alpha males antifeminism beta males dark enlightenment evil fat fatties internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA red pill reddit rhymes with roosh

Red Pillers thoroughly underwhelmed by Roosh V’s beta-as-heck appearance on Dr. Oz

Sheldon Cooper: Not a Red Pill role model
Sheldon Cooper: Not a Red Pill role model

Over on the Red Pill subreddit, the ALPHA DOGS are feeling a bit underwhelmed by their boy Roosh Valizadeh’s appearance on Dr. Oz’ daytime talk show promoting his glorious fat shaming crusade. Some even thought he seemed something less than alpha.

One post, withΒ 143 upvotes, declares that “Roosh came across as an autistic man on Dr. Oz.” This is not exactly a compliment in red pill circles. While agreeing with Roosh’s terrible message, the OP complains that the hairy warrior for truthΒ 

came across as extremely defensive in both body language and speech. For all talks of “frame” in the manosphere, Roosh presented himself as a man who was withdrawn, defensive, and quite frankly autistic. His speech was hesitant and slurred at times and he couldn’t make eye contact with Dr. Oz nor members of the audience most of the time; he had mannerisms similar to those of Sheldon Cooper.

Oh dear. At leastΒ Sheldon Cooper, a fictional uber-geek from The Big Bang Theory, is skinny. Imagine how poor Roosh would have felt being compared to someone fat!

Here are some otherΒ less-than-enthusiasticΒ comments from thatΒ thread (and another) devoted to the Dr. Oz Massacre. Some criticize, some make excuses for Roosh. No one is happy.

It’s easy to hold frame on your self-produced website geared toward like-minded men.Β … Learn from his failure, have real conviction, and hold your fucking frame.

I find it rather ironic that he’s now hamstering on about how he felt (trying to find his “safe space”?! come the fuck on), whereas ultimately this is something he does to those oversensitive cows all the time.Β 

All and all it was a trap from get go. Remember mantain frame. You will come across people who will test it to upper limits. Don’t give people especially white knights (dr.oz) the satisfaction of seeing you lose frame. Stay focus on your mission no matter what it is.

For all his preachings of red pill principles, DYEL [Do You Even Lift] bro? Being skinny is just as bad as being obese. He needs to hit the gym. And stop playing with your goddamn beard like a nervous twitch!Β 

Dr. Oz is a prime example of a Dark Triad sophist. He’s a natural psychopath with life long experiences in lying and manipulation. …Β Dr. Oz applies just about every single one of the 48 Laws of Power.

[B]ut guys lets not criticize him. Because that show with its throngs of obese harpies, bright lights and strategic editing would be a formidable obstacle for any of us.

[H]e was cowed by their statements. I would’ve been red in the face pissed the fuck off. Fallacies, bully pulpitting, loaded questions out the ass. I would have talked over that miserable fuck and cross examined the fucker. Roosh didnt come prepared. He could have come knowing Dr. Oz has a slim wife.

I would have just responded to the hostility in kind. …Β Take the whole thing to a primal level and just start fat shaming all the warthogs in the audience. Better to be a charismatic villain than a deer in the headlights.

If he had any authenticity, he would have went down the line and fat shamed each of those porkers sitting on their high chairs….made them cry right on the spot.Β 

Oz is alpha as fuck. Or at least a really good debater.Β …Β That slimey motherfucker chewed roosh up, and he should admit it, lol.

Roosh got Rekt by the landwhale train and the chief-butt-muncher Oz.

Tough crowd, huh?

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9 years ago


Lawl! Definitely not my intent, I love role-playing (video games especially). And of course, our society needs these double standards to exist, without them it will spontaneously combust or something.


That actually makes sense. I feel like a lot of boys are socialized to see social interactions as “conflicts” with winners and losers (naturally, in order to “prove you’re a man”, you can never be on the losers side). So many goddamn interactions devolve into this stupid power dynamic. Like just the other day a friend of mine got in a dumb argument over something pretty trivial. I was like “your opinion doesn’t sound right, what logic is that based on?” and this just set him off!
“Why are you so close-minded?”
“you’re really being a little bitch right now”
“you’re not listening to me!”

all while getting closer and closer with more and more aggression. Ugh, was really uncomfortable. (Hope the venting is ok, I’m pretty new here but you people are pretty awesome ^_^)

9 years ago

Hambeast – I’ll play drums as long as there’s no re-enactment of the drummer scene from Joe’s Apartment. πŸ™‚

9 years ago

Still trying to make sense of it. I think, um…


9 years ago


β€œDr. Oz is a prime example of a Dark Triad sophist. He’s a natural psychopath with life long experiences in lying and manipulation.”

Do they not realize that their entire mantra is basically β€œlying and manipulation”? Funny that this is suddenly a bad thing to them.

Projection is a big part of their MO

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


Like just the other day a friend of mine got in a dumb argument over something pretty trivial. I was like β€œyour opinion doesn’t sound right, what logic is that based on?” and this just set him off!
β€œWhy are you so close-minded?”
β€œyou’re really being a little bitch right now”
β€œyou’re not listening to me!”

That sounds like someone who needs to become an ex-friend.

9 years ago

They are the most contradicting and hypocritical group I’ve certainly ever seen.

Almost as bad as politicians. Hey-o!

But, seriously, they’re worse than politicians.

Politicians are more transparent, in comparison – which is saying a lot.

9 years ago

I’m autistic, which is why I hope Roosh isn’t. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t the least bit on the spectrum. Autistic guys like me may be stereotyped as sexually frustrated like him, but most of us wouldn’t have the heart to pretend otherwise. We’re too busy playing our computer games to make up whatever it is he calls “game”.

9 years ago


One thing (out of a few) that I’m grateful to feminist boards for is that I have a much better awareness of red flags and what dodgy guys with dodgy intentions look like. Obviously they don’t always give themselves away, but I’m so glad I have a good idea of what an obsessive control freak does to try and control me. If I spot the signs early enough it means I can nope the fuck out of there before I become too entangled.

I think of the oddest by-products of my reading stuff on the internet about feminism and other things is the gradual awareness that there are people Out There who regard conversations not only as games to be won but also me as an opponent in all other facets of life without me having any influence on this. Sure, I was aware people sometimes thought they needed to win everything. But at least that’s personal, in a sense. They’re trying to one-up me, or the person they’re talking to, for some petty personal reason like ego satisfaction or something. But this is a step beyond that. It’s confusing. My standard operation procedure with other people is benign indifference, see. I don’t care. I’m vastly neutral. I don’t know 99 % of the people I see on the street and I never will but I do hope they life happy lives because, hey, I’m sure they deserve it. I don’t think about them and they don’t think about me but I don’t carry them any active hostility. I think that’s how most people feel about the people they don’t know?

And yet it turns out there are people out there for whom every single minute of every single day is an unending, uneering war against everyone else, where every little thing from the first hello to the last breath before goodbye is a campaign wherein one must Use The Strategies Of War and the Maxims of Power to Get Your Way so one can Achieve Ones Objectives without Being Stopped By Opponents, where everyone is a calculating Machivellian status-seeker who will destroy you at every turn and betray and hurt and harm and end you.

It’s terrifying.

9 years ago

I’d also have studies show that Men are much more logical than women

…says one who also logicks that being fat makes women unfuckable, and therefore sluts.

Stellar logicking there, twitwiffle.

9 years ago

Oh ick, there’s a clickbait ad going around about β€œMy Dad’s Trick to Seducing 19 Year Olds.”

Oh dear. It wouldn’t by any chance be something to do with THIS dude, would it? Because his game is seriously awful.

9 years ago

Banana and gaebolga
I didn’t mean we rule everything I mean as a joke that when red pillers call us manipulative but they use manipulative tactics on us which I joked saying we are the true alphas since they do everything that they say we do.

Sorry didn’t make myself clear.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


I know it was a joke, it’s just, you know, could be taken out of context. IDK, we shouldn’t be joking on being manipulative and shit. We should be mocking them that they think a whole gender is manipulative, you know?

I mean, pretty much every MRA and anti-feminist think that women have enough power as it is and that power should be taken away. Even joking that we have such power could, well, be used as fodder for shit, ya know?

Urgh, you know what I’m trying to say, right?

9 years ago

I hear ya I thought I was making fun of them but if it bothers ya I’ll stop.

9 years ago

Bina – I clicked on the link. Oh my dear Gorilla Grodd. That was more ick than I was really expecting. I know you said “seriously awful”.

Fibinacchi – I’ve encountered people who view all human interaction as a session in the Thunderdome. They are never fun to be with.

BrandonSP – my son’s therapist has suggested to me that I might be on the spectrum. She’s not my therapist, so that’s as far as she’ll go; her focus is on helping me to be father he needs, rather than the one I’m comfortable being. Learning that human interaction is not best predicated on a series of rules extrapolated from previous experiences has been a big part of that. I can understand the appeal of ‘game’ from that perspective.

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago

Okay cool! We got a drummer and a rainstick.
Definitely no cockroaches, though. (Yeah, I had to look it up.)

I’m also looking forward to hearing what punk rainstick actually sounds like.

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago

Also, maybe we could get Samantha from the beach body thread to be Pretty Lies since she’s a singer! Even though she said she’s a folk singer.

Hmmm. Folk punk?

9 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Yeah, I am not interested in dealing with him anymore.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Folk punk?

Some mates made a 30 year career at that.

9 years ago

New Model Army ???
I *love* their music!!!
An old friend introduced me to them via Spirit of the Falklands years back

9 years ago

Introduced me to their music, rather πŸ™‚
I own No Rest For the Wicked, and The Ghost of Cain albums

9 years ago

And yet it turns out there are people out there for whom every single minute of every single day is an unending, uneering war against everyone else, where every little thing from the first hello to the last breath before goodbye is a campaign wherein one must Use The Strategies Of War and the Maxims of Power to Get Your Way so one can Achieve Ones Objectives without Being Stopped By Opponents, where everyone is a calculating Machivellian status-seeker who will destroy you at every turn and betray and hurt and harm and end you.

It’s terrifying.

It is. But at the same time I feel kind of sorry for people like that because…how could you ever know the joy of loving people and being loved if you are convinced everything is a battle you must win?

They must be so empty inside.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ gilshalos

He, I think we’re showing our ages a bit πŸ™‚

Those are great albums. Thunder & Consolation is possibly the best one though. I had to stop listening to them for quite some time (a friend passed away and it was just too horrible) but I have heard the latest album (Dog to Wolf) and it is amazing.

Oh, and top tip, try not to say “Wow this is amazing; it sounds nothing like you.” to musicians.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

*laughs* Probably it could be better expressed, yes πŸ™‚
Hmm..I might have to hit Youtube/my cds now.

9 years ago

Hi all, thanks for sharing the ‘confessions’ post on my blog by my friend Ben. I knew when he sent it to me I just had to publish it basically in full (he was expecting a harsh edit) because we all need that glimmer of hope, I think.

That it’s consistently, every week, the most-visited item since it’s been posted says a lot.

The endless rivers of shit we wade through to find men whose brains aren’t full of toxic ideas, or at the very least those who are willing to make the effort to move past them… it’s just so tiring, but knowing it’s possible really helps.

He and his partner are now happily dealing with their new-ish baby!

9 years ago

Fifthinterval – “The primary negative effect of obesity in women, as people like Roosh see it, is the inability to attract people like Roosh.”

Speaking as a fat woman:

(I believe the final panel pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter, although the whole strip works by analogy).