We Hunted the Mammoth is now seeking “money” to ostensibly pay for “legal advice” in order to spite the Honey Badger Brigade and hold them accountable for annoying me by raising more than $20,000 — no really — to finance a completely ridiculous lawsuit that I will bet a million imaginary dollars will never actually be filed against the Calgary Expo for tossing them out.
On April 30th 2015, sometime after 3:37 AM, I saw a Tweet (hereafter known as “the Tweet”) noting that the Honey Badgers had raised more than $20,000 so far from some very, very gullible people, up from $14,000 only a few days ago, and this made me wonder how I could get my own hands on a similarly enormous pile of sweet sweet cash for no good reason. After “consultation” with a number of “legal” “experts” I have decided to pursue “legal action” myself.
I feel, based on no recognized legal principle that I am aware of, that the Honey Badger Brigade has somehow violated my rights by raising so much money and I demand recompense forthwith, ipso facto lorem ipsum.
With the help of “legal counsel” I will be “filing” a “lawsuit” to compel the Honey Badgers to give the entire amount they have raised to me.
All funds submitted to this fundraiser will be used for “legal costs” and/or costs directly related to me wanting to “spend money” on “stuff.”
At this time I am unsure what my total expenses will be as I pursue “legal action” by which I mean possibly making a video or videos of an animated cat wearing a bow tie and giving a press conference spelling out why I find the Honey Badgers so annoying and why this means they owe me tens of thousands of dollars.
As per stuff I just made up in my head, a preliminary cost estimate for taking “legal action” is $40k, which would cover the cost of such a video ($0) plus “expenses” for “stuff.”
If anyone is willing to donate the entire $40,000, you can have one of my cats. (Not really, but I’ll give you the name of the shelter I got mine at.)
Seriously, feel free to donate FOR JUSTICE. I will post a running tab of the total here, and will also provide frequent updates on Twitter assuming some of you actually send me money for this. Please specify that your donation is intended “to spite the Honey Badgers.”
RAISED SO FAR: $340.05, an internet cat monocle, and a picture of monopoly money.
UPDATE 5/1/15: The total is now $480.31, just $39,529 short of the goal! THANKS!!!
NOTE: If you would prefer to donate money to charity to spite the Honey Badgers, please post the amount you have donated in the comments below and I will keep a running tab of that as well.
Thank you.
And if there are any Honey Badgers reading this now, be warned: you will be “hearing” from my “lawyers” soon.
I like cats…and canary birds xD sadly these pets can’t live together without trying to eat each other xD That’s why I only have my lovely bird (Chipi). But this picture with the cat still makes me happy 😀
I have made a $16 donation in the HBB’s dishonor to AlterConf. I figured this was the most irritating place I could send it, from the point of view of nerd-culture types people who hate it when conferences have feminism in them.
Slightly unrelated but it appears that GamerGate, the leaderless ethics movement that can’t possibly be about harassing women, is… following Roguestar’s orders to harass Zoe Quinn by trying to Googlebomb her name.
How much do you want to bet that the Honey Badger Brigade won’t recognize this is a joke and will take this as a serious legal threat?
Would it be very cynical of me to suggest that the Honey Badgers deliberately got themselves kicked out of the expo just so they could set up a funding page for dubious legal fees? I mean, if they hadn’t caused a ruckus before the expo had even started they probably could’ve got away with having a booth and discretely pushing their agenda; but instead they behaved in a way which was guaranteed to get them ejected, so they could immediately start playing the victim card.
Hmm, I’m starting to sound like a gamergater.
Serious question, why are there male honey badgers? I mean isn’t the point that it’s like a female offshoot of AVFM? Or is it supposed to be some sort of “activist” group, that does the activities or whatnot? I’m so confused.
Visceria, sorry to hear you and the bf were laid off!
Isadore, it’s a little confusing. sometimes the HBB pretends that the only HBs are the women who actually appear on their terrible radio show, and the rest of them (including those who engineer the show and do graphics and actually go to Calgary with them to hassle feminists) somehow aren’t HBs. Other times I’ve seen them all claimed as HBs.
It’s all of them. The meme is “Honey badger don’t give a shit” and is far wider than Gamergate (e.g. I’ve seen Bitcoin advocates call it “the honey badger of money”, and I just read a mainstream news reporter calling some rugby player the “honey badger”). Originated with a re-voiced nature documentary clip: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/honey-badger
I don’t know why you don’t already know. MRA can’t take women seriously so there has to be at least one more man than women in a group for them to take what they’re talking about seriously. It’s like when all sorts of women have been complaining about how men on online dating sites harass them, but when one guy makes an account as a woman and gets harassed, they’re all “OMIGOD, WHY HASN’T ANYONE STOPPED THIS??!!”
The jackasses can only see and read in ManTones.
They named their group after a played-out internet meme that wasn’t that funny to begin with.
You might think that this indicates a lack of seriousness and professionalism, but this is actually a pretty common thing with civil rights groups. The SPLC was originally called “All Your Civil Right Are Belong To Us.”
@David, thank you, I’m glad it’s not just me.
@Banana, of course!
Ha! Yes, so much legal.
I feel compelled to donate three Galleons, two Sickles, and four Knuts. The House of Ravenclaw (into which I was sorted by a Very Scientific Internet Survey) agreed to match my donations, so you can double that amount!
(Other people were mentioning Hogwarts houses and fake Latin reminds me of Harry Potter, in case the above nonsense needed justification.)
@Viscaria – I’m sorry for that – I hope you two can find jobs that work for you soon! Two years ago I was fired from my first “real” job at a publishing company. Money was tight and they decided their funds would be better spent on a manager than a lowly junior editor. The thing is, they’d told me that I’d be guaranteed three months (enough for me to prove myself worthy or unworthy of a longer contract) but I guess that went out the window. I decided it wasn’t worth contesting, though, because I’d been there so short a time. Still discouraging, though.
Now I’m working two different jobs and also currently doing a freelance editing project… er, should be doing it… (runs away from the Internet)
I feel bad because the house I get sorted into 9/10 times is Slytherin.
Well, no, “feeling bad” isn’t the right phrase. More like “feeling deliciously evil”.
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *thunderclap*
There is also a college/pro football player, Tyrann Mathieu, who was nicknamed the “Honey Badger” when he was at Louisiana State. That helped get the meme into broad usage.
Just because every evil witch/wizard was in Slytherin, it doesn’t mean every Slytherin is evil. : /
That kind of rationale always struck me as odd. You have the Slytherins, who are ambitious and who use magic to its fullest extent, and yet they’re always categorized as “evil” for doing so.
Then you have us Hufflepuffs, who are content to not use magic for every little thing, and who don’t mind getting our hands dirty (hence why our Head of House is the Herbology teacher), and we’re categorized as “lazy”.
It’s a very rude thing, to be honest. Though, I have to admit, it would make for great Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendships.
I’m not every Slytherin though, I’m one Slytherin. Who is deliciously evil. I never said all Slytherins are evil. ^^
I thought the stereotype is that Hufflepuffs were stupid and stupidly loyal? Gullible, even?
Here, I’ll donate this copy of Nympho Librarian
Original price $1.25.
I donated 8 U.S. dollars to RAINN, and have been informed it will be matched 100%. I don’t think the match qualifies, but it’s definitely a bonus.
I can’t donate money at this time, but I’d like you to have this.
It’s a turtle in a jaunty hat.
Last try. I can html, I really can.
Dammit, Futrelle, get off my gravy train! I’ve been promising people on Twitter that if they give to my Patreon I’ll hate women and liberals really, really hard. I think I need some illegible MS Paint graphics to show I’m serious.
Oh, I forgot in all the excitement about what I might do with an abandoned knitting project.
Just to spite the HBs, I donated $40 to Oxfam for the Nepal appeal.
You had me at the words “spite” and “donation.” I like spite donating. 🙂