he is unconvinced. He is getting hurtful. (I don’t hold this against him, but it makes it hard to be in the room)
I am mostly venting. We agreed to the transfer so that the hospital, he, and we all get what we want. I just feel like today was a huge waste of time.
Opium: That really is an awful situation. Although your dad is a real trooper for pulling through such a serious condition.
Sorry, still bouncing about going to the gig last night.
Such a simple thing, but for me..like a normal person doing a marathon.
Still high on the adrenelin!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great job! 🙂
I’ve cleaned two bathrooms and the cats’ food corner, all in one day. These are things I can do when I’m not in constant pain.
@gilshalos Take your victories where you can. If you can’t do it the next time, that’s okay too. I find that taking the pressure of performance in these personal struggles makes it easier to keep going at them. (Not that you are me nor your struggles the same)
Welp, maybe the internet didst devour my comment, but here I go again; I passed my sommelier exam! It was insane, to the point that I’m still recovering physically (my sleep schedule is shot to shit). Now I get to start job hunting to get away from my current arrangement, which has some pretty awful shit in it (retail + drunken customers = hellllllll, racist, homophobic manager, the a whole bunch of other petty nonsense). The stress just never ends.
Go dhag83!
And Go ghostbird!
Opium – I hope your situation gets better for both you and your father. And thank you.
@ gilshalos
Been listening to the Lunaredd stuff. Quite interesting. Funnily enough I get all folky at this time of year. My pagan sensibilities come to the fore. (Normally I make a visit to my favourite local stone circles but my truck is in Land Rover hospital).
@ ghostbird
I wish I had local stone circles.
Apparently there are local pictish caves but I haven’t seen them.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles with money and life in general. Hope everything improves for you soon. Also, I bought your book. 😉
Interweb hugs to everyone thats wants any