antifeminism antifeminist women misogyny penises red pill

Red Pill Woman warns evil sluts that “every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.”

TempestTcup10 Endorsed Contributor 44 points 8 hours ago*  Unless you are the type of person who can have sex without any sort of feelings attached, every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.  You should feel like being only with your SO is a very special gift instead of a burden.
You’re a heartbreaker, love taker

Today I thought I’d highlight this lovely “Red Pill” insight from one of the gals on the Red Pill Women subreddit, a weird sort of Women’s Auxilliary to the Red Pill subreddit that devotes itself to “objectively and realistically discuss[ing] sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective.”

Which basically means a lot of slut-shaming.

Yep. The Red Pill dudes fill their subreddit with advice on how to stuff their penises into as many HB8’s as possible; meanwhile, Red Pill women attack these same women as penis-stuffing sluts who will end up miserable in the end and sort of deserve it for being such penis-stuffing sluts.

While I have no problem with penis-stuffing, I would like to warn all penis-stuffers, male or female: Make sure every penis you’re stuffing into yourself has a flared base, otherwise they could easily get stuck up in there somewhere.

And now I find myself thinking of Pat Benatar’s famous ode to heartbreaking penises.

H/T — Password_is_potato on the awesome Blue Pill subreddit


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9 years ago

Well then — the solution is obvious.

Women should never have sex with men again.

Like the anti-tobacco advertising in Australia says:
“Every cigarette penis is doing you damage.”

Just say no to all dicks, everywhere. It’s the only way to avoid harm.

That should make the Red-Pillers happy, right?

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

As much as I’ve muddied my little self sniffing around the manosphere, I have yet to penetrate the Red Pill subculture with my penis of curiosity. I’ve read their (?) terms like HB8 on this blog but I have no idea what it actually means, other than it seemingly referring to the attractiveness of a feeeeemale. Can anybody open up this for me?

And sorry for the crude penis analogy, it’s 5:30 am and to quote Faithless: I can’t get no sleep.

9 years ago

This ridiculous double standard will not go away. A guy is a stud if he sleeps around. Meanwhile, women have all sorts of nasty adjectives applied to them if they engage in the same behavior. The idea is that women are supposed to be “gatekeepers.” Well, why can’t men be responsible for where they deposit their sperm?

9 years ago

Evo psych types always use chimpanzee assholishness to justify bad male behavior. Funny how the same people never use promiscuity in female bonobos (my phone autocorrected that to bonbons. Haha) to deem women having multiple partners as natural.

Not that this comment mentioned chimps, it’s just a general thing that annoys me about evo psych and its proponent’s tendency to use it to maintain patriarchy.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


Well, why can’t men be responsible for where they deposit their sperm?

That’s misandry.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Red Pill Woman needs an anatomy course.

@Leda Atomica: I think HB stands for hot babe, and the numbers are on a scale of 1-10. It is very silly and it always makes me think of HB pencils.

9 years ago


“Every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little”

Penises breaks hearts! Icky dirty penises! If you don’t believe this then you are a misandrist!
I wonder if some red pill women are actually red pill men in disguise.

9 years ago

“objectively and realistically discuss[ing] sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective.”

Wow. Oxymoron much? Because none of those perspectives are remotely objective OR realistic…

Also, being penis-penetrated doesn’t break hearts. Getting dumped does.

9 years ago

Their “women who sleep around are disgusting sluts!’ and ‘frigid bitches won’t put out for nice guys like me!” whining makes perfect sense. The only way these guys will be happy is if every (conventionally attractive) woman is willing to sleep with him and only him.

The logical disconnect only happens if you think that the entire world doesn’t revolve around that one singular guy’s penis.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Every penis you put in yourself breaks your heart a little.

There is a wide variety of ways to interact one’s bodily orifices with penii, but I’m pretty sure that if it’s anywhere near your heart you’re doing it wrong.

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
9 years ago

OK, but what if women feel emotional attachment to people other than those with whom they have sex? Albeit I’m not a woman, but I’ve felt strongly about people with whom I had not had sex. I doubt I’m unique.

9 years ago

This song somehow feels more appropriate.

9 years ago

I don’t understand the concept of a Red Pill Women subreddit. I thought the whole purpose of Red Pill women was to be at home taking care of anything their husband could need. Spending time on the internet trying to get the attention and approval of other Red PIll men seems like it would be a huge no-no.

9 years ago

Shalimar: I don’t understand why they don’t think that spending time on teh internets,trying to garner the attention of men who are not their husbands, isn’t slutty.

On the other hand, how do they know what the Internet is? Or how to use a keyboard? Somebody’s husband has been lax in the suppression of this woman’s ability to hold a thought.

Granted, these are not good thoughts…but well.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

These peeps need to stop buying into the purity myth, immediately.

People are not things, penises don’t alter our physiology in some grotesque way, they don’t leave marks, they don’t make me any more “dirty”, you will not somehow touch another dude’s meat rocket with your meat rocket. That’s not how vaginas work.

Please pick up a biology/sex ed textbook and then get back to me. Because I’m going to continue to fuck men other than you, and if you can’t handle it because you believe you were somehow promised clandestine virgin whores who swear loyalty to you and your cock by porn and society, tough shit.

Also, a penis shouldn’t break my heart, that’s not how sex works ya ding-dong. You don’t put it in my ribcage, for fuck’s sake.

Also, my mom used to blast Pat Benetar (and Rob Zombie) when she cleaned house. I was the only six year old I knew who knew the words to “Hell is for Children”. (Which, admittedly, I don’t think a six year old should know. XD)

9 years ago

“objectively and realistically discuss[ing] sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective”

“We don’t care what you believe or why you believe it, as long as the end result is you agreeing that women are subservient to men.”

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

I had to google ‘HB8’ and apparently it means ‘Hot Bait’, and HB means ‘Hot Babe’. In the non-Red Pill universe, HB appears to be legislative parlance for ‘House Bill’, so obviously context is important.

9 years ago

So is she saying women should just have sex with other women till they’re ready to settle down with their one and only heartbreaker penis?

The way I’m reading this it’s another case of penes are evil things that destroy women, though this time they mean emotionally rather than physically. And when I think of someone saying penes are evil, I think of Zardoz.

9 years ago

traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective

It’s kind of touching how misogyny can bridge the gap between Christian Patriarchy assholes and STEM-humping atheist blowhards. I guess disagreements over intelligent design and the earth’s age can be swept aside because complaining about how slutty, childlike, spoiled and all-around awful Western women are is, by far, their favorite leisure time group activity.

Warms my heart.

9 years ago

Brooked, that is a thing of beauty. @J Schmidt, I have had my heart broken by people other than my SO, love interest, etc. Some friendship breakups caused me a long period of mourning.

9 years ago

“There is a wide variety of ways to interact one’s bodily orifices with penii, but I’m pretty sure that if it’s anywhere near your heart you’re doing it wrong.”

Nah, there IS one way engaging with penii that’s close to your heart that isn’t doing it ‘wrong’, but you have to have a reasonably sized chest to do it. Being the sturdy sort, it hasn’t broken my heart yet.

There’s no winning with these folk, too slutty, not slutty enough, slutty with the wrong people, or too fat and old and ugly to be slutty but being slutty anyway. But that’s the point, they want women permanently on edge and self-doubting walking the imaginary razor edge of slut/frigid.

9 years ago

It’s not “hot bait” in this context. It’s “Hot Bitch 8” (or Hot Babe 8). A Hot Bitch 8 is a hot bitch who is hotter than a Hot Bitch 7 but less hot than a Hot Bitch 9.

9 years ago

@rugbyyogi – pearl necklace ?

9 years ago

wow… So the choices are that a straight woman can have absolutely no feelings about who she’s having sex with ever, or she has a limited amount of feeling that is partially used up by each individual man she sleeps with, thus the more men she sleeps with, the less love she can provide the later men (I guess until she uses it all up and becomes the other option).

Hmm I’m pretty sure there are more ways to live and love, and I’m almost certain the second one is BS on account of it being completely stupid.

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