#gamergate antifeminism dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey entitled babies evil SJWs gross incompetence jordan owen men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill sarkeesian! yeah that's the ticket YouTube

Exciting new opportunity for Sarkeesian Effect backers to flush more $$ down the toilet! (Also, funny video)

Tub Boy and Professor Skull
Tub Boy and Professor Skull

There’s some great news for supporters of The Sarkeesian Effect, the seemingly random collection of badly filmed interviews with assorted people who dislike Anita Sarkeesian that is allegedly being edited into a film of some kind!

In a new video, Jordan Owen — the hairier of the two Sarkeesian Effect impresarios — has announced an amazing new opt-out opportunity for the alleged film’s backers to donate money to him and his pal (then enemy, then pal again) Davis Aurini.

Owen reports that, even though they’re supposedly already done filming their alleged film, the two have somehow managed to work out a way to do some more filming “that we didn’t think that we’d be able to do but it’s really going to tie the movie together,” much like the non-big Lebowski’s famously peed-on rug, I guess.

Now, Owen won’t provide any details — which, he suggests, might have something vaguely to do with the Honey Badgers’ recent escapade in Calgary? — but apparently it is a quite exciting filming opportunity and it somehow requires another month’s worth of funding for the alleged film, and unless the project’s backers specifically opt out by the end of the month they’re going to get charged for it!

It’s all very ethical.

In the video, Owen also invites supporters to check out the amazingly professional web site they have up for their amazing film at I would also highly recommend that you check it out; it is in every way up to the exacting standards the two are known for.

And before I forget, I’d like to mention some great news for fans of the unintentional comedy that the Sarkeesian Effect duo provide almost every time they open their mouths.

A couple of Sarkeesian Effect mockers — Andrew Todd from and @kav_p from Twitter — have come into the possession of puppets that, as Kav P puts it, look “startlingly similar” to the Sarkeesian Effect duo. They plan to produce a series of short videos starring said puppets.

Here’s the theme song for the series, which they call MRAsterpiece Theater. You may notice that despite costing nothing to anyone but the two people who made it, this video somehow manages to look and sound a lot more professional than anything the actual Sarkeesian Effect dudes have produced so far.

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9 years ago

Are you saying their movie/website is bare bones?

9 years ago

I think the only (puppet-less) MRA movie I would remotely consider watching would go something like this:

[Read in Don LaFontaine’s voice]

In a world where a powerful Matriarchy prevents the stagnation of society through the encouragement of lax gender roles, the heroic members of the masculist blog “We Picked the Raspberries” led by Diane Futrelle engage in an endless battle of mockery (and threats) against the evil forces of the Women’s Rights Movement and its leaders, the sickeningly sweet Katie Elamef and the squeaky-clean Voosh R. But in this time of despair, a new hero will appear to turn the tide of battle and return everything to its natural state, where women are slaves, men stay in the hunting grounds, and toilet paper is banned.

DIANE: “Woody?”
W: “Yes, master.”
D: “Shut up! Er, I mean… rise.” *

* Totally not innuendo… or is it??? (⌐_⌐ ) ( ¬_¬)

9 years ago

I am dissapointed by the distinct lack of skulls. Dammit, Aurini, you have a reputation to keep! Don’t fail the MRM!!!

9 years ago

Listen and believe? To what?

9 years ago

@Flying Mouse

If SJW: the RPG lets you play Social Justice Wizards, I’m in.

What would a spell list for a Social Justice Wizard look like?
Because I’m looking forward to casting Power Word: Creep (inflict 1d4 feels damage on a misogynist) and carrying around male tears in my component pouch. With a cat familiar, of course. Cats are misandry, right?

9 years ago

Damn. Pay for another month of funding unless you opt out. I swear, these manosphere/Gamergater folks are so easy to con it’s not even funny.

9 years ago

@zoon echon logon

True, they interviewed a bunch of people who already have hundreds of hours of rants about Sarkeesian up on Youtube, but then again Owen and Aurini both have hundreds of hours of rants about Sarkeesian up on Youtube. There won’t be any new thoughts in the movie. Presumably, what the backers are paying for is the Cliff’s Notes version, all of the ranting reduced to the most important two hours. Given that none of the people even tangentially involved in the project has ever bothered to edit anything, seeing them try to pick out what they think is important is going to be hilarious.

9 years ago

Can we just call Jordan and Davis Tubman and Skullboy respectively? And collectively we can call them Dumb and Dumber or the Dynamic Duo? 😛

9 years ago

Note: The movie theater in shown in the “find theaters now showing The Sarkeesian Effect” section is a 1973 photo of a now defunct New Hampshire cinema taken from Wikipedia.

Also Note: It’s both hilarious and sad that these two numbskulls might actually believe that this YouTube bound monstrosity will be booked in actual functioning independent movie theaters.

9 years ago

I predict they’ll fail to get any theaters interested, and then it will get billed on YouTube as “THE MOVIE HOLLYWOOD FEMINAZIS DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!”

I’m betting they do another round of funding to rent a theater and just run it themselves. And then charge their audience, possibly even their backers, for tickets to see it in the theater.

I’m sure it will also get billed as “The film feminazis don’t want you to see”, because it just couldn’t be a manosphere production without getting a few metaphorical tinfoil hats involved.

9 years ago

Wow, 392 people have liked the TSE website on Facebook, the people have spoken.

Well, a handful of people have spoken, many of whom may not be directly involved with the film’s production.

9 years ago

I’m betting they do another round of funding to rent a theater and just run it themselves. And then charge their audience, possibly even their backers, for tickets to see it in the theater.

And then boast that it was theatrically-released.

the 4th survivor
the 4th survivor
9 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian is a scam artist. There’s nothing at all misogynistic about video games like she wants everyone to believe. The reason most video game characters are male is because most gamers and game developers are men and if most gamers and developers were women we would see mostly female characters. It’s just the free market at work. I realize that won’t be a good enough explanation for people who love to play the gender victim card but it’s the truth.

9 years ago

Ooo, a troll. Who wants to take first whack at it? 😀

9 years ago

Guys are just more interested in video games ever since our caveman ancestors. It’s just evolutionary psychology.

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
9 years ago

Are you seriously arguing that humans are evolutionarily hardwired to play videogames? You really wanna go there bro? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. XD

I mean, there are a lot of sociobiologists who believe that the rapid change in human lifestyles (especially our increasing sedentary behavior–such as playing videogames) is the cause of several of medical issues.

the 4th survivor
the 4th survivor
9 years ago

Typical internetter. “I don’t like what he said so he’s a troll!”


Evolutionary psychology huh? Last time I heard that phrase someone was making an excuse for infanticide. There was a story about a year ago about a women who drowned her newborn baby and someone at a forum I go to tried to say she shouldn’t be charged with murder because of evolutionary psychology. Isn’t it awesome how people will make excuses for everything women do?

9 years ago

I think davidgerard was being sarcastic.

9 years ago

The 4th survivor: the misogynist problems with video games run much deeper than just preponderance of male characters. Something you’d know if you actually watched Sarkeesian’s videos. But hey, why let ignorance of the topic at hand get in the way of beating up on straw men?

chronic lurker
chronic lurker
9 years ago

@Spindrif and davidgerard

Oops. Sorry if I jumped on a misinterpreted sarcasm post.
I actually did run into a guy on DA who was genuinely arguing that men are better at videogames because of “evolution,” so I guess I assumed it was just more of the same MRA silliness.

the 4th survivor
the 4th survivor
9 years ago

@Spindrift Yeah I know, I was just making a point.

@FossilFishy There’s nothing misogynistic about video games. The industry is where it’s at because of consumer demand. It’s business.

9 years ago

@chronic lurker

There’s so many baffling beliefs, it’s become very hard to tell when people are serious and when they’re joking sometimes.

9 years ago


Your title font should be legible… Middle of the road typography looks bad.

Not to worry. They have 22, yes, 22 Google fonts imported and ready to use! I expect great things.

9 years ago

When you say shit like “Isn’t it awesome how people will make excuses for everything women do?” just because you once saw “someone at a forum” say something stupid, you can’t really complain about being called a troll.

9 years ago

@the 4th survivor – Sure, there’s nothing misogynistic about “video games” in the abstract. Making pixels do things on a screen to pleasing results is not inherently gendered.

But lots, and lots, and lots of video games depict women in problematic ways. The representation issue you brought up is one of many things I’d like to see improve in the medium—but for the sake of argument, sure, let’s say market dynamics made that what it is, no ill will intended.

That does not explain Duke Nukem. That does not explain using dismembered bikini babes to advertise a zombie game. That does not explain the barely-dressed woman waving the flag in Cruisin’ USA. That does not explain why women are senselessly (and sensually) killed as a plot device to motivate a tortured hero. That does not explain the lewd comments I’ve gotten from male gamers while playing online.

Video games have lots of great things about them, and they can be put to positive, neutral, or negative use. But video gaming, as it stands right now, on the whole, has some problems. Misogyny is one of them.