Today, another installment of “Comments I don’t let through.” The “trash” folder on my WordPress comments page is home to a motley assortment of comments that, for whatever reason, I just didn’t feel like approving. Some are violent, some are obscene, some are victim-blaming crap so noxious it might cause some readers to punch holes in their computer screens.
I’m not quite sure why I didn’t let this one through; looking at it now it doesn’t seem any worse than stuff I do let through, and, while mostly keeping to some familiar misogynist themes, it does have a few moments of genuine originality. Maybe I balked because it was one giant wall of text?
Well, I won’t subject you to that. I’ve broken this little manifesto into tasty little paragraphs, and edited out some of its redundancies. Enjoy!
Women that accept the FACT that their main purpose is to nurture and look good so men will choose them are the happiest. Just listen to feminazis on TV and irl…they sound miserable and are so full of hate.
They go through all that effort to try and prove that their equal, when science has proven otherwise …
Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriend, and believe that women are the most beautiful creatures on this earth, but physically and mentally are proven to be less than your average male. …
It’s so funny that feminists get so butthurt and try so hard to earn respect only to be … seen as inferior to your average woman.
Maybe if they focused on their appearance instead of arguing facts, they might actually surprise themselves and be happy for a change.
To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that gorillas and humans are different. …
And if you notice, most feminazis are not attractive…they know that they’ll never find the guy they want because they’re fat or ugly so they go on these moral crusades and debates which are built entirely on emotions and not logic…much like the female brain 🙂
The little smiley at the end is a nice touch, don’t you think?
I wish I could claim this lovely little essay as a We Hunted the Mammoth exclusive, but a little Googling reveals that “Bri” also posted it on Yahoo Answers, which has become known on the Internet for its high-minded discussions of women’s inferior nature.
“S-suffering Sappho”
I’ll be encouraging all my lesbian friends to use this on every occasion possible.
That’s… astonishing in the worst possible way. I’d like to see some of this “science” he talks about – does he believe that people like the current director of SETI are just figments of other people’s imagination?
I absolutely, 100% believe that this guy definitely has a real, live girlfriend who is not a RealDoll. This guy’s attitude has me convinced that this is true.
So… Some schmuck copies and pastes a mindless rant from Yahoo Answers into the comment box, and you reward him with his own thread?
Inquiring minds want to know why he chose gorillas, and not chimps, which are far closer to humans, genetically. I can think of several possible explanations, and I admit to curiosity as to which one is true.
for educational purposes and mocking, why not?!
people should know that this opinion is widespread so that they can, if they feel like, respond with witty and funny answers when they encounter this “philosophy” in their personal lives!
Ah, another dude who believes that “science” is defined as “whatever my opinion happens to be”. Lol.
I guess I better let my boyfriend know he doesn’t exist because I’m a feminist. He’s going to be pretty shocked.
Man, he sounds miserable and so full of hate. Maybe he should focus on his appearance instead of “arguing” “facts.”
Will that lame stereotype about feminists never die? Jeez. I guess I really haven’t been married for 45 years because feminists can’t get men and that makes us bitter and whatever. My husband will be freaked to know that I’m a gorilla.
Yeah, having that crap posted for everyone to see is a reward. My favorite part is the man telling feminists that they should focus on their appearance more. Everyone knows you can tell a feminist by her poor grooming.*
*Who wants to tell Karen Straughan and every male in the MRA movement that they’re really feminists, based on that whole not-looking-like-they-even-bathe-regularly thing they have going?
But if attacking the lifestyle of imaginary people is out, what arguments do they have left?
“Women that accept the FACT that their main purpose is to nurture and look good so men will choose them are the happiest. Just listen to feminazis on TV and irl…they sound miserable and are so full of hate.
They go through all that effort to try and prove that their equal, when science has proven otherwise …”
Hmm…yes. Of course. a small sample of individuals specifically chosen for television because they generate high viewership numbers [Hate-watching] is representative of the entire global gender.
So I expect you to agree that because I find so many male anchors and commentators miserable and hate filled watching the exact same TV shows that it is a scientifically proven fact that all males around the world are not worthy of mating with another human?
On your other point about the main purpose is to look good – I think any nature documentary would prove otherwise. In general it is the male of the species that has to prove to be the prettiest, the best looking, etc. Are you saying those male animals go against what nature intended?
“Don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriend, and believe that women are the most beautiful creatures on this earth, but physically and mentally are proven to be less than your average male. …”
I suspect you have never talked to a live woman other than one with a female name in an automated customer service chat, not realizing it was actually prefabricated responses generated by a customer service computer program.
“It’s so funny that feminists get so butthurt and try so hard to earn respect only to be … seen as inferior to your average woman.
Maybe if they focused on their appearance instead of arguing facts, they might actually surprise themselves and be happy for a change.”
I imagine what would make them actually happy is to get true equality, not forced slavery to you. But hey what do I know? you clearly are the expert in women.
“To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that gorillas and humans are different. …”
Uhhh… those are completely different species. A more appropriate analogy is something like: “To say that men and women are created equal is to deny that one has a innie and one has an outie.”
“And if you notice … they go on these moral crusades and debates which are built entirely on emotions and not logic…much like the female brain ”
Yup. Not like your rant at all. Nope. No sir.
Sigh … David. I applaud you for having to read this crud every day.
A bitter man explaining women when they’re supposed to be happy. Classic.
In all seriousness: He only encounters “feminazis” when they’re speaking of their cause, and what, is he expecting them to smile and laugh while speaking of injustice? Does he even know that “feminazis”, same as MRAs and politicians and similar people, are serious when the situations demands it, but can be happy and cheerful in other situations?
(And by “him” I actually mean everybody with this same argument.)
@ Alan Robertshaw: I may not be a lesbian, but I’ll do my part to make “Suffering Sappho” an indispensable part of the English vernacular. “Suffering Sappho! The only Keurig pods left in the office kitchen are… decaf!“
I hate the evo-psych crap. Different people are attracted to different qualities; there isn’t a standard that all humans adhere to as far as sexual attraction goes. My spouse is turned on by jeans, flannel shirts, and work boots, for example. He doesn’t even notice if I have makeup on or not. He doesn’t care if my hair is long or short. I don’t even understand what these idiots are yammering on about. It’s like they have absolutely NO relation to reality. Oh, wait . . .
Also, “Suffering Sappho!” does indeed need to become standard issue.
Let’s take a peak at five queries Bri decided to Yahoo! answer.
1) So is woman’s purpose to have children? Is that all I’m here for?
Note: Hey, looks like someone is a fellow Ex-Fairground Attraction singer Eddi Reader fan! neat.
2) Should women be treated any differently(get extra priveleges) than men because they carry a child inside them for 9 months and because they have to go through periods ???
Note: This is a near perfect example of a Yahoo! Answer’s question: it’s oddly phrased and disconcertingly unintelligent, with a big helping of ham-fisted bias and an inevitable punctuation meltdown.
3) All of you here that think beauty is so important in women, what would you do if you had an ugly daughter?
Note: By the way, Mr Superior Intelligence seems to think all women are innately less intelligent then men (“since ugly woman have to make it on their own, and are innately less intelligent than men”) because he’s very scientific.
4) If men should never hit women, why are women allowed to argue with men?
Note: Checkmate, basic human dignity.
5) Why are women still seen as the inferior gender?
Note: Superior Male Intelligence is best expressed forcefully with unbroken walls of text, I don’t know why David added those mangina paragraph breaks.
“The little smiley at the end is a nice touch, don’t you think?”
Yes, it appeals to my naturally emotional female brain. Letters are so masculine and I really need an extra estrogen vibe to get into things, you know?
Well! That’s quite a load of drivel. Let’s see if I can translate it from Gibberish to English:
Translation: “I literally have no knowledge of an actual, living woman. Even beautiful isn’t good enough for a porn-fed idiot like me. I don’t care how women feel, only how they LOOK. And if they’re not going to inane lengths to please me and my sad boner, that makes me miserable and full of hate.”
Translation: “I am not a scientist. I am a sexist doofus with no knowledge of anything remotely scientific.”
Translation: “My ‘girlfriend’ is inflatable. Don’t judge me!”
Translation: “I am butthurt that feminists have proven, time and again, that women are in fact NOT inferior to men, and that there are plenty of feminists out there who can hold their own against any woman. I hate having to treat others with equality and respect!”
Translation: “My boner doesn’t know how to please itself. Ladies? Hey…wait…where are you going? Stop! Come back here! Don’t run away! I’m talking to youuuuuuu…”
Translation: “I literally don’t understand the difference between sex and species. Can anyone recommend a good remedial biology course?”
Translation: “Sad boner is sad. ManBrain™ can’t logick for shit. Also, who’s Gloria Steinem?”
One of my “favorite” things that MRAs all seem to believe is that feminists must be miserable because… well I guess any woman who steps out of her “natural” role as subservient to men and starts talking about how things could be a lot better for women everywhere just HAS to be unhappy. Nevermind that I, and many women, were much more unhappy when we were trying to force ourselves into into traditionally feminine, subservient roles, and have since found a greater sense of self once we stopped beating ourselves up about it or letting ourselves get pushed around. It goes hand in hand with thinking that anyone who argues against them is “angry,” which automatically invalidates anything they say (nevermind that half the time we’re chuckling behind out hands at them).
I was once in an unhappy, emotionally abusive relationship, one I felt I had to stay with because he was a “good guy” and he “never hurt me… yet” and he was just “troubled, once he builds his self confidence he’ll go out and get a job and help with the expenses and stop lazing around the apartment all day.” Add on to that the idea I had that, if I did leave him, I’d never find anyone else, because I was so frumpy and ugly and utterly failed at “feminine” things like fixing my hair properly and using makeup. I was pretty damn miserable, then.
It was learning more about feminism that saved me. I started to see the boxes I had been forced into, and to see ways out of them. I stopped caring about looking “pretty,” and decided I wanted to look “cool,” on my own terms. I’d always felt a bit like a punk stuck in a mousy nerd’s body; I’d refrained from getting any of the body mods I’d wanted for years because my boyfriend thought they looked “silly”. But I went out and got the tattoo memorial for my father I’d always wanted, and cut my hair in one of those punky sidecuts MRAs hate so much. And something remarkable happened; I started to like what I saw in the mirror! My self confidence shot through the roof.
I also figured out I wasn’t straight. I never told my boyfriend, because I knew his reaction would be trying to get me to agree to a threesome; he’d brought it up before, and I’d shot it down by assuring him I was completely straight. That should have been a red flag right there.
As that happened, I also started getting the nerve to stand up to my boyfriend. I realized that a lot of things I thought I agreed with him on were things he’d browbeaten me into agreeing with in order to avoid fights. So I stopped holding back, and sure enough, we fought. A LOT. And yeah, it sucked. He was one of those guys who’d become very defensive whenever I brought up anything about feminism or inequality in general; he’d try to bring up the fact that he was bullied in high school to prove he had no privilege. I did still love him, and I wanted him to understand where I was coming from, but he could never just listen, he always interpreted it as an attack. And during all this, he was still expecting me to put him first in everything, to give him constant attention when I was at home, to put my hobbies aside for his. I was also, still, the only one working (and going to school at the same time).
I finally dumped him when he blew up at me because I didn’t want to go with him to an arcade event, because I was exhausted from working particularly hard one week. I actually credit Captain Awkward, who I believe I found through this blog, for helping open my eyes to his behaviors and realize that, no mater how many times he made me cry and promised to change, he wasn’t going to.
Since then, I’ve been happier than I was in years. My sister and I moved into a new, much nicer apartment; she’s a much better roommate, and I actually have extra spending money with someone else helping to pay the bills! My anxiety issues have lessened significantly; turns out you’re not as on edge all the time when there isn’t someone there constantly belittling you. I’ve found that, contrary to what I thought, there are lots of people out there who like how I look, as well as the new self confidence that’s gone along with embracing myself, and I’ve been able to explore my sexuality with some really wonderful people. Feminism SAVED me from being miserable. I’m sure any MRA would tell me I’m lying to myself, but I’m over caring what any asshole dude thinks. But I want to help other women realize what I did, that my self worth isn’t dependent on men or what they think of me or what I can provide them. THAT’S why I’m a feminist.
Sorry for the ramble, I get verbose in the early mornings.
Mine too.
And I’m a bit perplexed about those noises we four were making tonight when the two of us plus daughter and her partner were playing Cards Against Humanity. (Highly recommended for those with a taste for both gross vulgarity and the ridiculously silly.) We called it laughter but I expect it has another name when two or more feminists and/or manginas get together.
So, women that ‘focus on appearance’ appear happier? Did it occur to him that botox can produce that effect? Or, that being told that one is ‘prettier’ when they smile can give the illusion of happiness?
@Sunny Burn
Thank you for sharing your story. Good for you finding what makes you happy! That is not an easy situation to get out of.
I also live with my sister now and it’s a waaaay better arrangement than any of the men I have lived with!
@Lisa C – Don’t forget the implied part is “focus on their appearance … that I am attracted to”. I mean it can’t be any appearance that makes a woman happy. It must be one that particular male is attracted to. So basically a woman’s entire personality and measure of self worth should be 100% tied to the whims of this one person.
Sigh … it makes me ashamed to be a guy sometimes when folks like him come out of the woodwork.
I bow to the power of science and superior intellect.
I’m even more impressed after seeing Bri’s remaining six answers to Yahoo’s pressing gender questions. You should look them up, if only to appreciate how little difference there is between humans and gorillas.*
*With apologies to gorillas.