There’s some great news for supporters of The Sarkeesian Effect, the seemingly random collection of badly filmed interviews with assorted people who dislike Anita Sarkeesian that is allegedly being edited into a film of some kind!
In a new video, Jordan Owen — the hairier of the two Sarkeesian Effect impresarios — has announced an amazing new opt-out opportunity for the alleged film’s backers to donate money to him and his pal (then enemy, then pal again) Davis Aurini.
Owen reports that, even though they’re supposedly already done filming their alleged film, the two have somehow managed to work out a way to do some more filming “that we didn’t think that we’d be able to do but it’s really going to tie the movie together,” much like the non-big Lebowski’s famously peed-on rug, I guess.
Now, Owen won’t provide any details — which, he suggests, might have something vaguely to do with the Honey Badgers’ recent escapade in Calgary? — but apparently it is a quite exciting filming opportunity and it somehow requires another month’s worth of funding for the alleged film, and unless the project’s backers specifically opt out by the end of the month they’re going to get charged for it!
It’s all very ethical.
In the video, Owen also invites supporters to check out the amazingly professional web site they have up for their amazing film at TheSarkeesianEffect.com. I would also highly recommend that you check it out; it is in every way up to the exacting standards the two are known for.
And before I forget, I’d like to mention some great news for fans of the unintentional comedy that the Sarkeesian Effect duo provide almost every time they open their mouths.
A couple of Sarkeesian Effect mockers — Andrew Todd from badassdigest.com and @kav_p from Twitter — have come into the possession of puppets that, as Kav P puts it, look “startlingly similar” to the Sarkeesian Effect duo. They plan to produce a series of short videos starring said puppets.
Here’s the theme song for the series, which they call MRAsterpiece Theater. You may notice that despite costing nothing to anyone but the two people who made it, this video somehow manages to look and sound a lot more professional than anything the actual Sarkeesian Effect dudes have produced so far.
I’m not sure what’s scarier: Bert Aurini’s dead-eyed glare or the layout of the TSE website.
@M-I’ll go with the thousand yard stare :
I will never understand why people think it’s a good idea to have a full-color photo in the background of a site that will nearly always have content covering it. Or why people think it’d be a good idea to have text/page elements with no background clashing with said photo.
Well when you put it like that, it sounds completely ridiculous. Why would a series of videos discussing women’s roles and representations in video games be so controversial? It’s a series of discussion videos.
“In 2012, a journalist wrote a series of editorials published in the New York Times that discussed some topic they wanted to share their opinion on.
The resulting media frenzy tore down the fabric of society and ushered in the apocalypse. Zombies are now eating everyone brains, and the dark lord C’thulu has awoken, bringing terror and destruction into our realm. Why, oh why did some random journalist write about their opinion in a newspaper, why?
When will we learn?
I’m going to go with Elam’s scary eyes in the pic they have of him. I had always thought that his opponents picked the worse photos of him, but if that’s the best pic a sympathetic compiler could get I have to wonder if he always looks that way?
Did they spend all their hard-earned cash on professional development of that website? I hope not.
Also, MRAsterpiece Theatre made my day! Thanks! I absolutely needed that today 😀
I went to the website and was excited to see that there was a button to send me a page where I could find out which theatres near me were showing the movie!
Alas, the list is merely “coming soon.” I guess they haven’t yet had time to format the list of the thousands of theatres committed to a screening.
OH DAMN. Their press coverage page is also Coming Soon! How will I ever find that CNN story about it, or the NYT review?
*clicks on Sarkeesian Effect site*
*starts laughing hard*
*plays MRAsterpiece Theater*
*laughs even harder, this time in appreciation*
Seriously that is a mad talented duo, and I don’t mean Mssrs. Davis and Aurini. And those puppets! They look like Hairy Shut-In Ernie and Evil Misanthrope Bert, lol. Can’t wait for their videos.
Oops sorry, I meant Mssrs. Owen and Aurini.
Seconding fossilfishy. Love their Paul Elam photo.
#2 funny thing on their website: the link to ‘find theaters showing the Sarkeesian effect’
Yeah, the notion that there’s any sort of theater that will ever actually host this turd is highly amusing, to say the least.
I like that the title of the homepage is “Home”. Really speaks to the straightforward, no-nonsense quality of MRA thought. Also, the horizontal scroll bar.
I laughed.
“Find theaters now showing The Sarkeesian Effect.”
Droll. Very, very droll.
The Sarkeesian Effect should be in theatres on May 1st, according to imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4134990/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2
Huh. The new Avengers movie is supposed to come out May 1st as well.
Did they think this through?
Hee hee, i love the fact that the little word-indicator in the video is Happy Horatio the Bouncing Skull. Seriously, that skull needs to get top billing on The Sarkeesian Effect. Clearly it’s going to be the most convincing actor in this whole mess.
Anyone else notice the top tweet on the sarkeesian effect’s TL says “mute him, block him, move on… Or make sexual comments at him.”
Yep, bastions of fucking ethics, not a bit of toxic sexism here, no sir.
Admittedly, my expectations from these two are a lot lower than from most people, but that website actually looked a lot better than I was expecting.
I straight up cackled at MRAsterpiece. Amazing.
Yeah, considering the quality of their preview clips, the website wasn’t nearly as bad as I would have thought – I was expecting some dancing baby gifs and rotating 3D text.
How in the world did anyone read Aurini accusing Owen of stealing the last ill-gotten charge and not immediately go to cancel their backing? They were fighting over who got to keep which suckers in the divorce. This is a cue to run away.
How better to explain that they failed to get a single screen showing? Clearly, the Great Feminist Conspiracy induced the Hollywood Manginas to pick that date for releasing what will be one of the biggest movies of the year on the same date, in a deliberate effort to squash Our Brave Heroes’ quest to speak truth to power (and rake in donations to pay for a car).
Marvel, one of the biggest comic book publishers in the history of comic books, is clearly in the pockets of the SJWs. Who will speak for the poor comic book fans, who are 100% without exception straight white cis men, when one of the megacorporations that puts out books in order to pull in profit is no longer catering exclusively to them, as evidenced by this nefarious confluence of release dates?
The only thing I learned form the website is that Owne and Aurini hope to be “coming soon.”
Not sure I needed to know that…
What, it’s coming out May 1? Like a week from now? How are they planning on working in that extra thing they haven’t even shot yet?