It turns out that Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield is not the only idiot Men’s Rightser who thinks Bruce Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy that Kim and the rest of the Kardashian women have “the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash,” as Bloomfield put it in a recent blog post.
Men’s Rights blogger Christian J — the fellow behind the “What Men Are Saying About Women ..” blog, and the inventor of the MRA Two Dot Ellipsis — thinks that the former Olympian and Wheaties box model is “acting like a bitch.” Mr. J wonders
who in their right mind would want to change from a rational male into becoming a hormonal, narcissistic, self-serving, female and then tell the whole world that they are doing just that.
As Mr. J sees it, Bruce must be jealous that
most of the family that he has been involved with has made millions, all the women that is, from flashing tits and arse. …
So Brucy boy feels left out or his rescinded psychological issues are finally breaking through as he watches his funds shrink while the “Flesh Flashers” are raking it in hand over fist. What to do and what level of really weird shit could Bruce possibly think of to better them. Oh I “lightbulb” know. I’ll change into one of them. That should rake in the dollars right there, right.
Even aside from the fact that, er, this is not how things work, Bruce Jenner’s net worth has been estimated at $100 million, with most of it coming from business ventures, not reality TV appearances. That’s actually more than Kim Kardashian’s net worth. I’m pretty sure Jenner doesn’t need the money.
NOTE: I had used the “he” pronoun because I had read articles saying that was Jenner’s preferred pronoun for now, but it seems that was just for the interview. I’ve reworked the post to remove it.
Thanks, childrenofthebroccoli. I admit I spend as little attention as I can manage on the Kardashians.
I am way off the track with celebrities, but Jenner seems like a good person. She appeared to get lots of support from family and loved ones which is great, but still this transmisogyny was unfortunately expected. MRAs continueto be absolute garbage.