A writer from Roosh Valizadeh’s terrible Return of Kings site recently got himself into a bit of trouble at a white power convention in Tennessee.
The problem wasn’t that the writer, one Blair Naso, didn’t fit in with the motley assortment of Hitler-lovers and former National Review writers who attended the 2015 American Renaissance conference, put on by an organization that actually has won itself an official “hate group” designation from the Southern Poverty Law Center for its virulent racism and its obsessive advocacy for a white “homeland.”
No, he fit in fine, ideologically speaking. In a post for Return of Kings, Naso praised the AmRen crowd for “doing a wonderful work,” and “saying the things that others are terrified to say.”
The problem? Well, Mr. Naso got a wee bit drunk and started harassing women at a local bar. As Naso sheepishly admits in his ROK post,
On the first night, I got very drunk. If I were wise, I would have gone to bed after the speakers, but instead I went to a nearby bar with the other guys. I went around asking girls to dance, because I wanted to use the swing lessons I had taken. All of them rejected me, because no girl likes an obnoxious wasted guy.
A few young girls were being especially snarky. I knew they wouldn’t dance with me, but I decided to ruin their night anyway. I go up to them and say, “You’re fat, and I’m balding. Let’s dance.” They kept saying no, and I kept asking them, just to piss them off. One pushed me, and I pushed her back, and then the bouncer literally threw me out of the bar.
Another conference attendee, Matt Parrott of something called the “Traditionalist Youth Network,” tells a similar story of Naso’s misadventures.
Here I was at the bar … when I felt pushed by a nearby scuffle and saw the short, balding, swarthy guy [Naso] being physically thrown, black-and-white Western-style, out of the bar.
Parrott ran outside to try to cool Naso off, sitting beside him on the grass while Naso went on about “how the girl was fat and had no right to reject his advances.”
We kept him off of the property and got him back to the conference safely, then spent the next hour or so effusively apologizing for him, buying the girls drinks right and left, and promising the locals we would avenge their girl in short order.
As Parrott evidently sees it, Naso’s actions don’t necessarily reflect badly on the white race, “since the guy’s (arguably) not exactly white.”
Naso, for his part, insists that despite his “olive complexion” he has a “largely Scottish background.”
White Supremacy sure is complicated, huh?
Parrott was much more impressed with Naso’s traveling companion (and Return of Kings colleague) Matt Forney, who also attended the event. In Parrott’s estimation, Forney was the Gallant to Naso’s Goofus.
Forney thoughtfully argued his anti-feminist and male-empowering positions until he was too drunk to thoughtfully argue. Meanwhile, his fellow attendee boorishly irritated both male and female attendees alike until he was too drunk to contain his frustration about women and pushed one of the local girls at the nearby bar.
It certainly sounds like a glorious moment in the history of the white race.
In any case, Naso’s post on the conference is, he says, his swan song to the Manosphere. In a post on his own blog, he declares that
I’m quitting the Manosphere and will very likely not return, because it’s been exacerbating some personal demons in my life for the last several months, which I won’t go into detail here with a sob story.
It would seem like this is a product of the fiasco at AmRen, but that would be a wrong assumption. AmRen at the very most only moved it up by a few weeks, if even that. This has been coming for a while, and it takes more than a few dorks who live on the internet to make me quit.
Also leading to his decision: his horror at discovering evil feminists like … Lindy West.
I could have gone my whole life without being exposed to Jessica Valenti and Lindy West. We are writing against some truly vile and empty human beings on a very deep level of the soul, regardless of their actions. I think any man or woman who is exposed to mainstream feminism long enough will lose some part of himself, no matter what his reaction.
Poor fella! As Lindy’s Twitter bio asks:
Why, Lindy, why?
P.S. If any of you have any doubt that a large number of the readers of Return of Kings are completely awful Stormfront-style racist assholes, take a look at the comments on Naso’s ROK post. Yow.
“You’re fat, I’m balding-let’s dance”
No reason to turn down a great pickup line like that except misandry. No right to turn him down, my ass!
“You’re fat, I’m balding-let’s dance”
That almost beats “I have a car!” which is the lamest pickup line I had the misfortune to.
Strange how whiteness and masculinity are so easily revoked. Funny how much these people fear losing them. Do you think they ever wonder why?
Kay. I’m reading this on mobile, so maybe it already has such a thing, and through the vagaries of device-dependent stylesheets I’ve simply missed it…
… But if ever a post needed a ‘No. Really?’ tag…
“Well, both Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu are feminists.”
Yes, they will devour all, equally.
Just what kind of embarrassing fool wants to ballroom dance in a Tennessee bar even without the other baggage? I think his trilby was jammed on too tight, so he could not see that m’lady was uninterested in foxtrotting.
“You’re fat, I’m balding-let’s dance”
That bastard Naso just leaked the title of the newest David Bowie single!
It’s really hard to look at that photo and read this post and not laugh my ass off thinking that these are the people that think they are the “real men” of the world. The world has changed, the old one is never coming back, and they are all broken because they cannot accept that.
The world was never what they think it was. Even the white supremacists dreaming of the antebellum South have an idea in their heads that doesn’t match the historic reality.
What’s the word for when you have nostalgia for something that never existed? I think there is one but I can’t remember it and Google is failing me.
Yeah, looking at that group photo fills me with pride in my genetic heritage. Those guys = the very flower of the finest group of traditional civilizations the world has ever seen! Veritable Aryan gods among men!
This is the same mindset that says there are two teams:
Straight, cis, vanilla people and everyone else.
Not long ago, unmarried people and divorced people were everyone else. Bi-racial couples were everyone else. Now that they are in with the status quo, many of them don’t give two shits about the sexual rights of others. Just like the children of white immigrants and union organizers who vote Republican and ignore black people being gunned down in their streets, they got theirs.
These guys are team heterosexual, cis, white, dude. They see the rest of the world as everybody else. What a shitty way to go through life. What a shitty mindset to try to inflict on the world.
Sexuality doesn’t work that way. Gender doesn’t work that way. Race doesn’t work that way. Society doesn’t work that way. Those are basic facts. Trying to force the rest of the world to conform to that mindset is ridiculous. It’s insulting to humanity that there are still people this frightened by and in denial of equality. They are truly turds in the punch bowl of civilization.
‘m so amused by the way they take each other’s “mancards” and whiteness away as some sort of ridiculous punishment. It’s like they’re fighting over a magic feather.
@Malitia -I have a car is pretty lame…..and if used on me will result in my getting Adam Sandler’s “Piece of Shit Car” song stuck in my head.
@friday jones -I almost burst out laughing at my desk at that David Bowie crack.
“Just what kind of embarrassing fool wants to ballroom dance in a Tennessee bar even without the other baggage?”
I’ve seen ballroom dancing in a bar in Tennessee…and it was pretty amazing.
I was embarassed that this AmRen thing was going on in my home state, but pleased that my homegirlz have some discrimination in the positive sense. Of course, I’m not sure how much discrimination you need to turn down “You’re fat and I’m balding.”
And at least Naso is right about Tennessee State Parks being really lovely and often with very good facilities.
Wait, Scottish people aren’t white? That’s just, like, the weirdest part of all this.
Good lord that group photo up top is terrifying. It’s like they’re staring into my soul. D:
Wow, that sure stings coming from a white nationalist and woman-hater.
Oh, wait, no it doesn’t.
He’s not wrong. I’ve already lost quite a bit of my faith in humanity and patience for bullshit.
I don’t think there is one. All I could find were threads of people asking for the same thing you are, and there was some very interesting discussion as to whether you can experience nostalgia for something you’ve never experienced.
Though, I did come across “Romantic False Nostalgia”, and I figured that sounded the best.
I like it, but Romanticized False Nostalgia sounds better to me.
I agree that their interpretation of the past is fantasy; however, I was referring to the world norms that preferentially treated white men as superior to everyone else and that the deck should always be stacked in their favor. For example, the OP’s opinion that a fat woman “has no right” to reject him.
I apologize for not being more clear. 🙂
That’s surprisingly self aware for a ROK writer.
“Wait, Scottish people aren’t white?”
They’re Translucent-Americans.
[quote]Forney thoughtfully argued his anti-feminist and male-empowering positions until he was too drunk to thoughtfully argue.[/quote]
So, you’re telling me he’s never sober? 😉
friday jones – That is simply not true.
Very many Scottish Americans are quote noticeable due to their freckles and moles.
and of they have red hair, whoooboy, thry’re even more visible.
prox, who enjoys playing very easy games of connect-the-dots on her husband (who sports about every color of human hair somewhere on his body, including red) & who while she wasn’t blessed with the red hair that jumps around on her mother’s side DOES require enough anesthetic to knock out a bull moose during medical procedures (so some of the associated genes are probably hiding out somewhere)
*still is unsure how really white people aren’t white*
How about fauxstalgia?
PoM, you might be thinking of the neologism ‘nostoutopalgia’. I did not invent it I believe it’s a portmanteau of nostalgia and utopia.
Akestra – he adores “traditional European cultures”? I’d like to ask him his opinions on the Livonians or Cimbrians.
Also, there’s a strange fetishism for the Scots among some white supremacists. It would make sense for Naso to claim that, although it won’t keep the Death Eaters from calling him a filthy mudblood. As a person of mixed Scottish and Irish ancestry, I strongly resent having my heritage valued by these wastes of carbon.
Not that it really matters, but maybe he’s descended from picts? They were supposedly darker complected than other Britons?
There’s also been Spanish DNA found in the western part of the Isles. Although that wouldn’t apply to him. I just find it interesting. I guess it explains why the Welsh Catherine Zeta-Jones sometimes get cast as a Latina?