antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

“To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that gorillas and humans are different,” and other observations.

Gorillas and women, what's the difference?
Gorillas and women, what’s the difference?

Today, another installment of “Comments I don’t let through.” The “trash” folder on my WordPress comments page is home to a motley assortment of comments that, for whatever reason, I just didn’t feel like approving. Some are violent, some are obscene, some are victim-blaming crap so noxious it might cause some readers to punch holes in their computer screens.

I’m not quite sure why I didn’t let this one through; looking at it now it doesn’t seem any worse than stuff I do let through, and, while mostly keeping to some familiar misogynist themes, it does have a few moments of genuine originality. Maybe I balked because it was one giant wall of text?

Well, I won’t subject you to that. I’ve broken this little manifesto into tasty little paragraphs, and edited out some of its redundancies. Enjoy!

Women that accept the FACT that their main purpose is to nurture and look good so men will choose them are the happiest. Just listen to feminazis on TV and irl…they sound miserable and are so full of hate.

They go through all that effort to try and prove that their equal, when science has proven otherwise …

Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriend, and believe that women are the most beautiful creatures on this earth, but physically and mentally are proven to be less than your average male. …

It’s so funny that feminists get so butthurt and try so hard to earn respect only to be … seen as inferior to your average woman.

Maybe if they focused on their appearance instead of arguing facts, they might actually surprise themselves and be happy for a change.

To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that gorillas and humans are different. …

And if you notice, most feminazis are not attractive…they know that they’ll never find the guy they want because they’re fat or ugly so they go on these moral crusades and debates which are built entirely on emotions and not logic…much like the female brain 🙂

The little smiley at the end is a nice touch, don’t you think?

I wish I could claim this lovely little essay as a We Hunted the Mammoth exclusive, but a little Googling reveals that “Bri” also posted it on Yahoo Answers, which has become known on the Internet for its high-minded discussions of women’s inferior nature.

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9 years ago


Unlike the man who coined the term “feminazi,” Rush Limbaugh, who is the very model of happiness and love.

I heard the other day that his ratings are in the tank. His audience is shrinking because he’s not attracting new listeners. I think that’s worth celebrating.

9 years ago

Someone clearly needs to learn more about Evolution

9 years ago

I messed up my link somehow:

9 years ago


It seems unfair that gorilla Wonder Woman has to wear high-heeled red boots, too. That must be awkward.

You know, I don’t have any reliable information at my fingertips about how much stronger gorillas are than humans, but just judging from how much bigger Diana’s guns get over the course of those panels, I think Mr. Invading Alien Gorilla just bought himself a bigger world of hurt than he was going to get.

If only it played out like that. I don’t know how that story plays out, but I’m sure getting changed into a gorilla is supposed to be a setback for Diana. I think in the early Wonder Woman stories, her vanity was supposed to be a weakness, like that was original and interesting. Sigh.

9 years ago

We are there only to look hot for ugly assholes?

Also; men and women choose their partners by their own. They dont “get” choosed. No men you arent allowed to play the princess here.

Im glad that my boyfriend sees an actual person in me… woah.

9 years ago

Hmm Im thinking what his gf would do if she read this. Or if he has a gf.

9 years ago

Maybe it’s because men are on average bigger and stronger in terms of raw physical force than women, but I can’t read that tortured analogy without thinking some legitimately man-hating woman somewhere has probably used that exact comparison but with the *men* as the gorillas. Seriously, the misandry just writes itself: men are bigger and stronger than women, but that doesn’t mean they’re superior: no, in fact, they’re inferior, just like how apes are bigger and stronger than humans but less intelligent and civilized!

Also, I’d bet his girlfriend is from Canada.

Jill Lepore’s “The Secret History of Wonder Woman” talks about how William Moulton Marston wanted to give W.W. exclamations like “By Jove!”, but his wife, Sadie Holloway, argued she should only use female exclamations. She actually wrote a list of suggestions, including “Great Hera!” and, yes, “Suffering Sappho!”

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Writes and thinks like a teenager. The writing style, the blithe acceptance of stereotypes as “facts” “proven by science” (Science!)–I’d swear this was a young kid–

–Except for the fact that I’ve seen the same level of thought from adults in the MRM time after time.

They go through all that effort to try and prove that their equal, when science has proven otherwise …

How nice for him that he doesn’t have to prove his equality. He just assumes it.

(It’s “they’re,” sweetheart.)

9 years ago

Falconer: According to DC Wiki, that issue was about space gorillas kidnapping Wonder Woman and the Amazon to take back to their planet as brides. The Wiki article doesn’t elaborate, but I’m willing to bet it didn’t end well for the space gorillas.

These toe shoes seem much more comfortable for a gorillas feet, though I don’t know why Diana’s first declaration upon being turned into a gorilla is “KILL ALL HU-MANS!” But sure, let’s go with that.

9 years ago

I find the feminists on TV are ugly schtick especially baffling because I think conventionally beautiful feminists are proportionally overrepresented in the feminists that get to go on TV, just like they are in every other category of women that makes it in to the media ( not that the feminists themselves have any control over that and good on them for making as public a stand as they can ). Maybe Bri doesn’t get to see women in his real life, and can only compare them to actresses, models and anchorwomen i.e. women often chosen primarily for their looks.

9 years ago

(PPT: kind of glad you’re a lousy flouncer, not going to lie)

9 years ago

I’m sure every time I come to this blog I find out another way I’m feministing all wrong.

So I’m not supposed to have a boyfriend and I’m not supposed to be happy. Are the furrinati going to tell me off because I’ve been with my partner for 5 years have 2 adorable sons and have an amazing job which I love so much. In fairness I earn way more than my boyfriend so I’m misandering effectively.

Admittedly I’m a little down today because today should be the 3rd birthday of my baby boy if he hadn’t passed away during my pregnancy. But generally my life is freaking awesome. I also got a promotion today so it’s about to get better.

But like other posters, feminism gave me strength to push harder and aim higher and achieve more.

9 years ago

One thing I’ve learned over the last forty years – any statement that effectively begins with ‘but everybody KNOWS that XYZ, not ABC’ is fuller of fecal matter that a venerable eyelash mite. I happened across it in a screed against the very concept of being trans* – someone actually writing ‘there are boys and there are girls, and everybody knows which are which’.

It must get uncomfortable, living in such a tiny universe.

I wonder what the OP bozo has to say about LGBT people, and whether they’re gorillas, bonobos, or possibly Uruk-hai.*

*Note: A joke. I don’t actually wonder that, and really don’t want to know.

9 years ago

Oh fuck me, what a bunch of tripe. And what kills me is that the ‘you should accept you need to nurture and look good’ is, of course, on this dipshit’s terms, as it almost always is for these jackasses. I’m sure he’d say I was vain and irrational, with my vast collection of makeup and perfume, to say nothing of my newly acquired Art Deco vanity (it’s so cool, I’ve saved so long to have it, oh my gosh). And of course he’d insist on my nurturing *his* children, when I have no more maternal instinct than a hungry bull shark. No adoption options. No just having pets. Women have to nurture my spawn, or else they aren’t doing their job! Waaaaaaaaah!

And then he’d shit his pants knowing I lift just as much as any other man in my line of work without batting an eye. Indeed, I find it useful to use the wings in my wider pelvis to stabilize my carrying heavy boxes of wine, an option my male colleagues don’t have.

I don’t even know where I’m going with this, other than if all of the above makes me a gorilla, I’m a damn fashionable gorilla who gets paid to taste hundred dollar wine. So there.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

I’m just impressed at how stretchy Wonder Woman’s outfit is; those magically expanding boots are amazing! (It really doesn’t work with the style and proportions of the boot, but the kitten heel on the gorilla-fied pair is pretty darn cute.)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Oh, divines above, here we go again. Same ol’ straw, different day.

Women that accept the FACT that their main purpose is to nurture and look good so men will choose them are the happiest. Just listen to feminazis on TV and irl…they sound miserable and are so full of hate.

Or maybe women who choose what life they want for themselves are happiest, but can still worry about feminist issues, and you believe the straw-woman you’ve been fed by the media and haven’t spoken to many *ahem* “feminazis” “irl”.

And perhaps women who are talking about negative things that effect them are going to be serious about it instead of all sunshine and rainbows. Because, y’know, serious shit is, in fact, serious.

And anyone who uses the term “feminazi” is a perfectly respectful person. To both Jewish people and women! [/sarcasm]

They go through all that effort to try and prove that their equal, when science has proven otherwise …

Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriend, and believe that women are the most beautiful creatures on this earth

I think it’s telling that he pulls the “I’m not sexist, I have a girlfriend!” card, and at the same time shows that he only gives a shit about how “beautiful” we look.

but physically and mentally are proven to be less than your average male

I’m just going to leave this here:

And this:comment image

It’s so funny that feminists get so butthurt and try so hard to earn respect only to be … seen as inferior to your average woman.

I read something interesting about “respect” a while ago.

Some people mean “respect” as “being treated like a person”, whereas some other people see “respect” as “being treated like an authority”.

And when that other group of people say “Treat me with respect, and I’ll treat you with respect”, what they mean is “Treat me like an authority, and I’ll treat you like a person”. Which isn’t fucking okay.

Also, holy shit, can we stop trying to categorize women and pit them against one another? Enough with the girl-on-girl hate.

Maybe if they focused on their appearance instead of arguing facts, they might actually surprise themselves and be happy for a change.

Or maybe I can focus on my appearance and talk about feminist issues! Maybe I can be the prettiest of prettiest princesses and still tell you you and your “facts” are naught more than the most rank of turds. Looks and intelligence are not mutually exclusive, OP.

It’s almost like women are people who have enough intelligence to care about more than one thing at once and multitask! SHOCKING! [/sarcasm]

To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that gorillas and humans are different. …

Translation: “Help! I don’t know what species are! Or what DNA is!”

And if you notice, most feminazis are not attractive…they know that they’ll never find the guy they want because they’re fat or ugly

What did you hope to accomplish with this? Did you want to hurt my delicate little feminine fee-fees? Did you want me to prove that we’re conventionally attractive based on imperialist beauty standards and can please your boner, and thus, are worth listening to?

Nah son.

Some of us are indeed “ugly” by your standards. Some of us are fat. Some of us are hairy. Some of us have wonky teeth, some of us have acne, some of us are short, some of us are tall, some of us are gangly, some of us have big noses, ect.

Because we’re, y’know, people. People with different DNA and genetics that came together to make us who we are. Not everyone fits the Photoshopped magazine girl of your boner fantasies, not all of us feel comfortable with makeup to cover up our “flaws”.

But the FACT that you think that that makes us not worth listening to is extremely telling. And it proves that we do have a point to make. So, thanks for helping us make it.

so they go on these moral crusades and debates which are built entirely on emotions and not logic…much like the female brain 🙂

Yeah, because us silly feeemales just can’t lojik properly!

Never mind the fact that there is such a thing as Emotional Intelligence, and it’s very valuable to you as a person.

Wow. What a turd. I’m going back to Minecraft, where I can summon demons and things make more sense.

9 years ago


This is a rather unfortunate construction… men : women :: gorillas : humans? Why the misandry, guy?

Ha, I didn’t catch that before and, as the kids like to say, LOLed.

I also will never stop loving that spell check doesn’t think misandry is a word. I’ve typed that word countless times on this blog and technology itself will have none of it.

9 years ago

I get so tired of asshole misogynists claiming women are emotional while men are logical. They claim to be logical while hating on women.

9 years ago
Everything that guy said is proof why we need feminism (and womanism) if you only see us as baby making factories and sex objects then you are one of the reasons why we need it. I can’t stand misognists who say that they “love” us and the women in their lives, they don’t; if they do then they wouldn’t think less of us.

I gazillion times LOATHE the term “Feminazi” because it’s extremely insulting to Jews who were brutally tortured and murdered by actual nazis (they were anti feminists themselves) and it’s appalling to think that when men who are Misognists are called “mentally Ill” and when women who are misandrists are called “Feminazis”

Just comes to show that men are more important than women in this world and we are also very, very disrespectful towards to the mentally ill too.

The Knitting Cinephile
“Feminism is about self-esteem and equality.”

I don’t think we should use “equality” or “women being equal to men” anymore because Are we talking about being equal to men of color, poor men, disabled men or are we really talking about being equal to rich, white, abled, cis, straight men? We need to talk about women who are colored, abused, raped, disabled, etc. Feminism is about giving women choices, self esteem like you said, safe spaces, etc.

“I get so tired of asshole misogynists claiming women are emotional while men are logical. They claim to be logical while hating on women.”

I’ll say women are the emotional ones when men stop killing us over us saying “no” and getting mangry over pics of male tear mugs, shirts and video games (#notallmen)

9 years ago

How is it even possible that people are still getting there, they’re, and their wrong?

Ceredwyn Ealanta
9 years ago

But I don’t want to be a gorilla – that means never eating bacon again…they’re almost entirely vegetarians!

9 years ago

Jill Lepore’s “The Secret History of Wonder Woman” talks about how William Moulton Marston wanted to give W.W. exclamations like “By Jove!”, but his wife, Sadie Holloway, argued she should only use female exclamations. She actually wrote a list of suggestions, including “Great Hera!” and, yes, “Suffering Sappho!”

@suffrajitsu – I was going to mention that Suffering Sappho dates from way back at the beginning of Wonder Woman. It had its popularity in the late 70s and early 80s among my friends, actually.

9 years ago

So… “women are the most beautiful creatures on this earth” and also gorillas? This guy shouldn’t be allowed near the zoo.

9 years ago

“How is it even possible that people are still getting there, they’re, and their wrong?”

I find myself asking the same thing. It’s just like how people are still getting “you’re” and “your” wrong. THE GRAMMAR POLICEWOMAN IN ME IS LIVID. *chugs tea*

“Maybe if they focused on their appearance instead of arguing facts, they might actually surprise themselves and be happy for a change.”

*weakly laughs, sighs* Go step on a mile long stretch of Legos.

Nice to know that not only does it have more holes than Swiss cheese, it’s also copied. Great. They’ve run out of stuff to say that they’re practically copying off of themselves.

9 years ago

But if I focus on my appearance too much I might get chosen more than once, and being but a weak willed vessel who does not want to say no to men, my vag could get ruined. It’s so confusing!!!!