a woman is always to blame antifeminism butts crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil SJWs gloating grandiosity hetsplaining homophobia men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises post contains sarcasm red pill

MGTOW warns women: By supporting gay rights, you’ll turn more men gay, and then they won’t marry you! Ha ha

Uh oh!
Uh oh!

Hey ladies who support gay rights! Has it ever occurred to you that by supporting gay rights, you’ll end up turning more men gay, and then there won’t be any straight men left to marry you?

Wait, you’re saying that hasn’t occurred to you?

Well, it’s definitely occurred to some dude who calls himself Aper on the MGTOWHQ forum. Let’s let him explain:

Most women support gay rights, even the ultra conservative ones from what I’ve seen. Are they unknowingly shooting themselves in the foot by doing so?

Go on.

My opinion on homosexuality is that a small number of people are born gay, maybe with a “gay gene” activated or something of the sort, or brain of the opposite gender, but most gays are created by their environment (upbringing, lack of sexual interest from the opposite sex, etc.).

Yeah, I don’t think it quite works like that.

Think back to when you were 13-14 years old. I was perved out of my mind then, beating off like 2-3 times a day while looking at porn mags and the yearbook pics of girls I wanted to bang. I never once was attracted to men or even thought about being attracted to men, at least partially because that was completely taboo when and where I grew up.

Ok, that’s a bit TMI, but please continue.

Nowadays, it’s different to the point where … it’s almost celebrated to be gay. So take a normal 13-14 year old guy today. He might be hornier than the past generations were since sex is everywhere now. He’s probably not successful in talking to girls, let alone in getting laid (80/20 rule).

Yeah, ok, that “80/20 rule” is pure manosphere bullshit, but it’s true that the overwhelming majority of 13-14 year old boys are not having sex. And not just because girls are snobby.

What would happen if he was approached by another male teen, who asked him if he wanted to “experiment?” If that would’ve happened when I grew up, we would’ve whooped some ass, but think about the current times. That’s becoming increasingly normally. 

It’s becoming normally?

What I’m getting at is what if a young guy, horny out of his mind, decides to experiment? Once a guy crosses that line, deciding to sleep with other males, why would he cross back over to women?

Uh, maybe because he’s, you know, not actually gay?

He’d go from getting easy sex anytime to playing games with broads, getting the run around for weeks, and if he finally manages to score, it would probably be some half ass vanilla BS. What man would leave the former lifestyle for the latter?

Probably a straight guy?

Speaking of which, Aper wants everyone to know that he is as straight as a sack full of hammers — ok, I don’t know what that expression means, I just made it up. But time-travelling counterfactual alternative history Aper? He might go the gay way.

Your ol’ pal Aper is as straight as can be. I’ve been approached by guys before and turned them down with no second thoughts and I’d like to think that there’s nothing that could have “turned me gay” in my youth, but I can’t be completely sure how I would’ve turned out if I was a teen today.

This leads Aper to wonder if women aren’t sowing the seeds of their own spinsterhood:

Are modern women turning more and more horny teens gay with a combo of their shitty attitudes and increasing tolerance, and even force feeding, of gay rights, and in the process effectively creating more men that won’t be dealing with their sorry asses anytime in the near future?

Hmm. That sounds pretty dire for the ladies.

But wait. Two can play this game. Couldn’t modern women just go gay themselves and gay marry each other?

Oh, but then they wouldn’t be able to leech off men. Damn, ladies, it looks like you’re screwed — figuratively, not literally, at least in the heterosexual sense. Yep, it sure looks like it’s CHECKMATE MEN.

As Aper’s MGTOWHQ comrade OU812 notes delightedly,

If the revulsion straight men have to homosexual activity is purely cultural, women will be absolutely screwed should the taboos fall away. Imagine — men offered sexual release with partners who want nothing more than to get off with them — no emotional support demanded, no financial support demanded, no social duties demanded — just sex. Holy fuck they would be screwed. It would be awesome if true.

But he is quick to add that he doesn’t swing that way, nosirreebob. His sexual tastes are a little more specialized.

Personally, I’d sooner fuck a cantaloupe.

ManWithAPlan sees another benefit to the gay thing:

I don’t know about going gay … but there’s one advantage, gay marriage. If they ever put a brutal bachelor tax, you can always marry your best buddy who shares the same ideals, get a prenup, and do your own thing.

Heck, there’s even an Adam Sandler movie about that.

Meanwhile, someone calling himself dubya (probably not the former president) offers an almost Reichian analysis of sexual repression.

If you’re depending on males to carry the nation, you can’t have them acting like Dennis Rodman. They have to be clean cut, macho, have the proper male interests growing up like exploration, taking things apart, they can’t be even the least bit gay or engaged in any kind of hedonism. They should be domineering and entitled.

Because that’s the only way they’ll be able to complete a life of service to society, women and the state.

If men start getting hedonistic ideas like running around in a tutu, growing their hair long, sucking each others dicks, and such, that breaks down the country.

In a way, feminism is almost like a male revolution.

It freed us and enslaved women, now THEY have to be clean cut, macho, domineering and so forth for the life of service and benefit to the state while MEN can now be totally hedonistic and a bunch of dudebros.

Huh. Apologies to Messrs. Reich and Rodman, but I don’t think it’s quite that simple.

There are a few MGTOWHQers who aren’t quite so enamored of the gay hypothesis, or gay people in general.

As The Running Man sees it,

gay people are the ENEMY of men. They nearly always side with women, liberals and feminists and of course various NGO, SJW political activists who are the scum of the earth.

DruidV has an even more basic objection:

No offense to anyone, but I could never look at another Man’s hairy, furry ass, and fall in love.

So maybe the women of the world are safe, for now.

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9 years ago

I’m sure that if these guys knew how long it’s been since I’ve last had sex, they’d wig out and think I was a unicorn. Either that, or they’d think their stupid hypotheses had come true, which is not the case. I merely decided that if a guy I wanted to have sex with wasn’t in the picture, I just wasn’t going to have sex. With another person, that is. With myself, on the other hand…

Believe it or not, it’s easier than one thinks to go on indefinitely like that.

Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
Hambeast, Social Justice Hoo-Ha Glitterer
9 years ago

Sens of Entitlement = Life of Service to Others?

I’m kind of curious how this works.

That’s the first thing in this ridiculous screed that I really wondered about, too. But this:

Are modern women turning more and more horny teens gay with a combo of their shitty attitudes and increasing tolerance, and even force feeding, of gay rights, and in the process effectively creating more men that won’t be dealing with their sorry asses anytime in the near future?

This descends to epic levels of wrong when you remember that he’s talking *not* about women, but preteen girls. Unless grown women are cock-teasing eighth graders…

9 years ago

“Your ol’ pal Aper is as straight as can be. I’ve been approached by guys before and turned them down with no second thoughts and I’d like to think that there’s nothing that could have “turned me gay” in my youth, but I can’t be completely sure how I would’ve turned out if I was a teen today.”

Translation: Seduce me! Please?

9 years ago

“Hedonism” makes you want to wear a tutu? The things these guys have to teach us! I am also deeply interested to learn that men who constantly complain about how much they want to get off are not hedonistic, and that further “entitlement” is the opposite of “hedonism,” whereas you’d think that feeling entitled to whatever pleasure you want, whenever you want it, sounds kinda hedonistic.

I’ve noticed before that many homophobes assume that homosexuality is so deeply, compellingly appealing that we need draconian laws and societal hatred to restrain everyone from running off and being gay as they would naturally prefer to do. Which, you know, you can speak for yourself if you like, but I doubt that most heterosexuals are secretly yearning for gay sex all the time.

9 years ago

Hedonistic Tutu Fabio

I just needed to see that again.

9 years ago

“increasing tolerance, and even force feeding, of gay rights”

Imagining a feed bag that says “Gay Rights” on it tied to a MRA’s mouth right now. Now THAT would make a nice MRA meme.

“They should be domineering and entitled.

Because that’s the only way they’ll be able to complete a life of service to society, women and the state.”

Yes, when I think of people willing to serve others, the first qualities that come to mind are “domineering” and “entitled”.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

If you’re depending on males to carry the nation, you can’t have them acting like Dennis Rodman. They have to be clean cut, macho, have the proper male interests growing up like exploration, taking things apart, they can’t be even the least bit gay or engaged in any kind of hedonism. They should be domineering and entitled.

Because that’s the only way they’ll be able to complete a life of service to society, women and the state.

What is this, Sparta?

9 years ago

…yep. Domineering attitude an entitlement are totally the first two core values of any service organization, not silly things like teamwork, integrity, or dedication.

Austin Dahl
9 years ago

I’m trying to figure out what goes on inside the heads of MGTOWs. Their reasoning is so blantantly contradictory, yet they seem to believe their own words.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I’m trying to picture a gay version of Galt’s Gulch. All I can come up with are throw pillows.


I am also deeply interested to learn that men who constantly complain about how much they want to get off are not hedonistic

I know, right? These guys whine about not being allowed to indulge in hedonism because they’re too busy “carrying the nation”, yet their entire lives revolve around their “nut” and other solitary pleasures (video games, p0rn, high-tech gadgets, wankery in all its myriad forms). They want all the accessories and privileges of adulthood, but none of the responsibilities that go with them.

On top of that, they offload their unpleasant emotions onto everyone else. Feeling insecure and rejected? Call women evil harpy cupcakes and remind them they’re getting older! Don’t want to do the hard work of learning how to converse respectfully and listen to others? Stamp your feet and yell FREEZE PEACH! (Bonus points for inappropriate “-nazi” suffixes.)

All pleasure and no pain is the definition of hedonism.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

… Imagine — men offered sexual release with [other men] who want nothing more than to get off with them — no emotional support demanded, no financial support demanded, no social duties demanded — just sex. Holy fuck [women] would be screwed. It would be awesome if true.

Yup, gay men don’t have relationships, only sex. That’s why I never see any gay men at pride parades, or protesting to be allowed to marry, or in relationships that last for more than the twenty minutes it would take to get themselves off in a back alley. [/sarcasm]

Though, I think it’s interesting how much projection is going on here, and how they think this would only screw women over if gay men were to go and get their freaks on with each other. : /

by supporting gay rights, you’ll end up turning more men gay, and then there won’t be any straight men left to marry you

Nothing is more hilarious/sad/eyeroll-inducing than a group of asshole cishet men contemplating how people “turn” gay.

Take it from a queer lady, gents: If you want to know where all the gay people come from, look at the straight parents. They’re the ones having most of the gay babies.

Your ol’ pal Aper is as straight as can be. I’ve been approached by guys before and turned them down with no second thoughts and I’d like to think that there’s nothing that could have “turned me gay” in my youth, but I can’t be completely sure how I would’ve turned out if I was a teen today.

If you were a teen today, you’d most likely have better access to and support from groups that would help you explore your sexuality (not in a literal sense, you nasty). You’d have access to the internet, and you’d be able to find places where you could talk about your feelings and urges with other people. You’d surely find a community where you could discover, once and for all, if you were gay, straight, or any other sexuality.

Sexuality is very much fluid. You can believe you’re straight for a long time (like I did until I was nineteen), then believe you’re another sexuality (I believed I was bisexual until I was twenty one), and then finally realize you’re something else (I realized I was a pansexual when I was twenty one, mostly because I wasn’t fully aware of other genders outside of male/female, but I was sexually attracted to them).

If you were a teen today, you’d probably be more liberal, but you could still have ended up an entitled jackass. So, don’t fret Aper! Hypothetical Teen Aper could still achieve the life you’ve always wanted of douchebaggery and carping about women over the internet!

9 years ago

Oh, if only “turning gay” were a thing. I’d turn gay myself just to get away from these guys.

9 years ago

I love how they can’t even have a conversation about homosexuality without injecting “I’m not gay” into every other sentence. “I’m not gay, but I think the support of homosexuality, which I am not into, will lead to more men being gay, except me because I’m not gay. Women shouldn’t support gay men’s rights because I’m not gay, and because no one will marry them, not even me, and I’m not even gay! Back in my day not-gay me, and my not-gay friends might have experiment with homosexuality, if it was more acceptable, and had we not been heterosexual, which we all definitely are. We beat up gay guys, that’s just what you do when you’re not gay.” Yea, they should just shut up about homosexuality all together.

9 years ago

If “Turning” was a thing, I’d turn myself straight so I wouldn’t have to deal with being legally and socially subhuman anymore.

(Yay, downer post!)

Hoosier X
9 years ago

Are there any MRA’s of normal intelligence weighing in and saying: “STFU, dude! You’re not just making us look BAD, you’re making us look like idiots!”

9 years ago

Hoosier X: Any question that starts, “Are there any MRA’s of normal intelligence…”, will have an answer of “No.”

9 years ago

@ Mikki (3:51 p.m.)

You win the Internet today.  Congratulations!  : – )

Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
Banana Jackie Cake, the Best Jackie and Cake! Yum! (^v^)
9 years ago


They aren’t that self-aware.

9 years ago

If they ever put a brutal bachelor tax, you can always marry your best buddy who shares the same ideals, get a prenup, and do your own thing.

Is this “bachelor tax” a thing which has already been proposed? Or is that like some completely hypothetical fantasy premise by which this dude gets to marry another dude for *totally non-gay* reasons?

If men start getting hedonistic ideas like running around in a tutu, growing their hair long, sucking each others dicks, and such, that breaks down the country.

I don’t know why that mental image made me giggle so much, but this is apparently what hedonism looks like to these guys? 😀

It kinda reminded me of this (directed by a hetero? dude):

But actually, the fact these guys can picture some kind of wonderful homoerotic idyll like this makes me feel weirdly optimistic. I mean, they’re imagining a world in which homosexuality is “normally” and running with it, rather than do the usual defensive outburst of rabid homophobia.
It’s sad that he admits to participating in a climate of gay-bashing as a young man, and still has a lot of homophobic attitudes, but this post could have been a lot worse, considering the manosphere.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I like how the tone of these posts is, “Imagine a world where men could have sex with other men! Wouldn’t that be glorious!”

I mean, guys … that world is here, today, if you are living in a Western nation.

9 years ago

The constant refrain of “But I’m not gay!” cracks me up.

9 years ago

For how libertarian these guys are, I am surprised they have not really taken some of Heinlein’s more progressive thoughts on sexuality to heart. (He was a mixed bag admittedly, but comes off as far more thoughtful and free than these chucklefucks). Hell, I remember him having one of his author insert characters talk about experimenting with same-sex relations but not being particularly interested in trying again. No real hate. In fact, he portrays homophobia as a bad thing. Not that he isn’t problematic for other reasons.

9 years ago

“Think back to when you were 13-14 years old. I was perved out of my mind then, beating off like 2-3 times a day while looking at porn mags and the yearbook pics of girls I wanted to bang. I never once was attracted to men or even thought about being attracted to men”

Right, so switch those genders around and that’s basically what being a gay teenager is like. Granted I was personally getting friendly with myself surrounded by things a little more niche than that.

” If you’re depending on males to carry the nation, you can’t have them acting like Dennis Rodman.”

… Yeah, nothing says effeminate like a 2x all star 5x champion NBA player. What, just because he’s got neon hair he’s basically Kenneth from 30 Rock?

” If They have to be clean cut, macho, have the proper male interests growing up like exploration, taking things apart, they can’t be even the least bit gay or engaged in any kind of hedonism. They should be domineering and entitled.”

Men are domineering and entitled. Reminder that we’re the ones who supposedly hate men.

“gay people are the ENEMY of men. They nearly always side with women, liberals and feminists and of course various NGO, SJW political activists who are the scum of the earth.”

Oh, well if it means hanging with people like you then how could we *not* be MRAs?

9 years ago


Yes, though I must admit I did not Matt Forney was an actual skinhead white nationalist, even if I did know he was a racist.

I love the idea Aper thinks feminists have the power to determine anyone’s sexuality. If I had the power to ‘turn’ anybody, I’d turn all the jerks into nice people.

9 years ago

Sounds like time for a bit of Avenue Q.