no trolls allowed off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: May 2015 Dinosaurs Are Ruining My Life Edition

Those pesky dinosaurs!
Those pesky dinosaurs!

An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.

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Stegosaurus (@ShiraMK)

You’re being so hurtful right now smh.

Stegosaurus (@ShiraMK)

Shit, I didn’t know changing my name would actually filter me. It’s still the same twitter account!

9 years ago

I got a job last week after being a stay at home dad for nearly two years, my wife us getting better after having a breakdown a couple of weeks a go and us settling into bring a stay at home mum and her childhood abuser died this week too, which seemed to raise a cloud from her oh and my job is 75% work from home do I can support her too in case she;s not feeling well. I’m starting to feel content, I hope others of you are feeling content too

9 years ago

I am making slow progress on the cover for my latest book project. Book leather (probably vinyl) and homemade book cloth are much more persnickety than the professional-made cloth and paper I usually work with. For some reason I had a mild anxiety issue over how it’s coming out, so I’m trying to just leave it aside for now.

9 years ago

Autosoma and nequam
Hope everything works out for you guys

Me, my cousin let me drive her car a little, she wanted me to pass my drivers test and Iv been on anti-depressants for a couple of months now and still no change my family really wants me to get off of them other than that nothing much is happening right now.

9 years ago

Beloved’s getting griefed by creepers in Minecraft.

Both of the babies are asleep, although in a few hours my daughter will get up and come crawl into bed with me, where she will sleep all night and wake up and whine if I try to put her in her cot or her crib. I don’t mind except she lies on my arm, and really keeps me from shifting in my sleep, so my arm is sore every morning.

Also they really need to start putting themselves to sleep and sleeping all night long in their own beds.

I hope everything will work out for everyone else, and I’m putting hugs and tiny toddler kisses in the barrel.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Should I do a trigger warning for nonspecific mention of self-harm? If so this is it.

I did not hurt myself today even though a bunch of things went wrong (not particularly anyone’s fault, just stuff going wrong) and I didn’t feel like I handled them well. I was really upset and my chest hurt a LOT but I just did my best to breathe through it. I went for a walk and took my as-needed anti-anxiety medication instead.

I should be proud of myself. But I’m not in particular because I still have faint bruises from a stressful situation on Tuesday that I coped with poorly.

I hate feeling like I’m wrong or making a fool of myself all the time. I wish I could just be invisible. But I keep trying to interact with other people because isolating is worse. And then I beat myself up afterwards. Rinse and repeat until I go into silent mode for awhile.


Thanks for letting me get this out.

9 years ago

We’re here for you just let it out. It takes a lot of courage to speak up and we’re glad that you did. Please don’t harm yourself is there anything that you need? Let us know. And hugs if you want them.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I am very proud of you! (TW) I am a recovering(ed) self-harmer as well and i know how difficult is can be not to use that as a coping mechanism and to find alternate/healthier outlets. You did a wonderful job! And don’t worry about Tuesday’s episode. Remember how well you did with this most recent situation and look forward! 🙂

I started a new job and this is my second week there. I like it-it’s the best place I’ve worked in probably 5 years. But there are some issues. I won’t get all into it, but I have chronic pain and was working PT for a few years (before that I was out of work for quite some time). This job is FT and I am doing it to get benefits (and I need the money)…and it’s killing my body. I’m in pain 24/7 and there’s really nothing I can do. And by that I mean that my options are very limited as it is and those I do have don’t help.
The other issue is that, while most of the people I work with (about 10) are very nice, in the short time I’ve been there I have heard remarks (from different folks) like: *Trigger warning for badness*
-“jew them down”, in reference to a coworker buying a stove
-“she’s crazy”, in reference to a patient calling with a legit concern about her anxiety meds
-“he’s gay”, in reference to a patient giving me a hard time
-“he’s a queen”, same patient giving me a hard time-this was my manager’s explanation for why he is such an asshole, as if that mas anything to do with it.
And there have been other comments too. Every time this happens I cringe and try to restrain my disgust, because I just started there and I need the job. It just blows my mind the level of sanctioned bigotry taking place. Ugh.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
9 years ago

Thanks, fruitloopsie.

I’ve done a lot of harm reduction with regards to my self-injury behaviour, so I am in no danger of really hurting myself. I’m learning to ride the wave of the feelings instead of causing myself pain to lessen them. But it’s hard. It kind of is an addiction, which I would never have believed a few years ago. It’s a coping mechanism and it works. …with a lot of tradeoffs.

I’m actually about to do some chores and then reward myself with anime. (I’m really enjoying Samurai Flamenco, which is a parody of pretty much any tokusatsu show trope (like Kamen Rider and Super Sentai shows and magical girl shows). I’m ok.

Thanks again 🙂

9 years ago

Dawn, you may not feel proud of yourself, but we are proud of you! I award you this basket of kittens.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

So, I am fairly new around here, but you all seem like a good bunch of people so I want to share something that has been stressing me out a bit lately.

I have been dating a fantastic woman who really lights up my life. It’s only a couple of months in, but has a lot of promise. I want her to be a real part of my life and introduce her to all the people who are important to me. This means that I will have to come out as pansexual (I’ve only been open about dating men and this is a fairly recent discovery about myself) and, since she is married, come out as polyamorous as well. I have been dating polyamorously for a few years, but nothing has ever gotten really serious.

I think my family will be OK with it – some of them are awesome and have known all along. I mostly worry about it being awkward and stressful telling my parents. I also worry because I work with kids, and I don’t know if misconceptions people have about polyamory will make work in my chosen field difficult.

Thanks for letting me get that out.

Also, I saw tons of baby geese at the lake today!! Dawn, and everyone else who needs some cute, these are for you (not my picture and I hope this works as I have no idea what I’m doing)comment image

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Yay! It worked!

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago
9 years ago

I used to harm myself too so I know how you feel. And I’m glad you’re ok now.

I’m watching anime too I just finished Kara no Kyoukai it’s very beautiful but has gore in all episodes and rape in the very beginning of episode 3 So you can skip it I just watched it because I read that it had a male yandere in it. And now I’m watching Angel Beats it’s ok it’s a bit random and funny.

Machine Gun Sally
Thanks for opening up I wish I could help but I hardly have any experience with relationships so maybe someone around here can help you.
Did you get your welcome package? Scroll down and click on the candle.

9 years ago

I just got a new job working in a grocery store bottle return after nearly two years of being unemployed. It’s really nice having a paycheck again, and I like the work (even though it’s loud and sticky), but it’s taking a while for my body to adjust to doing manual labor 20+ hours a week after being a full-time couch potato for so long, and my feet and knees are killing me. Even my hands ache, which is kind of a weird feeling.

9 years ago

They don’t have names yet, so feel free to furnish suggestions 🙂

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I want to call them Winky Blinky and Nod, but then there’d be an odd kitteh out. Same with Snap Crackle and Pop. Hmmm..whatever shall we do? This is a real pickle.

9 years ago


I struggle with anxiety and social phobia myself, so I have some idea how hard it is to feel good about any success you have with better coping strategies because you’re struggling with things that do a bang up job at making you feel shitty or ashamed. You should feel proud about any hard fought success against something you constantly struggle with, I second the basket of kittens.

(I apologize if any of this is projection on my part rather than empathy.)

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

@fruitloopsie – Thanks! I do so like scented candles 🙂

@childrenofthebroccoli – Glad you found some work you enjoy! I found that standing on hard floors can be really hard on feet/knees just because of the shock. One place I worked had rubber mats to stand on and it helped a ton. Now I have a really thick pair of squishy insoles that are meant for people with back problems. They help a bunch and they cost me about $10.

9 years ago

@Because Reasons: We could name them John, Paul, George, and Ringo. They can be the fuzzy fab four!

@Machine Gun Sally: I might have to get some of those squishy insoles, the bottle room is all hard tile and concrete, so that’s probably a good bit of the problem.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Yes, of course! The answer was there all the while! lol As per your work stuff, I have a similar problem (going back to FT work after PT for a long time) but my pain comes from sitting at a desk and computer all day, using a phone and keyboard. Different kind of hurt, but my point is I empathize with you and I second the insole suggestion. 🙂

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

@childrenofthebroccoli – Concrete is the worst! I just got mine at a pharmacy. I hope you find something that helps!

9 years ago

The marmies are boys and the gray and tortie are girls, btw.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Ginger, MaryAnn, The Skipper and Gilligan? I got nothin.

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