I found this on the Men’s Rights subreddit today. PLEASE HELP!
In a lucky coincidence I am also looking for some pictures:
- A librarian with an Animal Rights sign
- An EMT with a “No Blood for Oil” sign
- A cloak room attendant with a “Make Love Not War” sign
- An orthodontist with an “I Like Ike” sign
- A bunny pushing a tiny shopping cart full of carrots
Oh wait, I already have that last one. Never mind.
10:1 says that the first images given are of a firefighter holding a sign that’s been photoshopped to read like a traditional “father’s rights” blather.
Ah, Dave. What would we do w/o you.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Bunny!
Awww bunny! Wait, what were we talking about again?
Oh yeah. I wonder what the poster’s angle is with such a specific pic request?
Myriad – it is certain to be an obtuse angle.
Those carrots will never make it to the checkout.
So I had this comment about something, but then I saw a bunny pushing a tiny shopping cart filled with carrots and CUTE!
So now I have no idea what I was going to post, or what it was about.
But that’s okay, because bunny pushing a tiny shopping cart filled with carrots.
Squeeeeee! That bunny! 😀
I love how you’ve been improving my day all day today. Thank you.
… these guys do know that firefighters aren’t even allowed to do things like visit restaurants with a bar section while wearing recognizable department memorabilia or clothing? Or get a reprimand from their chief?
Like, no firefighter I know of would risk such a thing. I’m sure there might be one somewhere, but none of the ones I know would:
a) risk a reprimand and an investigation for affiliating themselves with a group known for misogyny and harassment (and departments usually have a zero tolerance policy for harassment)
b) affiliate themselves with a group known for misogyny and harassment in the first place, because they’re decent people!
It’s probably going to be photoshopped.
Also, can’t help with the librarian picture, but maybe this will suffice?
I’m assuming that the sign in the picture would be on fire, and the firefighter would be dousing it with a firehose?
I was promised firemen. I see no such thing.
A fireman, with something better than an MRA sign:

@Robert. LOL! Most certainly.
Thanks! The Unread Book song is hilarious 🙂
Also, bunnies and kittens!
(I’m very eloquent today.)
Bunnehs! And kittehs! Squeeeeee!
…I’m sorry, what was the question again?
Shopping carts and little animals
More shopping bunnies!
I am glad this thread turned into a cute animal festival.
Oh fireman. I read that as firearm….which made slightly more sense….I had this image of a gun with a sign Father’s Rights taped to the side.
@contrapangloss: yeah, I’m not sure if they have the equivalent of the Hatch Act, but you’d think political activity while in uniform would be frowned upon.
Aww, cutie little bunnies! Aww! Cutie little kitties!
I was feeling a bit off today (not a bad mood, just… wasn’t putting my best foot forward in everything I was doing), but this made me feel MUUUUCH better.