a woman is always to blame antifeminism butts crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil SJWs gloating grandiosity hetsplaining homophobia men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises post contains sarcasm red pill

MGTOW warns women: By supporting gay rights, you’ll turn more men gay, and then they won’t marry you! Ha ha

Uh oh!
Uh oh!

Hey ladies who support gay rights! Has it ever occurred to you that by supporting gay rights, you’ll end up turning more men gay, and then there won’t be any straight men left to marry you?

Wait, you’re saying that hasn’t occurred to you?

Well, it’s definitely occurred to some dude who calls himself Aper on the MGTOWHQ forum. Let’s let him explain:

Most women support gay rights, even the ultra conservative ones from what I’ve seen. Are they unknowingly shooting themselves in the foot by doing so?

Go on.

My opinion on homosexuality is that a small number of people are born gay, maybe with a “gay gene” activated or something of the sort, or brain of the opposite gender, but most gays are created by their environment (upbringing, lack of sexual interest from the opposite sex, etc.).

Yeah, I don’t think it quite works like that.

Think back to when you were 13-14 years old. I was perved out of my mind then, beating off like 2-3 times a day while looking at porn mags and the yearbook pics of girls I wanted to bang. I never once was attracted to men or even thought about being attracted to men, at least partially because that was completely taboo when and where I grew up.

Ok, that’s a bit TMI, but please continue.

Nowadays, it’s different to the point where … it’s almost celebrated to be gay. So take a normal 13-14 year old guy today. He might be hornier than the past generations were since sex is everywhere now. He’s probably not successful in talking to girls, let alone in getting laid (80/20 rule).

Yeah, ok, that “80/20 rule” is pure manosphere bullshit, but it’s true that the overwhelming majority of 13-14 year old boys are not having sex. And not just because girls are snobby.

What would happen if he was approached by another male teen, who asked him if he wanted to “experiment?” If that would’ve happened when I grew up, we would’ve whooped some ass, but think about the current times. That’s becoming increasingly normally. 

It’s becoming normally?

What I’m getting at is what if a young guy, horny out of his mind, decides to experiment? Once a guy crosses that line, deciding to sleep with other males, why would he cross back over to women?

Uh, maybe because he’s, you know, not actually gay?

He’d go from getting easy sex anytime to playing games with broads, getting the run around for weeks, and if he finally manages to score, it would probably be some half ass vanilla BS. What man would leave the former lifestyle for the latter?

Probably a straight guy?

Speaking of which, Aper wants everyone to know that he is as straight as a sack full of hammers — ok, I don’t know what that expression means, I just made it up. But time-travelling counterfactual alternative history Aper? He might go the gay way.

Your ol’ pal Aper is as straight as can be. I’ve been approached by guys before and turned them down with no second thoughts and I’d like to think that there’s nothing that could have “turned me gay” in my youth, but I can’t be completely sure how I would’ve turned out if I was a teen today.

This leads Aper to wonder if women aren’t sowing the seeds of their own spinsterhood:

Are modern women turning more and more horny teens gay with a combo of their shitty attitudes and increasing tolerance, and even force feeding, of gay rights, and in the process effectively creating more men that won’t be dealing with their sorry asses anytime in the near future?

Hmm. That sounds pretty dire for the ladies.

But wait. Two can play this game. Couldn’t modern women just go gay themselves and gay marry each other?

Oh, but then they wouldn’t be able to leech off men. Damn, ladies, it looks like you’re screwed — figuratively, not literally, at least in the heterosexual sense. Yep, it sure looks like it’s CHECKMATE MEN.

As Aper’s MGTOWHQ comrade OU812 notes delightedly,

If the revulsion straight men have to homosexual activity is purely cultural, women will be absolutely screwed should the taboos fall away. Imagine — men offered sexual release with partners who want nothing more than to get off with them — no emotional support demanded, no financial support demanded, no social duties demanded — just sex. Holy fuck they would be screwed. It would be awesome if true.

But he is quick to add that he doesn’t swing that way, nosirreebob. His sexual tastes are a little more specialized.

Personally, I’d sooner fuck a cantaloupe.

ManWithAPlan sees another benefit to the gay thing:

I don’t know about going gay … but there’s one advantage, gay marriage. If they ever put a brutal bachelor tax, you can always marry your best buddy who shares the same ideals, get a prenup, and do your own thing.

Heck, there’s even an Adam Sandler movie about that.

Meanwhile, someone calling himself dubya (probably not the former president) offers an almost Reichian analysis of sexual repression.

If you’re depending on males to carry the nation, you can’t have them acting like Dennis Rodman. They have to be clean cut, macho, have the proper male interests growing up like exploration, taking things apart, they can’t be even the least bit gay or engaged in any kind of hedonism. They should be domineering and entitled.

Because that’s the only way they’ll be able to complete a life of service to society, women and the state.

If men start getting hedonistic ideas like running around in a tutu, growing their hair long, sucking each others dicks, and such, that breaks down the country.

In a way, feminism is almost like a male revolution.

It freed us and enslaved women, now THEY have to be clean cut, macho, domineering and so forth for the life of service and benefit to the state while MEN can now be totally hedonistic and a bunch of dudebros.

Huh. Apologies to Messrs. Reich and Rodman, but I don’t think it’s quite that simple.

There are a few MGTOWHQers who aren’t quite so enamored of the gay hypothesis, or gay people in general.

As The Running Man sees it,

gay people are the ENEMY of men. They nearly always side with women, liberals and feminists and of course various NGO, SJW political activists who are the scum of the earth.

DruidV has an even more basic objection:

No offense to anyone, but I could never look at another Man’s hairy, furry ass, and fall in love.

So maybe the women of the world are safe, for now.

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Oliver Schaub (@schauol1)

OK, now that we know “what makes men gay”, could we please find something that “makes people intelligent”?

Film Runner
9 years ago

Methinks Aper doth protest too much.

9 years ago

80/20 rule? Is it related to the Pareto Principle?

9 years ago

He makes being gay sound like one of The Power Twin’s super powers: “Gay Gene Activated!” 🙂

9 years ago

WONDER TWINS, I mean. Whoopsie…

9 years ago

“Personally, I’d sooner fuck a cantaloupe.”

This guy needs his own post on the AVfM recipe page, STAT!

9 years ago

It’s kind of funny, aren’t we always telling the MGTOW that they should just be gay together if they really believe being gay is a choice and modern women are ruined?

9 years ago

“My opinion on homosexuality is that a small number of people are born gay, maybe with a “gay gene” activated or something of the sort, or brain of the opposite gender, but most gays are created by their environment (upbringing, lack of sexual interest from the opposite sex, etc.).”

If lack of sexual interest from the opposite sex turned men gay, all the MGTOW movement (and self-proclaimed ‘incels’ as well) would only be interested in each other by now.

“If men start getting hedonistic ideas like running around in a tutu, growing their hair long, sucking each others dicks, and such, that breaks down the country.”

I love the ‘growing their hair long’ one. I’m a metalhead so majority of my male friends and all my (ex-)boyfriends either had or tried to have long hair. And male metalhead fashion is based on Rob Halford’s gay scene, so that covers the ‘tutu’ part too.
Breaking down the country, all of them, mwahahahahaha!

9 years ago

I haven’t often known people to fall in love from staring at one another’s asses…but whatever works for that guy I guess!

9 years ago


… Imagine — men offered sexual release with [other men] who want nothing more than to get off with them — no emotional support demanded, no financial support demanded, no social duties demanded — just sex. Holy fuck [women] would be screwed. It would be awesome if true.

Oh, OU812, you had me at hypocrisy.

You’d have a chance to do that with women now, if you actually respected them, honored their choices, asked honestly for what you wanted, and prepared yourself for and accepted the rejection anyone faces when looking to date and/or mate.

But, of course, he doesn’t really have the courage of his convictions and would rather blame an entire gender for his lack of confidence and honesty.  It’s easier for him to blame an entire gender for his fears (and throw all QUILTBAG individuals under the bus in the process) rather than work on his own flawed thinking, take responsibility for his behavior, and accept that women have the same freedom and choices that he has.

Plus I seriously doubt any QUILTBAG people would want to fuck him, either.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@Lindsay_Irene)

Ya know, if they really were so intent on Going Their Own Way, they wouldn’t spend so much time on internet forums obsessing over women. They’d be more into, say, fishing. Or golf. RC airplane flying. Record collecting. Learning to play a musical instrument. But, no, they spend their time writing down elaborate fantasies about how the ladies will be sorry someday.

9 years ago

If men support gay rights, are they turning women into lesbians? Or are they turning other men into gays so there could be more women for them? Or possibly more gay men for them? I am lost.

9 years ago

It’s pretty telling that for those “men going their own way”, EVERYTHING revolves around sex. Boys who don’t get sex from women turn to men, and then women won’t get no sex from men, ha ha ha.

It doesn’t even occur to them that, you know, people support gay rights because they believe it’s the right thing to do. There always has to be an angle, and the angle is usually sex.

epitome of incomprehensibility

If the revulsion straight men have to homosexual activity is purely cultural, women will be absolutely screwed should the taboos fall away. Imagine — men offered sexual release with partners who want nothing more than to get off with them — no emotional support demanded, no financial support demanded, no social duties demanded — just sex.

1. “Revulsion,” eh? Yes, I’m sure all straight men think gay men are gross. That’s also why straight men think straight women are gross, because straight women are into men, and they’re not. Makes sense!

2. Today I learned that gay men are ONLY into casual sex! Funny, I thought what kind of relationships people want varies from person to person. But now it all makes sense. That’s why gay men are begging governments not to let them marry, because none of them want that kind of commitment!

3. “Emotional and financial support” = yuck. So if Aper was in a relationship, of course he wouldn’t want his partner to support him in any way, right?

9 years ago

Wow, I don’t even know where to begin. I have several gay friends of both sexes, and they all report that they knew about their sexual preference quite early on. I’m taking it at their word because why shouldn’t I? That long-hair thing made me laugh, I must say–Mr. Estraven had elbow-length hair at one time after he got out of the military and into college (and I loved it!). Also, hairy asses never discouraged me . . .

9 years ago

DruidV falls in love with asses?

I think I can see now where some of these MGTOWS have got it wrong …

9 years ago


I haven’t often known people to fall in love from staring at one another’s asses…but whatever works for that guy I guess!

I had the same thought, and it’s profoundly sad if you think about it. This dude has never been in love, and understands it so little that he’s able to confuse it with infatuation based on lust.

9 years ago

They should be domineering and entitled.

Because that’s the only way they’ll be able to complete a life of service to society, women and the state.

Sens of Entitlement = Life of Service to Others?

I’m kind of curious how this works.

Machine Gun Sally
Machine Gun Sally
9 years ago

Ah yes. Because no gay man was ever intersted in “taking things apart”. I will have to let all my gay friends in engineering and science know that they’re doing it wrong.

9 years ago

I also love how these guys consistently seem to have an über-rigid view of sexuality.
Like, you’re gay or straight, period.
(And so obviously CIS that it doesn’t enter the discussion.)

If you’re a man and you touch ONE penis ever -BOOM- gay, though they seem to allow a little more fluidity to women’s sexuality as long as any girl-on-girl stuff is boner-pleasing and is something into which they might potentially jump (the phrasing being intentionally remiscent of porn and Playboy letters rather than actual interactions involving women).

9 years ago

MGS – Yep, they’re going to have to leave those fields.
There’s only room for 90’s sitcom gay friends in this conversation.

9 years ago

odaran, that made me scratch my head too. Surely if gay rights makes more people gay, we’d also be making more women LESBIANS, thus cutting down on the competition? MWAHAHAHAHA!

I suspect there’s some envy going on here. Gay men are, in the romantic sense at least, MGTOW.

9 years ago

@proxieme It is rather telling how their views are so…rigid. They also fail to remember a lot of gay men experiment with the opposite sex as well. There are of course the gay men and women who marry the opposite sex and live(d) their lives in the closet but who now have the opportunity to express their sexual preferences.

Though, they seem to be close to admitting being hetero flexible. Their bigotry and sense of entitlement blocks them from seeing feminists as allies.

They also have the american conservative issue of not seeing how they push away large groups of people for their social conservatism who might otherwise agree with them on other issues.

Sorry, this rant turned a bit “What about the menz!?”.

9 years ago

My opinion on homosexuality is that a small number of people are born gay, maybe with a “gay gene” activated or something of the sort, or brain of the opposite gender, but most gays are created by their environment (upbringing, lack of sexual interest from the opposite sex, etc.).

Opinions are like assholes: Everybody has one. And this guy clearly pulls his from there.

As Harlan Ellison said: Everyone is entitled to an INFORMED opinion. (Which disqualifies this dude right on the spot.)

Think back to when you were 13-14 years old. I was perved out of my mind then, beating off like 2-3 times a day while looking at porn mags and the yearbook pics of girls I wanted to bang. I never once was attracted to men or even thought about being attracted to men, at least partially because that was completely taboo when and where I grew up.

Actually, taboos don’t work that way. They tend to make people obsess about what is verboten. Which, in your case, was girls your own age. They were off limits. They weren’t ready. (They probably didn’t want you, either, onaccounta you were such a little dweeb.) Hence, the constant wanking. But trust me, if you’d been attracted to guys, that taboo on the mere mention of homosexuality wouldn’t have mattered a bean. You’d have been wanking over THEM instead. See how that works?

Nowadays, it’s different to the point where … it’s almost celebrated to be gay.

You say that like it’s a BAD thing to be gay and not bashed for it, dude.

And no, it’s not that different. Gay bashings are still going on. There’s probably one happening somewhere in Canada right now as I’m typing this. And a dozen at least in the US. Right off the top of my Google search, here’s one that happened just two days ago. The perps are all known to their victims, and they have yet to be punished for their bigotry. So no, it’s not “almost celebrated to be gay”. It’s still taboo to do, only now it’s actually being talked about. Which is only a minor improvement, really, over taboo-to-do-AND-to-talk-about.

So take a normal 13-14 year old guy today. He might be hornier than the past generations were since sex is everywhere now. He’s probably not successful in talking to girls, let alone in getting laid (80/20 rule).

Um, see above. Girls that age aren’t actually ready for sex, even if they ARE thinking about it all the time (and usually thinking “urgh, gross, no way am I gonna do that EVER!”) And who wants to risk getting knocked up when she’s barely done playing with dolls? Trust me, your sexual frustration, bothersome as it is, is quite par for the course. It’s normal. What’s more, it sure beats the alternative, which is kids-having-kids. Were you ready to be called “Dad” yet at that age? NO? Then STFU. There is no “80/20 rule”. Girls that age are grossed out by sex because that’s what it’s like to BE that age if you’re a girl. Doesn’t matter if the dude is the hottest one in the school, you still don’t want to be doing it just yet. I wasn’t even quite ready to hold hands at that age. Slow-dancing with a guy was equal parts FOMO and FOWMH (Fear of What Might Happen).

And dude? I hate to break this to you, but sex was “everywhere”, too, when I was 13 or 14. Which would have been at the beginning of the 1980s. Older folks were constantly kvetching about it, when they weren’t constantly perving on us barely-adolescents of the time. We didn’t have an internet, but by gawd, we had TV. And rock music (“My Sharona”, UGH). And Playboy and Penthouse, which the boys were always filching from their dads, who thought they’d hidden their shit so well. (Nope. A nosy kid is gonna find anything which isn’t locked away in a safe, dads.) And for us young ladies, there was Cosmopolitan. And the famous Burt Reynolds centrefold, which was a total ripoff, since he had his arm strategically draped over the part that you’d be most curious to see if you were gonna go to the trouble of buying that issue. But hey, they DID have a terrifically informative pull-out guide to sex in a 1982 issue, that I memorized for that future day when I knew I could use it. And use it I did…WHEN I WAS MUCH OLDER AND READY TO DO SO. Not a single instant sooner.

And no, for all the talking about it, most of us girls would not have boned even Burt Reynolds, either. He was old enough to be our FATHER, for Christ’s sake.

What would happen if he was approached by another male teen, who asked him if he wanted to “experiment?” If that would’ve happened when I grew up, we would’ve whooped some ass, but think about the current times. That’s becoming increasingly normally.

“Becoming increasingly NORMALLY”? LOLnope. It’s not becoming increasingly NORMAL, either. If a gay kid approaches a straight one for sex, he still risks being beaten up for it. See above.

What I’m getting at is what if a young guy, horny out of his mind, decides to experiment? Once a guy crosses that line, deciding to sleep with other males, why would he cross back over to women?

This is assuming that he’d bother to experiment with other males in the first place. Most likely he wouldn’t. And if he takes up with women thereafter, well, so he does — WHEN HE IS GOOD AND READY. Some guys experiment with other guys when that’s what’s available and discover they still prefer girls, this bit of inanity right here…

He’d go from getting easy sex anytime to playing games with broads, getting the run around for weeks, and if he finally manages to score, it would probably be some half ass vanilla BS. What man would leave the former lifestyle for the latter?

…notwithstanding. Because, duh, it’s not all about the stupid, stupid sex. Even if you like to think it is. It’s not about “lifestyle”, either. If you find someone with whom you click, you don’t even care if the sex isn’t as “hot” as it was sold to you by the media. Which, spoiler — it is not. It never is. It’s always a bit of a letdown compared to what you see being advertised. Better put away your porn, kid, it’s not preparing you for shit. And learn to like women for who they are, not what you think you can get out of them.

(Also, some guys are bi. Deal with it.)

Your ol’ pal Aper is as straight as can be. I’ve been approached by guys before and turned them down with no second thoughts and I’d like to think that there’s nothing that could have “turned me gay” in my youth, but I can’t be completely sure how I would’ve turned out if I was a teen today.

Oh lord. You really do think a lot has changed, eh? Bad news: It hasn’t. See above. (Also, dude, trust me…gay guys would NOT find you attractive. You’re the type that makes them roll their eyes.)

And yes, we knew what gay was in my early teens, too. Everyone was at pains to make sure everyone else knew that THEY were not gay, nosirree. Freddy Mercury and David Bowie were openly bi. The AIDS crisis was starting to hit the media. And so was Jerry Falwell with his big, stupid, homophobic bazoo. The gay guys I went to school with were very much in the closet, not approaching random (and probably straight) others for sexual experimentation. Some of them were among my closest friends of the time. I didn’t even know these guys were gay; I was just relieved to have male friends who didn’t try to hit on me, and with whom I could have a normal conversation. It certainly never occurred to me to hit on them, either.

Are modern women turning more and more horny teens gay with a combo of their shitty attitudes and increasing tolerance, and even force feeding, of gay rights, and in the process effectively creating more men that won’t be dealing with their sorry asses anytime in the near future?


And even if what you’re hallucinating were true, we still wouldn’t give a shit, because guys like you aren’t worth cultivating anyway. You can die Forever Alone, for all I care. We were not put here just to suck your lousy cock, dude. We have lives to live and a world to make better for the disenfranchised, and if you’re not willing to get over your idiot self and pitch in, then get the fuck out of the way and put down that keyboard before you brain yourself with it.

And stop waving your willy around. No one cares about your stupid boner. Except maybe OU812, who is welcome to eat a whole bag of ’em.

9 years ago

Mythago, that is true! Gay men are the ultimate mgtow level. Fantastic!

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