Welcome, my brethren, to the Church of Jesus Christ Going His Own Way From Icky Girls. Today’s sermon is a reflection on the Parable of Cupcakes Invading Male Spaces Because Vagina.
Please turn to MGTOW 2:8109 and read along with me.
Cupcakes are busybodies who feel entitled to invade male spaces just because vagina while demanding to have female only spaces.
For truly, they are like baked goods, with vaginas.
[M]en act differently when cupcakes are around and cupcakes don’t understand why sometimes men want to just be with other men … .
Verily, we are blinded by the light of their vaginae, and seek a refuge in which we can free ourselves from the foul temptation to behave decently for two minutes in the hope that one of these cupcakes will shine the light of her vagina upon us.
[B]lue pill men refuse to believe anything about cupcakes’ nature unless they experience it first hand, or … discover their special cupcake’s previous proclivities … .
For all men completely freak out at the notion of a woman having had sex with other people before them, right?
However, the men might have fun and cupcakes don’t like it when men have fun without them since cupcakes believe the world revolves around them and their almighty vagina.
And that is not the case even though we MGTOWs spend every waking moment obsessing about these filthy sexy vagina-having cupcakes.
If their vaginae aren’t needed for men to have fun, they lose their power and nothing upsets cupcakes more.
Hell hath no fury like a cupcake whose vagina is scorned. We’re pretty sure. I mean, these sexy bad evil vagina cupcakes are all mad that we don’t want to hang out with them, right?
Cupcakes are far more interested in controlling as many men as they can in all circumstances and male only spaces makes it harder for them to do so which is why they invade.
Get thee behind me, cupcake!
NOTE: Well, a question, anyway. When exactly did vagina cupcakes — I mean the real, baked kind — become a thing? I mean, if you do an image search for “vagina cupcakes” there are gazoodles of pictures of them.
Do we actually know what proportion of women survived to reproduce? For every 17 harem concubines getting pregnant off the same man, maybe there were 50 other women we don’t know about who died of disease, accident, childbirth, or homicide, were infertile or disfigured or otherwise unmarriageable, or lived in isolation as slaves and nuns,
The only thing you can say about this statistic is that it sheds light on the tendency of cultures down through the ages to propel a few elite men to the top of the pyramid, at the expense of those on the bottom. MRAs complain about this phenomenon all the time, but they’re completely blind to the fact that it’s a natural consequence of winner-take-all capitalist competition. That’s mainly driven by men, who define the rules and the terms of success.
MRAs, with their usual spaghetti logic, have decided that this economic disparity must be the fault of evil women manipulating men behind the scenes. Therefore, women are obligated to atone for Genghis Khan’s war slave monopoly by dispensing sex to the 80%. The best way to convince women to do this is by crop-dusting Jezebel comment sections with whiny paeans to evo psych and how unfairrrrr and unnatural the dating scene is.
You know, the thing is, I AM in full support of male spaces. I know there are men who don’t always want women around or might feel inhibited when women are around or who might want to “relax with the guys.” This is why golf was invented. I even don’t mind men casually bitching about women. I’m a woman who doesn’t always went men around! Fuck knows when my girlfriends and I get together (times in which we all hate to have any men around), we bitch about men, but it’s not because we DESPISE men as beings. It’s because, like any human being, we have our frustrations with the gender of our affection. It’s perfectly healthy, normal, and ACCEPTABLE! Everyone does it and if you claim you don’t, you’re just plain lying (I am sure some of you will lie and say you don’t ever do that and make objections to what I’m saying; that’s your right, be you and I know the truth).
The thing is NOTHING on the internet is private. It’s not like Reddit is your secret no-girls-allowed tree fort. If they really want secret “safe” male spaces, they should probably stop screaming at the top of their lungs, “HEEEEEEEY THIS IS WHERE THE SUPER SECRET NO GIRLS ALLOWED TREE FORT IS! COME AND BITCH ABOUT HOW SLUTS ARE RUINING SOCIETY!! Hey, sluts, here we are complaining about you and plotting ways to either kill, torture, or abuse you and get away with it….but don’t say anything because FREE SPEECH (for men only).”
It’s one thing for a group of guys to say, “My wife gets all pissy when I don’t put down the toilet lid. I’m like, look before you sit, dummy!”
“Yeah, women are a pain in the ass.”
It’s quite another for a group of guys to say, “All women are vile hookers who are cheating on you before they meet you with every man they sleep with before you and they should be sent off to camps to be civilized or killed if they can’t be.”
“Yeah, Elliot Rodger is my hero.”
Venting vs. Hating One is ok, the other is dangerous.
I guess “cupcakes” could fight fire with fire and say, “YOU’RE TAKING AWAY MY FREEEEEEEE SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH.”
Wow, the MRA movement is like a perpetual abstinence-only sex-ed class.
^ I’m completely in support of male-spaces, too, they just can’t claim all of a given hobby or interest as a no-girls-allowed club and then cry when we show up.
Video games?
No, those aren’t only for dudes, and they can eat a bag of vagina cupcakes if they’d like to say otherwise.
I think the vagina cupcakes originated with VaJanuary, which I only heard about in… 2011? ish?
Seems it originated as an equivalent to Movember, in which people with vaginas grow out their pubic hair, but it also serves to raise awareness of ovarian cancer and to break some of the taboo around our genitalia. 🙂
But like, where are all these male-only spaces that we feeeemales are apparently ruining by wandering into, like loose sheep in the road, or maybe like a hoard of ravenous zombies against which the Menz must barricade the doors?
Because most people will respect any room with a sign that says “X Group Meeting Here” – in fact, as anyone who’s ever had to organise a community event will know, it’s actually really difficult to get people to turn up to stuff, even if it caters to them specifically… So it would be unlikely for “cupcakes” to show up anywhere that was explicitly not meant for them.
And if I somehow turned up to a meeting of Freemasons, or a testicular cancer support group, I’d probably twig, feel uncomfortable and leave immediately anyway.
These asshats are clearly defining “safe space for men” faaaar too broadly. Because they don’t get that words mean things.
I hope they are constantly tormented… in that I mean I hope that there continue to be women in great numbers in every “manly” profession or hobby or public space – having fun and not giving any fucks.
Translation: We want to go to strip joints and look at appropriately humbled vaginas on continuous display, instead.
That IS what they mean by “safe spaces for men”, is it not?
For what it’s worth, my mind went directly to Duchamp when I saw that picture too.
Are… are they just insecure around women? I think I’d have a lot more respect for them if they just came out and admitted that. I can get behind that. I remember feeling scared and insecure; feeling like I had to perform a certain role if I ever wanted to have romantic relationships; feeling like this role contradicted who I really wanted to be. I wouldn’t hold it against them if they felt that way.
Speaking of being a cupcake and wiggling into a man-niche that…I’ve always…been in?: I just played the most interesting little game that was inspired by The Stanley Parable: Her Majesty’s Apathy Bomb.
You play as a (female!) bomb maker, who was tasked by a tyrant queen to make an “apathy bomb” to quell a rebellion.
There are six different endings, depending on how well you listen to the narrator, and what choices you make. They’re all pretty easy to get to (I did have a little bit of trouble figuring out one of them, but it turned out to be super easy).
It was made for a contest where you make a game with an “unconventional weapon”.
Just finished it. Not bad. Should have had an ending where you just idled however because that would have been funny.
It’s a really quaint mechanic (would have been better if there were subtitles though) and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in a much longer and complex game. The narration was awesome, the story was funny and the art style was nice and simple but had a very large scope about it.
8/10 would play again.
Regarding only 40% of our male ancestors reproducing: as you probably know, a lot of the beta/alpha evo psych theories these guys posit stem from the idea that women actively hate men they wouldn’t sleep with.
Thus the presence of women in ” male spaces” results in relational aggression against the betas. (Women as social terrorists, spreading nasty rumours and generally being unpleasant towards the fugly socially awkward guys, who get pushed out and left with nowhere to go.)
*Fudge! I meant only 40% of men in total reproducing (in hunter-gatherer times).
Really. Just really. How would that even work? I guess they’re taking the “males compete for females” thing and taking it way too far. People, and other primates, do a lot of non-sex things that require cooperation, so evolutionarily speaking (if you can speak in an evolutionary way!) that makes no sense.
@Banana Jackie Cake – No worries about yesterday! I just meant I didn’t know much about hair, not that I felt bad. I like your screen name, by the way. 🙂
@maistrechat – That, and “Oh no, don’t pee on the cupcakes!”
I know what you meant; it just seemed like you were taking it hard with the word choice. lol
SO, I mentioned this sometime last month or so, but since we brought up cupcakes again, here’s a dude who got mad that a lesbian in a video game rejected him because she’s, y’know, not attracted to men:
Are you kidding me? What an idiot. It’s a fucking video game character. And you know what? There’s other fucking cupcakes in the world, you don’t need that specific cupcake.
Just, what.
Last time I brought this up (I couldn’t find the graphic for it though! Sadface!), someone (I think it was Bina, bless their face), said this was like walking into a cupcake shop, and demanding that the baker make a lemon cupcake into a chocolate one, even though there are plenty of other chocolate cupcakes in the store, and that was one of the few lemon cupcakes.
That sounds about right.
I just can’t get behind the logic.This dipshit most be one of those assholes who REFUSES to play a female character, as if somehow playing a female avatar will make his dick fall off or something. Man, I wish I had the luxury of refusing to play a game if the main character wasn’t my exact gender. *rolls eyes*
The analogy gets even more nonsensical when you think about it—I mean, if I picked up a sentient cupcake to eat it, I’d imagine it would do something more along the lines of screaming for its life. Because wishing not to be eaten is somewhat more severe than rebuffing a romantic approach.
How many more ways will women be dehumanised? – we are cupcakes, plates, hamsters, chicks and of course the ubiquitous bitches and cunts.
@Ellesar “How many more ways will women be dehumanised? – we are cupcakes, plates, hamsters, chicks and of course the ubiquitous bitches and cunts.”
Don’t forget cars!
The screaming cupcake reminds me of Daniel Handler’s sweet little Chanukah story, “The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming”.
I’m reading a history of Europe before Rome. One of the interesting details is how the shift from gathering – hunting to agriculture led to stratified societies and inequalities of wealth. They weren’t baked into human society from the get go, but an outgrowth of technological change. Evo psych begone!
So, the developer of the Apathy Bomb game just tweeted me.
Best tweet ever.
That’s awesome. If I had Twitter, I’d follow him.
Nope, ’twasn’t me. I’d remember if I said that.
But yeah. What is it about these guys thinking of us as consumable comestibles, and not, you know, what we actually ARE, i.e. PEOPLE?
(Also, Sentient Cupcake says NOOOOOO to WTF Dude. If I had any hand for cartooning, I’d make up a Sentient Cupcake strip on the spot.)