On Reddit’s MGTOW subreddit, one brave fellow calling himself Isaiah4verse1 lays down some hard truths about the mysterious creatures we call “women” (and sometimes “females”). It turns out that they aren’t actually creatures at all. They’re buses. Buses with vaginas.
Isaiah starts off his sermon by noting that women/vagina buses have pretty much no value outside of said vaginas:
The only thing of any value a woman can offer a man is an untouched vagina. This goes without saying and anyone who is looking for anything more from a woman (love, companionship, etc) is only kidding themselves. It has been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.
Alas, in today’s fallen world, very few of these vaginas remain unblemished; there are only “a miniscule amount of virgins” left for good-hearted women-hating men to ride. This leads Isaiah to his sad conclusion:
So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.
Go on.
Take the cost of a date, dinner and movie. I’d wager, it’s about 20 bucks per person including refreshments for the movie and dinner at a decent restaurant will run you about 60 bucks per person bare minimum. That’s $160 right there. Throw in about 10 for transportation and you are up to $170.
Ok, that’s a ridiculously expensive dinner, and half of that cost is for you. Also, you don’t actually have to date anyone who expects all that. Most women don’t. Lots of women actually pay for their own dinners. Sometimes they even pay for their dates.
Now imagine waiting for a city bus, an older city bus that has been ridden by many.
Suddenly, Rod Serling seems to be whispering in my ear: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. That’s the bus stop up ahead – your next stop, the Vagina Bus Zone!”
But you start in the morning when the bus has just come from the garage clean. Imagine when it arrives stuffing that $170 in the fare box. Anyone sane would think you mad.
Possibly, because that’s, like, a ridiculous amount to spend on bus fare. Don’t you have a fare card?
But you don’t get a ride, instead the money goes down into the fare box but the driver ejects you from the bus before you can even step beyond the white line.
Wait, paying for dinner doesn’t actually guarantee you sex? It’s an outrage!
The bus goes on its way. You wait there at the same stop for the same exact bus to reach the bottom terminus, come up the other side towards the top terminus then come back down to you. You then take another $170 and stuff it in the fare box. Same deal, driver doesn’t let you on.
Huh. Maybe you should try another bus? Or just walk?
You wait again for the same exact bus to go down, come up the other side and then come back down to you. Not all dates cost $170 and we also have to factor in gifts. So this time you stuff $250 into the fare box. Driver doesn’t let you ride.
Dude, take the hint. That bus is just not into you.
You wait again for the same bus to come back to you.
By this time it is already afternoon and the bus has already been patronized by many others. It comes back down, you drop, say, another two bills in the fare box, but this time you get to ride (sex). But as the bus has already been ridden all day your seat is dirty, maybe even wet!
The seat is WET?
Do you actually think that most women are literally having unprotected sex with dudes all day long every day so that every woman you might be able to have sex with is literally filled up with other men’s semen? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.
Dude, women are allowed to date and/or have sex with guys other than you. Why do you care? Vaginas survive when entire baby humans pass through them; they can survive a few penises that aren’t yours. Also, you know, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA.
This is what dating modern women is and we have millions of blue pilled men doing this and in many cases dropping a lot more money into the fare box only to get in return, a ride aboard a public vehicle that many others have ridden and paid far less a price to ride.
All it takes is one. Remember, an untouched vagina is all a woman has to offer a man. It takes only one person to get infected.
Are you talking about STDs here, or do you think that contact with another man’s penis will give a woman some sort of incurable penis cooties?
Women shame men all the time for not wanting to pay full market value for a used NYC taxi or an RTS from LA. This is more than just about cost/reward but about health.
You’ve heard of condoms, right? Safe sex isn’t completely safe, but neither is crossing the street. Talk to a doctor about it. Even better, talk to a therapist to figure out just where you got all these toxic ideas about sex.
They want you to not only date/wife up these sperm recepticles, subsidize said recepticles but above all risk your health on them.
Dude, if you think of women as sperm receptacles, trust me, no one wants you to date or “wife up” anyone. Please stick with your hand. Go your own fucking way — all the way — with yourself.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, here’s Isaiah 4:1 (King James translation):
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Sorry, dude, but I’m pretty sure that there will never come a time when the women/vagina buses of the world, or even seven of them, are going to come to you begging forgiveness and asking to be your wives.
H/T — the Blue Pill subreddit
Hmmm that looks weird… That should be “Do you actually not think of women as people who aren’t obligated to provide sex to men in general?”
Yeah, that’s exactly what they think. They really, truly believe that women are less than human, that only men deserve to have genuine autonomy. In their worldview, women are *at best* animals. And they do believe that women *should be* obligated to have sex with whatever man claims ownership of them, and that every man should be able to claim ownership of at least one woman.
It’s a damned scary world they want us to live in.
As it happens, she does have a degree in STEM. We met in grad school, because we were grad students in the same department.
And I don’t even spend *any* time on those sites, but yeah, I’ve been called a mangina plenty of times.
I find it rather funny that the thing they claim to want most in the world is exactly the thing that they use to create what they think of as the worst insult.
Thanks again for proving the rule: Anyone with the words “skeptic” or “atheist” in their nym is an asshole.
Thanks asswipe.
Is this the second recent troll who has both an odd obsession with and a profound misunderstanding of Japanese demographic trends? They latch onto it like it’s FINALLY something that proves… whatever it is… single men are sad and all women are bad and you’ll be sorry when the sky falls… something something, and in any case, only end up making themselves look immensely stupid.
Assholes like not-as-advancedathiest are pretty much the reason I was repelled from the atheist community while I was still trying to figure out my spiritual beliefs. There’s this toxic aura of “pseudo-intellectual, sneering, cishet, white, MRA dudebro” that permeates the atheist corners of the internet that I just didn’t want to get involved in.
Though, I suppose I should be thanking them, because it’s because of that I ended up looking into other religions, and come to the conclusion that I had a lot of pagan beliefs.
So, thanks for being assholes, I guess.
Which isn’t to say that all atheists are assholes, it’s just that there’s a lot of them in particular groups.
Re: The Japanese Population
I’ll just link to kirbywarp’s excellent comment.
Some people just have to let the word know that they’re atheist first a foremost. Most of these people are douches who need to lord their “superiority” over people.
I, however, must let the world know I am the best banana cake, and likely THE BEST cake. I also happen to be an atheist. This is probably not a coincidence.
Paradoxical – I am a lifelong atheist, and checked out atheist vids on youtube a few years ago. NOT GREAT! I had the displeasure of hearing the shoutings of Amazing Atheist, and the whinings of Thunderfoot, amongst others. Plus Richard Dawkins acting like a sexist a hole on a number of occasions, I now have NO interest whatsoever in online atheism.
Hubby is recovering from a surgery. Daughter’s bf just had a surgery. Guess who is caring for them? We love ’em and we don’t mind doing for them one bit. That’s what people do. They take care of each other. I don’t think those men’s lives would be much improved by our absence.
Calling the half of the population who are expected to be caregivers and servants for the other half “parasites” is about as ass-backwards as you can get.
As to dates and men as utility,
Hubby and I used to hit the car wash, turn on the radio and have some doughnuts and Yoohoo for a date. Sometimes we paid for them with change we found in the seats. On Sundays, we’d marathon watch PBS. We made sandwiches and picnicked. We drove around and listened to the radio (.98 a gallon, oh how I miss you.). Sometimes we climbed in public fountains and got out again before the police caught us. Taco Tuesday was our friend.
What did I get out of that other than the company of someone I loved?
The real problem is not that these guys can’t afford or don’t want to take women on expensive dates. The problem is these guys could not be a fun dates if they had millions to blow on treating their gfs. You can’t buy charm. You can’t buy wit. You certainly can’t buy being a genuinely good person. Motherfuckers literally could not get their dicks touched if they were diamonds because they’re simply not attractive. They could wake up rich as Midas tomorrow and still be duds. No one likes a misogynists but other misogynists and most of them seem to have a real problem with touching one another’s dicks.
Too bad. So sad. They mad.
You slay me. That was great. 😀
Usually misogynists talk about how much better Asian (the entire huge populous continent is a monoculture dontcha know?) women are so much better because they are nice and docile and haven’t sullied by evil feminism like western women. Now of all a sudden Japanese men are driven to MGTOW so watch out western feminists! Which is it? Are we supposed to admire or fear Japan?
I’m an atheist and I honestly cannot recommend anyone get involved in organized atheism. Apparently “organized” really means “Oh boy howdy, do we ever know how to circle our wagons around horrible white dudes “.
Pointing out cognitive dissonance is misandry!
I’m really wishing for an edit button. My posts have been filled with mistakes all day.
His examples suggest he either primarily sleeps with prostitutes or is mad that a certain kind of woman doesn’t find him attractive. They find other men attractive, that’s why they don’t have to stuff hundreds of dollars in the fare box and still get no sex. He actually thinks he can pay to make a woman like him. This kind of shit is so disgusting …and lol at mass ejection of men from women’s bodies. As far as I know, women are still having sex. Just not with YOU. Sounds like a personal problem you might want to work on, son.
@WWTH I have noticed no mistakes. Apparently my brain is editing your posts so that they are perfect. Just FYI.
I love everything about this comment.
Every single thing.
I love how the Washington Post’s blog is a reporter reporting on another story, that is, sourcing claims from a person that has sourced claims from some other source. Two degrees of seperation from reality. I love how that somehow implies “a trend” towards “exclusion of young men from ever having sexual relationships”.
Excluded by whom? Why? Is there a membership club? Do I need to pay a fee? I’m a young man, no one tells me these things, it’d be great if you could all send me the fucking memo because if I keep missing this stuff I’m going to crash the global economy guys.
I love how it’s “Mass eviction from woman’s bodies”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sentence that implies men are some kind of belligerent parasite growing inside women and that they require constant access to these or, uh, shit, I guess that’ll be the economy. I’ve heard the phrase “colonies of the mind” but this is really taking it kinda far.
I love how the predictions on the economy is a giant problem precisely because the measure of success they use is GDP in general and how, oh no, fewer people means less total spendage down the road which must mean global financial apocalypse and the doom of international trade. Better criminalize abortions to fix that. If you ever wanted a picture perfect example of one of the major problems of economic maximization and run-away “cult of growth” thinking I’m going to kindly suggest the line of thinking that jumps from: “Our culture forces people off the market and this means people prefer choosing personal happiness and careers to babies” to “We should ban abortion to prop up the population curve”. Guys, christ, there are easier solutions than that.
I love how there’s apparently something for Futrelle to “get”? What is it? If men aren’t allowed to… have access to women at all times this something something you just don’t GET IT MAN it’s a GLOBAL APOCALYPSE DUDESTER. It’s not even logic. It’s not even illogical or irrational. It’s just words strung together that somehow hint at the lack of enlightment of your opponent and their inability to see the coming doom. It’s not even an insult. It’s just word-noise.
I love how all the population curves are projected 35 years into the future at the highest possible fall-off, despite every evidence on the same graph for the last 70 years hinting at severe up and downs. No wonder your future looks to be a dystopic nightmare of cannabilistic savagery and the collapse of international trade brought on by the availability of dating sims, you clearly have no concept of graph normalization, projections or regression.
Somehow, somewhere, some-why it’s turned from “Women shouldn’t have sex” to “Women aren’t having sex with me” to “Women not having sex is destroying capitalism, you heartless bitches! Think about our profit margins! Think about the children!”.
I mean, really. Won’t someone think of the children? If you carry on with your heartless life-living and career-having and personal-fulfillment-doing and not-having-sex-with-me you’re directly responsible for the death of the human race! Nooooooo!
Every. Single. Thing. It’s a master piece of amazing foolishness.
This guy seems to have the idea that when a woman goes out with a man she carefully keeps track of what he spent on her so she can figure out whether she’s obligated to sleep with him. It never occurs to them that being a fun person to be with makes it much more likely that the average woman would be interested in sex, while turning a date into a hopelessly awkward occasion — where the man is clearly only trying to make the woman feel obligated to behave like the sperm receptacle he thinks she is — might be the best possible way to preserve his incel status.
But then all those assholes can edit and even DELETE their comments too!
It’s a noble sacarafice, none perfect grammar the first time.
@Policy of Madness
I see your point.
I guess that if he held him self to the same standards and was looking for someone with similar beliefs it would be a different thing. As it stands, no the two aren’t really reconcilable.
Thank you for helping me improve my understanding of the world.
That is the paradox at the very heart of the MRA movement. (If you can call it that.) The thing they most desperately crave, pussy, is part and parcel of the thing they most despise, Woman. The cognitive dissonance drives them right round the bend.
Suzq Q “(a) She can’t exist. After all: women are inferior creatures, incapable of intelligent thought, creativity, or innovation. So a woman whose got a PhD, who’s done amazing work, who’s accomplished amazing things? No such animal!”
Standard cognitive dissonance. They have a belief system and rather than change/update it with new information they will lie outright or exclude the data or come up with some creative explanation why this conflicting data isn’t really contradicting their belief at all. This is often more so the case when the belief system has a lot of internal contradictions, that require a lot cognitive dissonance just to accept it in the first place.
You see this all the time with these type of people and their sites. You see the same with religious (or political) bigots, racists, TERFs and all the rest. So they have a self referential belief system that is virtually immune to reality. And practically nothing will change it, once someone has got to that point of development in their belief system they will stay there within it. And the more illogical the beliefs the more virulently they are held.
So reasoning with them is pointless except to maybe help someone else avoid being sucked into it. When I argue with people like this I only do it for the audience to hopefully stop them accepting it, I have zero expectation of changing the person directly involved.
Okay, I don’t know which thread had the cocktail discussion, but the site’s cocktail isn’t a cocktail at all.
It’s a pancake.
It’s a pancake made with Rumchata with slices of banana in it.
And it is fucking great, because you can get drunk and eat pancakes with every bite.
I just made it. And I love it. I share it with you.