Welcome, my brethren, to the Church of Jesus Christ Going His Own Way From Icky Girls. Today’s sermon is a reflection on the Parable of Cupcakes Invading Male Spaces Because Vagina.
Please turn to MGTOW 2:8109 and read along with me.
Cupcakes are busybodies who feel entitled to invade male spaces just because vagina while demanding to have female only spaces.
For truly, they are like baked goods, with vaginas.
[M]en act differently when cupcakes are around and cupcakes don’t understand why sometimes men want to just be with other men … .
Verily, we are blinded by the light of their vaginae, and seek a refuge in which we can free ourselves from the foul temptation to behave decently for two minutes in the hope that one of these cupcakes will shine the light of her vagina upon us.
[B]lue pill men refuse to believe anything about cupcakes’ nature unless they experience it first hand, or … discover their special cupcake’s previous proclivities … .
For all men completely freak out at the notion of a woman having had sex with other people before them, right?
However, the men might have fun and cupcakes don’t like it when men have fun without them since cupcakes believe the world revolves around them and their almighty vagina.
And that is not the case even though we MGTOWs spend every waking moment obsessing about these filthy sexy vagina-having cupcakes.
If their vaginae aren’t needed for men to have fun, they lose their power and nothing upsets cupcakes more.
Hell hath no fury like a cupcake whose vagina is scorned. We’re pretty sure. I mean, these sexy bad evil vagina cupcakes are all mad that we don’t want to hang out with them, right?
Cupcakes are far more interested in controlling as many men as they can in all circumstances and male only spaces makes it harder for them to do so which is why they invade.
Get thee behind me, cupcake!
NOTE: Well, a question, anyway. When exactly did vagina cupcakes — I mean the real, baked kind — become a thing? I mean, if you do an image search for “vagina cupcakes” there are gazoodles of pictures of them.
Do they guys not realize that they sell pretty good replicas of vagina nowadays? The Tenga 3d actually won some non-adult awards for it’s design. So they don’t need those evil “Fe-males!” so get their rocks off.
Speaking of the whole male safe spaces (Comics! Science fiction! Cars! Most things!) versus female safe spaces (that meeting room once a week!) it looks as if there’s some sort of separation where men are supposed to have large scale systems supported by industry and women are supposed to have small private systems supported by individuals.
I have seen safe spaces for men in the local community set up and advertised that match the ‘female’ model, actually – they deal with things like homelessness, depression, job problems, giving an outlet for community support, as they also build things like benches in parks etc.
But those ‘safe spaces’ really don’t seem to have the MRA infection going on.
Transphobia, transphobia everwhere
Check out these cupcakes
Ok the last is not a cupcake but a kitty being charged up :3
That dog cupcake is SO WRONG. I definitely do not want THAT invading my space, I’m starting to see what this guy means! The maple-bacon though? Come to mama.
I was all ready for cupcakes until the dog pooping one. I think I’ll just have another beer, thanks.
“What is it with these guys constantly coming up with different metaphors for women? They’re cupcakes! They’re plates! They’re spoiled milk! They’re gorillas!”
As always, Simpsons did it first:
Son, a woman is a lot like a… a refrigerator! They’re about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and um Oh, wait a minute! Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you’d step over your own mother just to get one! But you can’t stop at one, you wanna drink another woman!
@Paradoxical Intention
Hey, off-topic, but I was wondering since you said you weren’t donating to Locks of Love what charity you have or are going to donate your hair to?
Cupcakes are Cake Teases. I need two large slices of the real thing just to get well, man. And would it hurt to add some ice cream? Well, yes, being as I’m lactose intolerant, but that’s not the point, the point is… The point is….. I like cake!
Pantene Beautiful Lengths! 😀
Oh, the best way to eat a cupcake is: you peel off the paper, then you carefully tear off the bottom cake bit, and sandwich the frosting with it!
@Paradoxical Intention
So far, the best part is that the length requirement is 2 inches shorter than Locks of Love. Yay!
And they give the wigs away for free, instead of selling them like Locks of Love does. : /
Why hadn’t I thought of that!? I’m doing that from now on.
@Paradoxical Intention
I’m actually pretty sure Locks of Love does give wigs free to kids who need them, but they encourage buying them so they have money for high-quality wigs. I know there’s a charity (forgot which) that makes wigs and gives them completely free but the wigs are much lower quality than Locks of Love.
Whenever these guys get all spooooky about The Secret Way Women Really Are That Only Those What Have Taken the Red Pill Know, and then they have to explain what this Way actually is, it’s almost always “a normal person more or less like me, only a lady.”
Women often experience sexual feelings! Shocking!
Women look different in different outfits! Horrifying!
Women tend not to like it when you yell stuff or grab at them! Bizarre!
Women sometimes go to the same places you go and do the same things you do, even though you are a man and they are the opposite of men! WHAT IS THIS FEMALE PLOT?!
I met a man who said he had long hair and gave it to locks of love but they sold the wig to a kid which cost thousands. I’m nervous who I want to give my hair to becuase I don’t want anyone to buy instead I want to give it for free.
Maybe they sell it to families that can afford it but give away wigs to those who can’t?
Actually I think most women would rather not be simply reduced to the amount of fun a man can have with her vagina. You know, existing as a person independent of whether or not a man wants to have sex with her. Maybe a person who enjoys that job or hobby, too.
This just shows they only see women as a source of sex and nothing else. Dehumanization at its finest.
OK, this post took the cake! Time to de-lurk.
All you have to do is take a cup of flour
Add it to the mix.
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour
A bit of salt, just a pinch.
Baking these treats is such a sinch!
Add a teaspoon of vanilla.
Add a little more
And you count to four
And you never get your filla!
Cupcakes! So sweet and Tasty!
Cupcakes! Don’t be too hasty!
Cupcakes! Cupcakes Cupcakes Cupcakes!
For what it’s worth, they also make [Warning: very not safe for work] penis cupcakes.
I also found some pictures of STD cupcakes, but I’m not going to link those. Because ewwww.
Cupcakes invading a male space:

Also from the same thread as this post
“According to historical DNA evidence, only 40% of men have passed down their genes. This would suggest the 6 out of 10 men are being cuckolded and used by their wives. Now if you factor out all the conquerors, rapes, etc, the number is probably higher. We’re talking the 80/20 rule.”
I’d ask to see the source of these stats, but I suspect it’s from the Journal of advanced PIDOOMA research.
I guess they didn’t think about all the men who died hunting mammoths before they could bang up a woman. You’d think they’d bring that up.