a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage citation needed crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil working women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men paranoia patriarchy penises post contains sarcasm

It came from the comments: Women want co-ed schools, workplaces so they can falsely accuse men

Woman contemplating a false accusation
Woman at work, possibly contemplating a false accusation

I screen out a lot of truly terrible comments from drive-by commenters. Though I don’t want these people roaming freely in the comments here, some of what they post is really too good not to share with the world.

And by “too good” I mean “holy crap what the hell is wrong with this person?”

One such commenter, calling himself AvoidDeception, recently offered his thoughts on co-ed facilities, and why women, despite their deep hatred of men, actually prefer them to women’s-only alternatives. Enjoy!

He starts off with a little sarcasm:

What’s wrong with women only schools, women only workplaces, women only hospitals and women only retirement homes? LETS HAVE MORE WOMEN ONLY, SAFE, NON-TRIGGERING SPACES, RIGHT?

Wouldn’t that be great for women? No longer would women have to deal with men.


And here comes a plot twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.

Women need co-ed everything to falsely accuse men of rape, sexual assault and harassment. Without this power over men and without their dead husbands, fathers and divorce raped X husbands, women would have no wealth. It is therefore imperative for women to have co-ed schools, workplaces, hospitals and retirement homes. Without these things, women can’t continue the blackmail and intimidation of men via fear, false rape, harassment and sexual assault charges.

Clever girls.

Ask any modern college hobag what I’m talking about. They’ll deny every single word. What more solid, positive proof can you get than that?

I’m not sure I agree with you 100 percent on your police work there, Lou. 

Feminism’s ultimate goal is the destruction of the patriarchy, right? What does that mean, dear mother? It means your son will come to hate you deeply (and rightfully so) upon the recognition that you blew smoke up his anal cavity while simultaneously sexing up most of your neighbors – ho. He will divorce you both physically and mentally, dear mother, and cut all women from his life after learning the hard way that women are the most evil creatures ever mistakenly spawned. Where will he get this information. FROM ME!

Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this life.

Know how I know women will cum crawling back to men on their knees? Think long and hard.

Er, penis? Really? I’m not sure that’s going to be enough of an incentive for any woman considering crawling back to you.

What’s wrong with the world today? Christians, conservatives, feminists, liberals, white knights, captain-save-a-hos, and most certainly every single member of WeHunted(then ate)TheMammouth.

What’s a “mammouth?” Some sort of mixed drink? A Manhattan, with a mammoth tusk instead of a maraschino cherry?

He ends this lovely miniature manifesto with an equally lovely death wish:

Bye, cowards. Hope you have a painful death!

Have a lovely life stewing in your own rage.

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9 years ago

Paradoxical – in lieu of sympathy, may I express admiration for your endurance and grit, plus some satisfaction that the blob of glup actually got convicted?

Regarding the OP – what a waste of carbon. There are actual humans who could make good use of the oxygen he’s sucking up.

9 years ago

Absolutely perfect gif choice. I just lost it a little bit at work. XD

Brian Peters
9 years ago

@J. Schmidt
from the context of other posts I got the idea that “divorce rape” was a woman literally raping her husband by threatening him with divorce.

9 years ago

“Ask any modern college hobag what I’m talking about. They’ll deny every single word. What more solid, positive proof can you get than that?”

That one comment makes me suspicious that this is someone trying intentionally to say the most inane crap they can to get this kind of reaction.

9 years ago

“I think it’s fair to say this guy has committed a rape.”

Either that or he’s an Alex Jones-style paranoiac who thinks “the system” is out to get him. Seriously, there’s being concerned about false rape accusations and then there’s ranting about New World Order conspiracies.

9 years ago
9 years ago

I remember a troll a while back saying he would never ride alone in an elevator with a female coworker during office hours in fear that she would rip her blouse and yell “rape” once the doors opened.

I decided to stop trying to figure out whether these guys are simply trolling or if they somehow actually believe their own bullshit at that point.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Robert | April 29, 2015 at 10:42 pm
Paradoxical – in lieu of sympathy, may I express admiration for your endurance and grit, plus some satisfaction that the blob of glup actually got convicted?

This is acceptable yes. 😀

Leisha Young
Leisha Young
9 years ago

If we’re gong to be blowing anything up anyone’s ass, can it please be cocaine? I’m not sure smoke will give the same high.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Hahahaha!! I LOL-ed my way through this whole thing.

Except the part about blowing smoke up your son while sexing men. That part was just a little too creepy to laugh at.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Paradoxical – I just want to say thank you for talking about your experiences. I can’t imagine it is easy, but it is appreciated.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago


So – the topic of their paper was “gender differences in Ph.D. to Post-Doc transition”. Basically, this guy just proved their point?

Seriously, though, every time I read/hear “skeptics” going on about how the peer review process is such a perfect way to guarantee scientific, objective research, I think they really have never seen the process in action.

To the OP: I just… I got nothing. It constantly amazes me how vile and awful people don’t seem to realise how vile and awful the shit is that they spew forth.

9 years ago

I love how MRA types always begin by constructing a ridiculous strawman of feminism, argue against that, then strut away claiming victory.

9 years ago

The dude sure does have some mommy issues, apparently.

And of course, the only reason we have co-ed is so that girls can false-accuse the boys. It’s not as if the state school system is designed around a co-ed model for reasons of equality, or simple bureaucratic efficiency, or because parents think mixed socialising is important. /sarcasm.
I’ve done co-ed my entire education (15 years) and while boys have pinched my bum (once. -_-), called me names and lifted my skirt above my head (girls did this, too), I can honestly say the lads at least had the decency to never sexually assault me, so I’ve never had the need to report any of them for rape. See how this works, AvoidPerception?

But of course, he lives in a magical world in which women are always believed and regularly lie about such things to receive copious rewards, because men never rape anyone, but somehow The System (which of course doesn’t include any men or non-sympathetic women) is still set up to shower glory on rape victims. Because it suits his rape-apologist agenda for that to be true.
It’s as if he’s never even read a survivor’s testimony.

Paradoxical – I am so glad that you have reached a good place after what that abuser did to you, and I’m so frustrated that so many people failed you in the process. *raises a Mammouth to your resilience*

Linds – That peer review was beyond belief. I almost want it to be some reviewer’s idea of a joke, but the fact that it got past the editor is staggering!


9 years ago

What a funny little man.

9 years ago

I attended a historically female college that’s now co-ed. Obviously the male students were invading this female space as a plot to falsely accuse women of crimes and blackmail them into supporting them in lives of idle luxury, since it was either that or kill their parents for the inheritance money.

Or they were there to learn stuff. Either one seems plausible.

(I joke. They were mostly there to get laid. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.)

9 years ago

Big hugs and support to you P.I 🙂

9 years ago

Of course. Everything women do in life is about men, especially about hurting men.

9 years ago

So if these semiliterates are the ones who “hunted the Mammoth,” are we the ones hunting the ManMouth?

9 years ago

Oh sorry I’m late to the party, I’ve been so busy having my yacht detailed – the yacht that I bought with all the money I got from false rape accusations. Awesomely, the detailing was done by a man who I, of course, falsely accused of rape, so got that for free. Score.

9 years ago

David, is this why you allow male commenters on the blog? 🙁

9 years ago

These MRA rants always remind me of two Kent Brockman quotes:

“Strong words. Strong, bewildering words.”

“Strong words, from a strange man.”

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago
9 years ago

My father worked in University Admin, and was on good terms with his counterpart in the Uni I was attending.
This meant that I had a practically guaranteed entry to whichever Hall of Residence I wanted.
My parents pushed strongly for the all-female Hall.
I wanted, and eventually got, one of the mixed-gender Halls.
Was this to accuse men of rape ?
It was that my experience of High School had led me to think of all female places as places I would be bullied. In mixed gender places, the other girls would happily ignore me to pay attention to the boys.
Is this a good or healthy view ? Nope!
But it was my life experience then.

9 years ago

I had no idea we could make money off that! I accused my uncles of rape, so where exactly do I go to pick up the cheque?