I found this on the Men’s Rights subreddit today. PLEASE HELP!
In a lucky coincidence I am also looking for some pictures:
- A librarian with an Animal Rights sign
- An EMT with a “No Blood for Oil” sign
- A cloak room attendant with a “Make Love Not War” sign
- An orthodontist with an “I Like Ike” sign
- A bunny pushing a tiny shopping cart full of carrots
Oh wait, I already have that last one. Never mind.
I found an island I need to visit…
Ack! Forgot link to wiki article about the island:
I’m enjoying the alternate universe in which that tiny red shopping cart exists, particularly since pigs there know how to do St Patty’s Day right.
what is that thing the fireman’s giving oxygen to in image above?
rugbyyogi: A baby hamster.
Eh, there seems to be a stock photo for everything and anything. It’s like Rule 34.
Anyway, fathers’ rights activism seems to go better with the kind of mindset that just wants to see the world burn.
@Banana Jackie Cate
“Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way!”
*Cake (Sorry!)
OT, but Theodore Beale wrote a post a couple of days ago illustrating female entitlement. His source? An article from The Onion:
Here’s the link to The Onion article:
Sad thing is his commenters aren’t letting the fact this story is completely made up get in the way of their argument.
Fun fact for all of you. 95% of firefighters are men. That means when someone’s house is on fire it’s nearly always a team full of men who risk their lives to put the fire out and save anyone inside. They get no thanks from feminists of course.
the 4th survivor: Umm… You do realize that fellow thread member Contrapangloss is a young lady currently training to be a firefighter, right? (She’s also a close friend of mine and an all around fantastic person)
But I don’t think “WOMANZ DON’T FIREFIGHT!” is gonna work here. Just FYI.
(Sorry if you didn’t want to get pulled into drama Contrapangloss. 🙁 I felt the need to defend your EMT and Firefighting honor).
Today’s lesson in self-awareness has been brought to you by: the 4th survivor
Surely straw feminists have more reason to be grateful to firefighters, what with straw being so flammable?
I mean, this literally a thread full of feminists praising firefighters…
Apparently someone doesn’t know the difference between 95% and 100%…
Ah yes, sn0rkmaiden, the old trick of “I know it’s fake, but it’s also true”. These people never learn, and never abandon any position, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.
…says the guy who apparently doesn’t know the difference between “no thanks” and “many thanks”.
Shush dear, grownups are talking.
Ahaha XD
Not to mention the fact that women have been trying to get into firefighting for ages, but are being discouraged by sexist attitudes and policies, but why let facts get in the way of a good argument?
@ the 4th Survivor,
you are quite mistaken. I am a feminist and I make it my duty to regularly stand outside burning buildings and personally thank each fire fighter for their selfless bravery. Sometimes I take cupcakes. The scene sometimes plays out a bit like this:
That sounds like an excuse to me. I think women just aren’t interested. Which I have no problem with by the way. I just get sick of hearing feminists moan about male privilege when they apparently have no problem with male burden.
This must be an example of that sexism in action: