$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminist women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA transphobia

Another idiot MRA: Bruce Jenner is transitioning because Kardashian women make “millions flashing tits and arse.”

Bruce Jenner: Had a career long before Keeping Up With the Kardashians came along
Bruce Jenner: Had a career long before Keeping Up With the Kardashians came along

It turns out that Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield is not the only idiot Men’s Rightser who thinks Bruce Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy that Kim and the rest of the Kardashian women have “the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash,” as Bloomfield put it in a recent blog post.

Men’s Rights blogger Christian J — the fellow behind the “What Men Are Saying About Women ..” blog, and the inventor of the MRA Two Dot Ellipsisthinks that the former Olympian and Wheaties box model is “acting like a bitch.” Mr. J wonders

who in their right mind would want to change from a rational male into becoming a hormonal, narcissistic, self-serving, female and then tell the whole world that they are doing just that.

As Mr. J sees it, Bruce must be jealous that

most of the family that he has been involved with has made millions, all the women that is, from flashing tits and arse. …

So Brucy boy feels left out or his rescinded psychological issues are finally breaking through as he watches his funds shrink while the “Flesh Flashers” are raking it in hand over fist. What to do and what level of really weird shit could Bruce possibly think of to better them. Oh I “lightbulb” know. I’ll change into one of them. That should rake in the dollars right there, right.

Even aside from the fact that, er, this is not how things work, Bruce Jenner’s net worth has been estimated at $100 million, with most of it coming from business ventures, not reality TV appearances. That’s actually more than Kim Kardashian’s net worth. I’m pretty sure Jenner doesn’t need the money.

NOTE: I had used the “he” pronoun because I had read articles saying that was Jenner’s preferred pronoun for now, but it seems that was just for the interview. I’ve reworked the post to remove it.

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9 years ago

Like that terrible Bloodhound Gang song “I wish I was queen so I could get chicks”

So much stupid.

Queer, not queen. Wtf is with autocorrect?

Kinda works either way…8-}

9 years ago

Soooo, is the idea they have that Jenner is going to start a modeling career? I mean, assuming the transition goes well, this is still a person in their sixties. I don’t think he is going to get the modeling gigs a younger person would get.

Also, these people know there are male models that get money too, right? I mean, it’s not just women who can pose for pictures.

I’m not trying to say Jenner won’t try to make money off this situation – he seems to know how to make money really well – but it seems to me there are easier things that becoming trans* and at this point he could just live off investments. If he wanted attention, couldn’t he just do sports reporting and the things all those ex-athletes do?

If money were the motivation, there are easier, less-invasive methods. Don’t these people know that most rich people are men?

On a final note, what are their ludicrous explanations for transmen? Why would such privileged creatures that every man is lusting after want to become “less privileged”?

(Like I said on the JB thread, I know trans* does not work like that… )

9 years ago

Somehow all these reactions from MRAs so far come back to complaining about the Kardashian women and their sexy bodies. It’s like they don’t really want to talk about Jenner or trans* issues at all.

9 years ago

Seriously, who in their right mind would want to change from a rational male into becoming a hormonal, narcissistic, self-serving, female and then tell the whole world that they are doing just that.

The thing is, when someone starts from a position like that, there is literally no path to a reasonable understanding of women or feminism. Either this guy will have an amazing total conversion or he will never say anything intelligent about gender issues.
You can’t get he-ah from they-ah.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago


You hit the nail on the head.

9 years ago

So, his point is that men will pay cash to see 65 year old Bruce Jenner’s tits and ass once he becomes a woman? I thought women were no longer fuckable at some point in their 20s. His boner doesn’t even make sense.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

“By the power vested in me by Tits and Ass, I now pronounce this roll of toilet paper… cash!” – typical woman in the mind of JB

Okay, I’ll read the other comments now.

9 years ago

“Sawyer said that this is the last interview that the star will do as “Bruce,” and after will emerge as the person Jenner calls “her.” (However, for the purposes of the interview, Jenner told Sawyer to use the familiar “he” and “him” pronouns.)”

Unless I’ve got outdated information or something, this is the last update on Jenner’s pronouns. So since this is past the interview maybe you should change he to she? Unless, again, I’m completely behind.

9 years ago

I can think of about 20 ways, right off the top of my head, that a multi-million dollar, gold-medal winning Olympic athlete and reality TV persona could increase their net worth and public profile. None of them include outing oneself as a member of a marginalized group. I’m sure, if sat down and actually thought about it, I could probably come up with 20 more money-and-fame getting schemes. I’m sure Jenner could do the same, if more money and more fame is really the goal. Hell, I’m sure Jenner could hire a publicist and accountant to do that, if Jenner couldn’t come with any ideas.

So, yeah, exposing oneself to all the shit that trans people face? Not really a strategy for fame and fortune. So, yeah, more than likely Jenner is being absolutely sincere here. I think Christian J and JB an the rest of the MRAssholes know this. It’s that they can’t conceive of anyone identifying as a woman, because they think women are so obviously inferior.

Which is probably completely obvious, but the coffee ain’t kicked in yet.

9 years ago

Shalimar | April 27, 2015 at 10:21 am

So, his point is that men will pay cash to see 65 year old Bruce Jenner’s tits and ass once he becomes a woman? I thought women were no longer fuckable at some point in their 20s. His boner doesn’t even make sense.

Yeah, this is the one that really fries my brain. I mean, it’s just an endless pit full of bullshit all the way down, but this blatant contradiction with one of the core manosphere tenets just shows how utterly contrived their ‘positions’ are.

9 years ago

Dear MRAssholes:
Trans women do not become women. They are women. Jenner has always been a woman. She has not switched genders.
Fuck you so much for being such ignorant bigots.

9 years ago

This is like them claiming women lie about rape for fun and profit. Coming out as trans is not an effort to win fame and fortune.

I cannot wrap my head around that level of dishonesty.

Ignorant bigots used to say similar things about homosexual folks.

So eff’d up.

9 years ago

Do they know that going to court is expensive? If I burn my house or crash my car then yes I would get money but now I have to get a new house/car.

Why in the world would I want to waste so much time and money on something like that? If I want attention I’ll just do what mras and anti feminists are doing: derail conversations on important issues like abuse and rape and make it all about the menz or just make a YouTube video of me doing the ice bucket or cinnamon challenge.

Boy, they are the definition of “Idiot” and they are properly just projecting they want fame and fortune so they think that everyone is like them.

I feel sorry for Jenner now hopefully things will at least be a little bit better for her.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

You know, this is a really revealing reaction on their part. They had no problem with Bruce Jenner’s fame and money when he presented as a man. But the moment he transitions, ARGH RAGEY RAGE ATTENTION WHORE (this, from self-styled “rational males”).

They don’t like that she’ll be getting fame and attention as a woman, and also for being a woman. They can’t stand it when any woman gets attention for something other than being a sexbot. They positively froth when women get taken seriously in the media and have lots of fans and followers. Particularly if it’s a woman who (in their view) is trespassing on dudespace. They’re afraid if one is allowed to speak, she’ll influence thousands of others; conversely, if they can silence one powerful voice, others will be afraid to speak up. That seems to be at the root of a lot of the internet crap directed at high-visibility women.

9 years ago

Wait, wait, wait. JENNER WAS ON THE WHEATIES BOX? My mind is blown. For some reason, I thought Jenner was a rock star, not an athlete. (Obviously, I am a little out of date…)

RE: Policy of Madness

That kind of contradicts JB’s assertion that women are super-privileged and trans women are the most privileged of all.

I don’t understand how anyone could think this. Like seriously, all the studies on trans women kinda show the complete reverse. But then, JB has never had a very good relationship with facts.

RE: Banana Jackie Cake

that actor from Kinky Boots. You know which one I’m talkin’ about.

Chiwetel Ejiofor!

RE: Lea

Coming out as trans is not an effort to win fame and fortune.

Pfft, I dunno what you mean, Lea. Everyone knows that once I came out, Big Daddy Government totally came and showered money on my sparkly little head, and I was on the gravy train FOREVAR!

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen*
Sloppy writing is a symptom of sloppy thinking, so it’s not surprising that this sort of misuse of language is so common among them. If an MRA needs a word, apparently he just pulls one at random from the fetid, foggy chaos that passes for his mind.

I WTF’d on his use of ‘rescind’ too. When I checked the definition, thinking that maybe, possibly, outside-chancedly, ‘rescind’ had an unusual UK usage (the writer does use ‘arse’), the synonyms popped up too, among which was ‘quash’, the only word in the bunch that even comes close to what the context suggests the writer meant. As most of us who bother to know such things know, synonyms are not interchangeable and don’t have exactly the same meaning or connotation. Thesaurus abuse is definitely a glaring, common feature of a bad writer trying to sound all fancy-pantsedly authoritative.

*I fucking love the name…so lyrical. 🙂

9 years ago

Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure Bruce said he was going to transition into a woman years ago but then met and fell in love with Kris so what these MRAssholes are saying is completely wrong. It has nothing to do with the Kardashians but something he had thought about doing way before he met them. He also has a healthy bank balance so why would he need more money that desperately? Honestly the lies and the shit they make up is just cringeworthy.

9 years ago

Does Jenner have anything to do with the Kardashians at all, or am I just hard of reading?

9 years ago

Cattygal – good point. As I commented on FB in response to a feeble attempt at criticism, Jenner has a higher net worth than anyone I’ve ever met personally. He’s doing this for himself, and I say huzzah. Do what thou wilt an it hurt none, shall be the whole of the law.

9 years ago

@ Falconer: Jenner was, until recently, the step-parent of the Kardashian sisters.

9 years ago

Bruce Jenner was already rich and famous long before the Kardashians were collectively known as “I’m sorry, WHO?” So this is highly unlikely to be a grab for more money and/or fame. If anything, as a woman, Bruce may end up taking a pay cut.

9 years ago

* aargh, should read “long before the Kardashians were collectively known as anything other than ‘I’m sorry, WHO?'”

One of these days, I’ll learn to type as fast as my cold-addled brain can tick.

9 years ago

You know, I would absolutely love to see these fuckers spend one day living the “high life” they think being a trans woman is.

I mean, fuck, they think a woman not sleeping with them just because they want to sleep with her is a terrible crime of misandry. They’d crumble like paper at the first dirty glare, much less the gauntlet of shit you’re expected to put up with daily as a trans woman in public.