antifeminism feminism misogyny MRA

Rare Photo of Dude That Shows Up With Three Dozen Friends Every Time Someone Posts About Feminism

Pretty much
This isn’t the picture. The actual picture has a bunch of penises on it.

A friend of mine recently pointed me to an old PZ Myers post featuring the lovely if slightly NSFW picture below, which Myers had found on what seems to be a completely serious creationist site.

From the “Missing Univverse Museum”

This is supposed to be some sort of proof that evolution is a lie, because if there really were such a thing as vestigial organs, the male of our species would be covered in vestigial penises (and have a thigh gap to die for).

I’m pretty sure there’s a logical fallacy there. But I think this is a useful graphic; it’s just mislabeled. I’ve corrected the captions below.

There. Now it's fixed.
There. Now it’s fixed.
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9 years ago


Well, this blog does normally document the metaphorical poop of world, talking about actual poop is at worst a side-step. 😛

9 years ago

Kirbywarp – actual poop is a big step up from the metaphorical poop that we usually discuss.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Alan: I spent a little over an hour last night watching one of Dara’s specials. He’s fuckin’ hilarious. XD

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Surely you mean “Feckin'” hilarious? 😉

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@isidore Ah, thanks for clearing that up (and for making the supreme sacrifice of actually reading the site). Because being stuffed with useless organs and barely able to waddle around the savanna wouldn’t at all make early man a sitting duck for predators.

Since we’re on the topic of poo, I bet Evolution Man would have very wide poos. And rightfully complain about what a chore it is to keep his ass wiped. I’d give him a free pass on that one.

9 years ago

Man, Sheldon’s been hitting the gym

9 years ago

Tonsils and our appendix DO have uses. The appendix deals with grass in the diet. We’re careful not to eat grass nowadays…so the organ goes dormant. It’s more likely to cause trouble because it has no work to do. Like a teenager.

Tonsils are an effective part of the immune system (removing them removes symptoms of infection but does not improve health or lessen infections.)

I got nothing on wisdom teeth.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


Wisdom teeth are leftovers from when our jaws were longer.