A writer from Roosh Valizadeh’s terrible Return of Kings site recently got himself into a bit of trouble at a white power convention in Tennessee.
The problem wasn’t that the writer, one Blair Naso, didn’t fit in with the motley assortment of Hitler-lovers and former National Review writers who attended the 2015 American Renaissance conference, put on by an organization that actually has won itself an official “hate group” designation from the Southern Poverty Law Center for its virulent racism and its obsessive advocacy for a white “homeland.”
No, he fit in fine, ideologically speaking. In a post for Return of Kings, Naso praised the AmRen crowd for “doing a wonderful work,” and “saying the things that others are terrified to say.”
The problem? Well, Mr. Naso got a wee bit drunk and started harassing women at a local bar. As Naso sheepishly admits in his ROK post,
On the first night, I got very drunk. If I were wise, I would have gone to bed after the speakers, but instead I went to a nearby bar with the other guys. I went around asking girls to dance, because I wanted to use the swing lessons I had taken. All of them rejected me, because no girl likes an obnoxious wasted guy.
A few young girls were being especially snarky. I knew they wouldn’t dance with me, but I decided to ruin their night anyway. I go up to them and say, “You’re fat, and I’m balding. Let’s dance.” They kept saying no, and I kept asking them, just to piss them off. One pushed me, and I pushed her back, and then the bouncer literally threw me out of the bar.
Another conference attendee, Matt Parrott of something called the “Traditionalist Youth Network,” tells a similar story of Naso’s misadventures.
Here I was at the bar … when I felt pushed by a nearby scuffle and saw the short, balding, swarthy guy [Naso] being physically thrown, black-and-white Western-style, out of the bar.
Parrott ran outside to try to cool Naso off, sitting beside him on the grass while Naso went on about “how the girl was fat and had no right to reject his advances.”
We kept him off of the property and got him back to the conference safely, then spent the next hour or so effusively apologizing for him, buying the girls drinks right and left, and promising the locals we would avenge their girl in short order.
As Parrott evidently sees it, Naso’s actions don’t necessarily reflect badly on the white race, “since the guy’s (arguably) not exactly white.”
Naso, for his part, insists that despite his “olive complexion” he has a “largely Scottish background.”
White Supremacy sure is complicated, huh?
Parrott was much more impressed with Naso’s traveling companion (and Return of Kings colleague) Matt Forney, who also attended the event. In Parrott’s estimation, Forney was the Gallant to Naso’s Goofus.
Forney thoughtfully argued his anti-feminist and male-empowering positions until he was too drunk to thoughtfully argue. Meanwhile, his fellow attendee boorishly irritated both male and female attendees alike until he was too drunk to contain his frustration about women and pushed one of the local girls at the nearby bar.
It certainly sounds like a glorious moment in the history of the white race.
In any case, Naso’s post on the conference is, he says, his swan song to the Manosphere. In a post on his own blog, he declares that
I’m quitting the Manosphere and will very likely not return, because it’s been exacerbating some personal demons in my life for the last several months, which I won’t go into detail here with a sob story.
It would seem like this is a product of the fiasco at AmRen, but that would be a wrong assumption. AmRen at the very most only moved it up by a few weeks, if even that. This has been coming for a while, and it takes more than a few dorks who live on the internet to make me quit.
Also leading to his decision: his horror at discovering evil feminists like … Lindy West.
I could have gone my whole life without being exposed to Jessica Valenti and Lindy West. We are writing against some truly vile and empty human beings on a very deep level of the soul, regardless of their actions. I think any man or woman who is exposed to mainstream feminism long enough will lose some part of himself, no matter what his reaction.
Poor fella! As Lindy’s Twitter bio asks:
Why, Lindy, why?
P.S. If any of you have any doubt that a large number of the readers of Return of Kings are completely awful Stormfront-style racist assholes, take a look at the comments on Naso’s ROK post. Yow.
Shut up Woody
kinda new commenter, have lurked since GlooberGlommers started throwing shit in august.
I also felt that “I almost swallowed the red pill” went over the line, as a avid roleplayer that really hit the wrong way, especially since thats how me and my GF first met
Vox’s wife spends a lot of time yammering incoherently at people on Twitter.
He also recorded it in several languages as well.
And I’m nthing the notion that IAlmost crossed a line there too. A lot of us are avid nerds. 🙁
I like doing D&D and the like as well, and I know several other people who have who play with their significant others. Hell, the last irl game I did, my whole family (My mom, who used to LARP, my little brother, my little sister, and myself) all sat down with some other people to do the campaign.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I think it was five different languages he recorded in. He’s dedicated.
Lanariel. Welcome.
If you go —> thataway, you’ll find a scented fucking candle with your welcome package at the link.
I played D&D first in college. The DM was the first person I knew from college to get married.
After that, I went on to DM several campaigns, one of which (the oldest permanent floating established all-gay D&D campaign in San Francisco) lasted eight years – and that was after I met my husband. Who I’m still with after twenty years. So clearly FPRGs are relationship Kryptonite.
I went to the RoK post cited, and the comments were YouTube worthy. How do people live in minds that small?
So he’s saying the big gang of Scottish genes in his makeup got into a fight with the little gang of olive-complexioned genes and the Scottish genes got their ass kicked? That doesn’t sound very superior to me.
My dad DMs a Pathfinder campaign for me, my sister, my uncle, and my cousin. It’s tons of fun. And speaking of Vin Diesel, I heard that he actually based the way he played Riddick on his favorite D&D character, a drow rogue. I can totally see that.
I’m in a campaign with my husband right now. Husband recently called out the GM for putting so few women in the campaign and I was so proud.
Okay, I admit it, I LOL’d at this.
I’m sure they also take ’em along so they can hoot and howl in motel rooms with paper-thin walls and pretend they’re getting the best sex of their lives so that those in adjoining rooms can hate their fucking guts for it, yet not know who they are when it comes checkout time.
” I think any man or woman who is exposed to mainstream feminism long enough will lose some part of himself [sic], no matter what his [sic] reaction.”
Like her or his bigotry, perhaps?
Well, if the part of himself he loses is his stupidfuck misogyny, then that’d be great. You know, that part that makes him himself a “truly vile and empty human being on a very deep level of the soul”.
(Oh wait, MRAs don’t fucking HAVE souls.)
I admit I whooped when I found out that Vin Diesel had taught Judi Dench to play D&D.
Also, from a bit back ‘Black Irish/Scots’ weren’t when Spain conquered Ireland but from survivors of the Spanish Armada wrecks mixing with the local population.
(Redhead, freckled, bright sun gives me screaming headaches etc Scot)
In the middle of my first campaign of Pathfinder, still. I finally succumbed and bought myself some dice.
(We’re a party of bards, because it’s a subset of the choir that’s doing it. We call it “The Bardy”)
I originally parsed that phrase a different way than was intended (a way that had an implied ‘to each other’ on the end of it), and proceeded to snort in a most unladylike manner.
On the topc at hand, Pathfinder is my favorite system for tabletop gaming. I really do need to find a group to play with when I finish moving.
I’ve always wanted to try tabletop gaming but I live out in the boonies (in a forest actually) and there’s no one around for miles who’s interested in RPGs. Literally.
Have you got decent internet? You can find an online game.
Free, map software, community, system agnostic! Works pretty well. Disclaimer: This is the Internet, learn to ignore people.
Alternatively play by post games are also fairly popular. This is actually a pretty decent way to learn the rules. The forum for the webcomic Order of the Stick is a good place to start.
Alternatively, Skype has support for dice rolling software mods, hosts multiple people and allows voice + chat. Also great for getting a group set up.
Was this a bar dedicated to swing dancing?
Actually think there was a few whtm games arranged over Skype back when it was still Manboobz, but perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me.
Well, there are plenty of black Scots. And South Asian Scots. They’re people that were born and raised in Scotland, and given that I’m part Scottish (my Grandpa) and white, I still consider them far more Scottish than I am, because they actually lived the culture and lived in the country.
A friend of mine and I are trying to learn how to DM Vampire: The Masquerade so we can do a game on roll20. After we learn how to use roll20. : /
Good luck with that, Paradox. Hope you have fun.