antifeminism antifeminist women misogyny penises red pill

Red Pill Woman warns evil sluts that “every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.”

TempestTcup10 Endorsed Contributor 44 points 8 hours ago*  Unless you are the type of person who can have sex without any sort of feelings attached, every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.  You should feel like being only with your SO is a very special gift instead of a burden.
You’re a heartbreaker, love taker

Today I thought I’d highlight this lovely “Red Pill” insight from one of the gals on the Red Pill Women subreddit, a weird sort of Women’s Auxilliary to the Red Pill subreddit that devotes itself to “objectively and realistically discuss[ing] sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective.”

Which basically means a lot of slut-shaming.

Yep. The Red Pill dudes fill their subreddit with advice on how to stuff their penises into as many HB8’s as possible; meanwhile, Red Pill women attack these same women as penis-stuffing sluts who will end up miserable in the end and sort of deserve it for being such penis-stuffing sluts.

While I have no problem with penis-stuffing, I would like to warn all penis-stuffers, male or female: Make sure every penis you’re stuffing into yourself has a flared base, otherwise they could easily get stuck up in there somewhere.

And now I find myself thinking of Pat Benatar’s famous ode to heartbreaking penises.

H/T — Password_is_potato on the awesome Blue Pill subreddit


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9 years ago

Instead of breaking your heart, how about warming your heart.

And no, I can’t have a kangaroo as a house companion. Keeping Australian native animals in cities or suburbs requires a license – which most of us are very unlikely to get. Though I’d dearly like Dusty the kangaroo and a couple of dogs.

9 years ago

@friday_jones, you are awesome.

9 years ago

Suzy Q

I won’t point out the obvious flaw in the proponents of an ideology based on telling men to have as much unattached sex with as many women as possible co-signing another post telling women not to have sex because if they do they’re sluts. Just goes to show how fucking stupid red pillers really are.

Well, it’s to make the number of women a man is able to have sex with mean something. What kind of accomplishment is a guy’s high notch count if the women are trying to score, too? It’s all BS so men can have self worth based on sex.

9 years ago

I can only imagine what they think a woman’s heart looks like after a few years of marriage.

Maybe stop having sex with redpillers and try it with a kind, caring, respectful partner who doesn’t view you as a worthless, inferior piece of meat?

Nah, too obvious. Red Pillockettes prefer convoluted stoopid to straight-up intelligence.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Yes, but ‘tit-fucking’ generally leads to a pearl necklace (semen around throat area)

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention “I think they’re referring to the thing that people with larger breasts can do where they can wrap their breasts around their partner’s penis and…uh…”tit fuck” them.”

Ah, but that’s technically external so I don’t think it counts as “every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little”, it should be perfectly safe for your heart.

Do you think the heartbreaking penis rule applies to men having sex with men too? Till they become emotionless gay sexfiends? That sounds like the sort of thing some redpillers might believe.

9 years ago

@epitome_of_incomprehensibility Well, pencil grades get me hot. But I’m a fine artist, so, you know, I’m not exactly a normal person. Yes, 8B, you sexy thing, get dark and smudgy on my rough-grain 150gsm cartridge!!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


Oh yeah, tease me with your blenders~

9 years ago


I hate to tell you all this but…

…but you went and did anyway.

I am a man who used to be a feminist and a big fan of this site. But then I met a woman who told me the truth about women […]

So you used to be a feminist? How many people’s thoughts and views and experiences led you to that position? Were any of those people women? What “truth” did your not-at-all fictional Red Pill fiancée reveal to you that erased all of those other people?

9 years ago

Newt – I think Tom is a concern troll.
If Tom actually has met someone who has changed his mind about so much I think he should be a bit careful – Tom – you don’t want her ruling your life, be your own person, don’t be taken in by the pretty lady!

See, I can concern troll too!

9 years ago

Is Tom a sock for Innocent bystander Boston, or are we just attracting religious right trolls right now?

Either way, I’m calling “cool story,bro” on that tale.

9 years ago

Although usually these guys claim it’s the meanness of David, us or some straw feminist who turned them off feminism. This is a change from the usual. I guess that’s something.

9 years ago

Classic example of “I have all these great reasons to believe X, but I won’t tell you what they are”.

9 years ago

Just throwing my two cents in to say I support the notion that if Red Pillers don’t like women having sex then women shouldn’t have sex with Red Pillers. Win-win!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I agree, it’s completely plausible that Tom, after being a “big fan” of this site for years, met a redpill unicorn lady who suddenly opened his eyes to how wrong and awful feminists are, and caused him to do a complete 180 on his beliefs. PUAs might be godless, abusive crooks, but by gum, at least they aren’t terrible enough to ask to be treated as humans.

Since meeting this lady, and having a life-changing transformation that suspiciously resembles a come-on for a lifestyle seminar and a set of $499 videos, Tom has been called to barge randomly into comment threads and witness, witlessly.

It is amusing that he thinks redpill women are “going against the grain”. That might make sense if you’re talking about the grain of human decency in the plywood of progress.

9 years ago


Yeah, the fact that Tom went right into praising Dalrock specifically makes them very likely to be a sock.


I read the thread a bit. Wow. Basically, the argument boils down to “if you have a relationship with a guy and have even one speck of emotion about it, you’ll feel sad when it’s over and potentially jealous of the guy moving on to someone else. These emotions are bad and should never be experienced, so don’t do the sex thing in the first place.”

It feels a bit odd saying this, but learning how to handle “bad” emotions like jealousy or heartbreak is part of growing up, even if that “handling” is mostly avoiding situations where you know those emotions are going to occur. Innocence is ignorance first and foremost; ignorance both of what those “bad” emotions are like and how you personally handle them. That’s why “losing your innocence” (not the sexual thing, how bizarre is it that I have to clarify this) has such a strong impact; you’re facing something you’ve never faced before with no tools to handle it.

How about, instead of saying sex with anyone but your future husband is verboten and sinful, you give people the emotional tools necessary to deal with relationships? They can decide what works for them, and you’ll be promoting knowledge rather than ignorance? The people who feel comfortable sleeping around can do so without guilt, and the people who stick to monogamy and save themselves for marriage can do so without fear.

9 years ago

These stories are really popular amongst right wingers I’ve noticed. So many of them were liberals until this one incident made them see the light. Now they’re saved! Red pill and tea party conservatism are basically identical to evangelical Christianity. They appeal to their followers by making things so simple and black and white. No more thinking. No more nuance. No more pesky ambiguity. Just take the red pill/get saved and life will be great.

Michelle Bachman claims to have been a liberal until one day she was reading Gore Vidal and it made her realize that liberals are all big meanie pants who hate America. It’s just such a ridiculous story clearly designed to appeal to the emotions of the right wing. Stories of taking the red pill always remind of this.

Sorry for the ramble.

9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

It is amusing that he thinks redpill women are “going against the grain”. That might make sense if you’re talking about the grain of human decency in the plywood of progress.

That’s a metaphor right there, given that plywood is an engineered wood with the grain of each layer purposefully placed in many directions to give it resiliency.

9 years ago

‘I used to be an atheist, a very strident atheist, but then one day someone told me about Jesus and so now I realize atheists are Hitler.’

Yup, heard that story a few times before. Has anyone ever fallen for that stuff?

9 years ago


Michelle Bachman claims to have been a liberal until one day she was reading Gore Vidal and it made her realize that liberals are all big meanie pants who hate America.

You know, doing a little bit of wikipedia research, I found this:

Bachmann grew up in a Democratic family, but she says she became a Republican during her senior year at Winona State. She told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that she was reading Gore Vidal’s 1973 novel Burr: “He was kind of mocking the Founding Fathers and I just thought, I just remember reading the book, putting it in my lap, looking out the window and thinking, ‘You know what? I don’t think I am a Democrat. I must be a Republican.'”

That’s basically my story as well, only the other way around and without the single one-time experience that changed by views. I grew up in a Republican household (pretty much, even though my parents ended up voting for Obama), and considered myself one until I went to high school and started understanding a little more about my own personal views and what each party stood for.

Of course, high school for me was the bush era, so my first experimentation with being a democrat wasn’t exactly well-informed; I basically just got caught up in the anti-bush stuff. Probably wasn’t until college and later when I actually started having good reasons for my party affiliation.

Come to think of it, I have the same story to tell for my atheism. I considered myself religious by default, having grown up in a sort-of-religious family. It wasn’t until just before I would have gone through confirmation that I sat myself down and seriously asked myself if I believed in God, and found that I didn’t.

I wonder how many of these conversions represent true changes in core beliefs, and how many are just about discovering that your default ideological identity doesn’t match with those beliefs anymore.

9 years ago

Addendum: Apparently Bachmann joined a pro-life group while she still considered herself a democrat. I kind of doubt that her “conversion” involved any difficult belief changes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ha, that was a bit “Chick Tract” wasn’t it.

I wish I had the skills to do a red pill version.

[Bloke goes around being basically decent]

“Hey did you know that only men are eligible for selective service?”

“Really? Wow! Hey, pay for you own dinner b***ch; I’m off to make rape threats on the interweb”

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago

Awww, I wanted to read Tom the Trolls little spat. 🙁

9 years ago

Naaah, penises are more like Pokemon. Gotta catch ’em all! Not seeing all the different kinds breaks my heart!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Yup, because you were totes an awesome feminist before one person came along with a dissenting opinion and changed your mind!

Yeah, sounds to me like you were looking for an excuse.