I screen out a lot of truly terrible comments from drive-by commenters. Though I don’t want these people roaming freely in the comments here, some of what they post is really too good not to share with the world.
And by “too good” I mean “holy crap what the hell is wrong with this person?”
One such commenter, calling himself AvoidDeception, recently offered his thoughts on co-ed facilities, and why women, despite their deep hatred of men, actually prefer them to women’s-only alternatives. Enjoy!
He starts off with a little sarcasm:
What’s wrong with women only schools, women only workplaces, women only hospitals and women only retirement homes? LETS HAVE MORE WOMEN ONLY, SAFE, NON-TRIGGERING SPACES, RIGHT?
Wouldn’t that be great for women? No longer would women have to deal with men.
And here comes a plot twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.
Women need co-ed everything to falsely accuse men of rape, sexual assault and harassment. Without this power over men and without their dead husbands, fathers and divorce raped X husbands, women would have no wealth. It is therefore imperative for women to have co-ed schools, workplaces, hospitals and retirement homes. Without these things, women can’t continue the blackmail and intimidation of men via fear, false rape, harassment and sexual assault charges.
Clever girls.
Ask any modern college hobag what I’m talking about. They’ll deny every single word. What more solid, positive proof can you get than that?
I’m not sure I agree with you 100 percent on your police work there, Lou.
Feminism’s ultimate goal is the destruction of the patriarchy, right? What does that mean, dear mother? It means your son will come to hate you deeply (and rightfully so) upon the recognition that you blew smoke up his anal cavity while simultaneously sexing up most of your neighbors – ho. He will divorce you both physically and mentally, dear mother, and cut all women from his life after learning the hard way that women are the most evil creatures ever mistakenly spawned. Where will he get this information. FROM ME!
Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this life.
Know how I know women will cum crawling back to men on their knees? Think long and hard.
Er, penis? Really? I’m not sure that’s going to be enough of an incentive for any woman considering crawling back to you.
What’s wrong with the world today? Christians, conservatives, feminists, liberals, white knights, captain-save-a-hos, and most certainly every single member of WeHunted(then ate)TheMammouth.
What’s a “mammouth?” Some sort of mixed drink? A Manhattan, with a mammoth tusk instead of a maraschino cherry?
He ends this lovely miniature manifesto with an equally lovely death wish:
Bye, cowards. Hope you have a painful death!
Have a lovely life stewing in your own rage.
I guess they don’t realize you screen your comments hahahaha oh boy
I think a Mammouth would be several gallons of Vermouth, in a bucket, with lots of shaved ice.
And a cherry!
I had an MRA on Twitter say that “denial is proof enough” as well. These people really think they’re somehow the ones in the right, despite the little sign-off at the end of his post.
I’d really like to meet and talk to some of these people – not necessarily to re-enact the end of that Jay and Silent Bob film, but to see if they really believe this stuff.
Oh wow! I can’t wait for when the Femcommunazi Government, run by our Glorious Feminine Overlord Katie (all hail Katie) finally pays me for the two times I had to go to court and face my sexual abuser, who raped me multiple times over the course of two of the longest and most hellish years of my life, and tell two different juries about all the horrible things he did to me! (Unless I don’t get any money because it was a “legitimate” rape accusation. 🙁 )
I mean, it’s been almost ten years…not that I doubt our Glorious Feminine Overlord (all hail Katie), but I’m not that hard for her network of cat spies to find, am I? I certainly hope there’s at least a little interest then.
Oh! Do you think I’ll get bonuses for all the times I told people about what was going on and was ignored or written off as a “hormonal teenage girl who’s just mad she got asked to do chores (which meant cleaning the entire kitchen every day before I was “allowed” to do homework) and is being punished for every little misstep”? Or is that not a thing?
Oh, wait, I won’t get paid, because that’s not a fucking thing, you piece of shit.
Women don’t say “I was raped!” because they’ll be showered in money. We’re frequently ignored and treated like liars and sluts who are out to “ruin a man’s life” by assholes just like you.
You know what I got out of being raped? Fucking court-mandated therapy. Oh, but before that? My siblings and I had to go live in a foster home for a few weeks because we were taken away from my mother while they investigated her to make sure she wasn’t abusive as well. She had to fight to get us back. And we were fortunate that she won, and quickly.
Rape victims don’t get anything “good” out of being raped. Fuck you.
Oh, you know what else I got out of being raped?
Depression, and anxiety! And I couldn’t stand to be around grown men for the longest time! And I cut my hair short and started wearing “masculine” clothes so I could feel safe walking out in public!
Envy me, dudebros! [/sarcasm]
Is the obsession with convincing other men that all women seek to destroy them with false rape charges just a way to scare men into avoiding women and adopting their ideology of hate?
Cause I really don’t know and never have known a single guy who lives in constant fear of being falsely accused of rape.
“Divorce rape” was a new term to me, so I took a quick look around. As far as I can tell, it means “the women get’s something out of the divorce.” And “something” means “anything.” 50/50 custody of the kids counts.
@Paradoxical Intention
I am sorry that happened to you. All the internets hugs you want from me!
So….if denying everything is “proof” that women do this, is admitting everything proof that they don’t?
Thanks, Lanariel.
It just really gets under my skin when these assholes who have never experienced what it’s like say that rape is just a cakewalk and we get so much good stuff out of it!
Like the cognitive dissonance and the lack of humanity they give women is astounding in a very terrible way.
Gee. And to think I went through a whole education’s worth of gender-mixed classrooms, and never once took advantage of it to accuse anyone of anything. Even though I was sexually harassed by the “cool” dudes (and just plain harassed by their dudette counterparts) for a goodly part of my middle and high-school years. Plainly, I have been doing this matriarchal feminist takeover thing all wrong.
I also failed to report two sexual assaults upon my person, on account of I feared/knew I wouldn’t be believed even if I did tell.
And of course, my denial of having accused anyone of anything means I totally did it, AND made it all up to boot. Because trollicus says so, don’tcha know.
Honestly. How does anyone so goddamn motherfucking delusional even know how to get up off his toilet and type all that?
Hugs from here too. I’m amazed, and impressed, that even with your experiences you use your wit and humour to undermine the apologists. I don’t think I’d have handled things as well as you. For what it’s worth, you have my admiration.
15 parts vermouth
1 part cherry vodka
garnish with 2 bags strong black tea
@Suzy Q
Maybe there a secret organization that spread this MRA bullshit around so that these idiot spout nonsense, which in turn makes them repulsive to women, making it so there’s more women for this Illuminati-like group to date and shit?
Come on, admit it, it’s the oldest and greatest scheme in the world to give someone bad advice and profit off their misery.
Suzy Q:
I’m also a man who doesn’t live in fear of being accused of rape – I achieve this by not raping people!
Paradoxical Intention, I’m so sorry that happened to you – it’s horrific to read about and it makes me so ashamed that men can so intimidate people through their actions. I admire you for being able to fight because of it instead of being crushed.
@Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Everyone accused of being a member of said organisation denies it even exists, which is all the proof anyone could want
@Paradoxicalintention May I shower you in hugs and provide soft cuddly animals? May the lout who did that to you walk on Legos in a dark room barefoot for the rest of his life.
Don’t forget a dash of lovely cat hair for garnish. 🙂
Whatever a mammouth is, it would have to include a few drops of vanilla essence.
You know, for that authentic SCENTED FUCKING CANDLE smell.
Oh David, if a mammouth doesn’t have vermouth, we’re doin’ it wrong.
What’s really interesting is that the paper itself “investigates gender differences in the Ph.D.-to-postdoc transition.” Gee…
Maybe I should laugh at this, but right now I’m angry. Look, suppose Hypothetical Feminist Katie hates all men. Even so, if she went around falsely accusing men of rape it wouldn’t just hurt the men, it’d hurt women too, by making women who’ve been raped less likely to be believed.
So the idea that I’d want to do something like that makes me mad. It’s insulting and illogical.
Virtual hugs to Paradoxical and Bina and everyone else who wants them – it’s not fair of Mr. AvoidBasicLogic to use real-life trauma as some fucked-up hypothetical talking point 🙁
On a lighter note, this –
“Know how I know women will cum crawling back to men on their knees? Think long and hard”
– is, like, a very subtle and creative use of sexual innuendo. The cleverness. It overwhelms.
Paradoxical and Bina – Internet hugs and all the softest kitten snuggles.
I think it’s fair to say this guy has committed a rape. Nobody who hasn’t committed a rape or doesn’t hang out with rapists is worried about being accused of rape. Like only a thief worries about being accused of theft.
I want to believe he’s a troll, I really do, but some people have to be heard to be believed.
Thank you. Though, to be fair, it was court-mandated therapy (for as long as I took it. I stopped after a while because I didn’t feel like it was helping.) and lots of time (Over a decade now) to help me come to terms with it and be comfortable enough to talk about it.
I’ll never “get over it”, but I’ve learned to live with it, and really, that’s all I wish for any victim/survivor. That they can come to terms with what happened, and their lives will never be the same.
Well, to be fair, he is sitting pretty in prison right now, and is serving a 40 year term because of child abuse charges mixed with sexual assault of a minor.
If and when he gets out, he’ll be close to eighty.
Thanks for the hugs and cuddly animals though.
I follow @EmergencyPugs on Twitter for just such an occasion.
And thanks to Epitome and Kestrel for the hugs as well. I’ve calmed down now.
Though, please, no more sympathy or apologies. It happened a very long time ago, and it wasn’t the fault of anyone here. I’ve spent far too long pitying myself over it, and letting that self-pity get the better of me. :3