boner rage crackpottery drama kings entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny vaginas

Women are overpriced vagina buses that won’t let you ride them, Man Going His Own Way explains

Woman. (Not pictured: vagina.)


On Reddit’s MGTOW subreddit, one brave fellow calling himself Isaiah4verse1 lays down some hard truths about the mysterious creatures we call “women” (and sometimes “females”). It turns out that they aren’t actually creatures at all. They’re buses. Buses with vaginas.

Isaiah starts off his sermon by noting that women/vagina buses have pretty much no value outside of said vaginas:

The only thing of any value a woman can offer a man is an untouched vagina. This goes without saying and anyone who is looking for anything more from a woman (love, companionship, etc) is only kidding themselves. It has been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.

Alas, in today’s fallen world, very few of these vaginas remain unblemished; there are only “aĀ miniscule amount of virgins” left for good-hearted women-hating men to ride. This leads Isaiah to his sad conclusion:

So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.

Go on.

Take the cost of a date, dinner and movie. I’d wager, it’s about 20 bucks per person including refreshments for the movie and dinner at a decent restaurant will run you about 60 bucks per person bare minimum. That’s $160 right there. Throw in about 10 for transportation and you are up to $170.

Ok, that’s a ridiculously expensive dinner, and half of that cost is for you. Also, you don’t actually have to date anyone whoĀ expects all that. Most women don’t. Lots of women actually pay for their own dinners. Sometimes they even pay for their dates.

Now imagine waiting for a city bus, an older city bus that has been ridden by many.

Suddenly, Rod Serling seems to be whispering in my ear: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. Ā That’s the bus stopĀ up ahead – your next stop, the Vagina BusĀ Zone!”


But you start in the morning when the bus has just come from the garage clean. Imagine when it arrives stuffing that $170 in the fare box. Anyone sane would think you mad.

Possibly, because that’s, like, a ridiculous amount to spend on bus fare. Don’t you have a fare card?

But you don’t get a ride, instead the money goes down into the fare box but the driver ejects you from the bus before you can even step beyond the white line.

Wait, paying for dinner doesn’t actually guarantee you sex? It’s an outrage!

The bus goes on its way. You wait there at the same stop for the same exact bus to reach the bottom terminus, come up the other side towards the top terminus then come back down to you. You then take another $170 and stuff it in the fare box. Same deal, driver doesn’t let you on.

Huh. Maybe you should try another bus? Or just walk?

You wait again for the same exact bus to go down, come up the other side and then come back down to you. Not all dates cost $170 and we also have to factor in gifts. So this time you stuff $250 into the fare box.Ā Driver doesn’t let you ride.Ā 

Dude, take the hint. That bus is just not into you.

You wait again for the same bus to come back to you.

By this time it is already afternoon and the bus has already been patronized by many others. It comes back down, you drop, say, another two bills in the fare box, but this time you get to ride (sex). But as the bus has already been ridden all day your seat is dirty, maybe even wet!


The seat is WET?

Do you actually think that most women are literally having unprotected sex with dudes all day long every day so that every woman you might be able to have sex with is literally filled up with other men’s semen? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.

Dude, women are allowed to date and/or have sex with guys other than you. Why do you care? Vaginas survive when entire baby humans pass through them; they can survive a few penises that aren’t yours. Also, you know, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA.

This is what dating modern women is and we have millions of blue pilled men doing this and in many cases dropping a lot more money into the fare box only to get in return, a ride aboard a public vehicle that many others have ridden and paid far less a price to ride.


All it takes is one. Remember, an untouched vagina is all a woman has to offer a man. It takes only one person to get infected.

Are you talking about STDs here, or do youĀ think that contact with another man’s penis will give a woman some sort of incurable penis cooties?

Women shame men all the time for not wanting to pay full market value for a used NYC taxi or an RTS from LA. This is more than just about cost/reward but about health.Ā 

You’ve heard of condoms, right? Safe sex isn’t completely safe, but neither is crossingĀ the street. Talk to a doctor about it. Even better, talk to a therapist to figure out just where you got all these toxic ideas about sex.

They want you to not only date/wife up these sperm recepticles, subsidize said recepticles but above all risk your health on them.

Dude, if you think of women as sperm receptacles, trust me, no one wants you to date or “wife up” anyone. Please stick with your hand. Go your own fucking way — all the way — with yourself.

Oh, and in case anyone isĀ wondering, here’s Isaiah 4:1 (King James translation):

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

Sorry, dude, but I’m pretty sure that there will never come a time when the women/vagina busesĀ of the world, or even seven of them, are going to come to you begging forgiveness and asking to be your wives.

H/T — the Blue Pill subreddit

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9 years ago

Kmcorby – while I wouldn’t use your terminology (Mrs. Slocombe is the only one I want to hear talking about pussy), you make a point that needs to be made, and often. How do these cheese-eating sons of mothers reconcile fervently desiring sexual contact with women and passionately reviling actual women? It makes me think of those tragically conflicted men who seek out furtive and guilt-ridden sex with other men, who they then assault in an attempt to purge themselves of self-loathing. But why would a heterosexual man in this culture feel that way about women? I am truly puzzled by this. Not only are they making life burdensome for any woman luckless enough to cross their path, they don’t even seem to be having a good time themselves.

9 years ago

Sadly, Iā€™m too late to get firsties on mentioning ā€œSpadina Bus,ā€ but this part is especially appropriate:

I went down to the station
I didnā€™t scream or fuss
I didnā€™t have lots of patience
Waiting for that bus
Dug deep down in my pockets
To try and find some coin
But much to my chagrin
All I found was my groin

Isn’t it, though?

I’m sure all our incel lurkers and trolls will wonder how the Shuffle Demons could have known all this, thirty years ago.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

@advancedatheist (how exactly does one become advanced at not being a theist?)

After looking around this website, I can tell that Futrelle really doesnā€™t get it. The trend towards the exclusion of more and more young men from ever having sexual relationships show signs of turning into a major social problem. Yet professional sex researchers seem strangely blind to the incel phenomenon, given how little research I have found about it. If you want to see the future, say, the mass eviction of men from having access to womenā€™s bodies in the 2030ā€™s, look to Japan now:

Wouldn’t the fact that more Japanese women are forgoing marriage and pregnancy in favour of their careers mean that both men and women are having fewer sexual relationships? This twisted incel analysis is consistent with the twisted incel belief that all women are having loads of sex, just not with them, and that men who aren’t getting laid are being denied sex for no good reason whereas if a woman isn’t attracting sex partners it’s because she’s fat, ugly, over thirty years old, or has unreasonably high expectations and standards (you know…like expecting a guy to wipe his ass).

JL (@JlBriana)
9 years ago

Two awful thoughts have arisen in my head: the song “The vagina bus is coming, we like to party”, etc, and the lack of a big VW bus logo on the accompanying image for this article. What’s the VW for? Vadge Wagon? Vagon? I give up.

9 years ago

@Olive O’Sudden “@advancedatheist (how exactly does one become advanced at not being a theist?)”

Yeah, I’ve got no idea how you get to be advanced at not being a thing either.
Maybe it’s actually “advanced at heist”, and they’re just saying they’re a skilled burglar or bankrobber. It’s also an anagram for “deviant head cats”, which would have been a much more amusing name.

9 years ago

Wow. That was an awful lot of crap for just one man to produce. Maybe what this poor deranged Isaiah4verse1 fails to realise is that the only thing he seems good for is having an unhealthy fixation with sex. Did he not learn how to masturbate?

I’m sorry, but maybe someone needs to explain to Isaiah4verse1 that while he has concocted this batshit crazy theory about women being useful only as carriers of a vagina, he himself is apparently useful is no way what so ever to any woman and _that’s_ why women don’t bother with him and his misogynistic fixation with sex.

9 years ago

Robert: Somehting went wrong with them along the way. In chldhood or as an adolescent or whatever reason. Whatever the cause they simply cannot relate to women as actual people, they see them in simple sexual two dimensional terms, to put it crudely just as wet holes to stick their thing into. And that’s the extent of their ability to relate.

They are badly damaged and with little hope of changing if they are still like that by their (say) late 20s.

I met guys like that when I was a male (fortunately not that many), I obviously avoided them like the plague. But sometimes I’d get caught out by those who really think that way but are smart enough to keep it hidden.

Guys only camping trip, around the campfire with a lot of grog…and then it would come out. For some it would be extreme racism (kill all the Abos stuff) but for some it would be this outpouring of hatred towards women. And as I have argued here you cannot reason with them, all I did was simply shoot them down in flames and shame them (or even threaten them) to shut them up. And I’d be amazed how these ordinary looking often middle class guys could have all this bile within themselves. Sadly some were married and I so pitied their wives and children.

Then there were the other ‘men’. Even a far number of ‘nice’ guys would, when relaxed, start to come out with some real howling prejudices that they would never mention in mixed company, or when more sober.

At the core of a lot of this was was this expectation of entitlement and a feeling of being conned. Conned in the sense they were brought up to believe in a formula for life and relationships and when, real life being far more complex, they got disappointed they got angry at women…instead of just realising they were mugs to believe that crap and change.

And the sexual resentment, this fantasy of ‘all women get sex’, which if you talk to women is complety untrue, and thus it is ‘their fault’ why the men weren’t getting any.

I was a bit nasty towards guys like that. I was not that nice a person struggling with all my gender dysphoria (GD) over the years and would get pretty aggressive towards guys who I disagreed with and thought were idiots. And I totaly thought they were idiots, because (being such an observer to ‘pass’ ) I worked out real young ‘that it didn’t work that way’.

Later being sexually curious and trying to work myself out I got involved in the kink scene, BDSM scene, etc and experimented a lot for periods of time. So I’d, cruelly, slap these guys down for being sexually inadequate, for whining like ‘little boys’ about the sex they were not getting while dong nothing about it, then rub it in more by regalling them with stories of the last sex party I’d been to. Then I’d then invite them to the next one…which they never went to of course, because they were pathetic.

Oh I was a such a shit to guys like that and I have aboslutely no regrets as well, they deserved it. Because they were lazy, they just wanted women to fall on them, while they did nothing.

I had ‘dry periods’ I suffered (sometimes terribly GD and depression go hand in hand) being alone and wanting to share my life with someone. But I got off my arse to go and meet people, do things, have fun, organised social things, parties at my place, cooked for people and all the rest. And I met people who became friends, some became lovers, some became partners, some were just really interesting people to meet on the night.

Guys like that just want it all while giving absolutely nothing…just because they are guys. I mean they are so pathetic most of them cannot even cook a basic meal…I learned that from my Grandfather (faught inthe Battle of the Somme and brought up 3 kids on his own), my father (his paella is to die for) and my mother (still use her recipes) as a kid.

Bizarre thing I suffered from gender dysphoria all my life until recently and I was always more a ‘real man’ then so many of them.

That is not so surprising in many ways (over compensating and trying ‘self curing’), but the very best men I have met in recent times, I do mean the best in every sense, are trans men. They had to pretend and ‘pass’ as females for much of their lives, but in their heart they were always and are real men. And maybe because of that they avoided the damage that is done largely by males to males. And are real people, deep, strong, stoic, gentle but strong, kind but firm, quiet senses of humour, a real sense of honour and being ‘solid’ and fun. After they have transtioned they really know themselves. I have met so many that remind me so much of my Grandfather and that’s about the biggest compliment I can give.

Real men, they know more about masculinity than all these ‘whining little boys’, because they had to fight for it every inch of the way to be themsleves. I have not met one I have not liked and respected.

And that is the problem with the ‘whining little boys’, they go on and on about their ‘masculinity’; but they do nothing to get off their (usually fat) little arses and actually do something, instead they ‘expect’ women to do it all for them and then whine when it doesn’t happen.

Sorry ranting, just got so fed fed up with these clowns over the years.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago


“The thing they most desperately crave, pussy, is part and parcel of the thing they most despise, Woman. The cognitive dissonance drives them right round the bend.”

They want a way to separate the two. Like they think government should fund some bio firm to mass produce vaginas not attached to a woman in labs, and then hand them out for free to men. But don’t think they wouldn’t still spend all day complaining about women.

I’m always trying to figure out how people become this way so I probably try to look for answers or reasons where there are none (ie some people are just fucked up, end of story) But I wonder how many of these guys had fathers that reinforced the idea that you’re not a man unless you’re nailing every woman you see. They hear those words, don’t want to think they’re not a “man,” so the problem must lie with women who are denying them what they deserve as a man.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

@Lisa – sorry this is long.

“So they have a self referential belief system that is virtually immune to reality.” I’ve found that attempts to counter with factual, well thought out comments usually get one of three responses, 1) not answer the question and say my questions or comments are illogical as one would expect from a typical irrational female incapable of logic, 2) deny and say “that’s not what I said, you are putting words in my mouth” despite the fact that I copied their own words verbatim, or 3) ignore/ban/insult me.

“So reasoning with them is pointless except to maybe help someone else avoid being sucked into it. When I argue with people like this I only do it for the audience to hopefully stop them accepting it, I have zero expectation of changing the person directly involved.” I feel the same.

“And Iā€™d be amazed how these ordinary looking often middle class guys could have all this bile within themselves.” Is the anger a reflection of fear of losing their place in society? Even though they will deny privilege until they die.

You’ve been in a unique position to be a kind of fly on the wall and hear what these guys say when women aren’t around (much in the way I imagine as a black woman it would be if I were to be invisible in a room of publicly polite, otherwise innocuous looking racists when they let their hair down). Although now with the anonymity of the internet, those comments are not are shocking or unexpected as they once were.

9 years ago

ā€œThe thing they most desperately crave, pussy, is part and parcel of the thing they most despise, Woman. The cognitive dissonance drives them right round the bend.ā€

They want a way to separate the two. Like they think government should fund some bio firm to mass produce vaginas not attached to a woman in labs, and then hand them out for free to men. But donā€™t think they wouldnā€™t still spend all day complaining about women.

I’m not sure about that, considering the ‘conquest’ mentality of PUAs. Everybody says ‘if you want sex so much just pay for it’ but to them, the win is not in getting laid but in breaking down the woman’s defences. THAT’S what gets them the bro points they crave. They want the pussy but they also want to ‘defeat’ that which they hate – women. Remember in a previous thread we talked about how they seem to think a woman having sex ‘spoils’ her? Women are supposed to be sexual gatekeepers and if they ever say yes they’re used-up, dirty, worthless. (Until the whining dude in question rocks up, then she’s supposed to spread for him with no effort on his part – for some reason he’s still ‘defeated’ her even if he didn’t DO anything). That’s how MRAs view male-female relationships regarding sex. Like a battle. And this mentality probably why they’re such rape-apologists, as they feel they should ‘win’ using whatever behaviour they please. After all, it’s not like women are people.


Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago


“Thatā€™s how MRAs view male-female relationships regarding sex. Like a battle. And this mentality probably why theyā€™re such rape-apologists, as they feel they should ā€˜winā€™ using whatever behaviour they please.”

Damn. That’s thoroughly depressing.

Pretty sure I’ve dated a couple of these guys when I was younger. Explains why it always felt like they were trying to break me.

9 years ago

@Suzy Q

It is depressing. And it’s probably why one of the biggest tags on this site is “Men who should not ever be with women ever”.

9 years ago

9 years ago

(much in the way I imagine as a black woman it would be if I were to be invisible in a room of publicly polite, otherwise innocuous looking racists when they let their hair down).

You imagine right.

9 years ago

“The thing they most desperately crave, pussy, is part and parcel of the thing they most despise, Woman. ”

The interesting question is whether these men really crave sex per se or whether (1) they want to be regarded as a stud (Alpha) by other men and (2) see sex as a way to dominate and humiliate (“ruin”) women, who to them are The Enemy. But of course their hostility to women is so obvious that no woman who is not seriously drunk would ever think that sex with them would be a fun thing to do. They then blame their looks or women’s shallowness or whatever instead of realizing that their hostility simply repels women … which seems like it should be obvious.

They seem to live in a closed system of ideas that is absolutely impenetrable to experience of the real world. There do seem to be people with a sort of cognitive dysfunction that causes them to latch on to a black-and-white version of the world in which any challenge to their belief system seems to be an existential threat. Such people tend to be not only extreme misogynists but also racists, homophobes etc etc. They respond to the marvelous complexities and uncertainties of life by withdrawing into an arid little world of groupthink.

It comes down to the old nature-nurture debate — is this kind of non-thinking a result of upbringing? Certainly the misogynist ideas are readily available in society, but the vast majority of men don’t buy them hook, line, and sinker, but rather figure out by trial and sometimes painful error how to relate to the other half of humanity at least to some extent. Or is extreme misogyny a product of some particular type of brain organization that makes a person crave black-and-white certainty and feel threatened by uncertainty and diversity. To some extent, we would all enjoy more certainty about a number of things, but experience tells us that much of life has no clear answers, so we learn to muddle. In the MGTOW world, we seem to be dealing with people who cannot tolerate uncertainty or even see evidence that does not confirm their belief system. It would be useful to know what causes it.

9 years ago

I’m calling shenanigans on reddit commenter’s numbers. I just had a really nice first date at a good Italian restaurant. I covered the full bottle of wine we split ($30), we split the food (she had also offered to split the wine, for the record), which came out to $25 apiece, and I spent maybe a gallon of gas getting there ($3.50). So there’s verifiable possible to have a very nice date for $58.50. In fact, you can awesome dates for well below that, but this guy’s throwing around that insane $170 like it’s going out of style.

As well as being a total misogynist, but ppl have already got that one covered.

9 years ago

I honestly don’t understand why these guys are SO INCREDIBLY GROSSED OUT by sex. I mean, why do they think that touching THEM, wonderful guys that they are, pollutes women so much? It seems misandrist almost more than misogynist (except for the part where they think that women are nothing more than walking sex organs).

9 years ago

First time comment newbie here, because this one is pure comedy gold! I just have to say, Sir Futrelle, your running commentary through this crazy vaginabus ride had me doubled over, I was laughing so hard. And it’s just as good on the second or third read a day later! Brilliantly humorous jab too at where excessive virginity-fixations tend to go wrong.

But this is virginity-fixation turned up to to eleven. Gotta love how, apparently, there’s exactly one bus, so either Isiah has a really warped fixation on one unlucky girl who is oh-so-surely his “one true love,” or he thinks of all women as exactly the same vagina bus entity. We are but a cavernous, moist conglomerate body-horror, cruelly demanding absurd amounts of cash-until suddenly we don’t. Gotta love the extra bizarro-world skew in how he jumps right from throwing well over $150 a time at the vagina bus monstrosity to a measly few single bills, with nothing in between. “Hey, remember all those Franklins and Grants I gave you the last three times? You liked those, right, but it wasn’t enough, I get it. So howsabout a Geeeeorge Washington? Eh, eh? First President of the country, and just for you I’ll give you double! Triple? No, wait, come back–I want to use your vagina, dammit why isn’t money buying my boner happiness?!”

9 years ago

I just had to leave this here

9 years ago

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the about page

I just had to leave this here

9 years ago
Reply to  Lea

This made me giggle so hard.

9 years ago

Chips advice duly noted.

My parents’ first date was driving across the country from California to Kentucky so she could visit his family with him. He was a perfect gentleman the whole trip and got her her own hotel room every time they stopped. Right at the outset of the trip, though, they went through a drive-through and my mom got a milkshake. My dad said he didn’t need one. But then he asked if he could have some of hers, and he took the longest sip in the history of the world, downing 1/3 of the milkshake in a single draught. First date. Their 30th anniversary is this October. šŸ˜€

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


I hate it when people take “sips” like that. Or they take half your food without asking.

I ordered my food for me, you ordered your food for you. Unless we discussed previously before ordering that we’re gonna split something or share, you’re not getting my food.

There is, of course, midmeal tastings where I will offer you a bite or you may ask for one, but that’s not an invitation for half my food. I may ask for a bite of yours, too, and I will take a bite and no more. And there is leeway, like stealing a small amount of fries, but I better get a majority of what I goddamn order.


This has been a public service announcement.

9 years ago

I was directed here from a friends facebook page and ewww. I had heard of MRAs and “incels” of course and I sometimes try to comprehend this mindset without feeling too dirty. But anyway, two thoughts come to mind: what can I do to keep my sons from turning out this mentally twisted and has anybody read _People Who Eat Darkness_ by Richard Lloyd Parry? It’s a true crime book and the man at the heart of it is practically a posterchild for these guys.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Very good point.
And I forget who brought up the “planting a flag on a mountain-top” metaphor but I thought that was very true as well. In my experience, what freaks guys out about a woman having had multiple sex partners before them is the fact that someone else had “used” their “property”…no so much the P-in-V action itself. Although I have run across guys who just thought anyone who had slept with more than a couple people was slutty and/or dirty and just asking for an STD. So pffft, us wimminz can’t catch a break. We’re either prudes or whores and we’re usually some weird combo of both. šŸ™