I found this on the Men’s Rights subreddit today. PLEASE HELP!
In a lucky coincidence I am also looking for some pictures:
- A librarian with an Animal Rights sign
- An EMT with a “No Blood for Oil” sign
- A cloak room attendant with a “Make Love Not War” sign
- An orthodontist with an “I Like Ike” sign
- A bunny pushing a tiny shopping cart full of carrots
Oh wait, I already have that last one. Never mind.
Sometimes I set a fire in my apartment just so that firefighters will come put it out and then I can not thank them. I’ve had to replace a lot of my belongings because of the smoke damage, but it’s worth it because of the joy I get from being ungrateful to firefighters. It’s just how feminists roll. It’s okay, my CIA stipend more than covers the cost.
I’m also thrilled to learn that if you share a gender with someone, you deserve credit for their accomplishments. I’m not a nurse, but nursing is predominantly female so I expect 4th survivor to thank me for being an excellent health care provider. I’m not a mother, but mothers are women. Mother’s day is coming up and I expect 4th survivor is planning on getting me a nice gift and taking me to lunch. Right?
Congrats! 😀 Best of luck at your new temp position!
And thanks for the posting the 10 hour loop of Diggy Diggy Hole on the other thread. It ended up getting me through an all nighter and a 12 page paper! 🙂
I’m surprised I’ve not seen an MRA meme where a sad firefighter looks on as a feminist burns her bra, powerless to stop her cause she has “female privilege”.
Men who don’t at all benefit from these things, and who don’t at all benefit from the childcare, food prep, housework, nursing, teaching, etc. “overwhelmingly provided” (to use your phrase) by women.
Do you actually think Thomas Edison went into his lab every morning and said “I think I’ll invent something to benefit the ladyfolk”? Do you think women lie around all day and just passively accept the trinkets men bring to them, and don’t contribute anything in exchange? Because it sure sounds like that’s what you’re saying.
Why is it that so often, misogyny goes hand in hand with a complete inability to recognize that people do these things unselfishly for the larger benefit of the community, not because they’re trying to get into somebody’s pants?
For the record, I actually did have firefighters at my house last week (my son needed medical attention after reacting badly to a daycare bake sale cookie). I thanked them for being quick, helpful, and reassuring. Last time I checked, these traits weren’t exclusive to men.
An all-woman squad of Iranian firefighters.
Your arguement is invalid.
They also fix their own cars.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants, is your son better today?
Oh my god, that must have been so scary.
Firefighters, some of whom are women, doing what they do best – saving lives, for 4th survivor.
@Banana Jackie Cake, my brain threw a cog over the Iranian women firefighters until I remembered that it’s Saudi Arabia where the women are so much in charge they made the men refuse to give them driver’s licenses so that men would be forced to chauffeur them around.
I seriously sat there for a second and a half thinking, but women aren’t allowed to drive in Iran! and now I feel like an idiot.
It’s okay. Apparently people there think a man drives the firetruck.
4th douche:
When the element in my stove caught on fire, my silly ladybrain couldn’t figure out how to extinguish it. I called the fire department (all volunteer because I live in the boonies) and 3 women showed up first, followed by the whole damn town, cause that’s how we roll. She unplugged the stove, and voila! Now, since we share the same gender, do I take credit for her fire dept skills or should she share in the shame of my silly ladybrain-fart?
I am very grateful to anyone who puts out fires, regardless of gender. Yes there are more men. There are female dominated positions and male dominated positions. You don’t bow down to the gender that fills those positions, you now down to the actual men and women who fill them.
I am grateful for modern conveniences and the people who invented them (I’m not gonna even touch the claim that men did it all), I am not going to thank all men for sharing the same gender as said inventors. Fucking ridiculous.
@Viscaria and Falconer – He’s much better now, thanks! He has severe peanut and tree nut allergies, the poor little guy. Thursday evening, he accidentally had a bite of cookie that had cashew butter in it, which caused him to go into anaphylaxis. His breathing was never seriously impacted, thank God, but it took 3 Epi-pens, several rounds of Benadryl, and an overnight stay in the pediatric ICU to get him stabilized. He was pretty miserable for those first few hours, but by the next morning he was back to normal.
His twin brother thoroughly enjoyed the ambulance ride and unlimited popsicles.
Oh, by the way, one of the EMTs was a woman. So were two of the ER doctors, and all of the attending nurses.
Since we’re keeping score, my son’s medical record officially credits women with 62% and men with 38% of the contribution for his successful treatment. Insurance has been billed accordingly. Each gender can expect to be reimbursed within 4 – 6 weeks.
…What are Wookiee cookies, and how do I make them?
Hmmm… so if you’re a woman in working in a majority-male field, where do you fall on this gratitude continuum? When I was active duty, was I a stand-up gal for wanting to be a soldier so that a man wasn’t forced into it by mysterious circumstance? Was I exempt from general feminine guilt for the term of my enlistement? Or did I owe the male soldiers in my various companies praise and admiration for soldiering as well as providing all of the world’s bounty because: men? When kind civilian men said “thank you for your service” to me, should I have replied “thank you for civilization!”?
And if I did stiff people on gratitude for all that time, how on earth am I going to find the time to write all those belated thank you notes? And the addresses so that I can send them to people I haven’t seen in eleven years and who probably don’t remember or care about me? Should I send fruit baskets as well? Nothing says contrition and gratitude like a dragonfruit.
So many questions.
@katz – Wookie cookies!
They’re chocolate chip cookies with added cinnamon and a 50/50 mix of semisweet and milk chocolate chips (you can also sub white for the milk chips with great results). Sadly not as exciting as the name suggests, but still tasty. They’re a staple for my holiday cookie plate because my best friend loves them.
Googling “father’s rights firefighter,” this is the first link that comes up:
I don’t even have to CLICK the link to get tears in my eyes. What sorcery is this?
Falconer, I’m trying to decide if that’s the best Vime or the best Vime ever!
Also, here’s the first woman featured in the NYFD firefighters’ calendar: http://feministing.com/2014/07/18/friday-feminist-fuck-yeah-the-first-female-firefighter-featured-in-fdny-calendar/
Tesla might have.
And of course Roosh managed to twist this. OF COURSE HE DID.OK. I now expect everyone I meet to thank me for their Bluetooth and WiFi equipment.
I’m a woman. Hedy Lamarr was a woman. Sounds fair.
(And I also want gifts of fruitbaskets and complex jigsaw puzzles. I like both but the puzzles last longer.)
I’d also like credit for science fiction. Because Mary Shelley.
I want credit for computer programming. Because Ada Lovelace.
I want credit for Rosalind Franklin’s achievement in DNA modeling and crap!