boner rage crackpottery drama kings entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny vaginas

Women are overpriced vagina buses that won’t let you ride them, Man Going His Own Way explains

Woman. (Not pictured: vagina.)


On Reddit’s MGTOW subreddit, one brave fellow calling himself Isaiah4verse1 lays down some hard truths about the mysterious creatures we call “women” (and sometimes “females”). It turns out that they aren’t actually creatures at all. They’re buses. Buses with vaginas.

Isaiah starts off his sermon by noting that women/vagina buses have pretty much no value outside of said vaginas:

The only thing of any value a woman can offer a man is an untouched vagina. This goes without saying and anyone who is looking for anything more from a woman (love, companionship, etc) is only kidding themselves. It has been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.

Alas, in today’s fallen world, very few of these vaginas remain unblemished; there are only “a miniscule amount of virgins” left for good-hearted women-hating men to ride. This leads Isaiah to his sad conclusion:

So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.

Go on.

Take the cost of a date, dinner and movie. I’d wager, it’s about 20 bucks per person including refreshments for the movie and dinner at a decent restaurant will run you about 60 bucks per person bare minimum. That’s $160 right there. Throw in about 10 for transportation and you are up to $170.

Ok, that’s a ridiculously expensive dinner, and half of that cost is for you. Also, you don’t actually have to date anyone who expects all that. Most women don’t. Lots of women actually pay for their own dinners. Sometimes they even pay for their dates.

Now imagine waiting for a city bus, an older city bus that has been ridden by many.

Suddenly, Rod Serling seems to be whispering in my ear: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.  That’s the bus stop up ahead – your next stop, the Vagina Bus Zone!”


But you start in the morning when the bus has just come from the garage clean. Imagine when it arrives stuffing that $170 in the fare box. Anyone sane would think you mad.

Possibly, because that’s, like, a ridiculous amount to spend on bus fare. Don’t you have a fare card?

But you don’t get a ride, instead the money goes down into the fare box but the driver ejects you from the bus before you can even step beyond the white line.

Wait, paying for dinner doesn’t actually guarantee you sex? It’s an outrage!

The bus goes on its way. You wait there at the same stop for the same exact bus to reach the bottom terminus, come up the other side towards the top terminus then come back down to you. You then take another $170 and stuff it in the fare box. Same deal, driver doesn’t let you on.

Huh. Maybe you should try another bus? Or just walk?

You wait again for the same exact bus to go down, come up the other side and then come back down to you. Not all dates cost $170 and we also have to factor in gifts. So this time you stuff $250 into the fare box. Driver doesn’t let you ride. 

Dude, take the hint. That bus is just not into you.

You wait again for the same bus to come back to you.

By this time it is already afternoon and the bus has already been patronized by many others. It comes back down, you drop, say, another two bills in the fare box, but this time you get to ride (sex). But as the bus has already been ridden all day your seat is dirty, maybe even wet!


The seat is WET?

Do you actually think that most women are literally having unprotected sex with dudes all day long every day so that every woman you might be able to have sex with is literally filled up with other men’s semen? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.

Dude, women are allowed to date and/or have sex with guys other than you. Why do you care? Vaginas survive when entire baby humans pass through them; they can survive a few penises that aren’t yours. Also, you know, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA.

This is what dating modern women is and we have millions of blue pilled men doing this and in many cases dropping a lot more money into the fare box only to get in return, a ride aboard a public vehicle that many others have ridden and paid far less a price to ride.


All it takes is one. Remember, an untouched vagina is all a woman has to offer a man. It takes only one person to get infected.

Are you talking about STDs here, or do you think that contact with another man’s penis will give a woman some sort of incurable penis cooties?

Women shame men all the time for not wanting to pay full market value for a used NYC taxi or an RTS from LA. This is more than just about cost/reward but about health. 

You’ve heard of condoms, right? Safe sex isn’t completely safe, but neither is crossing the street. Talk to a doctor about it. Even better, talk to a therapist to figure out just where you got all these toxic ideas about sex.

They want you to not only date/wife up these sperm recepticles, subsidize said recepticles but above all risk your health on them.

Dude, if you think of women as sperm receptacles, trust me, no one wants you to date or “wife up” anyone. Please stick with your hand. Go your own fucking way — all the way — with yourself.

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, here’s Isaiah 4:1 (King James translation):

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

Sorry, dude, but I’m pretty sure that there will never come a time when the women/vagina buses of the world, or even seven of them, are going to come to you begging forgiveness and asking to be your wives.

H/T — the Blue Pill subreddit

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Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

@frootloopsie and Friday Jones, I’m not denying sexism/misogyny in Saudi Arabia, hip hop or elsewhere. I just often find that people want to point to those things but have no concern for the issues to be found in spaces that are mainly white.

9 years ago

In my heart of hearts I guess I always knew women were transformers.

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
9 years ago

So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.

Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.

He complains about how demanding and overpriced women are, but he also complains that “many others have sat” for cheap. I don’t think it could be more obvious that the dude is just upset that other people are getting what he wants.

9 years ago

Emmy Rae
We didn’t mean to get onto you we are just stating our experiences and opinions. In my experience, Iv seen people in different places like exposing men’s rights activism use the race card to totally ignore sexism and misogny because ” the POC have it so bad”

I’m not saying racism is not as bad as sexism, I’m not saying your wrong, I believe and agree with you I’m just saying I’m really sick of it.

9 years ago

Lisa, those quotes sound like he’s using Dave Sim as inspiration. For those who don’t recognize that name, he’s the cartoonist who created “Cerberus”, and later developed some seriously unpleasant beliefs about women. His beliefs about men aren’t much better.

9 years ago

I’m really sorry if I came off as insensitive/racist towards POC.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

No worries, fruitloopsie. I’m not even totally sure what that post was trying to say.

In the case of hip hop, if someone say “hip hop is sexist” – sounds to me like someone who doesn’t know much about hip hop. Wide variety of music to be heard within the genre. “This hip hop song I just heard is sexist” – I’m likely to agree about that.

9 years ago

1. That extended metaphor of yours didn’t just ride around town, son, it rode across the border to the next state and back. The route was overlong, and the destination got lost amidst the scenery somewhere along the way. This is what comes of never asking for directions.

You know what you make a great case for? You make a great case for hitchhiking.

2. $120.00 (or $60.00 per person) is a lot to spend to have dinner with a woman, even if (especially if) you’re paying. This has been pointed out before, but women usually don’t expect to eat that expensively. Women make a habit of liking cheaper places, such as Italian or Indian places, and of liking cheaper food in general. It’s rare for women to insist on being plied with steak or seafood; women are happy (most of the time) with pasta and biryani and pilaf and salad. That kind of thing. Possibly this reflects on the value placed on women by society and on the things women are allowed to eat: just because the rules are carved in letters of fire on the side of Mt. Rushmore doesn’t mean they don’t exist. But I’m not going to get into that aspect of things for now: all I’m saying is that you don’t have to spend so much money: there is no $80.00 per-person decree; it isn’t a rule and it doesn’t exist.

3. That having been said, having dinner with a woman you want to impress, and paying for the dinner, can cost you dollars by the dozen (if not by the score). I’m not denying that. And it’s a real burden for a young man — or any man — who is short of cash to sustain. I would like to point out at this juncture, however, that having dinner with a man you want (or need) to impress, and paying for the dinner all by yourself, can run you into the hundreds. This has been known to happen and it is a Thing (if not an inevitable Thing). So, where are all the screeds, where are all the protests, about having to treat your boss to dinner (or his boss or his boss or any of their anonymous acquaintances) and ending up being out $400 or $500 and having nothing to show for it but their amorphous good feelings? All I hear about from the manosphere is that even the cheap dinners you buy women are waaaay to expensive and that the lattes at Starbucks are overprices and that the sluttly baristas always expect to be tipped and that if they were really good-looking they’d take off more of their clothes and work at a nudie espresso stand. I hear nothing about the money men spend on each other, which can mount up to quite a lot. Now why is that? I ask you. Inquiring minds, and so forth.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

@Emmy Rae, Saudi Arabia is sort of the poster child for a state-sponsored set of misogynist laws and taboos. Pointing out that they have codified the very essence of what these MRA’s we’re discussing would like to see implemented here is entirely relevant to a discussion of MRA’s. And “why mention that over there when this over here is bad enough” is pretty much a derailing tactic. It’s OK to talk about more than one related thing, and to synthesize them. Honest! 😉

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

One idea would be to stop throwing money at the bus and ask some questions like “hey is this the public bus and can I get on” or “is this the same bus I’m not permitted to ride because I wetted my seat” or “how much is bus fare to get to my destination” but idk that does sound kind of like communication which is gross and girly, just like a vagina bus.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

@friday jones – I get that, but “women there have to be submissive virgins” is painting a country with a very broad brush.

I might be more comfortable with it if there was a distinction made between the people and the government.

9 years ago


After looking around this website, I can tell that Futrelle really doesn’t get it. The trend towards the exclusion of more and more young men from ever having sexual relationships show signs of turning into a major social problem. Yet professional sex researchers seem strangely blind to the incel phenomenon, given how little research I have found about it. If you want to see the future, say, the mass eviction of men from having access to women’s bodies in the 2030’s, look to Japan now:

From the article you linked:
Japanese women, for their part, often avoid romantic relationships because Japanese laws and social norms can make it extremely difficult for women to have both a family and a career. Japan is extremely unusual in that it is highly educated and wealthy but still has some of the worst systemic gender inequality in the world; it has a European-style economy but South Asian social family mores. Professional women are stuck in the middle of that contradiction. It’s not just that day-care programs are scarce: Women who become pregnant or even just marry are so expected to quit work that they can come under enormous social pressure to do so and often find that career advancement becomes impossible. There’s a word for married working women: oniyome, or “devil wives.”

Because they’re forced to choose, inevitably lots of women who might otherwise have a family and a job are only seeking the latter. That sense of pessimism about marriage appears to be partially driving the lack of interest in romantic relationships, and thus in sex.

Hmmm. What could be done about this? What might help the situation? I wonder…

9 years ago

Blockquote monster, every day I will prise you and extol your name.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago


“If she has to choose only one man to ride, should she not want the best man she can find?”

In the world of red pill they get very, very angry about this. “Hypergamy” is their cool buzz word that = women want the best man they can get and that makes them evil and dangerous to men (cause she will eventually leave you for a better man and take your house and kids).

It’s ok that THEY want the best (whether it be the most attractive woman or the youngest woman or whatever) cuz you know, it’s evolution.

I dropped in on RP conversation once and made that comparison (what’s so bad about hypergamy as you’ve defined it — why does men want best women he can get = good, women want best man she can get = bad). You can imagine how that went over.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago


“(a) She can’t exist. After all: women are inferior creatures, incapable of intelligent thought, creativity, or innovation. So a woman whose got a PhD, who’s done amazing work, who’s accomplished amazing things? No such animal!”

They’ll discredit her by saying it’s not a real degree unless it’s STEM. And if it is STEM degree she has, then they’ll say she was only accepted because feminists forced STEM grad programs to admit inferior women, and she coasted through based on her looks and the fact that she’s a woman.

as far as b,c,d well at that point they would just call you a lying troll and say they don’t argue with manginas.

Yeah, it’s obvious I have spent too much time on those sites but it is a part of (legit) research that I do. 🙂

9 years ago


Yet professional sex researchers seem strangely blind to the incel phenomenon, given how little research I have found about it.

Yeah, there’s no research about it because it’s like no more than a few thousand internet assholes. It’s less than 1% of 1% of the population.

If you disagree, you’re welcome to do some academic research of your own into the incel ‘trend’. You might actually learn something, and if you do some academic research, peer-reviewed of course, and there actually is a ‘trend’, then maybe there will be something there to discuss.

Basically I’m saying, prove there is a trend. Your link has already been torn apart. Provide something else.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


Do these guys who whine about how expensive dating is because the only possible date is fancy dinner + movie have no interests other than their boners? Or do they just not realize that women have interests?

Maybe both? It seems like the more desperate the guy is for sex, the less he thinks about non-sex things. If I’m talking with a random dude and he has nothing to say about his hobbies, and only seems to be talking about his job in order to impress me and not because he actually enjoys his work, this has in the past correlated 100% with a guy whose mind is firmly planted in his boner. I’ve learned to get out of those conversations as quickly as possible, because they inevitably wind up leading to creepiness (and also they are dead boring).

9 years ago

The analogous thinking of these dickwads never ceases to amaze – now we are buses?! For some reason as soon as I started reading that ghastly pile of tripe I had the image of the bus from Speed in my head, so yes, a well used ‘bus’ that mustn’t slow down or it will blow up!
Why aren’t women actual women to these men? Why are we all buses, plates, hamsters, females etc etc ad nauseam

9 years ago

Advanced atheist,
How can you be certain more men are being “excluded” from sex now than in the past if there hasn’t been much research about. Just because you believe something is true, just because it sounds true to you, doesn’t mean it is true. It’s really hilarious that that needs to be explained to someone with atheist in their user name. You’re kind of giving us atheists a bad name here! Not that you’re the first one to do so or anything.

Has it occurred to you that the reason that the incel phenomenon is new is because social media has allowed men who entitled and angry about their displeased boners to congregate safely and anonymously. That doesn’t mean guys like this didn’t exist before.

9 years ago

When a vagina bus enters a tunnel, does the tunnel prolapse?

9 years ago

@shalimar, I loled.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago


In my head, they are easily reconcilable, He is definitely aloud to have a kink that makes him favor virgins, even to the extreme that he will only sleep with virgins. But as with any other kink, you are not aloud to hate those of society that don’t share your kink, or even don’t approve of it.

Yes … but … this isn’t like the things that are commonly labeled as “kink.” This “women must remain virgins until they meet MY cock” attitude has a degree of social force behind it that, say, fursuits don’t. That’s why I can’t reconcile them, even though it seems like they should be reconcilable. A guy saying “I will only sleep with PURE women” is contributing to a misogynist culture in a way that a guy saying “I will only sleep with someone in a fursuit” isn’t, even if no explicit demand that the world comply with this requirement is voiced. There is already implicit demand that women be sexual gatekeepers, so no explicit demand need be made for there to be a demand.

9 years ago

Or maybe prolapse happens when the vagina exits the tunnel? That sounds more likely.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


They think it’s true because they aren’t gettin’ any. That’s how many incel think. They think unless someone was a monk or nun, no one (i.e. adult) has ever died a virgin, which is absolutely untrue.

It’s amazing and terrifying on how the internet is a megaphone for these small notches of society.

9 years ago


After looking around this website, I can tell that Futrelle really doesn’t get it. The trend towards the exclusion of more and more young men from ever having sexual relationships show signs of turning into a major social problem. Yet professional sex researchers seem strangely blind to the incel phenomenon, given how little research I have found about it. If you want to see the future, say, the mass eviction of men from having access to women’s bodies in the 2030’s, look to Japan now:

Japan’s sexual apathy is endangering the global economy

Access to women’s bodies??? Since you’re here… let me ask you point blank. Are you suggesting women’s bodies are a commodity that men have a right to access? Do you actually not think of women as people who don’t owe men in general sex?