An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
An open thread for personal stuff, continued from here. As always: No trolls, no MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/dinosaurs etc, be nice. Email the mods/me if shit gets weird.
Welp, finally happened. I’d been waiting for it for weeks. Our granny called us saying that she’d heard “through the grapevine” (AKA: from our parents) that we are accusing them of abuse.
Never mind that I’ve never actually said that. Our comic is primarily about the incest we suffered from our aunt and grandfather. Our parents don’t come out looking good, because let’s face it, they told us about the grandfather’s predilections right before sending us on a road trip with him and the aunt in 2004. that led to one of us getting raped to death and another getting her head smashed against some furniture, choked, and THEN raped (though she survived). But our parents are still stalking our online activity (though I don’t think they follow our shit here, which is why I dare talk about it) and so they’re making sure to rev up the spin machine so nobody believes anything they might find from us.
I told our granny we hadn’t said that, and that was that. And I’ve been expecting this. Just. I wish I was able to deal with this without ALSO having to deal with the family backlash, and making myself okay with cutting off my brother and granny at a moment’s notice.
Good to see our parents are concerned for our well-being, I guess. I wish I had alchohol.
I’ve had several bombshells dropped on me over the past week. I don’t know if I can handle it all and I don’t know what to do.
1) I found out my stepdad is dying from cancer. He has a year or two left. I feel so guilty because I don’t even care that much. He has been emotionally abusive to me for years.
2) He is okay with dying because he hates me, my mom, and my sisters so much he can’t wait to be away from us. His reason for hating us? He never felt welcome because of things like we didn’t set the table the way he liked or cater to his every whim.
3) He thinks my mom cheated on him and my half-sister isn’t his. (Fortunately I don’t think she heard this part because she had left the room because she was upset.) He thinks she’s not his because she doesn’t look enough like him or his family. Well, of course she doesn’t. He’s white and my mom’s Asian, so yeah she doesn’t look like his white family. My mom offered to get a paternity test, but he said the results wouldn’t matter because he would never feel like she’s his. She’s taking the news really hard though, because she really looked up to him as her father. So I’m really worried about how she is doing. It’s so much for her to deal with and she’s only 15.
4) My younger twin sisters (who came out as trans about a year ago) are feeling so depressed and suicidal because society hates trans women so much. I don’t know how to help them.
I feel so useless but like I have to be strong for everyone else. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going. I just recently went through a tough time myself with a really bad breakup and I’m not strong enough. I lost most of my emotional support too after the breakup. I feel so alone
In a brief lighter moment.
Today is (Inter)National Bacon Sarnie Day!
Everyone eat bacon!
Veggie bacon is acceptable, because any kind of bacon make you feel better!
I have defrosted thick-cut bacon, and the bread machine is baking mixed grain bread. And mushrooms. (I might have slight hobbit-tendancies)
@shinynewgamer – jedi-hugs if you want them. And don’t feel guilty. Hug your twin sisters and half-sister.
Also today is the 10th anniversary of Dr Jack Harkness appearing on Dr Who
This is going to be peanuts compared to what many of you have been going through, but today on Facebook one of my childhood friends posted one of those dumbass #GamerGate memes…. and sure enough, he’s going on about “Literally who” and “Anita is making it up for attention” and all that familiar bullshit… Ugh…
Makes me sad because this was a guy I grew up playing video games with and was my closest friend for a while. 🙁
Gilshalos- thank you. I had a nice talk with a friend after I posted that and I’m feeling better. I guess it’s part of the emotional abuse but I tend to think that people don’t like me but I’m finding out that’s not true.
Moocow- that does not sound like fun! How are you handling it? I would be quite upset if that happened to me
Tonight I am eating steak, chips (fries), peas and onion rings.
Sounds good yes ? And one of my favourite meals
But I had to actively force myself to cook it.
Why do I have this issue with food ?
I used a little lemon infused oil, in cooking, and some soy sauce on the peas. Seems I’m a foodie even when having to force myself to cook/eat.
Oh, and mushrooms! I left out the mushrooms!
And..I ate the full plate. Which is good.
I know this is a long shot, but does anyone here play Pro Evolution Soccer 15, the Windows version? I finally bought a USB controller and downloaded this game for some football nostalgia. Having fun with the career mode, but I would love to play against a human opponent online. 🙂
Ugh, I was just stuck listening to the local radio for a few minutes and their caller spent the whole time rambling about paedophile priests (“The police are so mean. Jesus forgave them, why can’t we?”) and gay people (“The homosexuals need to be shot. Shot.”). If it wasn’t somebody else’s radio, I would’ve thrown it out the car window. =_=
Here’s something that will cheer you up.
@Panda Late but OMG Avenger pancakes are awesome!
Also, after being unipolar(depressive) for over 20 years, lately I have been having manic bursts. My Gp has referred me for a new assessment. He generally gets me fine, but seems to not get how I find the ‘depressive’ part of this new cycle comforting. Cos I know it, and how to deal with it, but ‘manic’ is crazy out of control. (crazy not used as insult but..well..I feel crazy when high)