antifeminism feminism misogyny MRA

Rare Photo of Dude That Shows Up With Three Dozen Friends Every Time Someone Posts About Feminism

Pretty much
This isn’t the picture. The actual picture has a bunch of penises on it.

A friend of mine recently pointed me to an old PZ Myers post featuring the lovely if slightly NSFW picture below, which Myers had found on what seems to be a completely serious creationist site.

From the “Missing Univverse Museum”

This is supposed to be some sort of proof that evolution is a lie, because if there really were such a thing as vestigial organs, the male of our species would be covered in vestigial penises (and have a thigh gap to die for).

I’m pretty sure there’s a logical fallacy there. But I think this is a useful graphic; it’s just mislabeled. I’ve corrected the captions below.

There. Now it's fixed.
There. Now it’s fixed.
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9 years ago

“Dicks coming out of my knees.”


Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

“If we were truly created by god, then why do we still occasionally bite the insides of our own mouths?”

This is the best question.

9 years ago

You know, I look at that and I just think, “Well fuck, someone was horny.”

9 years ago

So, if Evolution was true, does that mean Lovecraft was on to something?

9 years ago

There are a number of things I would like to hear ID/creationism proponents explain. Eyelash mites, for one. They have no anus, so they keep accumulating fecal matter throughout their brief lives. When they die, they, um, *burst*. In the follicle sockets.

Also Cymothoa exigua, among other parasites. There are so many examples of how, if all life on Earth was intelligently designed, the Designer was an entity monstrous enough to make Nyarlotothep blush black with envy.

9 years ago


Guy on the right would be almost perfect for tentacle porn.

Not really. No matter how many times people claim otherwise to be nice, length does matter.

9 years ago

RE: Robert

Wow. Thanks for that. Man, Mother Nature is GROSS, and far more imaginative than I could ever be.

9 years ago

There are a number of things I would like to hear ID/creationism proponents explain. Eyelash mites, for one. They have no anus, so they keep accumulating fecal matter throughout their brief lives. When they die, they, um, *burst*. In the follicle sockets.

Wow. That might actually be more horrifying than bed bug reproduction.

9 years ago


Why would you show the results of a computer program and never show the code, huh? What do those results even mean? How is it that, if the “chance against an individual specie” was 1000 to 1, you got a whole 21 “species” that didn’t overeat, overlive, overwhatever?

Species were represented by a number between 1 and 100? What? “Re-evolved,” what? 1000 to 1 chance of what? What must select what numbers in what order?

What was mutated? What was the selection/fitness function? How did you model reproduction? What was the “food chain” model and what implications did it have for your population? In fact, what was your population? What was your end state? What was your language! How Big Was Your Program! How Long Did it RUN! HOW MANY TESTS DID YOU DO! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU EVEN HAD A MODEL OF EVOLUTION IN THE FIRST PLACE!?



9 years ago


Some of those evolution questions are pretty good and would be an excellent teaching opportunity to explain how evolution works and why we have proof for the theory of evolution. And some of them are just …yeah, WTF?

9 years ago

One of the ‘exhibits’ is essentially, “Hey, evolution! If you exist, why don’t you make something out of these legos!”

Does this guy not realize that isn’t how evolution works

9 years ago

I have to go wash my eyelashes now

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Creationism, like anti-feminism, is generally based on not understanding the thing you’re trying to argue against.

9 years ago

Nah, there is pressure to streamline and get rid of useless parts. Growing some bit takes energy, so truly vestigial parts are always things where it’s more trouble to lose them than keep them (e.g., the muscle structure of our backs and hips was built with a tail in mind, so we still have a coccyx.)

9 years ago

Why use leaves to hide male genitalia on both examples and then blatantly display multiple examples of the organs without any covering? The explanation which comes to mind is that if they are ‘vestigial’, ‘senseless’ etc they don’t count.

Would anyone be kind enough to explain what is the X thing on the chest? A carrying handle?

9 years ago

Would anyone be kind enough to explain what is the X thing on the chest? A carrying handle?

I thought it was a chromosome. Because, you know, evolutionists believe in “genes” and all that nonsense.

9 years ago

So… not sandworms, then?

9 years ago

Lam – use tea tree oil. Strangely enough, it discourages the little lardworms.

Oh, and toxoplasma gondii – it affects the nervous system of mice, causing them to be attracted to the scent of cat urine. The parasite needs to get into a cat, and getting the mouse eaten works very well. For the parasite.

9 years ago

Uh… tea tree oil in eyes is the most horrible thought I’ve had today, and yes, I read the comments. I see your mite shit and I LOVE IT comparatively.

9 years ago

Yay! My soap I tea tree oil and charcoal so I’m resistant! XD

9 years ago

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA, VRA, ESBL and the new strains of E. Coli.

Thanks for playing, creationists.

9 years ago

I don’t see the problem with the coin question. Everyone knows that coins are alive and reproduce.

Oh, so THAT’s how interest works!

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago

@Banana Jackie Cake:

Maybe this is dada?

This does put me in mind of what the original dadaists would have done with Photoshop, if they had it. It’s the best explanation I’ve seen, anyway.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Are we having fun yet?

9 years ago

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA, VRA, ESBL and the new strains of E. Coli.

Thanks for playing, creationists.

Ah, but that’s just microevolution, not macroevolution. “Microevolution” of course being defined as “any evolution creationists can’t otherwise explain away.”