In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Bruce Jenner has confirmed to the world what many already suspected, that “for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”
The strangest reaction to this news that I have seen thus far comes from the reliably strange and terrible Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, who seems to think that Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy of the attention the world pays to Kim Kardashian and her sisters.
Here’s Bloomfield:
Jenner lives in a house filled with crazy, beautiful and incredibly wealthy women who use their looks to generate enormous amounts of income. Surely, it must be clear to him and everyone who watches these fame whores that the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash resides with women. … Bruce is now set to join the powerful women of his clan as one of their own, and good for him.
Where to even start? At 65 years old. I’m pretty sure that Jenner isn’t looking to use “tits and ass and turn it into cash.”
Bloomfield points out some of the amazing benefits she’s convinced herself Jenner will gain as a woman:
Now that he’s a woman, or soon will be one, the media goes mad to offer him the kindness they deny to men. You can bet the feminist media in particular will trip over themselves to provide Bruce the woman with all the support they routinely refuse to offer men. Bruce now no longer needs to be taught not to rape, because he has magically lost the ability to rape, amirite? Bruce will now be the automatic victim of domestic violence (assuming it’s a man who hits him and not one of those psycho women he lives with). Bruce is now under no obligation to provide evidence for any accusations of sexual assault he cares to make.
Wow. I guess life as a trans woman is one big domestic-abusing, false-accusing party. Who knew?
Bruce is joining the privileged caste …
As a society, we simply don’t give a fuck about men’s pain. …
Bruce Jenner has solved his problem and closed the empathy gap in a way very few other men can. He became a woman. For the vast majority of men, that isn’t an option, nor should it have to be.
If you need me, I’ll just be here banging my head quietly on my desk.
NOTE: I had used the “he” pronoun in this post because I had read articles saying that was Jenner’s preferred pronoun for now, but it seems that was just for the interview. I’ve reworked the post to remove it.
Hope you feel better soon, Bina. I’m with fruitloopsie, you don’t need those people in your life if they’re going to be transphobic. I’m glad at least some of your friends think the same.
Have another kitten!
That is a terrific kitten,
I lack Words to describe how ignorent Judgybitch is…..*facepalm*
Hey Bianca – thanks for your personal insight on the pronoun dilemma! It can be difficult to know what one should do and I’ve always erred on the side of complying with the trans* person’s request, if stated. I also think it’s time we all took more responsibility for this by asking the person directly, if we’re not sure. It’s a small courtesy that costs nothing to offer, but that may make a huge difference to anyone who is navigating their way through such a life change. To stretch the sailing analogy, if I can provide a space for someone to place their own navigation beacon, why would I not do so?
All that aside, I haven’t watched the interview yet either, but all reports I’ve read indicate Bruce has specifically requested people to continue with ‘he’ and ‘him’ for now. It’s his journey and he needs to chart his own course through it, as each of us must do with our own lives. I will change pronouns in the future if he requests it, of course 🙂
Awareness is a great and important thing, so again I thank you Bianca for sharing your experience. It always makes me feel warm and happy that we all feel safe to express ourselves here. I guess we have to thank Dave and the mods for that ????
(And if anyone who HAS watched the interview can clarify the pronoun question, that would be awesome! I would do it myself but I’m doped up on painkillers post-surgery and probably wouldn’t get through it all without ???? )
Some basic points about life post transition that transwomen have told me:
they earn less
they are listened to less
they have less authority
they are patronised more
if they do not fully pass at the very least a lot of funny looks and attitude, at worst physical threats and the carrying out of said threats
Where the effing hell does JB live that she does not recognise the first 4, because I certainly do!
Bianca | April 26, 2015 at 2:12 am
And would you have been cool with someone you’d never met deciding for you that it’s time you start using feminine pronouns? I appreciate you sharing your experience as well but I think you’re being awfully presumptuous here.
Well she’s right about one thing. Society doesn’t care about men’s pain.
@the 4th survivor
Haven’t you posted random nonsense here before?
And lol, wut.
Nope never posted any nonsense. The feminists and liberals on here just don’t like what I have to say because it conflicts with their worldview.
Seriously look at how the majority of men have been treated throughout history and then tell me society cares about men’s pain.
Yes, 4th made a really embarassing critique of Anita Sarkeesian’s videos. I am on record as a critic of TvW myself, but 4th wouldn’t know a good argument if it bit him.
“Seriously look at how the majority of men have been treated throughout history and then tell me society cares about men’s pain.”
…how they’ve been treated by other men? Yeah, men have been pretty aweful throughout history.
You could substitute “men” with a lot of other demographics and find out that society generally only cares about the pain of the “right” sort of people—which is a largely male, able-bodied, wealthy demographic. It’s almost like intersectionality is a thing.
No the 4th survivor, that’s just lazy. You look, and then you tell. Personally, I can’t be asked to piece together a cohesive rebuttal when you haven’t even bothered to fully articulate your own points.
Weaksauce trolling, would not come again.
“You could substitute “men” with a lot of other demographics and find out that society generally only cares about the pain of the “right” sort of people—which is a largely male, able-bodied, wealthy demographic. It’s almost like intersectionality is a thing.”
And you really think it would be different if women were in charge? You think they would be more moral? Please. They would be no different.
@Misha Do your own research.
@Orion It was “embarrassing” to you because you didn’t like what I had to say. Plain and simple. I said video gaming is the way it is because it’s dictated by the vast majority. The number of gamers who happen to be both female and feminist are very small.
I wrote another reply in that article about Sarkeesian if anyone still has any interest in that.
“And you really think it would be different if women were in charge? You think they would be more moral? Please. They would be no different.”
Feminists argue in favor of gender equality, not for matriarchy. Stop assuming everyone’s one of the straw feminists from your imagination. Nobody here wants 1 gender to rule over any other gender.
…I’m 100% sure I did not speculate as to how things might be different in an alternate reality where women are in charge.
Oh lord, you’re boring.
So, by your own admission, men are in charge
dictating away, like the vast majority they are
…. and yet
I mean, just keep on going. I’m sure the insert-other-foot-in-mouth approach will work out for you eventually.
When somebody requests that you put effort into substantiating the opinions that you have brought to the table, the smart response is not, “Nuh uh, YOU do it”.
For me, the most shocking admission on that interview was when he came out as a Republican. Talk about a “privileged caste”, especially when coupled with wealth.
It’s going to present an interesting dilemma for the party, given his high profile. I predict a lot of mealy-mouthed equivocation when politicians are asked about him, all while they continue to spout hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric, introduce homophobic legislation, fight gay marriage, and cheerlead discriminatory business practices.
For his part, Jenner’s going to have a tough time reconciling himself to a party that shares his conservative free-market religious values, but views him as a third-class citizen. Or maybe not; maybe all he cares about is wealth preservation, not social issues. You would hope he’d be a little more empathetic to the less fortunate others who are going through the same thing, and not be tempted to say “I got mine, Jack” and pull up the drawbridge after him.
No, the burden of proof is on you. You made a vague, unsupported assertion. Back it up with evidence, otherwise it’s just your own asspinion.
Yeah, I doubt Jenner’s life is suddenly going to become all sunshine and bonbons as a woman.
I’ve noticed that, all of a sudden, MRAs and GabberGoobers and MGTOWs are using the word empathy a lot. When they have no actual argument (which is… yeah, all the time), they start accusing the “SJW” that they’re arguing with of having no empathy. A little while back, the thing was to accuse people of being angry even if (especially if) they weren’t displaying any anger. Are there meetings or something where they determine what tactic to use next?
“As a society, we simply don’t give a fuck about men’s pain.”
As a society, we don’t give enough of a fuck about men’s pain, but I don’t notice that JudgyJan is doing anything to change that.
@AnAndrejaPejicBlog Not so oddly enough, yes. Previous posts here outline chat logs of them gathering to pick out the proper language to disguise the fact that gamergate started as a hate campaign against Zoe Quinn.
I am on my phone so it is a bit difficult to link.
You know, “society caring about pain” is a pretty squishy concept. What would it look like if society cared about men’s pain? What kind of pain? I mean, every once in a while we get an MRA type in these comment threads who thinks that society needs to care specifically about the kind of pain some men feel when they can’t get a date.
If that’s the kind of pain they mean, no wonder they think we don’t care. Because we don’t.
However, society also doesn’t care about the kind of pain some women feel when they can’t get a date. The difference seems to be that men EXPECT society to care. I mean, I’ve never heard a woman try to argue seriously that she should be awarded the hot dude of her choice just because she’s feeling a bit lonely.
It’s really annoying how these folks come so close to an actual point but then just go streaking over head on their way to crazy town.