a woman is always to blame antifeminism boner rage citation needed crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms evil working women false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men paranoia patriarchy penises post contains sarcasm

It came from the comments: Women want co-ed schools, workplaces so they can falsely accuse men

Woman contemplating a false accusation
Woman at work, possibly contemplating a false accusation

I screen out a lot of truly terrible comments from drive-by commenters. Though I don’t want these people roaming freely in the comments here, some of what they post is really too good not to share with the world.

And by “too good” I mean “holy crap what the hell is wrong with this person?”

One such commenter, calling himself AvoidDeception, recently offered his thoughts on co-ed facilities, and why women, despite their deep hatred of men, actually prefer them to women’s-only alternatives. Enjoy!

He starts off with a little sarcasm:

What’s wrong with women only schools, women only workplaces, women only hospitals and women only retirement homes? LETS HAVE MORE WOMEN ONLY, SAFE, NON-TRIGGERING SPACES, RIGHT?

Wouldn’t that be great for women? No longer would women have to deal with men.


And here comes a plot twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.

Women need co-ed everything to falsely accuse men of rape, sexual assault and harassment. Without this power over men and without their dead husbands, fathers and divorce raped X husbands, women would have no wealth. It is therefore imperative for women to have co-ed schools, workplaces, hospitals and retirement homes. Without these things, women can’t continue the blackmail and intimidation of men via fear, false rape, harassment and sexual assault charges.

Clever girls.

Ask any modern college hobag what I’m talking about. They’ll deny every single word. What more solid, positive proof can you get than that?

I’m not sure I agree with you 100 percent on your police work there, Lou. 

Feminism’s ultimate goal is the destruction of the patriarchy, right? What does that mean, dear mother? It means your son will come to hate you deeply (and rightfully so) upon the recognition that you blew smoke up his anal cavity while simultaneously sexing up most of your neighbors – ho. He will divorce you both physically and mentally, dear mother, and cut all women from his life after learning the hard way that women are the most evil creatures ever mistakenly spawned. Where will he get this information. FROM ME!

Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this life.

Know how I know women will cum crawling back to men on their knees? Think long and hard.

Er, penis? Really? I’m not sure that’s going to be enough of an incentive for any woman considering crawling back to you.

What’s wrong with the world today? Christians, conservatives, feminists, liberals, white knights, captain-save-a-hos, and most certainly every single member of WeHunted(then ate)TheMammouth.

What’s a “mammouth?” Some sort of mixed drink? A Manhattan, with a mammoth tusk instead of a maraschino cherry?

He ends this lovely miniature manifesto with an equally lovely death wish:

Bye, cowards. Hope you have a painful death!

Have a lovely life stewing in your own rage.

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Roberto Teixeira
9 years ago

So that is why we are not in segregated spaces! Them devious women!

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Blow smoke up a baby’s anal cavity? That’s a thing? That’s a feminist trend? This is news to me. I thought we were all about being able to breastfeed in public and shit?

9 years ago

I admit to some confusion about the inclusion of “Christians” and “conservatives” on that list. Unless they’re an evopsych atheist?

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Hrm, he seems to have an obsession with a piece of gardening equipment and bags. Perhaps that’s why he’s so angry, having mistaken farming equipment and the packages it came in for real people?

9 years ago

This douchebro should write a book, he has amazing imagination and he seems to talk about his mom. (Sorry I’m not blaming his mom for his actions) And never mind that there are all ready places that are women only.

Funny how it’s paranoia when woman and girls are afraid to be killed, harassed and raped but it’s totally logical to be terrified of being falsely accused of something.

9 years ago

Oh. Common consensus that something is false proves it to be true. I wonder how many other areas he applies this philosophy to. Maybe he didn’t believe in Santa Claus until everyone started telling him Santa don’t real.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Oh please make a mixed drink called the Mammouth!

Karki Meade
9 years ago

Am I a member? Are there tote bags, or do we only get secret handshakes? I missed all the meetings, so I DON’T KNOW!

9 years ago

Women were mistakenly spawned? Huh? Does he think only asexually reproducing species are good and right? I’m not sure how he thinks men can continue to exist without the existence of people with female reproductive systems.

9 years ago

I’m so glad that just by virtue of being a commenter on this site I’m a thorn in his side. Makes me feel pretty powerful actually. Ha!

9 years ago

Every MRA worth his salt applies this concept to rape, doncha know.

9 years ago

Know how I know women will cum crawling back to men on their knees? Think long and hard.

You have been swallowing your own cum for years and it really is the best thing you ever tasted, so women must think so too?

What’s wrong with the world today?

Everyone and everything other than you? I’m not sure why you would ever leave the house since you already have all the cum you will ever want whenever you need it. Though I do wonder why you think women love it too since they try to destroy all the other good things in the world.

9 years ago

I screen out a lot of truly terrible comments from drive-by commenters.

AvoidDeception (the irony—it burns so hot) didn’t just drive by.  He drove by, then blasted through the guardrail and off the cliff at 90 mph …

and blathered alllllll the way downnnnn … {*splat*}.

9 years ago

Speaking of colleges and women, have you guys seen this:

Two female evolutionary geneticists were sent a (editor-vetted!) peer review that suggested their manuscript would be “strengthened” by “one or two male biologists” to co-author the paper they had submitted to the journal.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I admit to being hung up on this:

Women need co-ed everything to falsely accuse men of rape, sexual assault and harassment. Without this power over men and without their dead husbands, fathers and divorce raped X husbands, women would have no wealth.

I mean, he’s literally saying that women’s sole source of income is false rape accusations.

9 years ago

Ah shite, bad choice of wording. What I meant to say was, being an MRA I’m sure he applies the concept of “if someone denies doing something it means they totally did!” towards accused rapists.

Of course he wouldn’t actually just call the victim a lying hussy and attempt to harass her out of her home, what are you trying to say huh?

Kloe Jemmer (@JoeKlemmer)

That had me laughing so hard. Saying something doesn’t exist proves it does. I got some work to do.

As for the Mammouth drink, isn’t that a Manhattan with a pint of vermouth chaser?

9 years ago

Read doe comprehension POM. Women have a second source of income. Killing our husbands and fathers for the inheritance 😀

9 years ago

Oh, and we all know men only want co-ed places so they can actually rape women.

See that AvoidDeception? I can assfax sexist nonsense too.

9 years ago

How did for become doe? I give up on life.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Read doe comprehension POM. Women have a second source of income. Killing our husbands and fathers for the inheritance 😀

Whoops! You’re correct. Damn, that’s why I still have to work for a living. I haven’t give my dad a hemlock smoothie yet. I should get right on that.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I admit to some confusion about the inclusion of “Christians” and “conservatives” on that list. Unless they’re an evopsych atheist?

Yeah, there’s a very vocal minority of anti-feminist assholes in the atheist movement. They feel superior to all the groups named on that list–to everyone who isn’t them, really. Many of these guys are free market libertarians. Some of them have their own forum–the “Slymepit.” Most are fans of Thunderf00t (or as I like to call him, Thundera55.) The important thing is, the Dunning-Kruger effect shields them within the warm glowing glowing warmth of their inflated self esteem.

steampunked (@steampunked)

Sometimes you really do get a comment where, even with my experience of the dregs of the internet, a large part of me honestly just believes it’s trolling.

This guy just can’t be that thick.

9 years ago

Blimey – he really has had too many Red Bull’s hasn’t he?

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