antifeminism antifeminist women misogyny penises red pill

Red Pill Woman warns evil sluts that “every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.”

TempestTcup10 Endorsed Contributor 44 points 8 hours ago*  Unless you are the type of person who can have sex without any sort of feelings attached, every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.  You should feel like being only with your SO is a very special gift instead of a burden.
You’re a heartbreaker, love taker

Today I thought I’d highlight this lovely “Red Pill” insight from one of the gals on the Red Pill Women subreddit, a weird sort of Women’s Auxilliary to the Red Pill subreddit that devotes itself to “objectively and realistically discuss[ing] sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective.”

Which basically means a lot of slut-shaming.

Yep. The Red Pill dudes fill their subreddit with advice on how to stuff their penises into as many HB8’s as possible; meanwhile, Red Pill women attack these same women as penis-stuffing sluts who will end up miserable in the end and sort of deserve it for being such penis-stuffing sluts.

While I have no problem with penis-stuffing, I would like to warn all penis-stuffers, male or female: Make sure every penis you’re stuffing into yourself has a flared base, otherwise they could easily get stuck up in there somewhere.

And now I find myself thinking of Pat Benatar’s famous ode to heartbreaking penises.

H/T — Password_is_potato on the awesome Blue Pill subreddit


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9 years ago

Ever notice these MRA/Red Pill types are frighteningly sexually repressed and often exhibit very unhealthy attitudes towards intimacy of any kind?

The statement “Every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little” tells me the author feels sex with a man takes something from her; i.e. causes emotional injury. It’s quite a tragic statement and at the same time very creepy.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I can only imagine what they think a woman’s heart looks like after a few years of marriage.

Maybe stop having sex with redpillers and try it with a kind, caring, respectful partner who doesn’t view you as a worthless, inferior piece of meat?

9 years ago

Ah, but that’s irrelevant, because she ‘belongs’ to her husband. The primary mission has been achieved i.e. a man has found himself a woman to serve him sexually (as they see it anyway). So they’re happy.

9 years ago

This is exactly the kind of shit that gets told to kids in Abstinence-Only Sex Ed classes.

I posit that a lack of healthy, sex-positive information on relationships is actually a major factor in creating the Red Pill mentality.
They can’t basic biology, and they can’t emotional intelligence.
I hate to think what it must be like to internalise the message that all your natural desires will damage you irreparably. It must be a horrible feeling to carry that kind of shaming around with you.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@sunnysombrera: It certainly explains a lot about redpill women. JB’s collection of blackened, pulverized heart shards makes the Grinch look like the Dalai Lama.

I always thought they were just born that way, but now we know. Penises!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

You know, I call it out whenever men reduce women to their sexual and/or reproductive potential as misogynist, reductive, essentialist, and transphobic, but here we have the opposite. This RP lady is reducing men to their dicks. What breaks a woman’s heart is not the emotions she invests in the human being she’s with, but the physical organ that is going inside her during penetrative intercourse.

I mean, this is just as fucked up as the reversed misogynist version, and yet this is the Red Pill Approved story?

Again, we find out that misogynists hate men just as much as they hate women.

9 years ago

What does HB mean? I got this from YahooAnswers – and I found it to be quite informative:

Pencil lead is graded by hardness: a greater percentage of clay results in a harder lead. H (harder), F, HB and B (softer) are pencils of average hardness. Pencils ranging from 2B to 9B are softer still and are used for sketching; 2H to 9H are harder than average. A common American #2 pencil is equivalent to HB.

In order, the leads are (from hardest to softest) 9H | 8H | 7H | 6H | 5H | 4H | 3H | 2H | H | F | HB | B | 2B | 3B | 4B | 5B | 6B | 7B | 8B | 9B.

….and even more detail here:

9 years ago

Has anyone noticed that AVFM actively recruits women who will spout this BS? The cynic in me feels like the Honey Badger Brigade is just a crazier version of the blond ladies on Fox News. Having them inspires the mostly male readership to keep coming back and donating, fills them with a hope that they too can find a honey badger of their very own to complain about feminism & get old with. I’ve even seen statements on AVFM forums to would be Honey Badgers that women in their clubhouse “can say the things men cant” meaning they can be aggressively sexist.

And I think now of how Honey Badger Radio (which makes money on Patreon) and Karen Straughan were talking like they had one foot out the door with AFVM. I suspect it’s more profitable to have women spout off this BS to an audience of men than it is for Paul Elam to do it himself.

9 years ago

Let’s not call the honey badgers crazy, please. We don’t need another derail into the ableism debate.

9 years ago

Evo psych types always use chimpanzee assholishness to justify bad male behavior. Funny how the same people never use promiscuity in female bonobos (my phone autocorrected that to bonbons. Haha) to deem women having multiple partners as natural.

Not that this comment mentioned chimps, it’s just a general thing that annoys me about evo psych and its proponent’s tendency to use it to maintain patriarchy.

They don’t even mention promiscuity in female chimps! Or describe actual chimp behaviour very well at all. They mostly seem to imagine chimps living like idealized 1950’s American humans.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

A lot of things the evo psychers say about chimp behavior is based off of old research, which was mainly gathered from captive chimps and not reflective of how wild chimps behave. We have better data now, but the evo psychers haven’t gotten the message.

It’s not dissimilar to how PUAs base their male hierarchy chart off of old research on wolves that was done on captive wolves, and is not reflective of how wild wolves behave. Wild wolf packs consist of a breeding pair and their adult offspring who have not yet left the nest. The offspring are subordinate because they are young and inexperienced, and still learning from their parents, not because they are “beta.”

9 years ago

Misogynists base their ideals on pretty much anything that’s old and obsolete, but sometimes they don’t even get that right. Look at their terrible grasp on history. They constantly try to argue that women were in charge and men were oppressed and when you point out the laws and attitudes that prove the opposite, AND support yourself with half a dozen credible links, their only response is ever “BUT MEN DIEDED IN WARZZZ!” And that’s it.

9 years ago

Sex does not either have to be monogamous OR respectful and affectionate. Passion and deep, meaningful emotions are not destroyed by fun, consensual sex. Maybe “red pill” women need to stop fucking misogynists if every sexual encounter breaks them down a little more.

A dick is just a dick. It can’t break me by touching me. It is not magical. If a lover breaks my heart, it isn’t because he put his penis in my vagina. Maybe he was a jerk who trod on my feelings. Maybe he just didn’t feel the same attachment I did. Relationships can hurt whether they are sexual or not. When we make connections with other people we risk getting hurt. Sexual connection often makes people feel especially vulnerable. Fear of having a broken heart is universal. It isn’t something only women feel. There are no excuses for sexual double standards.

9 years ago

You can have your very own stuffed penis for just $9.49 + shipping!

Which, of course, implies there really are professional penis stuffers out there.

9 years ago

Sex does not either have to be monogamous OR respectful and affectionate.

Well, I effed that up fantastically.
Spin it ’round flip it and reverse it.

I meant to say that sex does not have to be monogamous to be meaningful.

9 years ago

I mean, if you manage to dig past the hyperbole and slut shaming, isn’t this basically saying:

“Unless you are one of those people who likes having sex with more than one dude, you’re going to dislike having sex with more than one dude” ?

This seems like it shouldn’t be a bombshell to anyone…

9 years ago

“Unless you are one of those people who likes having sex with more than one dude, you’re going to dislike having sex with more than one dude” ?

This seems like it shouldn’t be a bombshell to anyone…

This sounds like a job for Sudden Clarity Clarence. (Link goes to Know Your Meme, I heard that Cheezburger’s rife with Gaters, if that makes a difference.)

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

The penis mightier than the sword.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

rugbyyogi | April 23, 2015 at 2:31 am
Nah, there IS one way engaging with penii that’s close to your heart that isn’t doing it ‘wrong’, but you have to have a reasonably sized chest to do it. Being the sturdy sort, it hasn’t broken my heart yet.

gilshalos | April 23, 2015 at 2:47 am
@rugbyyogi – pearl necklace ?

I think they’re referring to the thing that people with larger breasts can do where they can wrap their breasts around their partner’s penis and…uh…”tit fuck” them.

I don’t have large enough breasts to attempt this myself. Part of me kind of wishes I did because I want to test it out. For science.

9 years ago

I have huge boobs and have never done that. I tend to be turned off when a man spends too much time in that area. I’m always afraid when a guy finds me attractive, it’s only because of my chest so it makes me feel insecure.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

I am pioneering a new field in sexual activity: Armpit Sex.

9 years ago

This reminds me of telegeny. That’s the idea that every lovin’ spoonful that comes in contact with a vagina permanently affects all further offspring of the possessor of said vagina. Hence, strict chastity for vagina-possessors is essential for preserving the genetic inheritance of penis-possessors. As far as I know, this does not actually happen in human beings.

Curious how often pseudoscience bolsters the status quo.

9 years ago

I am going to make a wild assumption here that these ‘Red Pill women’ are conservative, at best, and one of the points I always remember in Dworkins ‘Right Wing Women’ was that many of these women who promoted SAHM, devoted submissive wifehood, etc were not in fact SAHM or submissive to their husbands at all! I am NOT saying that this is necessarily the case with these RPW’s, but anyone who tells other people how they ‘should’ be living is always suspect in my book.

And I am another who suspects that many of these RPW’s are not actually women.

Suzy Q
Suzy Q
9 years ago

I won’t point out the obvious flaw in the proponents of an ideology based on telling men to have as much unattached sex with as many women as possible co-signing another post telling women not to have sex because if they do they’re sluts. Just goes to show how fucking stupid red pillers really are.

9 years ago

I hate to tell you all this but this woman does indeed speak the truth. I am a man who used to be a feminist and a big fan of this site. But then I met a woman who told me the truth about women and encouraged me to read Red Pill sites like Dalrock. She also taught me about God. So now I am marrying this woman and realize that I have to give up feminism. I think this site does good work exposing godless abusive PUAs and AVFM crooks, yet I have realized through meeting red pill and similar women that the feminist worldview is wrong and the best way for me to respect women is to listen to the women who are out there going against the grain.