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MRA Janet Bloomfield: Bruce Jenner “is joining the privileged caste … For the vast majority of men, that isn’t an option.”

Jenner on 20/20
Jenner on 20/20

In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Bruce Jenner has confirmed to the world what many already suspected, that “for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”

The strangest reaction to this news that I have seen thus far comes from the reliably strange and terrible Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, who seems to think that Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy of the attention the world pays to Kim Kardashian and her sisters.

Here’s Bloomfield:

Jenner lives in a house filled with crazy, beautiful and incredibly wealthy women who use their looks to generate enormous amounts of income. Surely, it must be clear to him and everyone who watches these fame whores that the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash resides with women. … Bruce is now set to join the powerful women of his clan as one of their own, and good for him.

Where to even start? At 65 years old. I’m pretty sure that Jenner isn’t looking to use “tits and ass and turn it into cash.”

Bloomfield points out some of the amazing benefits she’s convinced herself Jenner will gain as a woman:

Now that he’s a woman, or soon will be one, the media goes mad to offer him the kindness they deny to men. You can bet the feminist media in particular will trip over themselves to provide Bruce the woman with all the support they routinely refuse to offer men. Bruce now no longer needs to be taught not to rape, because he has magically lost the ability to rape, amirite? Bruce will now be the automatic victim of domestic violence (assuming it’s a man who hits him and not one of those psycho women he lives with). Bruce is now under no obligation to provide evidence for any accusations of sexual assault he cares to make.

Wow. I guess life as a trans woman is one big domestic-abusing, false-accusing party. Who knew?

Bruce is joining the privileged caste …

As a society, we simply don’t give a fuck about men’s pain.  …

Bruce Jenner has solved his problem and closed the empathy gap in a way very few other men can. He became a woman. For the vast majority of men, that isn’t an option, nor should it have to be.

If you need me, I’ll just be here banging my head quietly on my desk.

NOTE: I had used the “he” pronoun in this post because I had read articles saying that was Jenner’s preferred pronoun for now, but it seems that was just for the interview. I’ve reworked the post to remove it.

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9 years ago

She’s….I….Really there’s no word to describe the sheer amount of stupidity this woman can write……

haha, this song fit the situation perfectly!!

9 years ago

This really doesn’t surprise me. I actually am fully supportive of all MRAs being turned into women. They get to be “privileged”, I don’t have to listen to their stupidity because they would suddenly discover misogyny and bitch about that. It’s a win-win.

9 years ago

“As a society, we simply don’t give a fuck about men’s pain. …”

Ladies and gentlemen these words came out of a rapist, stalker and jokes about punching Paul Elam. It looks like to me she’s the one who doesn’t give a **** about men in general.

Everybody is a potential rapist because anybody could be a rapist. We mostly focus on teaching men and boys not to rape because most sexual predators are men/boys its not misandry it’s just how things are.

And seriously is she stupid? Trans people are always being treated like “freaks” and “mentally ill” and even being killed/committing suicide.

So JB here’s to you

Cthulhu's Intern
9 years ago

So… I don’t think she thought this through. She said that Jenner decided to be a woman, but also says that it’s not an option for most men. Really? Which is it? Do people just “decide” to be trans or not?

9 years ago

Now that he’s a woman, or soon will be one, the media goes mad to offer him the kindness they deny to men.

Um, WUT? When he was an Olympian and still closeted, they lionized him as the epitome of manhood. If that ain’t kindness, I don’t know what that is.

Surely, it must be clear to him and everyone who watches these fame whores that the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash resides with women.

…sez one who stuck hers on a months-old hashtag in a laughably desperate bid for…help me out here, four-letter word starting with F?

Glass houses, Jan. Glass houses.

9 years ago

“…sez one who stuck hers on a months-old hashtag in a laughably desperate bid for…help me out here, four-letter word starting with F?”

“But It’s okay when I do it!” -JB’s motto

9 years ago

@fruitloopsie: I know, eh? Everything’s okay when SHE does it. Anyone else does it (and not for self-glorifying reasons, ether) and suddenly they’re a slut and a whore.

I can’t even.

9 years ago

Aaaargh…should be “either”, not “ether”. I’m coming down with a cold, and I just flounced out of a Facebook rad-fem group that got wayyyyy too effin’ transphobic — oh sorry, “gender critical” — for words.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Awww, thanks. I can always use a kitty. I feel like I’m about to lose a lot of friends, though, because as nice as some people usually are, these ones really just don’t get it…and that bugs me.

9 years ago

It’s better to lose those friends than stick with them and listen to their garbage. I’m sorry I hope you find better friends.

9 years ago

Thanks…BTW, just found out that two of my closest FB friends also left that group, for that reason. So I feel a bit less alone now.

9 years ago

Oh thank goodness

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Hooray for REAL friends, who also don’t put up with garbage.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I don’t have to listen to their stupidity because they would suddenly discover misogyny and bitch about that.

Considering how entitled they are, and how much whining they do over things like being asked not to rape anybody, I suspect life as a woman would destroy the little hamsternuggets.

9 years ago

Bruce now no longer needs to be taught not to rape, because he has magically lost the ability to rape, amirite?

I know this statement of hers is meant to parrot what she thinks feminists believe (therefore it should be false according to her and MRA beliefs), but don’t MRAs act like this is actually true? I also thought JB admitted to basically raping a man before.

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

A non-related story, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless, all the Navajo actor in the new Adam Sanders abomination walked off the set for reasons I’ll let the article explain.

9 years ago

It’s never rape when MRAs do it!

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

Rephrasing a little for context but Janet is referring to the Kardashian/Jenner women as ” fame whores” who use “the power” of “tits and ass and turn it into cash.”

Throw in some mindless vitriol and 4 letter words and that’s exactly what Janet does. Whores herself and her gender for paid airtime on AVFM and the approval of a bunch of woman-hating neanderthals.

I’m with fruitloopsie. JB totally ignores that trans women have been targets of violence, shunned by cis women, and face higher rates of mental illness/suicide when she claims BJ wants to be a woman to reap the benefits of being female. But why quibble over the truth. That doesn’t make for good click bait.

9 years ago

Still shaking my head over the idea that transitioning = entering a “privileged caste”. Um, what? Women are disadvantaged, and trans women doubly so. Triply so if they’re non-white on top of it all. Maybe Judgy is privileged because as a white cis woman who squats in the MRAsshole treehouse, she’s a wee bit insulated…but I’m still waiting for her to fall afoul of the real ugliness at the heart of that “movement” and get booted out, and then see how privileged and castey she feels…

9 years ago

Second all the rest. Even if Bruce faces lower risks of actual physical violence than lots of other trans women, and has lots of advantages due to social class etc, it’s still gonna be a tough ride.

9 years ago

Thank goodness Janet Bloomfield is there to remind us that transgender women are the most privileged “caste” in all of history.

It’s hard to remember sometimes, with all the beatings and hate speech.

9 years ago

Also, “caste” – WTF?

It must be Use An Offensive Outdated Word day.

9 years ago

I can’t be sure, but I think it’d be better to refer to Jenner with she/her pronouns, even if she has said she’s using he/him for now, because it’s fairly common for trans people to put up with the wrong pronouns either due to lack of confidence or because they fear public backlash. For a time, even in queer spaces I went by my birth name and said I didn’t mind which pronouns people used for me, before I became confident enough to say that, yes, I do mind, and I prefer she/her myself.

That said, I haven’t seen the interview, and if it’s as much of a trainwreck as I’ve heard, I don’t think I want to. If this point has specifically been addressed and rejected in the interview, let me know.