In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Bruce Jenner has confirmed to the world what many already suspected, that “for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”
The strangest reaction to this news that I have seen thus far comes from the reliably strange and terrible Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, who seems to think that Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy of the attention the world pays to Kim Kardashian and her sisters.
Here’s Bloomfield:
Jenner lives in a house filled with crazy, beautiful and incredibly wealthy women who use their looks to generate enormous amounts of income. Surely, it must be clear to him and everyone who watches these fame whores that the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash resides with women. … Bruce is now set to join the powerful women of his clan as one of their own, and good for him.
Where to even start? At 65 years old. I’m pretty sure that Jenner isn’t looking to use “tits and ass and turn it into cash.”
Bloomfield points out some of the amazing benefits she’s convinced herself Jenner will gain as a woman:
Now that he’s a woman, or soon will be one, the media goes mad to offer him the kindness they deny to men. You can bet the feminist media in particular will trip over themselves to provide Bruce the woman with all the support they routinely refuse to offer men. Bruce now no longer needs to be taught not to rape, because he has magically lost the ability to rape, amirite? Bruce will now be the automatic victim of domestic violence (assuming it’s a man who hits him and not one of those psycho women he lives with). Bruce is now under no obligation to provide evidence for any accusations of sexual assault he cares to make.
Wow. I guess life as a trans woman is one big domestic-abusing, false-accusing party. Who knew?
Bruce is joining the privileged caste …
As a society, we simply don’t give a fuck about men’s pain. …
Bruce Jenner has solved his problem and closed the empathy gap in a way very few other men can. He became a woman. For the vast majority of men, that isn’t an option, nor should it have to be.
If you need me, I’ll just be here banging my head quietly on my desk.
NOTE: I had used the “he” pronoun in this post because I had read articles saying that was Jenner’s preferred pronoun for now, but it seems that was just for the interview. I’ve reworked the post to remove it.
Female MRAs, not as rare as unicorns.
Men: the answer to all your troubles is….become a woman! That’s some grade A fuckwittery right there.
Uh … WOW! … That was stupid.
Is she trying to be Ben Carson’s running mate after he gets the GOP presidential nomination?
Ugh. Here, have a story about a “nurse cat” who helps look after sick and injured animals at a veterinary clinic.
The incredible privilege of usually being the victim of crimes rather than the perpetrator and therefore not usually being targeted by the crime-prevention campaigns that happen extremely occasionally.
most annoying thing (for us women) sometimes is that some men make better women :). She’s really pretty.
Ah yes, being a trans woman isn’t in fact one of the most dangerous lives you can live, but one of ease and increased respect from others.
Trans women in fact don’t have a high rate of being murdered, they live a life of luxury and increased safety in fact. /sarcasm
Don’t get me wrong, as a wealthy white woman Bruce will be safer than trans women of color and/or poor trans women but the idea that being a trans woman would improve how Bruce is treated is so so ridiculous. Do they actually know how badly trans people, especially trans women are treated? Hell how delusional do you have to be to think that women have it better than men in western society? ??
Anyways, mras are as ignorant as usual lol.
I don’t even know what to say to that. I’m too tired and brain dead. I’ll wait until the wine takes effect.
I guess JudgyBitch thinks the ‘feminist media’ is one homogenous group and she’s completely ignorant of anti-trans feminists who deny trans-women’s identity as women and actively campaign — along with right-wing conservative assholes — to bar trans-women from ‘women-only spaces’ like public restrooms and fitness clubs.
All that needs to be said about JB is a quip which I will not quote in its entirety but its punchline is “but she lacks the depth and the charm”.
If we assume Judgy’s logic, I’m unsure why the option to transition is not available to all men. She certainly seems to be advancing the argument that Jenner is seeking to transition in order to reap social rewards. If that were the case, it seems like any man with sufficient access to medical care ought to have the same option open.
Her argument kind of falls apart on its own.
Yeah, that “quip” is not cool. Gendered insults are not okay, and directing them against FeMRAs doesn’t make them okay.
It’s funny (and, of course, by funny, I mean disturbing,) how they live in a world in which all men are in imminent danger of being accused of domestic violence or sexual assault. Could that be, I wonder, because a goodly proportion of MRAs are actually, you know, perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual assault?
(Bolding added by me.)
Notice how JudgyBitch slipped up there in the middle sentence of her revealing paragraph. She didn’t even bother to assume her hypothetical man is innocent. (Yes, I know. She’s trying to claim-without evidence-that women’s claims of DV are always believed, and women who commit DV get away with it. Even when they assault other women, apparently.)
Victims are “obligated” to provide evidence they were assaulted? Learn something new every day. I thought it was law enforcement’s job to find and collect evidence. So if an MRA is beaten (by a man! Or by a woman!) and left for dead in an alley outside his favorite bar, he has to provide evidence he was assaulted?
I posted this in an earlier thread but it works better here. Especially since JB thinks all feminists are welcoming to trans people. The comments get pretty bad and have a lot of misgendering.
Well I guess Judgypants and I follow different media, because all the headlines I’ve been hearing about up to now have been pretty sensationalist and less than supportive.
As an affluent white person he may well be insulated from many of the dangers and discrimination faced by trans individuals, but as a public figure he is not going to have an easy ride over the next few years.
Judgy is such a numpty. Not only is she claiming that Jenner only wants to be a woman because he’s jealous of Kim Kardashian’s bottom being splashed all over the internet; but in another one of her posts she claimed that the real reason Kate Bolick recently published a book about the virtues of spinsterhood, is so evil 30+ single women can scupper the 20+ competition by persuading them to stay single, so presumably us older women can get all the eligible young men to ourselves. Because, you know, that’s totally plausible.
And because there is not enough room for all the “fuck you” gifs I want to put, here’s a whole fuckin’ list of ’em.
All for you, Janet.
Thanks you for saying what I was too angry to type.
Also, your link isn’t working.
@paradox Thank you. I have already sent that to my friends for their use.
Does this work?
Wikipedia tells me the following thing:
I don’t know how I feel about that. I could see that going either extremely well or extremely poorly. It might end up an exploitive mess, or it might end up being something that helps other trans people get through their own transitions.
Yes, and it is glorious.
Have I told you you’re amazing today? I’ll say it again if I haven’t, you are amazing.
In fact, you’re ALL amazing, every last one of you.
I have to give extra kudos to David, however, for having to deal with this shit on a daily basis. He’s slightly more amazing than the rest, but you’re all still super amazing. It’s like comparing Spider Man to Wolverine, so don’t feel too bad, peeps. Don’t feel too bad.
@PoM: My only hope is that Bruce will get the biggest say in what goes on in it and it’s less about “ratings” and more about his actual transition.
I agree. That documentary will probably be a mess. I think they get better.
You know it will be bad if the documentary starts with Jenner putting on make up.
Also, the new link works and is awesome.
The whole thing is amazingly depressing. The feeling of exploitation by everyone involved, the misogyny and transphobia. It just makes me want to pretend the whole thing never happened.