On Reddit’s MGTOW subreddit, one brave fellow calling himself Isaiah4verse1 lays down some hard truths about the mysterious creatures we call “women” (and sometimes “females”). It turns out that they aren’t actually creatures at all. They’re buses. Buses with vaginas.
Isaiah starts off his sermon by noting that women/vagina buses have pretty much no value outside of said vaginas:
The only thing of any value a woman can offer a man is an untouched vagina. This goes without saying and anyone who is looking for anything more from a woman (love, companionship, etc) is only kidding themselves. It has been/is/and forever will be a business exchange of provision and protection for sex and offspring.
Alas, in today’s fallen world, very few of these vaginas remain unblemished; there are only “a miniscule amount of virgins” left for good-hearted women-hating men to ride. This leads Isaiah to his sad conclusion:
So essentially women today are public vehicles. But rather overpriced public vehicles.
Go on.
Take the cost of a date, dinner and movie. I’d wager, it’s about 20 bucks per person including refreshments for the movie and dinner at a decent restaurant will run you about 60 bucks per person bare minimum. That’s $160 right there. Throw in about 10 for transportation and you are up to $170.
Ok, that’s a ridiculously expensive dinner, and half of that cost is for you. Also, you don’t actually have to date anyone who expects all that. Most women don’t. Lots of women actually pay for their own dinners. Sometimes they even pay for their dates.
Now imagine waiting for a city bus, an older city bus that has been ridden by many.
Suddenly, Rod Serling seems to be whispering in my ear: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. That’s the bus stop up ahead – your next stop, the Vagina Bus Zone!”
But you start in the morning when the bus has just come from the garage clean. Imagine when it arrives stuffing that $170 in the fare box. Anyone sane would think you mad.
Possibly, because that’s, like, a ridiculous amount to spend on bus fare. Don’t you have a fare card?
But you don’t get a ride, instead the money goes down into the fare box but the driver ejects you from the bus before you can even step beyond the white line.
Wait, paying for dinner doesn’t actually guarantee you sex? It’s an outrage!
The bus goes on its way. You wait there at the same stop for the same exact bus to reach the bottom terminus, come up the other side towards the top terminus then come back down to you. You then take another $170 and stuff it in the fare box. Same deal, driver doesn’t let you on.
Huh. Maybe you should try another bus? Or just walk?
You wait again for the same exact bus to go down, come up the other side and then come back down to you. Not all dates cost $170 and we also have to factor in gifts. So this time you stuff $250 into the fare box. Driver doesn’t let you ride.
Dude, take the hint. That bus is just not into you.
You wait again for the same bus to come back to you.
By this time it is already afternoon and the bus has already been patronized by many others. It comes back down, you drop, say, another two bills in the fare box, but this time you get to ride (sex). But as the bus has already been ridden all day your seat is dirty, maybe even wet!
The seat is WET?
Do you actually think that most women are literally having unprotected sex with dudes all day long every day so that every woman you might be able to have sex with is literally filled up with other men’s semen? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
Everyone else got to ride for 3 bucks but you’ve already dropped nearly EIGHT BILLS in the fare box (that’s about 4 dates and 2 cheap gifts) only to sit on a seat where many others have sat.
Dude, women are allowed to date and/or have sex with guys other than you. Why do you care? Vaginas survive when entire baby humans pass through them; they can survive a few penises that aren’t yours. Also, you know, IT’S NOT YOUR VAGINA.
This is what dating modern women is and we have millions of blue pilled men doing this and in many cases dropping a lot more money into the fare box only to get in return, a ride aboard a public vehicle that many others have ridden and paid far less a price to ride.
All it takes is one. Remember, an untouched vagina is all a woman has to offer a man. It takes only one person to get infected.
Are you talking about STDs here, or do you think that contact with another man’s penis will give a woman some sort of incurable penis cooties?
Women shame men all the time for not wanting to pay full market value for a used NYC taxi or an RTS from LA. This is more than just about cost/reward but about health.
You’ve heard of condoms, right? Safe sex isn’t completely safe, but neither is crossing the street. Talk to a doctor about it. Even better, talk to a therapist to figure out just where you got all these toxic ideas about sex.
They want you to not only date/wife up these sperm recepticles, subsidize said recepticles but above all risk your health on them.
Dude, if you think of women as sperm receptacles, trust me, no one wants you to date or “wife up” anyone. Please stick with your hand. Go your own fucking way — all the way — with yourself.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, here’s Isaiah 4:1 (King James translation):
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Sorry, dude, but I’m pretty sure that there will never come a time when the women/vagina buses of the world, or even seven of them, are going to come to you begging forgiveness and asking to be your wives.
H/T — the Blue Pill subreddit
This guy is MGTOW, right? To go along with his tortured metaphor, if you hate public transportation and decide to stop using it, then ride a bike, or rollerblade, or buy a car. Don’t stand at the bus stop and yell at the bus. You’re not getting anywhere.
If woman are vagina buses, who is the driver of the bus? Or is the vagina the bus and the woman is the driver? What is she doing in her vagina? How did she fit in there?
If she is on the bus, does that mean she is riding the bus also?
Trying to work this out is harmful to my brain.
Apologies. That should be smithshadow, not Orion.
Whenever I think the dudebros have reached Peak Skeevy, someone like Isaiah comes along with his Lamentations and Jeremiads to prove me wrong.
So no women will let him board the bus? It is a puzzlement. He’s such a Nice Guy(tm).
Paying $170 and not being allowed aboard sounds more like a private yacht, or swanky golf club. But I guess he has to come up with a really utilitarian, unappealing object for a metaphor, because…
…it almost sounds like he’s trying to convince other dudes not to fuck women, by comparing them to horrible smelly city buses with dirty wet seats. It’s the equivalent of sitting down next to someone who’s about to bite into a juicy burger, and going into graphic detail about all the gross things that are ground up into the meat, and how rapidly it’s decomposing and losing its flavor, and furthermore the cook probably blew her nose on the bun and OMG HERE COME THE FLIES.
If nobody else is having sex, then he won’t have to feel bad about himself.
Bina beat me to mentioning the truly awful Spadina Bus by the Shuffle Demons, which is the first thing that popped into my brain after reading the post title (I actually haven’t read the post yet). N.B. 1986 was a very long time ago, and the Spadina line has been replaced with streetcars, because the Spadina bus was a freakin’ nightmare route.
Ad they always want to ride in the back for some reason….
If this guy just wants to get his wick dipped and will happily pay several hundred dollars to do so, why doesn’t he just hire a sex worker? I mean, I wouldn’t wish this man on any sex worker, and I would fear that he would think that paying her meant that he owned or was entitled to her body even more so than he already feels about women in general. But clearly this guy is prepared to throw good money after bad (why would you keep paying entry fees if you’re always denied entry?), so if he’s willing to spend that kind of money to have sex, there are sex workers who would provide that service.
(I know, MGTOW are generally whiny assholes who think that no man should ever have to pay for sex either with outright cash, gifts, or by doing other things they regard as transactional, e.g., being pleasant and considerate, showering and grooming, cleaning their clothes, wiping their asses, keeping their homes reasonably tidy and welcoming to guests, actually paying attention to or caring about what a woman has to say, etc.)
It’s a little known fact that males of the human kind evolved a poison that is innocuous to the female kind, but is highly toxic to their male competitors, so they can only fuck virgins.
*Shuffles around some papers*
Shit no, my bad, I mixed my research papers. They’re just entitled little shits.
I can see why Isaiah has the sads, if it was THIS super awesome bus that kicked him off!
That bus is way too cool for Isaiah.
And for the sake of all the women they may encounter, may they not get that experience until they grow some humanity.
I was going to say “worst analogy ever” but it’s not even the worst analogy I’ve seen today. You see, I was reading some of the screeds written in opposition to same-sex marriage.
I would say the “worst analogy ever” was when George Zimmerman compared himself to Anne Frank.
$170 for a bus ride?! Dude, call Ub3r. I can drive you from CT to Newark airport for way less than that.
Also, $60 a head is dinner at an Iron Chef contestant’s restaurant. If you don’t like that, try mini golf. Show some imagination.
Isaiah should have a chat with this guy.
It’s not at all difficult to get a $60 per person bill once you add alcoholic beverages and tip.
However, every date needn’t be dinner and drinks in a nice restaurant. For all but the wealthy, that’s an occasional treat. The vast majority of women realize this and are happy to do less expensive things on dates.
It’s also kind of sad how little imagination these guys have. I’m on the introverted side and over the past few months my life has consisted mainly of work, sleep, internetting, and watching movies alone with some wine. And yet, I can think of many other things besides upscale restaurant to do on a date.
Do these guys who whine about how expensive dating is because the only possible date is fancy dinner + movie have no interests other than their boners? Or do they just not realize that women have interests?
The Woman Metaphor Challenge!
Name a random object that MRA/PUAs can compare with women! Then draw it out to its natural conclusion! Funniest answer wins a prize.
Oh my gosh, this needs to be a thing. David, please please please let this be your next contest!!!
Women are like elemental forces, simple and direct at the basic level, but interaction and secondary and tertiary effects give rise to much higher orders of complexity.
Was that any good? I never metaphor I didn’t like.
It is simple. Women won’t have sex with them for some reason, and then they need to convince themselves that women are horrible, worthless things so perhaps they won’t crave for women so much.
@weirwoodtreehugger Definitely the second one and possibly both, hahaha. Continuing with the wheeled transport metaphors, they really do seem to believe that we’re just bikeshare bikes that sit around patiently waiting for someone to come make a bid for our services. The bikes who go bad might leave their rental ports without authorization and go looking for a rider on their own, or if they’re really crusty and gross they’ll become crazed Feminist Bikes, chasing down and running over innocent men because they’re so resentful of never being chosen.
Obviously women don’t actually have hobbies, because that would mean the ones who say they play video games AREN’T just lying feminazi bitches preying on or exerting power over helpless beta geek men, that they actually just share a normal human’s ability to ENJOY games, and that’s completely farfetched.
I don’t get it, I’ve literally always split the bill with any woman I date. Yet these delusional babies seem to go on and on about how ‘the man is expected to pay for everything’ and how unfair this is?
… Do they not realize that the rest of the world has dropped that ideology along with ‘traditional values’ that they insist are soooo important?
Ah, but you see, if they let women pay, they won’t have something to hold over their heads for sex. Or whine about. Mostly whine about because they’ve never been on a date.
^ These people have never been on a date, they are not to know what actually happens.
@Jarnsaxa: Behold: Women are like Playstations. When they’re new and fresh, they’re expensive, and everyone wants to have them. They are heavily marketed and society presents as the most desirable object ever. If you have one of them, your friends will envy you and you’ll be the coolest. Many men will do literally anything to get their hands on one. But soon the consoles get old, and the excitement is gone, and you realize that, in order to feel that rush again, you’ll have to demean yourself again, and pay a lot of money. Then you try to do more serious things with your Playstation, but you realize that she’s incapable of doing serious work, she can only be enjoyed for a short time and then loses her worth rapidly.
Also, all your friends gather before her and play with her in your company? Maybe?
@friday jones: I see what you did there.