On Reddit’s MGTOW subreddit, one brave fellow calling himself Isaiah4verse1 lays down some hard truths about the mysterious creatures we call “women” (and sometimes “females”). It turns out that they aren’t actually creatures at all. They’re buses. Buses with vaginas.
Isaiah starts off his sermon by noting that women/vagina buses have pretty much no value outside of said vaginas:
The only thing of any value a woman can offer a man is an untouched vagina. This goes without saying and anyone who is looking for anything more from a woman (love, companionship, etc) is only kidding themselves. It has been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.
Alas, in today’s fallen world, very few of these vaginas remain unblemished; there are only “a miniscule amount of virgins” left for good-hearted women-hating men to ride. This leads Isaiah to his sad conclusion:
So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.
Go on.
Take the cost of a date, dinner and movie. I’d wager, it’s about 20 bucks per person including refreshments for the movie and dinner at a decent restaurant will run you about 60 bucks per person bare minimum. That’s $160 right there. Throw in about 10 for transportation and you are up to $170.
Ok, that’s a ridiculously expensive dinner, and half of that cost is for you. Also, you don’t actually have to date anyone who expects all that. Most women don’t. Lots of women actually pay for their own dinners. Sometimes they even pay for their dates.
Now imagine waiting for a city bus, an older city bus that has been ridden by many.
Suddenly, Rod Serling seems to be whispering in my ear: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. That’s the bus stop up ahead – your next stop, the Vagina Bus Zone!”
But you start in the morning when the bus has just come from the garage clean. Imagine when it arrives stuffing that $170 in the fare box. Anyone sane would think you mad.
Possibly, because that’s, like, a ridiculous amount to spend on bus fare. Don’t you have a fare card?
But you don’t get a ride, instead the money goes down into the fare box but the driver ejects you from the bus before you can even step beyond the white line.
Wait, paying for dinner doesn’t actually guarantee you sex? It’s an outrage!
The bus goes on its way. You wait there at the same stop for the same exact bus to reach the bottom terminus, come up the other side towards the top terminus then come back down to you. You then take another $170 and stuff it in the fare box. Same deal, driver doesn’t let you on.
Huh. Maybe you should try another bus? Or just walk?
You wait again for the same exact bus to go down, come up the other side and then come back down to you. Not all dates cost $170 and we also have to factor in gifts. So this time you stuff $250 into the fare box. Driver doesn’t let you ride.
Dude, take the hint. That bus is just not into you.
You wait again for the same bus to come back to you.
By this time it is already afternoon and the bus has already been patronized by many others. It comes back down, you drop, say, another two bills in the fare box, but this time you get to ride (sex). But as the bus has already been ridden all day your seat is dirty, maybe even wet!
The seat is WET?
Do you actually think that most women are literally having unprotected sex with dudes all day long every day so that every woman you might be able to have sex with is literally filled up with other men’s semen? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.
Dude, women are allowed to date and/or have sex with guys other than you. Why do you care? Vaginas survive when entire baby humans pass through them; they can survive a few penises that aren’t yours. Also, you know, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA.
This is what dating modern women is and we have millions of blue pilled men doing this and in many cases dropping a lot more money into the fare box only to get in return, a ride aboard a public vehicle that many others have ridden and paid far less a price to ride.
All it takes is one. Remember, an untouched vagina is all a woman has to offer a man. It takes only one person to get infected.
Are you talking about STDs here, or do you think that contact with another man’s penis will give a woman some sort of incurable penis cooties?
Women shame men all the time for not wanting to pay full market value for a used NYC taxi or an RTS from LA. This is more than just about cost/reward but about health.
You’ve heard of condoms, right? Safe sex isn’t completely safe, but neither is crossing the street. Talk to a doctor about it. Even better, talk to a therapist to figure out just where you got all these toxic ideas about sex.
They want you to not only date/wife up these sperm recepticles, subsidize said recepticles but above all risk your health on them.
Dude, if you think of women as sperm receptacles, trust me, no one wants you to date or “wife up” anyone. Please stick with your hand. Go your own fucking way — all the way — with yourself.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, here’s Isaiah 4:1 (King James translation):
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Sorry, dude, but I’m pretty sure that there will never come a time when the women/vagina buses of the world, or even seven of them, are going to come to you begging forgiveness and asking to be your wives.
H/T — the Blue Pill subreddit
Ugh, I feel dirty just reading that. I’m skeptical about the dating scenariometaphor he describes, though. This implies someone went on 4 whole dates with him! FOUR! What kind of conversation can a person have with someone who thinks so little of them? Maybe he’s really good at hiding his vile hatred.
A MGTOW woman to object metaphor, let’s see… (puts on MGTOW hat)
“Women are like hardware stores. Many of them are bigger than they were decades ago, they’ve really let themselves go (I blame filthy feminazis). They smell weird. Some of them are also louder than they used to be.
Often you’ll be visitting a hardware store with your map you got online from “Return of Tools” and you’ll get lost, cause they refuse to make all hardware store floor plans identical. They’re just denying their own nature and playing hard to shop at.
Many hardware stores have power tools that my screwdriver just can’t compete with, so I won’t shop at those. Those hardware stores are ruined for decent people like you and me, cause they make us and our tools feel inadequate. Modern hardware stores are also very slutty, there’s men going in and out all the time (women too sometimes, but I don’t mind that as long as I get to watch, cause it’s hot). Why is it so hard to find a hardware store that’s only just opened? I deserve to be the first customer ever!
If you steal from the hardware store they’ll call you a thief, you’ll be arrested and your life will be ruined. If you sneak in before opening day to rub your penis on the displays they’ll arrest you for tresspassing and treat you like some kind of monster and your life will also be ruined. They should be made to open shop sooner, better the store makes some decisions it regrets than that a man’s life is ruined for shopping at a store that’s not ready for business.
And in the end, you spend money at the hardware store, but you’re left having to find a DIY solution cause they wouldn’t take care of your leaky tap at the checkout! Those are the reasons why hardware stores are ruined and I’ll just hire a handyman to fix things for me from now on.”
(takes off MGTOW hat)
Ugh, channeling the MGTOW is unpleasent. Guess I should have thrown in a bunch of poor spelling too.
Once again I’m absolutely baffled. Why would you even want to have sex with anyone, you are so violently disgusted by, as these people seem to be by women?
I mean, yes MGTOW tell us they don’t need no woman. But everything I have ever read by them just drips with anger about not getting laid. Seriously, if women are these horrible disgusting creatures, why do you still want to sleep with one? Why would you even go out on a date with one?
Women are like I-pads – everyone wants the new one?
But then I remembered some of the actually existing metaphors for women I’ve heard:
“Women are like Christmas cake. Up to the 24th [birthday] everyone wants some: after the 25th nobody wants any” According to a Japanese friend, this was a common saying when she was growing up in the 1980s.
I think I prefer “Vecchia gallina, buon brodo” = an old hen makes tasty soup (Italian proverb conflating women with poultry and soup with sex, but overall, more positive).
I always assumed they use this narrative because they don’t actually ever go on dates but they’ve seen it in the movies.
‘Why is it so hard to find a hardware store that’s only just opened? I deserve to be the first customer ever!’
From a thread on another favourite blog:
This is even creepier when you consider why Isaiah prophesied this seven-chicks-to-one-dude situation. In Isaiah 3, he has God kill a load of the men. Is this what bus guy wants: a mass die-off of men so that he has less competition for women? Pretty sinister.
(Also, God punished the women for their vanity, so those seven women would be stinky and diseased and dressed in sackcloth. But I won’t judge bus guy if that’s the company he wants)
“wife up” is certainly a novel turn of phrase. It’s so telling that they see marriage as something they do to someone else.
But even leaving the ridiculous analogy of paying $170 for the bus* (a publicly subsidized amenity that’s meant to be accessible to all but the most desperately impoverished)… The whole social contract of giving gifts is that there is no real obligation on the part of the receiver to reciprocate.
I know in practice, a lot of people feel obliged to give gifts/ time/ affection to the gift-giver in return, but it is not a magnanimous gesture on the part of Isiah to give someone something of monetary value as a down-payment on future nookie.
Perhaps his $170 could buy him the services of someone who’s openly willing to negotiate such a transaction, with a guarantee of his desired outcome.
I wonder why the bus driver in this analogy is discriminating against this one dude so much anyway? Charging him $167 more than the standard fare, then not admitting him, then making him sit in the only seat that has wee on it… Whut??
But conversely, why should he be allowed to be the only person to sully the driver’s nice, clean bus? What about the other passengers the driver needs to pick up as part of the bus-driving job?
Once she goes back to the garage, doesn’t the whole thing get wiped clean and it all starts again?
But if he objects so much to having to ride a “dirty” bus (and in reality, a bit of wear-and-tear comes with the territory whenever public transport is concerned), why doesn’t he save up the $170 per journey ($510 a day?) to buy a car (is that a wife in this analogy)?
Why isn’t this a Vagina-taxi, or a limousine service. That would make more sense.
Like, a Vagina-bus is a multiple-occupancy vehicle (an orgy?) and the driver usually only refuses a fare if the passenger is belligerent/ foul/ the bus is too full.
A vagina taxi is for private hire, there will be many passengers per day, but only one at a time, and the driver may reasonably refuse to carry a passenger if they’re likely to soil the upholstery…
And I’ve already devoted far too much brain-power to this, so I’d like Isiah to pay me back in money, at the rate of UK minimum wage, because that is how this effort/ reciprocation thing works, right?
@Moocow – In fairness, I’ve been on dates where the guy’s paid for everything, but I’ve also been on dates where I’ve paid for everything.
I like going with the, “Who asks, pays,” (with the proviso that it breaks about even by instance) model, that way individuals can scale dates according to their budget.
Again, it seems like Saudi Arabia is an utopia for these guys: women have to submissive virgins there.
Women are like Uber in that they can charge exorbitant surge prices when demand was high. In the good old days only hb8 or higher were at a high surge price value. All men could afford n Uber at a price point he could afford. But feminism made all women think they were surge price worthy. So the market is flooded with extra slutty ugly Ubers. But this somehow increases prices and makes only 20 percent able to afford them. Because I have no clue how supply and demand works.
There. Did I MGTOW well?
Sorry my post is missing entire words. Hopefully you all get the gist anyway. I probably shouldn’t post in the morning before coffee.
As Ken Kesey used to say “You are either on the vagina bus or off the vagina bus”.
Even if we bought into this guy’s virgin vagina bus scenario, why does he think he is worthy? If she has to choose only one man to ride, should she not want the best man she can find? Obviously, he is not it.
I, for one, think you MGTOWed just fine.
MGTOW. Pronounced “Migtow”. Verb. Anyone want to make the Urban Dictionary entry?
These jokers really crack me up. And as it happens, I’m a living counterexample to much of their bullshit.
See, I’m happily married. More than that, I’m happily married to a brilliant woman. Even more than that, I’m happily married to a brilliant woman who currently makes nearly twice what I do. And we’ve been married for 21 years now, and together for 23 years.
I make a damned good living. I’ve got a PhD in computer science, and I’m a software engineer at a great company. They pay me *very* well, in both salary and equity. My wife and I *could* afford to live on just my salary.
But we don’t. She’s brilliant – honestly, smarter than me in most ways. She’s got a job that pays her, like I said, close to double what I make.
On top of all of that, I’m not exactly a looker. I’m not horribly ugly, but… well, I was probably average looking before I started losing my hair. Now I think I’m well below average.
And my wife? She’s not a model or anything, but she’s beautiful.
So: smart, good looking woman, who makes a ton of money. Married to a somewhat dumpy, balding guy, who makes a lot less than her. Why? Because we really, truly, genuinely love each other.
According to the MRAs and MGTOW:
(a) She can’t exist. After all: women are inferior creatures, incapable of intelligent thought, creativity, or innovation. So a woman whose got a PhD, who’s done amazing work, who’s accomplished amazing things? No such animal!
(b) Our relationship cannot exist. After all: relationships with women “ha(ve) been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.” I’m not giving her provision or protection. So if our relationship is just a business exchange of provision and protection… what in hell is she doing sticking with me?
(c) She’d never associate with the likes of me. After all, hot woman, mediocre-looking man? Never! Except for the minor fact that the way we got together was *her* asking me out.
(d) She’d never stay with me. After all, women will always go for wealth/hot assholes. So once I wasn’t providing for her, she should have run off with the first hot guy who could properly care for her.
And yet… We’re still together, still happy. How can that possibly be?
WWTH – the missing words gave extra credibility to your MGTOW performance. Bravo!
You know, Isaiah’s problem isn’t with the bus, it’s with the route. He’s trying to go express to Lower Notchville by way of Purity Falls, but not many buses want to stop there. Or even go in that general direction. It’s asinine to blame a bus for sticking to its planned route and refusing service to passengers that aren’t headed the same way.
Better start walking, pal. You’re a long way from anywhere.
I once worked with a guy who told me that women are like mountains. You see a beautiful mountain, and you will do almost anything to climb it and plant your flag at the top. Once you’ve planted your flag, you get bored and start looking at other mountains. But the one thing you can never stand for is another man planting his flag on your mountain, even if you’ve moved on to a new one. He was a challenge to work with.
Women are like mountains- the result of millions of years of pressure and uplift, The younger ones have largely uneroded batholiths with metamorphic pendants on top, and you can mine valuable minerals from them, especially if they have bits of metamorphosed seafloor on top. Whereas the older ones generally have a thicker regolith layer, faces that are more eroded, and a more complex climax forest ecosystem.
Wait, what was I talking about again?
What is wrong with their brains?
Is it just internet objectivism? Something deeper?
I pretty much always pay for myself when on dates with men, and this guy shows exactly why. I don’t want anyone to feel like I owe them anything. Even more than that, I don’t want to feel like I owe them.
If I like you and find you sexy, I will probably be up for sex, no matter who payed for the date. Sex is not a service rendered (unless otherwise negotiated). It is a shared experience.
As a geologist and woman, I thoroughly approve.
Women are like metaphors, they are all different and yet similar in some ways, a lot of people say totally nonsensical things about them and in general they don’t give a shit what whiny men think.
k_machine, I’m not totally sure what you’re saying but it sounds kinda racist :/
I’ve always said that “the older the violin, the sweeter the music”.